I did t get far into Dune (1) but what I can say is no one references it. Like ever. So it probably sucked to most people. Within days of Deadpool 3 coming out there were memes galore, YouTube shorts of the Madonna song over some other movies clip, etc etc.
Memes aren't everything but I've yet to see a single meme about either movie, or any kind of reference to it besides a direct discussion of the movie itself.
That alone tells me it was so bad it's not even memorable enough to joke about
Lotr on the other hand has countless meme template:
I have no memory of this place
Looks like meats back in the menu
How bout side by side with a....
Keep your secrets
Po ta toes
But they were all of them deceived
You have no power here....
What about second breakfast
One does not simply....
That's probably 10% of them and I know for a fact you could imagine and hear each one of those scenes in your head instantaneously.
While certainly an interesting observation, memes either make fun of campy parts or laugh along with it. While LOTR had a lot of darkness, it was girded with friendship and laughter. Dune is a serious movie that doesn't lighten up. Also, the timing of Dunes release (well after the birth of netflix and the death of cinema), the that lots of people were still being gay and isolating from covid, and the fact that there's a roughly 50/50 chance a guy likes sci fi, and less than a 2% chance a woman likes it. There's a little more to it than simply not being liked.
I did t get far into Dune (1) but what I can say is no one references it. Like ever. So it probably sucked to most people. Within days of Deadpool 3 coming out there were memes galore, YouTube shorts of the Madonna song over some other movies clip, etc etc.
Memes aren't everything but I've yet to see a single meme about either movie, or any kind of reference to it besides a direct discussion of the movie itself.
That alone tells me it was so bad it's not even memorable enough to joke about
Lotr on the other hand has countless meme template:
I have no memory of this place
Looks like meats back in the menu
How bout side by side with a....
Keep your secrets
Po ta toes
But they were all of them deceived
You have no power here....
What about second breakfast
One does not simply....
That's probably 10% of them and I know for a fact you could imagine and hear each one of those scenes in your head instantaneously.
While certainly an interesting observation, memes either make fun of campy parts or laugh along with it. While LOTR had a lot of darkness, it was girded with friendship and laughter. Dune is a serious movie that doesn't lighten up. Also, the timing of Dunes release (well after the birth of netflix and the death of cinema), the that lots of people were still being gay and isolating from covid, and the fact that there's a roughly 50/50 chance a guy likes sci fi, and less than a 2% chance a woman likes it. There's a little more to it than simply not being liked.