I was surprised he didn’t argue about the change in holiday plans. Normally, it would be a bone of contention because of how close he is to his family.
Hopefully it's because he is planning on surprising this bitch with divorce papers for Christmas.
I stood briefly at our blue front door — the one I painted last year when I changed all the red in our house to blue.
This legitimately made me lol. These people are pathetic. I hope their next four years are an unbearable misery for them.
They'd look north at the taxes, food prices, housing prices, and multi-year wait lines for basic medical services, and then go "you know, maybe just living with Trump ain't that bad..."
I was surprised he didn’t argue about the change in holiday plans. Normally, it would be a bone of contention because of how close he is to his family. Somewhere inside, he must understand what this election outcome means to me. I know he has empathy for me, for which I am thankful. I will hold onto this like a life raft as I try to figure out how we move forward with our marriage.
He was tired of her shit and knows she's a lost cause, if she had any empathy in return she'd probably see him losing respect and hope for her and sticking with his real family who he can trust not to be petty, childish bitches.
But I guess you wouldn't still be failed actress in CA, a huffpo writer and ancillary lib arts professor if you had any sense about escaping sinking ships.
There is simply too much history and love between us to let this election tear us apart.
Yeah, about that. Pretty sure it is torn apart. In the span of less than a week, you told him you don't want anything to do with his family, you've berated him multiple times over a facebook post (initially with a text message), and now you've written and published a full-length essay about how good and noble and strong you are and how inconsiderate and heartless he and half the country are.
I can name all the Presidents in order so I know he was actually President, but I admit I know little about him. Still I'd be shocked if Kamala is smarter than him.
He basically started the civil war because he thought he would "solve the issue of slavery" with the Fugitive Slave Act (which guaranteed federal over-reach), and instructed the Chief Justice of SCTOUS to rule in his favor, when it inevitably got hit with a lawsuit. This presidential support is also what allowed SCOTUS to just declare that blacks in America, even the ones who were free, owned property, or were even in political office, were just not considered citizens because something something English law something something, despite England actively ending slavery and having no objection to blacks in England. He additionally did nothing to stop the situation with Bleeding Kansas, and as the secession crisis deepened he neither pushed hard enough towards state's rights to keep the South in the Union, nor did he go hardline with the North, leaving everything entirely up in the air as violence increased. He did nothing to really even keep southern generals in the Union as the crisis worsened. He also presided over a massive bank failure. Oh, and he's famous for being a secret homosexual that took swims in the Potomac.
He was basically infamous at the time for being wrong about almost everything, and blew up the country.
While all of that is valid, I'm not convinced Kamala wouldn't have done similar or worse if put in the same circumstance.
Its why these comparisons, especially ones with long history, aren't really useful beyond hyperbole. Because we only get one shot at each event and any comparison is purely speculative from there.
Like, Bush wasn't a very good president but even the best among them probably wouldn't have handled 9/11 in a way anyone would consider "well."
There's a big difference between having an event befall you, and fucking causing it.
I never thought of it, but I can scarcely imagine what Trump would have done if he ran for president in 2000 and won. I doubt he would have invaded Iraq, but I'd think Afghanistan would have gone differently, and the level of violence would have been prepared to use would have been fucking startling if the strikes on Syria were any indication.
There's a big difference between having an event befall you, and fucking causing it.
There is, but the point is that we can never know because we only have one president at a time reacting to them. Trump might have bungled it even worse than Bush for all we could know because he wasn't part of the Uniparty and was allowed to fail with no deeper objective. I doubt it, but its possible. Harris might have made reparations happen immediately and literally caused a genocide.
Its just a poor comparison system all around if we leave the hyperbole of "she is the worst ever" and try to factually think about it.
I immediately texted, “I love you, but out of respect for me and all my liberal writer friends, can you please take down that post? Also, tell your family I love them, but I will not be coming for Thanksgiving, and I won’t be hosting Christmas. I need space.”
Shortly after I sent the text, he brought me a cup of coffee in bed.
“I am sorry,” he said, “I understand.”
We should be living in a world where he backhanded her for her spiteful impertinence instead of apologizing to her like a punk.
Women have this vacuous "all the mundane things in my life are so deep and meaningful" writing style. It's silly and pretentious. Bitch reminds me of this story:
Meanwhile, Advance Sergeant Carl Harris, leader of the attack squadron now in orbit over Skylon 4, had more important things to think about than the neuroses of an air-headed asthmatic, tea-drenched bimbo named Laurie
I received a message from a family member who told me her Ukrainian friend was petrified.
Petrified of what? No longer being able to watch men being burned alive in trenches as they are showered with thermite from a horde of attack drones? Shit's gettin' fuckin' real out there. What are you doing to end human misery? Oh that's right, encouraging someone else's kids to get burned alive in a human meat grinder because the US military industrial complex is prepared to sacrifice every single Ukrainian generation from here on out to try and create attrition in the Russian Army before pursuing a major war with them.
How courageous of you. Thank you for your service. Veterans Day couldn't have been the same without you, you know, since you're making so many.
“I am sorry,” he said, “I understand.” Later that night, I briefly glanced at my husband and found myself not wanting to look into the eyes I love. I hated this divide. I wanted to touch his forearms and feel our connection, but I also felt an urge to punish him and deny him my touch.
What a horrible, awful, terrible person you are. What a fucking shit wife you are. You hate Trump more than you will ever love your husband.
I was surprised he didn’t argue about the change in holiday plans. Normally, it would be a bone of contention because of how close he is to his family. Somewhere inside, he must understand what this election outcome means to me. I know he has empathy for me, for which I am thankful. I will hold onto this like a life raft as I try to figure out how we move forward with our marriage. ... I know he is a good man and he would do anything for a family member or friend, which makes what he has done even more infuriating and even more painful.
"how we move forward with our marriage." Exactly. You're already looking for excuses to leave him. Your marriage was never in trouble. You decided that the father of your children gave you the ick, and we all know how this works. You're going to cheat on him, you'll make excuses, but you won't tell him it's over for another several years.
I will not sit by a Christmas tree celebrating the birth of Jesus and sipping eggnog when I know how many people may now find themselves in grave — even deadly — danger because they cannot get the reproductive care they need. I will not unwrap gifts given to me by people who voted for a party that has talked about building internment camps and mass deportation.
You wanted have a Covid camps, no one has ever been denied mother's-life-saving abortions, and your determination to have your family raped or killed by those criminals we should be deporting is noted. You could try and learn why someone would vote for Trump, but you're too stupid and entitled to think you're wrong.
I will keep encouraging my friends and family to continue to hope and fight for this country.
You hate this country, you always have.
On Nov. 7, I saw my husband’s post was still up. It had more comments from Americans I believe had made a huge mistake two days earlier. I wanted to tell them all that they were wrong and they had no idea of the harm they caused by making that choice — or if they did know, then they should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t know how they can live with themselves.
They love their country more than you love your husband.
He blew me a kiss goodbye from the living room as he sat drinking from his favorite mug, seemingly oblivious to how upset I was. I stood at the door thinking about how I could express my hurt. I wanted to say something that would motivate him to erase his error, but I knew if my words were too demanding, or my voice was too filled with anger, it would get me nowhere. This is a woman’s challenge.
What a horrible woman you are. Men have a responsibility never to let their daughters turn into you.
You know the part you left out is, she says her husband is Latino. And she can't believe a Latino would vote for Trump. Which is of course is silly to point out but here's a white woman telling a Latino how to Latino properly.
A reminder in the HIMYM episode Grinch was a euphamism Ted used when telling his kids about Lily for doing something like this, rather then using the actual word which was cunt.
Imagine live blogging the end of your marriage for the whole world to read in realtime updates. If there are any kids involved here they're getting a front row seat to the behind the scenes of why things failed rather than whatever bullshit story gets fed to them.
This is a woman’s challenge. This was Kamala’s challenge. I also knew I couldn’t change what had happened — only what happens now.
She should try taking the repetitive alcoholic's advice and seeing that she can be not a spiteful bitch, unburdened by being BTFO on the ballot before.
I was surprised he didn’t argue about the change in holiday plans. Normally, it would be a bone of contention because of how close he is to his family. Somewhere inside, he must understand what this election outcome means to me. I know he has empathy for me, for which I am thankful.
"I know he has empathy", says woman incapable of empathy.
Yeah, the whole thing is feel for me. While she doesn't even consider how her behavior is affecting anybody else, especially her husband. This might hit rule 2 but women sure do suck sometimes
This is why when I hear people saying “We don’t let politics affect our marriage of x years” I automatically assume a divorce will happen in the next 5.
I immediately texted, “I love you, but out of respect for me and all my liberal writer friends, can you please take down that post? Also, tell your family I love them, but I will not be coming for Thanksgiving, and I won’t be hosting Christmas. I need space.”
Shortly after I sent the text, he brought me a cup of coffee in bed.
“I am sorry,” he said, “I understand.”
Dude has long since mellowed out on her feminist histrionics and just accepts them as a fact of life.
Hopefully it's because he is planning on surprising this bitch with divorce papers for Christmas.
This legitimately made me lol. These people are pathetic. I hope their next four years are an unbearable misery for them.
Author bio:
It's even more pathetic. She's in California! Her husband's vote was entirely symbolic because CA was guaranteed blue.
A hissy fit because her husband was way less than a millionth responsible for the popular win and zero responsible for the electoral win.
Andrea Tate
tell me this isn't a Poe...
Reality is often even stranger than memes.
If only they would make good on their threats of moving to Canada, or "Europe", or the Shadow Realm, freeing the rest of us from that misery.
They'd look north at the taxes, food prices, housing prices, and multi-year wait lines for basic medical services, and then go "you know, maybe just living with Trump ain't that bad..."
Lol Not that they would publicly admit it.
Straight to the crystal
That has the potential to be very offensive as we cannot say how they identify. "Queer to the crystal" is much more inclusive.
He was tired of her shit and knows she's a lost cause, if she had any empathy in return she'd probably see him losing respect and hope for her and sticking with his real family who he can trust not to be petty, childish bitches.
But I guess you wouldn't still be failed actress in CA, a huffpo writer and ancillary lib arts professor if you had any sense about escaping sinking ships.
This is modern politics. Blue vs red. Chips vs bloods.
inb4 she makes false abuse allegations against him. They'll be useful during the coming divorce rape.
He "vote-raped" her.
''Words are violence, disagreement is rape.''
We're going to need metric units of rape with how fucking wishy-washy the definition is now, like 18 gigarapes.
1 Rotherham
Considering this is California, the judge will most likely take this seriously.
Yeah, about that. Pretty sure it is torn apart. In the span of less than a week, you told him you don't want anything to do with his family, you've berated him multiple times over a facebook post (initially with a text message), and now you've written and published a full-length essay about how good and noble and strong you are and how inconsiderate and heartless he and half the country are.
He’s ready to launch divorce papers and she knows it.
He showed her affection and care and was immediately disgusted by his touch. He might as well move out.
So nice to see Top G finally embracing her true self. You go girl!
But seriously, why is she so mad? They both got what they wanted.
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Kamala Harris is the least capable presidential candidate of all time. She's so fucking stupid.
I mean... Dukakis exists. Even Kameltoe can't compare to that blowout.
Of all time?
James Buchanan?
I can name all the Presidents in order so I know he was actually President, but I admit I know little about him. Still I'd be shocked if Kamala is smarter than him.
He's also known as the "bachelor president" as he never married. Rumors existed in his time until present times, he enjoyed a bit of cock suckery.
Wheatland is house in Lancaster, PA is a cool building for anyone planning a trip to Lancaster.
He basically started the civil war because he thought he would "solve the issue of slavery" with the Fugitive Slave Act (which guaranteed federal over-reach), and instructed the Chief Justice of SCTOUS to rule in his favor, when it inevitably got hit with a lawsuit. This presidential support is also what allowed SCOTUS to just declare that blacks in America, even the ones who were free, owned property, or were even in political office, were just not considered citizens because something something English law something something, despite England actively ending slavery and having no objection to blacks in England. He additionally did nothing to stop the situation with Bleeding Kansas, and as the secession crisis deepened he neither pushed hard enough towards state's rights to keep the South in the Union, nor did he go hardline with the North, leaving everything entirely up in the air as violence increased. He did nothing to really even keep southern generals in the Union as the crisis worsened. He also presided over a massive bank failure. Oh, and he's famous for being a secret homosexual that took swims in the Potomac.
He was basically infamous at the time for being wrong about almost everything, and blew up the country.
While all of that is valid, I'm not convinced Kamala wouldn't have done similar or worse if put in the same circumstance.
Its why these comparisons, especially ones with long history, aren't really useful beyond hyperbole. Because we only get one shot at each event and any comparison is purely speculative from there.
Like, Bush wasn't a very good president but even the best among them probably wouldn't have handled 9/11 in a way anyone would consider "well."
There's a big difference between having an event befall you, and fucking causing it.
I never thought of it, but I can scarcely imagine what Trump would have done if he ran for president in 2000 and won. I doubt he would have invaded Iraq, but I'd think Afghanistan would have gone differently, and the level of violence would have been prepared to use would have been fucking startling if the strikes on Syria were any indication.
There is, but the point is that we can never know because we only have one president at a time reacting to them. Trump might have bungled it even worse than Bush for all we could know because he wasn't part of the Uniparty and was allowed to fail with no deeper objective. I doubt it, but its possible. Harris might have made reparations happen immediately and literally caused a genocide.
Its just a poor comparison system all around if we leave the hyperbole of "she is the worst ever" and try to factually think about it.
Interesting, but imagine what Kamala would have done in that spot.
I doubt Buchanan turned into a cackling mess of word salad every time he was asked a question.
I'm talking pure stupidity here. Not bad policy decisions.
Ah, so you're an idiot.
We should be living in a world where he backhanded her for her spiteful impertinence instead of apologizing to her like a punk.
Assuming this exchange even happened. Which it’s 100% made up.
If someone wrote this at Babylon Bee I’d say it’s too unbelievable for good satire. But this cunt is actually serious.
Women have this vacuous "all the mundane things in my life are so deep and meaningful" writing style. It's silly and pretentious. Bitch reminds me of this story:
Oh boy do I feel old now.
Oh man. That really took me back!
All this shit and drama is caused by her.. but in her mind its trump and her husband that caused all this. Women.. rofl.
Controling partner using manipulation and social isolation to punish the other for disobeying.
Isn't this the sort of thing Feminists pretend to strongly oppose?
May the poor guy be unburdened of the audacity of this bitch.
Obviously, it's only wrong when men do it.
Petrified of what? No longer being able to watch men being burned alive in trenches as they are showered with thermite from a horde of attack drones? Shit's gettin' fuckin' real out there. What are you doing to end human misery? Oh that's right, encouraging someone else's kids to get burned alive in a human meat grinder because the US military industrial complex is prepared to sacrifice every single Ukrainian generation from here on out to try and create attrition in the Russian Army before pursuing a major war with them.
How courageous of you. Thank you for your service. Veterans Day couldn't have been the same without you, you know, since you're making so many.
What a horrible, awful, terrible person you are. What a fucking shit wife you are. You hate Trump more than you will ever love your husband.
"how we move forward with our marriage." Exactly. You're already looking for excuses to leave him. Your marriage was never in trouble. You decided that the father of your children gave you the ick, and we all know how this works. You're going to cheat on him, you'll make excuses, but you won't tell him it's over for another several years.
You wanted have a Covid camps, no one has ever been denied mother's-life-saving abortions, and your determination to have your family raped or killed by those criminals we should be deporting is noted. You could try and learn why someone would vote for Trump, but you're too stupid and entitled to think you're wrong.
You hate this country, you always have.
They love their country more than you love your husband.
What a horrible woman you are. Men have a responsibility never to let their daughters turn into you.
You know the part you left out is, she says her husband is Latino. And she can't believe a Latino would vote for Trump. Which is of course is silly to point out but here's a white woman telling a Latino how to Latino properly.
I did miss that.
Jesus, what a horrible person.
Soon to be ex husband lucked out. A nice peaceful time without the bitch.
uh, I know these people are impossible to parody any more, but did HuffPo just get Godfrey Elfwick'd? This seems a little too on the nose.
What a Grinch.
A reminder in the HIMYM episode Grinch was a euphamism Ted used when telling his kids about Lily for doing something like this, rather then using the actual word which was cunt.
Imagine live blogging the end of your marriage for the whole world to read in realtime updates. If there are any kids involved here they're getting a front row seat to the behind the scenes of why things failed rather than whatever bullshit story gets fed to them.
She mentioned a son in college, who she commiserated with.
She should try taking the repetitive alcoholic's advice and seeing that she can be not a spiteful bitch, unburdened by being BTFO on the ballot before.
I'm not holding my breath though.
Divorce papers, serve her before she does the same to you, and take all your shit.
Lol, ok
They are so obsessed with identity politics.
Grinchess can spend the holidays by herself. I hope the dad takes his family on a nice vacation.
What a psycho...
"I know he has empathy", says woman incapable of empathy.
Yeah, the whole thing is feel for me. While she doesn't even consider how her behavior is affecting anybody else, especially her husband. This might hit rule 2 but women sure do suck sometimes
This is why when I hear people saying “We don’t let politics affect our marriage of x years” I automatically assume a divorce will happen in the next 5.
True. But not if at-fault marriage made a comeback
...this has to be a Poe
Where was the part where everyone clapped?
Jerry Springer show in written form. Needs pics.
Dude has long since mellowed out on her feminist histrionics and just accepts them as a fact of life.
F in chat for the bro married to a huffpo harpy
Insert [He Chose Poorly] gif.
I hope that man knows what's coming and has a plan already.
How does that work? I thought the president was already supposed to represent everyone.
This has to be a deepfake.
Poor guy.
Jesus 😞