Mary Jane should’ve been played by someone better. Garfield’s Spider-Man had Gwen Stacy and they included her dad dying and asking Peter to take care of her which was from Amazing 90
May as well ask where Beyonce and Taylor Swift's popularity come from. The sad reality is that most people's opinions are generated from repeated exposure to media from assorted vectors of delivery. He who carpet bombs the public will gain the most.
She's another in a long list of females who sold their souls or broke a casting couch to be famous and those she did it too are trying. Go back 5 years and look at the "it" girl the Hollywood hype machine pushed. No one remembers them or the movies they were in. This time next year she won't be remembered any better than whoever was it in 2016
She was a nobody musician that got High Billing playing a race swaped character in a movie during Marvel's heyday where she was in it for barely a few minutes.
Its entirely the media saying "she is already popular, so here we will talk about her" until everyone does know about her. Its the same thing happening to Jenna Ortega currently.
Except Jenna Ortega is 1) pretty, 2) not being used to race swap, the Addams actually are latin+ish, the dads name is Gomez 3) she's actually a good actress. 4) she's not a bad dancer either check out her dance number from the Wednesday show.
Legitimate quality doesn't mean she isn't being astroturfed. She went from a literal nobody to the face of a franchise (of which her character was once a small part) and is now talked about endlessly as if she is the most famous girl in the world and we need to know her every move.
Its even more notable because unlike Zendaya she was in a Netflix series instead of one of the biggest franchises in the world (at the time), which makes the obsession with treating her like an icon even more notable.
These can be outside of their hands or they could be leaning into it, but its still happening.
damn really? I rewatched ASM a few months ago and I thought it was horrible. Even the costume is a fucking eyesore. Garfield acts autistic instead of nerdy, and I cannot stand it.
I don't think any of them really nailed Peter Parker.
Garfield had the playful aspect down.
Tobey had the good guy bit down.
Holland... He's got that youthful part down which was fine in Homecoming but wore thin after being in 6 movies.
None of them have truly captured Peter's dickish somewhat volatile behavior pre Spider-Man nor his exhausted and seemingly flakey post Spider-Man behavior. They all play too much of a goody toe shoes as Peter.
Mary Jane should’ve been played by someone better. Garfield’s Spider-Man had Gwen Stacy and they included her dad dying and asking Peter to take care of her which was from Amazing 90
The Amazing movies are still my favourites all around. Holland isn't bad, but everything else about the films is pretty disappointing.
I do not understand the fascination with Zendaya at all. It has to be astroturf right? Like, it has to be... right?
I have no idea why she is so popular. Granted I’m so out of the loop with pop culture and who is cool or not
May as well ask where Beyonce and Taylor Swift's popularity come from. The sad reality is that most people's opinions are generated from repeated exposure to media from assorted vectors of delivery. He who carpet bombs the public will gain the most.
She's another in a long list of females who sold their souls or broke a casting couch to be famous and those she did it too are trying. Go back 5 years and look at the "it" girl the Hollywood hype machine pushed. No one remembers them or the movies they were in. This time next year she won't be remembered any better than whoever was it in 2016
Is that peak Jennifer Lawrence time frame
She is brown. Of course its astroturfed.
She was a nobody musician that got High Billing playing a race swaped character in a movie during Marvel's heyday where she was in it for barely a few minutes.
Its entirely the media saying "she is already popular, so here we will talk about her" until everyone does know about her. Its the same thing happening to Jenna Ortega currently.
Except Jenna Ortega is 1) pretty, 2) not being used to race swap, the Addams actually are latin+ish, the dads name is Gomez 3) she's actually a good actress. 4) she's not a bad dancer either check out her dance number from the Wednesday show.
Legitimate quality doesn't mean she isn't being astroturfed. She went from a literal nobody to the face of a franchise (of which her character was once a small part) and is now talked about endlessly as if she is the most famous girl in the world and we need to know her every move.
Its even more notable because unlike Zendaya she was in a Netflix series instead of one of the biggest franchises in the world (at the time), which makes the obsession with treating her like an icon even more notable.
These can be outside of their hands or they could be leaning into it, but its still happening.
damn really? I rewatched ASM a few months ago and I thought it was horrible. Even the costume is a fucking eyesore. Garfield acts autistic instead of nerdy, and I cannot stand it.
I don't think any of them really nailed Peter Parker. Garfield had the playful aspect down. Tobey had the good guy bit down. Holland... He's got that youthful part down which was fine in Homecoming but wore thin after being in 6 movies.
None of them have truly captured Peter's dickish somewhat volatile behavior pre Spider-Man nor his exhausted and seemingly flakey post Spider-Man behavior. They all play too much of a goody toe shoes as Peter.
Technically she's not Mary Jane. She plays Michelle Jones.
Oh yea, but still they should’ve had Mary Jane in it.
Which really if we're being honest is just spideys version of black Santa clause.