I don't think she improves any property she's in. It was fourth-wall breaking to see her show up in the first new Dune film, and the second one revolved around her unnecessarily to its detriment.
If she could at least act. Wouldn't have improved the Dunc films as they are unbelievable atrocious Dune adaptions and boring ass movies on top of it but oh well.
I agree with the Zendaya bit. The rest of your opinion might be the worst take on the internet lol. Even if you don't like some aspects of the movie, it was as faithful as an adaptation as you can get and it was a million times better than the trash Dune movies that came before
it was as faithful as an adaptation as you can get and it was a million times better than the trash Dune movies that came before
The Dune adaptation where the Spacing Guild gets basically ignored is a faithful adaption? Where Fremen are downgraded to some shitty ass freedom fighters? Where Paul is turned into faggoty whiny emo kid and Chani into some retarded fucking yass slay queen power bitch? And Baron Harkonnen is just some floaty bald fat guy who bathes in mud? Liet-Kyne is a black women and not even the related to Chani? And don't even get me started on Piter de Vries. Or Lasguns are used indiscriminately despite the fact that it is even stated in the movie that if a lasgun hits a shield we get a nuclear explosion?
I could go on and on and on. Dunc is the worst fucking adaption by far. Not even Lynches version is as dogshit as Dunc. The mini series still remains the absolute best Dune adaption by miles we've gotten so far despite being 25 years old and its effects having aged horribly.
Read the books. If you have, read them again. I honestly don't understand how anyone who likes the books can pretend that Dunc is a faithful adaptation.
I enjoyed the first one (knowing that it was only slightly more faithful than the theatrical cut of the Lynch version.) But they just removed so much from the second that I'm not enthused for the upcoming ones.
And yeah, the miniseries is the best adaptation we're ever likely to get.
Just because it is a bad adaptation doesn't mean you can't enjoy the movie. The Lnych version is most definitely a bad adaptation but I do enjoy it, especially the fan cut. And at least it got the foundation (mostly) right.
Not only that. This sci-fi design is completely unrealistic. There is no way in a hell the nobility class of a society like in Dune would live in grey concrete bunkers from hell.
You sound a bit like that really fun guy everyone loves who smugly states "the book was better" every single time a movie based on a book you've read comes out lol. I could go on for hours about how Lord of the Rings changed and removed a lot of stuff from the books (significantly more than Dune), and yet it was one of the greatest trilogies ever filmed. As a result I can appreciate both the book and the movie as separate entities.
Dune was a great book. Unfortunately the series was fucking wiiiild, but I digress. Dune the movie is objectively beautifully filmed and scored, well acted, and highly engaging. And yeah, it sticks to the meat and potatoes of the story of the book without losing anything of serious value. It's still a much better adaptation than Eragon (though the book wasn't super great anyway, iRobot, the Dark Tower, World War Z, and dozens of others I just can't think of at the moment. If you watched Dune before reading it, I have a feeling you would feel differently. Unfortunately, no movie can live up to a good imagination.
With that said, I don't want to sound like one of the woketards that defended The Last Jedi. Your criticisms are valid, I just think you're putting too much weight into them and not looking at the overall picture. It's by no means a perfect film, but Dune is pretty damn good
If you watched Dune before reading it, I have a feeling you would feel differently.
No, I wouldn't because we're talking about whether or not it was a faithful adaption. Even if I hadn't read the books I would still dislike the movie. Why? Because it bored me. I don't give a damn about nice cinematography if the movie bores me.
And yeah, it sticks to the meat and potatoes of the story of the book without losing anything of serious value.
No. It fucking doesn't. That's my point. Dune 1984 actually sticks to the meat and potatoes of the story but makes some very strange addition and changes. Dunc on the other hand throws out the meat and potatoes and shits on what remained.
Unfortunately, no movie can live up to a good imagination.
That is absolute horse shit.
Your criticisms are valid, I just think you're putting too much weight into them and not looking at the overall picture.
The Spacing Guild might not have the most prominent role in the first book of Dune but it has one of the if not THE most important role. Removing them from an adaptation is not just a minor detail that was changed you break the very foundation of Dune itself.
Why is Arrakis important? Because spice. Why is spice important? Because it is necessary for space travel. Who has the monopoly on space travel? The Spacing Guild which makes them one of the four great powers in Dune alongside the Landsraad, the Bene Gesserit and the Emperor. Who produces spice? The worms via the spice cycle. How does Paul become Emperor and keep control over his new empire? By literally threatening to kill all worms on Arrakis to end the spice cycle. That's the reason why the Spacing Guild forbids the Landsraad armies to disembark and forces the Emperor to abdicate. Which in turn starts the Jihad because many houses of the Landsraad weren't very happy with that outcome.
You remove the Spacing Guild and the entire story collapses. They're not a minor or even major detail that you can change. They're a foundational pillar of the entire story.
Dune isn't just "hurrr hurrr space cocaine and desert planet". Dunc is Star Wars. Not Dune.
If you like the movie that's fine. Enjoyment is subjective. But don't pretend that Dunc is a faithful adaptation. It objectively isn't.
And do not tell me it isn't possible to faithfully adapt Dune on the big screen with 321 minutes of runtime when the 25 year old TV mini series managed to do it with almost an hour less runtime (273 minutes).
Make up your mind dude. You said the spacing guild was hardly in the first book, yet you criticize the movie for not giving them extra screen time? And if that's the best example of why you don't like the movie, then you're autistic lol. It was very clear to me that they space guild was important. Even if they didn't explain everything in that specific movie, the space guild is still important and can easily be expanded in the 2nd movie.
If your sole determination factor of whether or not a film is good is if the movie is exactly fucking like the book or not, do the world a favor and stop watching movies. The same goes if you feel everything has to be completely spelled out for audiences that never graduated the 3rd grade
I did t get far into Dune (1) but what I can say is no one references it. Like ever. So it probably sucked to most people. Within days of Deadpool 3 coming out there were memes galore, YouTube shorts of the Madonna song over some other movies clip, etc etc.
Memes aren't everything but I've yet to see a single meme about either movie, or any kind of reference to it besides a direct discussion of the movie itself.
That alone tells me it was so bad it's not even memorable enough to joke about
Lotr on the other hand has countless meme template:
I have no memory of this place
Looks like meats back in the menu
How bout side by side with a....
Keep your secrets
Po ta toes
But they were all of them deceived
You have no power here....
What about second breakfast
One does not simply....
That's probably 10% of them and I know for a fact you could imagine and hear each one of those scenes in your head instantaneously.
While certainly an interesting observation, memes either make fun of campy parts or laugh along with it. While LOTR had a lot of darkness, it was girded with friendship and laughter. Dune is a serious movie that doesn't lighten up. Also, the timing of Dunes release (well after the birth of netflix and the death of cinema), the that lots of people were still being gay and isolating from covid, and the fact that there's a roughly 50/50 chance a guy likes sci fi, and less than a 2% chance a woman likes it. There's a little more to it than simply not being liked.
They removed the explicitly Islamic aspects and made Paul a true believer instead of being forced to use the faith. All done to avoid offending Muslims
Maybe someday someone will make a "chud-ector's cut" version that replaces some of the uggofied female cast (including Pugh here because they intentionally made her unattractive)
Mary Jane should’ve been played by someone better. Garfield’s Spider-Man had Gwen Stacy and they included her dad dying and asking Peter to take care of her which was from Amazing 90
May as well ask where Beyonce and Taylor Swift's popularity come from. The sad reality is that most people's opinions are generated from repeated exposure to media from assorted vectors of delivery. He who carpet bombs the public will gain the most.
She's another in a long list of females who sold their souls or broke a casting couch to be famous and those she did it too are trying. Go back 5 years and look at the "it" girl the Hollywood hype machine pushed. No one remembers them or the movies they were in. This time next year she won't be remembered any better than whoever was it in 2016
She was a nobody musician that got High Billing playing a race swaped character in a movie during Marvel's heyday where she was in it for barely a few minutes.
Its entirely the media saying "she is already popular, so here we will talk about her" until everyone does know about her. Its the same thing happening to Jenna Ortega currently.
Except Jenna Ortega is 1) pretty, 2) not being used to race swap, the Addams actually are latin+ish, the dads name is Gomez 3) she's actually a good actress. 4) she's not a bad dancer either check out her dance number from the Wednesday show.
Legitimate quality doesn't mean she isn't being astroturfed. She went from a literal nobody to the face of a franchise (of which her character was once a small part) and is now talked about endlessly as if she is the most famous girl in the world and we need to know her every move.
Its even more notable because unlike Zendaya she was in a Netflix series instead of one of the biggest franchises in the world (at the time), which makes the obsession with treating her like an icon even more notable.
These can be outside of their hands or they could be leaning into it, but its still happening.
damn really? I rewatched ASM a few months ago and I thought it was horrible. Even the costume is a fucking eyesore. Garfield acts autistic instead of nerdy, and I cannot stand it.
I don't think any of them really nailed Peter Parker.
Garfield had the playful aspect down.
Tobey had the good guy bit down.
Holland... He's got that youthful part down which was fine in Homecoming but wore thin after being in 6 movies.
None of them have truly captured Peter's dickish somewhat volatile behavior pre Spider-Man nor his exhausted and seemingly flakey post Spider-Man behavior. They all play too much of a goody toe shoes as Peter.
Zendaya isn’t ugly and isn’t the worst actress. But she has definitely been promoted well behind her level of talent and beauty. She was just the right person (vaguely non-white with still mostly white features) at the right time (a deeply anti-white culture). But now that the culture is turning, people are recognizing her as the safe half-measure she always was.
Someone pointed out that Harvey Weinstein was apparently the force that continued to cast attractive women even as anti-white and anti-beauty sentiment rose.
Of course, he only cast them if they fucked him, but it’s not like any of these women have morals
Don't forget that perv also gave us the LOTR trilogy which is the GOAT. And are we acting like those chicks he banged have no agency? They knew the gig and did it anyway. They could have said no. He didn't rape anyone.
Yeah does seem to be a big disconnect between the amount of promotion she gets to the amount of talent she has. Same with the chick who plays Ray in Star Wars.
I think she had one movie recently where she was a tennis instructor and hot guys drooled over her the whole film. It was like the movie was her wet dream. She’s not at all on par with that level of attractiveness it implied.
It made me wonder for a very very long time why certain actresses get popular. For the last 20 years, I don't think I liked any actresses hollywood pushed. Not only are they average at acting, they seem to have no charisma. Then you find out they are either left-wing or of jewish origin.
When the first name is obnoxious to even think the pronunciation, people tend to skip the other. Zendaya is like someone put a three speed bumps in a row. By the time you get over it, you just want to get back to the rest of your sentence.
Normally, but that guy's dressed nice and eating nicer, like a high ranking party official. Those guys were munching on caviar while normie Russians were starving in breadlines, so they likely had all the peas they wanted.
I still like Toby as Spider-Man, Garfield is kinda twitchy and weird but his films were decent, Holland not so bad himself but his films are ruined by Zendaya and all the other “current day” in them. You watch the Toby films, and sure the CGI is a bit dated but other than that they’re timeless. I feel like they could’ve cast someone better/prettier for Mary Jane though (Dunst kinda doesn’t float my boat).
I didn’t really care for Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey, I thought Bryce Dallas Howard was an absolute stunner (although NOW she’s frumpy and hit the wall pretty bad).
Best villian I would say still goes to Willem Defoe. That scene where they’re all having dinner and he reaches for the gravy or whatever only to have Aunt May slap his hand, and for a brief second you see the goblin in his eyes… that was some pretty awesome acting IMO 😆
I feel like they could’ve cast someone better/prettier for Mary Jane though
If they had written her to be less unlikeable and not a complete bitch she would probably come across as prettier.
Unfortunately, after the first movie you spend all the run time hating her and every scene she is in is her ruining something, which drags down any woman's attractiveness rating.
I mean yeah, you guys both make really good points about how annoying and whiny they made MJ as a character in those films, but I kinda meant more the actress herself.
Just never found her that attractive, even in her prime.
I’m probably just being a shallow and superficial asshole, fair enough, but MJ was supposed to be an absolute stunner in the comics.
I don't think Dunst is really that attractive in anything I've seen her in, so I agree with you on that.
But I felt in the first film she had this vulnerable but still fun personality that made her seem right for the role. I could absolutely see her as the "stunner" of a school, and especially for Peter. Its just a vibe she brought that worked to make her okay physical appearance come across as way better.
Though in the interest of shallow opinions, I never found MJ of the comics to be this 10/10 either. I'm not much for redheads or bimbos (the fetish, not the insult) so it never vibed for me. But that's just my personal position.
Dunst was given horrible lines. She cries and kisses and moans constantly. Was she equally annoying in the comics? She could have been made likable or at least tolerable.
I don't think she improves any property she's in. It was fourth-wall breaking to see her show up in the first new Dune film, and the second one revolved around her unnecessarily to its detriment.
If she could at least act. Wouldn't have improved the Dunc films as they are unbelievable atrocious Dune adaptions and boring ass movies on top of it but oh well.
I agree with the Zendaya bit. The rest of your opinion might be the worst take on the internet lol. Even if you don't like some aspects of the movie, it was as faithful as an adaptation as you can get and it was a million times better than the trash Dune movies that came before
The Dune adaptation where the Spacing Guild gets basically ignored is a faithful adaption? Where Fremen are downgraded to some shitty ass freedom fighters? Where Paul is turned into faggoty whiny emo kid and Chani into some retarded fucking yass slay queen power bitch? And Baron Harkonnen is just some floaty bald fat guy who bathes in mud? Liet-Kyne is a black women and not even the related to Chani? And don't even get me started on Piter de Vries. Or Lasguns are used indiscriminately despite the fact that it is even stated in the movie that if a lasgun hits a shield we get a nuclear explosion?
I could go on and on and on. Dunc is the worst fucking adaption by far. Not even Lynches version is as dogshit as Dunc. The mini series still remains the absolute best Dune adaption by miles we've gotten so far despite being 25 years old and its effects having aged horribly.
Read the books. If you have, read them again. I honestly don't understand how anyone who likes the books can pretend that Dunc is a faithful adaptation.
I enjoyed the first one (knowing that it was only slightly more faithful than the theatrical cut of the Lynch version.) But they just removed so much from the second that I'm not enthused for the upcoming ones.
And yeah, the miniseries is the best adaptation we're ever likely to get.
Just because it is a bad adaptation doesn't mean you can't enjoy the movie. The Lnych version is most definitely a bad adaptation but I do enjoy it, especially the fan cut. And at least it got the foundation (mostly) right.
The "space baroque" art style is way more inventive and attractive than the basic bitch grey modern art sci-fi of the new one
Not only that. This sci-fi design is completely unrealistic. There is no way in a hell the nobility class of a society like in Dune would live in grey concrete bunkers from hell.
The cinematography is fantastic, but everything else about it is shit.
Especially Zendaya! Let’s not forget about the hideous hirsute hangry ho.
The jewish twink is worse.
Melomé Shalomé? Really? I had no idea! Thanks for noticing!
You sound a bit like that really fun guy everyone loves who smugly states "the book was better" every single time a movie based on a book you've read comes out lol. I could go on for hours about how Lord of the Rings changed and removed a lot of stuff from the books (significantly more than Dune), and yet it was one of the greatest trilogies ever filmed. As a result I can appreciate both the book and the movie as separate entities.
Dune was a great book. Unfortunately the series was fucking wiiiild, but I digress. Dune the movie is objectively beautifully filmed and scored, well acted, and highly engaging. And yeah, it sticks to the meat and potatoes of the story of the book without losing anything of serious value. It's still a much better adaptation than Eragon (though the book wasn't super great anyway, iRobot, the Dark Tower, World War Z, and dozens of others I just can't think of at the moment. If you watched Dune before reading it, I have a feeling you would feel differently. Unfortunately, no movie can live up to a good imagination.
With that said, I don't want to sound like one of the woketards that defended The Last Jedi. Your criticisms are valid, I just think you're putting too much weight into them and not looking at the overall picture. It's by no means a perfect film, but Dune is pretty damn good
No, I wouldn't because we're talking about whether or not it was a faithful adaption. Even if I hadn't read the books I would still dislike the movie. Why? Because it bored me. I don't give a damn about nice cinematography if the movie bores me.
No. It fucking doesn't. That's my point. Dune 1984 actually sticks to the meat and potatoes of the story but makes some very strange addition and changes. Dunc on the other hand throws out the meat and potatoes and shits on what remained.
That is absolute horse shit.
The Spacing Guild might not have the most prominent role in the first book of Dune but it has one of the if not THE most important role. Removing them from an adaptation is not just a minor detail that was changed you break the very foundation of Dune itself.
Why is Arrakis important? Because spice. Why is spice important? Because it is necessary for space travel. Who has the monopoly on space travel? The Spacing Guild which makes them one of the four great powers in Dune alongside the Landsraad, the Bene Gesserit and the Emperor. Who produces spice? The worms via the spice cycle. How does Paul become Emperor and keep control over his new empire? By literally threatening to kill all worms on Arrakis to end the spice cycle. That's the reason why the Spacing Guild forbids the Landsraad armies to disembark and forces the Emperor to abdicate. Which in turn starts the Jihad because many houses of the Landsraad weren't very happy with that outcome.
You remove the Spacing Guild and the entire story collapses. They're not a minor or even major detail that you can change. They're a foundational pillar of the entire story.
Dune isn't just "hurrr hurrr space cocaine and desert planet". Dunc is Star Wars. Not Dune.
If you like the movie that's fine. Enjoyment is subjective. But don't pretend that Dunc is a faithful adaptation. It objectively isn't.
And do not tell me it isn't possible to faithfully adapt Dune on the big screen with 321 minutes of runtime when the 25 year old TV mini series managed to do it with almost an hour less runtime (273 minutes).
Make up your mind dude. You said the spacing guild was hardly in the first book, yet you criticize the movie for not giving them extra screen time? And if that's the best example of why you don't like the movie, then you're autistic lol. It was very clear to me that they space guild was important. Even if they didn't explain everything in that specific movie, the space guild is still important and can easily be expanded in the 2nd movie.
If your sole determination factor of whether or not a film is good is if the movie is exactly fucking like the book or not, do the world a favor and stop watching movies. The same goes if you feel everything has to be completely spelled out for audiences that never graduated the 3rd grade
The movie ignored the spacing guild entirely.
Aight. Now I know you didn't actually read the books and you're not interested in an honest discussion. Fuck off back to reddit.
I did t get far into Dune (1) but what I can say is no one references it. Like ever. So it probably sucked to most people. Within days of Deadpool 3 coming out there were memes galore, YouTube shorts of the Madonna song over some other movies clip, etc etc.
Memes aren't everything but I've yet to see a single meme about either movie, or any kind of reference to it besides a direct discussion of the movie itself.
That alone tells me it was so bad it's not even memorable enough to joke about
Lotr on the other hand has countless meme template:
I have no memory of this place
Looks like meats back in the menu
How bout side by side with a....
Keep your secrets
Po ta toes
But they were all of them deceived
You have no power here....
What about second breakfast
One does not simply....
That's probably 10% of them and I know for a fact you could imagine and hear each one of those scenes in your head instantaneously.
While certainly an interesting observation, memes either make fun of campy parts or laugh along with it. While LOTR had a lot of darkness, it was girded with friendship and laughter. Dune is a serious movie that doesn't lighten up. Also, the timing of Dunes release (well after the birth of netflix and the death of cinema), the that lots of people were still being gay and isolating from covid, and the fact that there's a roughly 50/50 chance a guy likes sci fi, and less than a 2% chance a woman likes it. There's a little more to it than simply not being liked.
The SciFi channel miniseries is still my favorite, but the new ones are great with the glaring exception of Chani's behavior near the end.
They removed the explicitly Islamic aspects and made Paul a true believer instead of being forced to use the faith. All done to avoid offending Muslims
I fell asleep in the first one after about thirty minutes.
Maybe someday someone will make a "chud-ector's cut" version that replaces some of the uggofied female cast (including Pugh here because they intentionally made her unattractive)
Mary Jane should’ve been played by someone better. Garfield’s Spider-Man had Gwen Stacy and they included her dad dying and asking Peter to take care of her which was from Amazing 90
The Amazing movies are still my favourites all around. Holland isn't bad, but everything else about the films is pretty disappointing.
I do not understand the fascination with Zendaya at all. It has to be astroturf right? Like, it has to be... right?
I have no idea why she is so popular. Granted I’m so out of the loop with pop culture and who is cool or not
May as well ask where Beyonce and Taylor Swift's popularity come from. The sad reality is that most people's opinions are generated from repeated exposure to media from assorted vectors of delivery. He who carpet bombs the public will gain the most.
She's another in a long list of females who sold their souls or broke a casting couch to be famous and those she did it too are trying. Go back 5 years and look at the "it" girl the Hollywood hype machine pushed. No one remembers them or the movies they were in. This time next year she won't be remembered any better than whoever was it in 2016
Is that peak Jennifer Lawrence time frame
She is brown. Of course its astroturfed.
She was a nobody musician that got High Billing playing a race swaped character in a movie during Marvel's heyday where she was in it for barely a few minutes.
Its entirely the media saying "she is already popular, so here we will talk about her" until everyone does know about her. Its the same thing happening to Jenna Ortega currently.
Except Jenna Ortega is 1) pretty, 2) not being used to race swap, the Addams actually are latin+ish, the dads name is Gomez 3) she's actually a good actress. 4) she's not a bad dancer either check out her dance number from the Wednesday show.
Legitimate quality doesn't mean she isn't being astroturfed. She went from a literal nobody to the face of a franchise (of which her character was once a small part) and is now talked about endlessly as if she is the most famous girl in the world and we need to know her every move.
Its even more notable because unlike Zendaya she was in a Netflix series instead of one of the biggest franchises in the world (at the time), which makes the obsession with treating her like an icon even more notable.
These can be outside of their hands or they could be leaning into it, but its still happening.
damn really? I rewatched ASM a few months ago and I thought it was horrible. Even the costume is a fucking eyesore. Garfield acts autistic instead of nerdy, and I cannot stand it.
I don't think any of them really nailed Peter Parker. Garfield had the playful aspect down. Tobey had the good guy bit down. Holland... He's got that youthful part down which was fine in Homecoming but wore thin after being in 6 movies.
None of them have truly captured Peter's dickish somewhat volatile behavior pre Spider-Man nor his exhausted and seemingly flakey post Spider-Man behavior. They all play too much of a goody toe shoes as Peter.
Technically she's not Mary Jane. She plays Michelle Jones.
Oh yea, but still they should’ve had Mary Jane in it.
Which really if we're being honest is just spideys version of black Santa clause.
Zendaya isn’t ugly and isn’t the worst actress. But she has definitely been promoted well behind her level of talent and beauty. She was just the right person (vaguely non-white with still mostly white features) at the right time (a deeply anti-white culture). But now that the culture is turning, people are recognizing her as the safe half-measure she always was.
Wake me up when the culture is back to voluptuous redheads and blondes.
Someone pointed out that Harvey Weinstein was apparently the force that continued to cast attractive women even as anti-white and anti-beauty sentiment rose.
Of course, he only cast them if they fucked him, but it’s not like any of these women have morals
Don't forget that perv also gave us the LOTR trilogy which is the GOAT. And are we acting like those chicks he banged have no agency? They knew the gig and did it anyway. They could have said no. He didn't rape anyone.
That actually makes a certain amount of disgusting sense.
And now open faggots and tyrannies have more power in casting decisions.
I wasn't gonna link but seriously, with no makeup she looks like a latino boy.
But to be fair, makeup does wonders, it can even turn a latino boy into Zendaya.
I thought she was just mid. I didn't think she was that bad.
That has to be fake. There's tons of pictures of her without makeup, and she does look like a little boy but this looks like an ugly caveman.
Nah, she is mid. You can downgrade anyone's looks with a horrible photo, especially with bad lighting.
Bad photo. She looks like a generic NPC with few if any defining characteristics. Perfectly inoffensive but with no real positives.
Yeah does seem to be a big disconnect between the amount of promotion she gets to the amount of talent she has. Same with the chick who plays Ray in Star Wars.
Daisy Ridley's rolls before Star Wars was as a corpse on Law and Order.
She definitely relied on her previous experience for her acting.
I think she had one movie recently where she was a tennis instructor and hot guys drooled over her the whole film. It was like the movie was her wet dream. She’s not at all on par with that level of attractiveness it implied.
Yeah, exactly. She's cute, but she's a placeholder. About as remarkable as a new Windows edition.
She's mixed race and kinda looks like a teenage boy, which is what gay Hollywood producers like.
It made me wonder for a very very long time why certain actresses get popular. For the last 20 years, I don't think I liked any actresses hollywood pushed. Not only are they average at acting, they seem to have no charisma. Then you find out they are either left-wing or of jewish origin.
Brie Larson is the epitome of that description.
I could tell from the moment I saw her that she was some ugly mutt that Hollywood would force down our throats.
Also is it weird to anyone else that we don't use her full name like literally any other Hollywood asshole? Zendaya Coleman, why is that so hard?
When the first name is obnoxious to even think the pronunciation, people tend to skip the other. Zendaya is like someone put a three speed bumps in a row. By the time you get over it, you just want to get back to the rest of your sentence.
Is Ken eating blueberries with his steak?
I think they're peas. Soviets ate peas, right?
The Soviets didn’t eat anything.
Normally, but that guy's dressed nice and eating nicer, like a high ranking party official. Those guys were munching on caviar while normie Russians were starving in breadlines, so they likely had all the peas they wanted.
I Googled and apparently they ate a lot of peas. Lot of google results for, Did Soviets eat peas.
Maybe caviar.
That's a good call
whats the matter bitch dont you like blue peas
Never had a pea that wasn't green.
I've only seen her in Dune and I thought she was ugly but the Fremen are sandpeople so it worked in that movie.
Toby and Dunst are the only Peter Parker and Mary Jane I’ll acknowledge. Pre-red head blackening replacement.
I still like Toby as Spider-Man, Garfield is kinda twitchy and weird but his films were decent, Holland not so bad himself but his films are ruined by Zendaya and all the other “current day” in them. You watch the Toby films, and sure the CGI is a bit dated but other than that they’re timeless. I feel like they could’ve cast someone better/prettier for Mary Jane though (Dunst kinda doesn’t float my boat).
I didn’t really care for Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey, I thought Bryce Dallas Howard was an absolute stunner (although NOW she’s frumpy and hit the wall pretty bad).
Best villian I would say still goes to Willem Defoe. That scene where they’re all having dinner and he reaches for the gravy or whatever only to have Aunt May slap his hand, and for a brief second you see the goblin in his eyes… that was some pretty awesome acting IMO 😆
If they had written her to be less unlikeable and not a complete bitch she would probably come across as prettier.
Unfortunately, after the first movie you spend all the run time hating her and every scene she is in is her ruining something, which drags down any woman's attractiveness rating.
Matches her irl. She was mad she got paid less than the main character
I mean yeah, you guys both make really good points about how annoying and whiny they made MJ as a character in those films, but I kinda meant more the actress herself.
Just never found her that attractive, even in her prime.
I’m probably just being a shallow and superficial asshole, fair enough, but MJ was supposed to be an absolute stunner in the comics.
I don't think Dunst is really that attractive in anything I've seen her in, so I agree with you on that.
But I felt in the first film she had this vulnerable but still fun personality that made her seem right for the role. I could absolutely see her as the "stunner" of a school, and especially for Peter. Its just a vibe she brought that worked to make her okay physical appearance come across as way better.
Though in the interest of shallow opinions, I never found MJ of the comics to be this 10/10 either. I'm not much for redheads or bimbos (the fetish, not the insult) so it never vibed for me. But that's just my personal position.
To be fair MJ in the comics is closer to pre surgery Megan Fox
Yeah, that whole girl next door thing (literally, lol). I guess you’re right on that one, she was pretty good in that respect
Dunst was given horrible lines. She cries and kisses and moans constantly. Was she equally annoying in the comics? She could have been made likable or at least tolerable.
The fuck is a zendaya?
The thing that smoothes the ice at a hockey rink.
Good news, she's going to probably be Penelope in the Odyssey...
What in tarnation is a zendaya?
Quadroon actress.
And her and Holland about to make octamaroon babies.
The reason I've not seen any of the new Spiderman movies. Although general capeshit burnout contributed as well.
With 'Zendaya' being a stand-in name for DEI quotas.
Is her talent agent a mossed asset with blackmail material on all the studios?
That could explain it. Because she is a mutt who can't act