8BitArchitect 3 points ago +3 / -0

men dominate all violent crime by a huge margin

Once again because we don't punish women for violence. Domestic abuse statistics bear this out, where lesbian relationships have the highest rates of abuse and men are punished in DV situations when it's mutual or they are the primary/exclusive victims.

Now you could argue that women's violence is generally less harmful therefor punishing them to the same degree as men would be somehow unjust, and if the state didn't so often and so strongly protect women from the consequences of their own actions, you'd probably be right. But that's not how things work in the west right now.

8BitArchitect 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'd suggest that out of 3000 people that have engaged in criminal sexual conduct with a minor, it's closer to 120 than 12 (and possibly closer to 1200) that are female. And they don't even have to sweep female perps under the rug for that statistic, just punish them less severely than male perps (since the quoted statistic is based on incarcerations and not offense rates.)

As for a better statistic to use, I'd start off with convicted offenders and see how that compares.

8BitArchitect 20 points ago +20 / -0

only 12 of 3,000 incarcerated pedophiles in England were women.

Because we (the west) don't incarcerate female sex offenders. Not saying that the numbers are equal, but you can't determine offense rates from incarceration rates.

The rest of the data seems to be reasonable (at least on the same order of magnitude) but that particular stat stood out to me as a bit dishonest.

8BitArchitect 4 points ago +4 / -0

Those delegates are primary delegates. Functionally, the delegates can vote for whoever they want at the DNC unless someone calls them on it (probably.) Now if the state requires candidates to appear on their primary in order to appear on the general, that might be different.

8BitArchitect 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't have the image in front of me, but I recall seeing what I believed to be an exit wound at the base of the shooter's skull on the left side.

8BitArchitect 4 points ago +5 / -1

Tucker's a total weirdo, but also super plugged in.

You'd expect this of a guy with CIA connections.

8BitArchitect 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have no idea what the context is, but I'd assume this is an evening event for VIPs/media/people who donated and they're seated in front of him.

8BitArchitect 11 points ago +11 / -0



8BitArchitect 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, this footage is retarded. The idea isn't retarded on it's face, but so far there isn't anything I've seen to make that more credible than the idea that there was just a single shooter.

Remember that the term "Conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA to discredit people who were revealing actual government conspiracies. The idea that they would go a step further and put forward retarded theories to discredit people talking about legitimate conspiracies isn't far fetched, but since social media has suddenly given every retard a reach of millions to billions of people, they probably don't even have to do that.

8BitArchitect 6 points ago +6 / -0

It doesn't need to be more convincing, it needs to implicate the Deep State further and not be completely incredible. The theory is that Ree Tardy Oswald was a patsy who was supposed to start firing and then someone else was supposed to take the shot that actually killed Trump. Absent something clearer than the ~6 pixels that's supposed to be a person up there (that isn't part of Trump's security team, which I would find more likely, given that's the highest point in the area as far as I can tell) I don't see any reason to speculate about a second shooter.

8BitArchitect 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't his parents report him missing at 11:00 PM (2300 hours?) well after the shooting? Or was the report I saw a typo?

8BitArchitect 12 points ago +12 / -0

"My personal beliefs are my own and do not reflect the views of my company." "My company won't do business with you if I personally disagree with your statements."

Which one is it faggot?

"I reacted off the cuff to a crass attempt to turn a horrible moment in our country’s history into a marketing opportunity." "Anyone who supports this monster deserves to go down with him."

I'm sorry but you're trying to suggest this was purely a business decision? Fuck off. What a two-faced liar.

8BitArchitect 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did this guy delete his tweet? I can see the archived version in the article but I'm having trouble finding it in context.

8BitArchitect 5 points ago +5 / -0

In fairness to Imp, Jill clearly has more influence on policy than Joe.

8BitArchitect 1 point ago +1 / -0

Secret Service agents are training with someone who openly declared Trump a Nazi

Funny, cuz Trump's VP pick did essentially the same thing.

8BitArchitect 7 points ago +7 / -0

Large, serious men are in control.

Except like a third of the ones on the ground were women.

8BitArchitect 19 points ago +19 / -0

"They cry out in pain as they strike you."

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm gonna throw a curveball here, just to be a bit contrarian: The Expanse. The show got fucked over by being cancelled twice, and they killed off one of the main characters because his actor got accused of... I don't even think it was sexual assault, I think it was 'grooming' and inviting a fan back to his hotel room.

The series was already pretty woke from the start (Lesbian 'pastor' in an interracial marriage? Pretty damn woke.) But they still managed to write interesting characters and have a decent storyline. TV show cuts off the last third of the series where everything gets tied up, and takes an absolute woke nosedive in the final season. Just give me a version where the main cast from the TV series gets to finish out the story, and if I'm being given magic powers, redo a few of the changes they made to the earlier seasons (changing the black villain in the duo from book one to white, for example), and completely ignore the finale of season five and all of season six.

u/Smith1980, I've not read UBIK, but I think at least the first 'book' of Stranger in a Strange Land would be really cool to see adapted. That part was probably the book I've most enjoyed reading as an adult (the latter two 'books' I did not enjoy nearly as much, but Heinlein and I have very different views on religion, so that is to be expected, I suppose.)

Adapting JOB would be... interesting. Definitely something for HBO or the like.

And since we're on the subject of Heinlein, why not adapt The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think WOT is overrated (not bad, just not worthy of the comparisons I see to things like LoTR and Dune.) I'm wondering if I just missed something about it that makes others give it such high praise, or if it's just not my thing.

I said when I started reading it that I thought it could make a fantastic RPG with multiple playable characters and branching narratives, and I still think that would be cool, so maybe it was just the format it was presented in.

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no idea where the picture of the second faggot is from (doesn't look like the confirmed pic at all to me) but it looks like disinfo. The first pic has been pretty well confirmed to be the shooter, and has been out for some hours now.

8BitArchitect -4 points ago +1 / -5

Nonwhites aren't the problem, or Europe, which until recently has been far whiter than the US, would have been better off than us, not worse. They may indicate a point of no return (and more, future problems), but the problem is with (white) people who have already been here for decades.

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth like she is. When you acknowledge that she would probably welcome the destruction of the French people, then two sentences later suggest I misunderstand what she means when she says the French will have to leave or submit, you are no longer worth talking to.

8BitArchitect 17 points ago +17 / -0

Leftists agree with Antifa's goals and tactics. Right wingers (centrists, really, but that's another discussion) disagree with Patriot Fronts goals and/or tactics. It ultimately boils down to this.

Americans (and the west in general) have been brainwashed to believe that any form of nationalism or "white" collectivism are not just bad, but evil. This results in people desperately trying to distance themselves from anyone overtly supporting these positions and pushing the overton window ever leftward. Just look at how any time a "far right" party gets enough votes anywhere in Europe to require a coalition government, that rather than the "moderate right" and centrist parties forming a coalition with the "far right" and tempering the "bad" parts of their policies, they form a coalition with the left.

[T]he right wing would be better served if they said Antifa were feds instead, [they're] not an organic movement

This isn't true though. They have outsized power due to support from people with resources, and the refusal of government officials to punish them for their criminal behavior, but they aren't feds. They're all private citizens that legitimately hold they beliefs they profess.

[I]f you don't trust [patriot front] you don't have to support them, but going around screaming that they are feds is counterproductive

It's not counter-productive, it's status quo. The dissident right cannot be overt on anything close to a national scale yet (and likely won't be able to for generations, barring a seismic political shift.) They must use 'insurgent' tactics in the culture war; when they stage obviously inorganic public demonstrations, that doesn't help (and it's why they get called feds.)

8BitArchitect 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's not what either of us were talking about.

We were speaking about her right to comment about her right to comment about domestic policy in a foreign country.

/u/Assassin47 asserted that she didn't have a right to comment because no politician has a right to comment about domestic policy in a foreign country. You asserted that in this case the general rule doesn't apply because it's her grandmother. I asserted that you are incorrect because she is part of a government that supports policies (that she presumably agrees with) that caused the situation she's complaining about.

If you read the article (and the opinion piece it quotes) she says the following:

My appeal to the people of France is unequivocal: defend diversity, protect minorities and be firm against’ intolerance. The future of your nation depends on your ability to maintain these values. If France fails to protect its Jewish citizens, it will inevitably fail to protect its own identity and integrity.

I am going to urge my grandmother to join us in Israel, a country she should have come to for a long time. But let this serve as a’ warning: when the Jews are gone, the native French will be next to have to leave or submit.

She doesn't believe France should be expelling foreigners with incompatible ideologies. She believes they should keep taking the worlds castoffs. She doesn't talk about making the muslims "leave or submit", no, it's the French that will have to do that.

This kike can get out and stay out.

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