My entire opinion on him has changed in the last hour, and it's all by his own pen. What a cunt. Hey maybe he can champion an anti-semitism vaccine along with the MMR he loves so much now, since it's the greatest health threat humanity faces.
It's okay because this one will be a traditional vaccine with deactivated nazism in it rather that Zionist protein-printing instructions. You know you can trust whatever the establishment puts out next because Uncle Bobby's backing it.
I knew personally that RFK Jr was a raging Zionist when he did an appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show about 18 months back when he was still running as a Democrat in the primary IIRC.
They talked about the COVID jab and all that good stuff, but then the conversation turned to Israel and Oct 7th.
Dore himself is pretty pro-Palestine and chums around with leftist pro-Palestine types like Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal.
The interview shifted to Israel and RFK started into all the "Israel in the world's most moral army" agitprop. He talked about how the IDF was reducing civilian casualties by warning civilians to evacuate with some sort of "door knocker" roof bombs before actually levelling everything to the ground.
He also made claims that the Israeli courts were less corrupt and more just than the American ones because their judiciary and laws respect the minority rights of their Arab subpopulation better than the US equivalents do.
Dore caught a lot of heat from the more left-leaning side of his audience for not pushing back more. During the interview, Dore admitted that he wasn't well-versed enough to push back on some of RFK's most bombastic claims, so he asked if RFK would return for a debate with Max Blumenthal of The Gray Zone. Which RFK agreed to, but never returned.
I remember being really shocked at the time that RFK Jr was such a rabid Zionist when most of his other ideologies seem more in tune with both the old classical liberals and the dissident right.
But it certainly explains why it was so easy for him to drop his Independent Presidential campaign run to join the rest of the usual MAGA & Republican Zio shills.
Edit: I think this is the clip that opened my eyes. It's RFK in Jimmy's studio Aug 2023.
I've known he's a rabid zionist for a good while, I just figured it was a fixation of his that would have a low chance of interfering with his remit in HHS. I didn't realise he would, as one of his first actions as secretary, announce that anti-semitism has 'lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues' lmao. Good to see he's focused on the real health issues of the day... measles and anti-semites!
More fool me, clown world always has more surprises.
a debate with Max Blumenthal of The Gray Zone. Which RFK agreed to, but never returned.
It's difficult to imagine he ever would have gone along with that. Blumenthal eloquently and reasonably lays out the theories and evidence that Oct 7th was mostly IDF killing of Israelis - in a way that really should be better understood by the mainstream, since Blumenthal himself is relatively mainstream as alternative voices go, hence Jimmy bringing him up. All other opinions on Israel aside, RFK would lose that debate on Oct 7 alone and the establishment would have torched him for legitimising nazi conspiracy theories. As if attacking vaxx orthodoxy wasn't bad enough... but he's apparently stopped doing that now and vaccines which he once highlighted as a danger to child health are now 'crucial' in stopping relatively benign childhood illness.
They [RFK and Dore] talked about the COVID jab and all that good stuff, but then the conversation turned to Israel and Oct 7th.
Same exact thing happened with Dave Smith. Dave had RFK on, and it got super fucking heated throughout the entire episode, as RFK tried to justify everything Israel was Dave fucking Smith. It was a glorious trainwreck. Dave loved RFK before the massive Zionism got obvious, so it was a pretty big blowup.
It will be interesting to see what Dave Smith has to say about RFK's behavior today.
Read the op-ed, if you haven't. It's not quite that clear cut. I'm still very critical of it, since he's obviously shifting his tone, but it's not as pro MMR as the headline leads you to believe. He's still talking therapeutics, vitamins, and the like. Still a disappointing change, but not as one-note as it looks at first.
ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.: Measles outbreak is call to action for all of us
MMR vaccine is crucial to avoiding potentially deadly disease
This is the actual headline and sub-headline. In the second most visible line in the article he tells a lie (multiple lies actually; MMR vaccine is dangerous, not crucial, and 'potentially deadly' is weasel words which misleads people to the degree of lethality) and sells down the river all the parents who have spoken to him over the years, telling him how the vaccine schedule has affected their kids. Many of these parents (such as those from the Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 docus) will have been talking about MMR specifically, and elsewhere he has claimed that this experience of talking to them is what sent him down the whole health route in the first place. It's a complete sellout.
Nothing else matters really but the first para starts continuing the lie, that there's a current outbreak which has killed a child, which is almost certainly not true. There is nothing of merit at all in the op-ed other than a signal being raised by RFK to prove that he is the establishment's man and to call off whatever pressure they have on him behind the scenes.
Nah. I just think it's important to keep things in perspective.
This has been incredibly disappointing from RFK, and I am incredibly annoyed with how he's acting. My point is just the MMR stuff isn't as bad as the headline makes it out. He's still a snake, and the headline is obvious intentional. In the other thread I still call him out for advocating for the vaccine, which he is definitely doing.
I literally can't think of any single act RFK could take that would undermine everything he's ever stood for, other than advocate the MMR vaccine as he does in that piece. One could say well maybe advocating the covid jab would be worse - but actually RFK Jr. got where he was by being a vaccine critic BEFORE covid. There are plenty of covid shills around, so sounding like one of them would simply mean that he's just another interchangeable shill. But actually advocating one of the vaccines he's been against in the past actually goes one further and removes any meaning to RFK being RFK.
There's a kind of reputation-laundering action going on with RFK, ever since it became clear that Trump might successfully shuttle him into HHS. There are deep state types and now other commenters who want to sum him up as 'well he's against insufficiently tested vaccines, not all vaccines'. The fact is that 'insufficiently tested vaccines' IS all vaccines. The dissident health movement which has been using RFK as something of a flagbearer has consistently pointed to the superior health of unvaccinated children in all metrics. RFK suddenly warning against staying unvaccinated is not just some single wrong note, it's an entire concerto getting switched from major to minor key.
Doesn't bother me, because fuck needing validating voices in politics, but this man seems to be a kind of controlled opp demoralisation bomb, and people should ditch any lingering illusions fast.
RFK suddenly warning against staying unvaccinated...
My point is that's not (exactly) what he did. He certainly tried to make it look that way, and that's utterly despicable, but that's not what he was saying.
...but this man seems to be a kind of controlled opp demoralisation bomb, and people should ditch any lingering illusions fast.
Man, I hope you're wrong. He's certainly shitting the bed bigtime, though.
It certainly would be nice to be proven wrong, because it would also be fascinating to learn what 5D chess moves these actually are if they're not what they appear.
Well I like to think I never picked him up so I don't need to put him down now. To use the same metaphor, I was hoping he was a snake who bites its own handler. Putting vaxx-sceptic sentiment at the head of HHS really would be a risky thing for the establishment to do to itself, if that alone was genuine on his part. Looks more like he's been safely de-fanged though.
Jesus fucking Christ. Now criticizing Jews is literally a moral malady and a spiritual sickness? Can you even conceive of a more retardedly overprotected class of people?
Given that Jews clearly possess this license to do whatever they want without pushback - because an atrocity befell them 75 fucking years ago - I'm curious: does anyone else get this license based on current or future hardships? What's the cutoff date for past atrocities justifying current behaviors? Is it literally 75 years? What about people who had literally fuck all to do with WW2? Should starving third world children living under the tyranny of African warlords still take special care not to upset the wealthiest and most influential demographic on the planet?
Yo RFK, what about muh racism? What about muh sexism? What about muh Islamophobia? Are these also spiritual sicknesses? Moral maladies? Muh homophobia? Muh transphobia? Why is this one category of people entitled to such special treatment even among all of the "oppressed" classes? We even need a special word to classify anyone who dares criticize them. Gee, I wonder why people are getting sick of this shit.
So RFKj is right that actual hatred is comparable to deadly diseases in death toll. And that colleges are breeding grounds, and the cure is free speech and debate.
I don't like his pro-Israel spin, but he's not wrong.
RFKj is right that actual hatred is comparable to deadly diseases in death toll
I don't know about you, but I don't believe the responsibilities of government departments and their secretaries should be based on similarity of death toll. At that rate the DoD should be involved in this because they deal with things that are comparable in death toll.
breeding grounds
the cure
Let's not pathologize things that aren't diseases. This is how we ended up with bullshit like climate health emergencies.
Some things spread like diseases and act like diseases even if they are not biological.
Like woke for instance, you get clusters of kids that all become trans, well how did that happen? Because they came in contact with a diseased person and the sickness spread.
Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues
Well, yes. But, if you believe the official history of WW2, it makes perfect sense. This is why racism and antisemitism are the bedrock of the New World Order religion, tantamount to original sin, the worst and most egregious sin you can commit (but mostly if you're White). The Nazis, because they were racist antisemites, committed atrocities parallel to mass death events caused by disease (millions dead). So, "obviously", we must fight racism and antisemitism just like we do disease, to "save lives".
I've been and continue to be incredibly anti-"blackpill," Trump has been vastly exceeding expectations, we dodged the Kamala bullet, and plenty more...but, man, there have been some serious letdowns already too.
HHS - HHS - going after "antisemitism," and under the guise of protecting free speech too, is a massive slap in the face.
Oh, and any of the usual crowd who want to come in and whine about how dangerous antisemitism is...just imagined if this were reversed; this is departments operating outside of their jurisdictions to fuck the American people. This isn't about ze Jews. This is just like HHS going after guns, or racism; it's not your fucking job, and it just means less freedom for the American people.
I'm preemptively saying anyone who wants to defend this, just because it involves Jews, is either a massive hypocrite, or massively disingenuous. There's no defense of this shit. Again, this is just like going after racism, or guns. It's retarded, not their job, and hurts us all.
Trump et al, you were doing so well! Please, stop being retarded on shit like this.
And why single out jews. Not that I'd agree with this but if they at least kept it neutral to ANY blatantly hate speech that would at least be consistent. But giving extra perks and protections to specific groups is not a solution but part of the problem.
Unfortunately, one of the undeniable weaknesses of Trump that isn't going to change is his incredibly pro-Jew/Israel position. And I don't doubt that extends to most of his people as well.
There isn't really any getting around it or excusing it, it simply is and always has been.
The only real balancing to it is that it would be nearly the exact same scenario had anyone else won either. Our positions on the issue was never even on the tickets to be represented short of some extreme, no chance candidates.
I'm preemptively saying anyone who wants to defend this, just because it involves Jews, is either a massive hypocrite, or massively disingenuous. There's no defense of this shit. Again, this is just like going after racism, or guns. It's retarded, not their job, and hurts us all.
Not one person will be hurt by this who doesn't deserve to be thrown out the back of a helicopter. There are no right-wing antisemites in the universities, only communists.
You don't have free speech on company time. The American government should not be paying communists to radicalise young Americans to hate America. We have casus belli to destroy our domestic enemies for a generation, and all you have to do is hold your nose and say you're doing it for the Jews.
I was really hoping he'd stay in his lane. I was more concerned about 'guns are a public health emergency,' but I should have seen the 'antisemitism is the real disease' angle, considering how adamantly pro-Zionism he was.
If you are trying to make it illegal to poke fun at the people who want to control your speech, you are making normal people resent them, and that will produce the exact opposite of what you are asking for.
But I guess we're all "Stormfags" for noticing? Or caring? Despite the fact Stormfront hasn't been relevant for 20 years? Look forward to seeing the cope from our local IDF posters.
The pattern never changes….idk when Americans are finally going to realize bills like the one RFK is endorsing here, are telling us all exactly who “the deep state” is. You’d think people would get it after they see every single one of their presidents and presidential hopefuls publicly worshipping one specific nation, along with most of Congress doing the same, and how when a president finally decides to save us a little money by cutting aid off to the entire friggen world, for some reason that one country is an exception, the one that has been getting the lions share of foreign aid for decades.
So... if a black person did something bad, cant point out hes black. If a tiny hat person did something bad? Not only you cant point out they are tiny hat, you cant even mention what they did bad at all.. seems they are only punished if one tiny hat person messes with another tiny hat person that is more powerful or rich.
Anyways... screw this. If tiny hat people want to kill off white christians. Whatever. Im sure all the jeets and chinese and africans will care about tiny hats and their gay ass country in the middle east.
Holy fuck why does American politicians have such a raging hard on for Jews and Israel. I'm so over everyone having to bow down to such a small subset of people.
I know a wormy traitorous faggot when I see one, not sure why anyone expected an american cuckservative white boomer to not be a zionist servant, as if the thousands other examples weren't enough.
I'm preemptively saying anyone who wants to defend this, just because it involves Jews, is either a massive hypocrite, or massively disingenuous. There's no defense of this shit. Again, this is just like going after racism, or guns. It's retarded, not their job, and hurts us all.
None of the Gun Grabbers can point out a 2A advocate screaming: "We have to stop the fucking nigs-nogs and dindus if we want to protect the 2nd Amendment. There is no 2A without Total Nigger Death".
I'm a 2A advocate, pointing at a retarded racist, making retarded racialist arguments, knowing that there isn't one single part of the people arguing about it that give a shit about firearms.
It's not the HHS's job to care about how anyone feels about blacks or Jews. It's not HHS's job to try to ban guns. It's the same picture.
This is completely indefensible. And are you saying if people advocating for 2A were saying "Total Nigger Death," it would become their jurisdiction to crack down on guns, because some gun advocates had the wrong thoughts?
I don't fucking care if people hate blacks, or Jews, or white people, or whoever. Policy is policy. And health is health. It's not HHS's job to crack down on "hate speech," and anyone who says it is is insane.
Seriously, how is it alright to declare antisemitism a public health issue, but not guns or (non-Jew targeting) racism?
This 'combatting antisemitism' nonsense is just that, nonsense.
It's also not HHS's job to talk about guns, and thankfully RFK didn't spout off on that, but it doesn't make me think that there can be no good policy going forwards because RFK is a Leftist Populist that said a retarded Leftist Populist thing.
None of it is a public health issue and he is an idiot. So is Trump for the stupid executive order. That does not fully negate all other actions that are taking place. That is why this is demoralization.
Unlike the political left, I don't actually expect anyone to be jailed for antisemitism; and this is more than likely just an attack on Leftist Hamas supporters more than anything.
New boss, same as the old boss.
Very reminiscent of the Fauci types and the summer of Floyd.
Ah yes. Harvard and other “academics” said “racism is a public health issue” - so burn/loot and murder little brown shirts
I was about to say this
My entire opinion on him has changed in the last hour, and it's all by his own pen. What a cunt. Hey maybe he can champion an anti-semitism vaccine along with the MMR he loves so much now, since it's the greatest health threat humanity faces.
It's okay because this one will be a traditional vaccine with deactivated nazism in it rather that Zionist protein-printing instructions. You know you can trust whatever the establishment puts out next because Uncle Bobby's backing it.
I knew personally that RFK Jr was a raging Zionist when he did an appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show about 18 months back when he was still running as a Democrat in the primary IIRC.
They talked about the COVID jab and all that good stuff, but then the conversation turned to Israel and Oct 7th.
Dore himself is pretty pro-Palestine and chums around with leftist pro-Palestine types like Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal.
The interview shifted to Israel and RFK started into all the "Israel in the world's most moral army" agitprop. He talked about how the IDF was reducing civilian casualties by warning civilians to evacuate with some sort of "door knocker" roof bombs before actually levelling everything to the ground.
He also made claims that the Israeli courts were less corrupt and more just than the American ones because their judiciary and laws respect the minority rights of their Arab subpopulation better than the US equivalents do.
Dore caught a lot of heat from the more left-leaning side of his audience for not pushing back more. During the interview, Dore admitted that he wasn't well-versed enough to push back on some of RFK's most bombastic claims, so he asked if RFK would return for a debate with Max Blumenthal of The Gray Zone. Which RFK agreed to, but never returned.
I remember being really shocked at the time that RFK Jr was such a rabid Zionist when most of his other ideologies seem more in tune with both the old classical liberals and the dissident right.
But it certainly explains why it was so easy for him to drop his Independent Presidential campaign run to join the rest of the usual MAGA & Republican Zio shills.
Edit: I think this is the clip that opened my eyes. It's RFK in Jimmy's studio Aug 2023.
I've known he's a rabid zionist for a good while, I just figured it was a fixation of his that would have a low chance of interfering with his remit in HHS. I didn't realise he would, as one of his first actions as secretary, announce that anti-semitism has 'lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues' lmao. Good to see he's focused on the real health issues of the day... measles and anti-semites!
More fool me, clown world always has more surprises.
It's difficult to imagine he ever would have gone along with that. Blumenthal eloquently and reasonably lays out the theories and evidence that Oct 7th was mostly IDF killing of Israelis - in a way that really should be better understood by the mainstream, since Blumenthal himself is relatively mainstream as alternative voices go, hence Jimmy bringing him up. All other opinions on Israel aside, RFK would lose that debate on Oct 7 alone and the establishment would have torched him for legitimising nazi conspiracy theories. As if attacking vaxx orthodoxy wasn't bad enough... but he's apparently stopped doing that now and vaccines which he once highlighted as a danger to child health are now 'crucial' in stopping relatively benign childhood illness.
Rabbi Shmuley and RFK. "God bless Israel. I'm going to be a champion for Israel as president."
"The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people..."
Same exact thing happened with Dave Smith. Dave had RFK on, and it got super fucking heated throughout the entire episode, as RFK tried to justify everything Israel was Dave fucking Smith. It was a glorious trainwreck. Dave loved RFK before the massive Zionism got obvious, so it was a pretty big blowup.
It will be interesting to see what Dave Smith has to say about RFK's behavior today.
Read the op-ed, if you haven't. It's not quite that clear cut. I'm still very critical of it, since he's obviously shifting his tone, but it's not as pro MMR as the headline leads you to believe. He's still talking therapeutics, vitamins, and the like. Still a disappointing change, but not as one-note as it looks at first.
You're in cope mode, I'm afraid.
This is the actual headline and sub-headline. In the second most visible line in the article he tells a lie (multiple lies actually; MMR vaccine is dangerous, not crucial, and 'potentially deadly' is weasel words which misleads people to the degree of lethality) and sells down the river all the parents who have spoken to him over the years, telling him how the vaccine schedule has affected their kids. Many of these parents (such as those from the Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 docus) will have been talking about MMR specifically, and elsewhere he has claimed that this experience of talking to them is what sent him down the whole health route in the first place. It's a complete sellout.
Nothing else matters really but the first para starts continuing the lie, that there's a current outbreak which has killed a child, which is almost certainly not true. There is nothing of merit at all in the op-ed other than a signal being raised by RFK to prove that he is the establishment's man and to call off whatever pressure they have on him behind the scenes.
Nah. I just think it's important to keep things in perspective.
This has been incredibly disappointing from RFK, and I am incredibly annoyed with how he's acting. My point is just the MMR stuff isn't as bad as the headline makes it out. He's still a snake, and the headline is obvious intentional. In the other thread I still call him out for advocating for the vaccine, which he is definitely doing.
He's really fucking dropped the ball today.
I literally can't think of any single act RFK could take that would undermine everything he's ever stood for, other than advocate the MMR vaccine as he does in that piece. One could say well maybe advocating the covid jab would be worse - but actually RFK Jr. got where he was by being a vaccine critic BEFORE covid. There are plenty of covid shills around, so sounding like one of them would simply mean that he's just another interchangeable shill. But actually advocating one of the vaccines he's been against in the past actually goes one further and removes any meaning to RFK being RFK.
There's a kind of reputation-laundering action going on with RFK, ever since it became clear that Trump might successfully shuttle him into HHS. There are deep state types and now other commenters who want to sum him up as 'well he's against insufficiently tested vaccines, not all vaccines'. The fact is that 'insufficiently tested vaccines' IS all vaccines. The dissident health movement which has been using RFK as something of a flagbearer has consistently pointed to the superior health of unvaccinated children in all metrics. RFK suddenly warning against staying unvaccinated is not just some single wrong note, it's an entire concerto getting switched from major to minor key.
Doesn't bother me, because fuck needing validating voices in politics, but this man seems to be a kind of controlled opp demoralisation bomb, and people should ditch any lingering illusions fast.
My point is that's not (exactly) what he did. He certainly tried to make it look that way, and that's utterly despicable, but that's not what he was saying.
Man, I hope you're wrong. He's certainly shitting the bed bigtime, though.
It certainly would be nice to be proven wrong, because it would also be fascinating to learn what 5D chess moves these actually are if they're not what they appear.
You knew he was a snake before you picked him up.
Well I like to think I never picked him up so I don't need to put him down now. To use the same metaphor, I was hoping he was a snake who bites its own handler. Putting vaxx-sceptic sentiment at the head of HHS really would be a risky thing for the establishment to do to itself, if that alone was genuine on his part. Looks more like he's been safely de-fanged though.
Jesus fucking Christ. Now criticizing Jews is literally a moral malady and a spiritual sickness? Can you even conceive of a more retardedly overprotected class of people?
Given that Jews clearly possess this license to do whatever they want without pushback - because an atrocity befell them 75 fucking years ago - I'm curious: does anyone else get this license based on current or future hardships? What's the cutoff date for past atrocities justifying current behaviors? Is it literally 75 years? What about people who had literally fuck all to do with WW2? Should starving third world children living under the tyranny of African warlords still take special care not to upset the wealthiest and most influential demographic on the planet?
Yo RFK, what about muh racism? What about muh sexism? What about muh Islamophobia? Are these also spiritual sicknesses? Moral maladies? Muh homophobia? Muh transphobia? Why is this one category of people entitled to such special treatment even among all of the "oppressed" classes? We even need a special word to classify anyone who dares criticize them. Gee, I wonder why people are getting sick of this shit.
This is why I'm wary from the government reopening the asylums, because 'antisemitism' can be declared a mental illness.
Do more research about said "atrocity".
Only if you think any criticizing Jews is anti-semitism, which would pretty much make you a Jew.
Spanish flu: 500,000 Germans
Holocaust: more than that
Israel: 45,000 Palestinians killed
Natural causes: 20,000 Palestinians
So RFKj is right that actual hatred is comparable to deadly diseases in death toll. And that colleges are breeding grounds, and the cure is free speech and debate.
I don't like his pro-Israel spin, but he's not wrong.
This might be the single dumbest post on this thread yet
And you didn't point to anything about it that's incorrect. Because you can't.
And yet you can't point to anything about it that's incorrect.
I don't know about you, but I don't believe the responsibilities of government departments and their secretaries should be based on similarity of death toll. At that rate the DoD should be involved in this because they deal with things that are comparable in death toll.
Let's not pathologize things that aren't diseases. This is how we ended up with bullshit like climate health emergencies.
Some things spread like diseases and act like diseases even if they are not biological.
Like woke for instance, you get clusters of kids that all become trans, well how did that happen? Because they came in contact with a diseased person and the sickness spread.
It is a pathology; pathos means suffering, not biological infection. It's also a disease, a "harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society"
So what I'm hearing from you is that you just don't like what he said and are rationalizing a reason to discount it.
This is a totally unhinged thing to say lol
Well, yes. But, if you believe the official history of WW2, it makes perfect sense. This is why racism and antisemitism are the bedrock of the New World Order religion, tantamount to original sin, the worst and most egregious sin you can commit (but mostly if you're White). The Nazis, because they were racist antisemites, committed atrocities parallel to mass death events caused by disease (millions dead). So, "obviously", we must fight racism and antisemitism just like we do disease, to "save lives".
All this shit really is depressing.
I've been and continue to be incredibly anti-"blackpill," Trump has been vastly exceeding expectations, we dodged the Kamala bullet, and plenty more...but, man, there have been some serious letdowns already too.
HHS - HHS - going after "antisemitism," and under the guise of protecting free speech too, is a massive slap in the face.
Oh, and any of the usual crowd who want to come in and whine about how dangerous antisemitism is...just imagined if this were reversed; this is departments operating outside of their jurisdictions to fuck the American people. This isn't about ze Jews. This is just like HHS going after guns, or racism; it's not your fucking job, and it just means less freedom for the American people.
I'm preemptively saying anyone who wants to defend this, just because it involves Jews, is either a massive hypocrite, or massively disingenuous. There's no defense of this shit. Again, this is just like going after racism, or guns. It's retarded, not their job, and hurts us all.
Trump et al, you were doing so well! Please, stop being retarded on shit like this.
And why single out jews. Not that I'd agree with this but if they at least kept it neutral to ANY blatantly hate speech that would at least be consistent. But giving extra perks and protections to specific groups is not a solution but part of the problem.
Unfortunately, one of the undeniable weaknesses of Trump that isn't going to change is his incredibly pro-Jew/Israel position. And I don't doubt that extends to most of his people as well.
There isn't really any getting around it or excusing it, it simply is and always has been.
The only real balancing to it is that it would be nearly the exact same scenario had anyone else won either. Our positions on the issue was never even on the tickets to be represented short of some extreme, no chance candidates.
Not one person will be hurt by this who doesn't deserve to be thrown out the back of a helicopter. There are no right-wing antisemites in the universities, only communists.
No bad tactics, just bad targets!
Who cares about free speech, if people I hate get hurt primarily?
That dude is just a Zionist shill.
Not how free speech works, cretin. Israel should be nuked.
You don't have free speech on company time. The American government should not be paying communists to radicalise young Americans to hate America. We have casus belli to destroy our domestic enemies for a generation, and all you have to do is hold your nose and say you're doing it for the Jews.
As long as you retards were all there, I'd accept that trade.
Oh for fuck's sake!
Today has not been a good day from RFK.
I was really hoping he'd stay in his lane. I was more concerned about 'guns are a public health emergency,' but I should have seen the 'antisemitism is the real disease' angle, considering how adamantly pro-Zionism he was.
This is very disappointing.
We are sooo winning! We can now pretend like our deracinated faggoty corporate zone is peak culture.
Our Economic Zone is the best. Long live our Economic Zone.
Hail Corporate!
All glory to Economic Zone!
Does he think if he shills hard enough for them they won't go for the hat-trick and add his name to both his father and uncle? 🤔
I knew he was a faggot about everything but health stuff but this is pretty over the top retarded.
If you are trying to make it illegal to poke fun at the people who want to control your speech, you are making normal people resent them, and that will produce the exact opposite of what you are asking for.
And that would be a 'win'.
One day, for no reason at all...
Shit like this is why I support antisemitism. They love making it so fucking obvious who they've bought. Fucking Jews.
Don't forget: no one is coming to save you.
This is like that TV show where the black kid got cancer because of racism.
So, like a vaccine, we need to give little bits of antisemitism to everyone, so their systems get used to it.
Think he's suffering any dissonance from being a shabbos goy and knowing who it was that got rich from making food into synthetic slop?
But I guess we're all "Stormfags" for noticing? Or caring? Despite the fact Stormfront hasn't been relevant for 20 years? Look forward to seeing the cope from our local IDF posters.
A few have already revealed themselves above
RFKike is a jew cock sucker!
The pattern never changes….idk when Americans are finally going to realize bills like the one RFK is endorsing here, are telling us all exactly who “the deep state” is. You’d think people would get it after they see every single one of their presidents and presidential hopefuls publicly worshipping one specific nation, along with most of Congress doing the same, and how when a president finally decides to save us a little money by cutting aid off to the entire friggen world, for some reason that one country is an exception, the one that has been getting the lions share of foreign aid for decades.
Does that include Muslims, Jr.? Or is that approved antisemitism?
Should be approved. The entire would would be far better off if Islam were wiped off the face of the globe forever.
*Owen Wilson "wow" reverberates*
How disheartening.
Who's going to tell him?
Now I think all boomer politicians got to go. They are all compromised beyond belief.
So... if a black person did something bad, cant point out hes black. If a tiny hat person did something bad? Not only you cant point out they are tiny hat, you cant even mention what they did bad at all.. seems they are only punished if one tiny hat person messes with another tiny hat person that is more powerful or rich.
Anyways... screw this. If tiny hat people want to kill off white christians. Whatever. Im sure all the jeets and chinese and africans will care about tiny hats and their gay ass country in the middle east.
Holy fuck why does American politicians have such a raging hard on for Jews and Israel. I'm so over everyone having to bow down to such a small subset of people.
I know a wormy traitorous faggot when I see one, not sure why anyone expected an american cuckservative white boomer to not be a zionist servant, as if the thousands other examples weren't enough.
RFK's first big initiative was shutting down a 460 million dollar Covid vax program:
Just remember, demoralization about nothing of value is enemy action.
I'll just quote myself:
None of the Gun Grabbers can point out a 2A advocate screaming: "We have to stop the fucking nigs-nogs and dindus if we want to protect the 2nd Amendment. There is no 2A without Total Nigger Death".
I'm a 2A advocate, pointing at a retarded racist, making retarded racialist arguments, knowing that there isn't one single part of the people arguing about it that give a shit about firearms.
I'm pointing out subversion.
It's not the HHS's job to care about how anyone feels about blacks or Jews. It's not HHS's job to try to ban guns. It's the same picture.
This is completely indefensible. And are you saying if people advocating for 2A were saying "Total Nigger Death," it would become their jurisdiction to crack down on guns, because some gun advocates had the wrong thoughts?
I don't fucking care if people hate blacks, or Jews, or white people, or whoever. Policy is policy. And health is health. It's not HHS's job to crack down on "hate speech," and anyone who says it is is insane.
Seriously, how is it alright to declare antisemitism a public health issue, but not guns or (non-Jew targeting) racism?
This 'combatting antisemitism' nonsense is just that, nonsense.
It's also not HHS's job to talk about guns, and thankfully RFK didn't spout off on that, but it doesn't make me think that there can be no good policy going forwards because RFK is a Leftist Populist that said a retarded Leftist Populist thing.
None of it is a public health issue and he is an idiot. So is Trump for the stupid executive order. That does not fully negate all other actions that are taking place. That is why this is demoralization.
Unlike the political left, I don't actually expect anyone to be jailed for antisemitism; and this is more than likely just an attack on Leftist Hamas supporters more than anything.
Which would be a fair argument, if that was something I'd said...instead of saying the exact freaking opposite. Wow.
Pointing out what he's saying/doing is demoralization, alright.
It was said. "The first big initiative". There were no initiatives besides this one. That means the shit that he has done, is no longer relevant.
Bro stop. There's no water left, it's just mud.
I will always call out demoralization efforts by people who oppose the Populist Right.
We need to bring back those gold stars
How about forehead tatoos instead?
Waste of ink and time, bands and patches are reusable.
You don't need to re-use forehead tatoos