"We can steal your culture because we were oppressed and it was forced on us, and now you want to take it away"
This will be their average retarded response.
These people would be shitting blood with fury if the devs ever depicted an African mythology deity as white or Asian.
As they should. If they came out with a game about the Trimurti and one of them was a white guy with an American accent I'd be insulted, and I'm not Indian. I don't want other cultures corrupted to be more appealing to me. It suggests that I either do or should only care about things that look like me, which is a super shitty way to live.
I mean I'd argue black vikings make way more sense than what is historically accurate. When you think of a small percentage of people raping, looting, and burning down buildings while also being seen as "cool" in culture, your first thought isn't white people.
It's not mythology, you pathological faggot. Fucking useful idiots think white culture being erased is cute.
Especially since you know this faggot would be reeing like a jet engine in afterburn, if it was the other way around. They already freaked out when the actress for the live action Lilo and Stitch remake was the tiniest bit too pale.
The response is usually “well his character is based on his race”. At least I was told that when I tried to explain the annoyance with little mermaid race swap. It didn’t matter when I said the original story described her as very pale. Or the Anne Boyelin show. The showrunner said something about different perspectives or some nonsense like that
They race swapped Heimdallr in Marvel as a deliberate racial attack. He is literally described as the whitest Aesir, so of course they make him a black man. It's everywhere man and it is all done maliciously and with intent.
No arguments from me. Most of the Thor I read in the comics as a kid was from the Avengers so I didn’t get into the Asgard part until I was older. I used to believe that race swaps weren’t a big deal since they were sporadic years ago but I finally opened my eyes after Annie came out. That was followed with so many to the point where I won’t even watch something if it’s race or gender swapped, or if it sounds interesting I just buy the book. Denzel is one of my all time favorite actors and even though I no longer have Netflix I’m not going to even pirate his Hannibal movie
And then I remember hearing people talking about how great Idris Elba did in the role ... and I was like, "did I miss something? He didn't do anything." There was certainly nothing particularly noteworthy in his performance.
But as a psyop, that makes perfect sense. "The whitest guy is actually black, and he was amazing! And if you disagree, you're probably a racist."
tranny wokecels ESG slurper slam genocidal antiwhite propaganda inside your games, you point it out, NPC strawmanning harassing black people because is hard to defend people with abominable worldviews.
Even if it’s not?! I doubt they are being harassed or I’m sure that the “harassment” is someone calling out the absurdity of black Vikings. So are they historically accurate or not. It does break immersion. If I’m playing dynasty warriors and everyone is black or white that would look odd. Black gamers have been known to talk serious trash. This woman ever been around when guys play Madden?
I don't have a problem seeing "Samurai Warrior Yasuke" in Nioh, but why the fuck is he speaking English in an "everyone speaks their natural language" voice track? Especially when William was literally the first Englishman to make contact with the Japanese?
She's not black in a fucking game, she's black in a regular video game. There won't be any fucking in that game, or it'll get rated X.
Y'see, I know what you were saying. But if you're going to get technical and assinine, I can too. What you meant is that it's a cop out so that you can do what you want, despite it not being historically accurate, or what happened at all.
You could have just said it was fiction.
You could have just said you weren't going for historical accuracy.
You could have said you just wanted a black person in your game.
But no, you were combative and had to broadly paint gamers as horrible people.
I wasn't interested in the game before, but now I'm gonna follow your career and never buy a single game your name is attached to.
harassing Black people, predictably mostly black women
Wow, what a sexist fucking piece of shit, right?
Also, I like how it's the whitest...person(?) ever, with blue hair, coming to the defense of the largely imaginary harassed blacks. Truly a hero.
And, no to all three points: Vikings weren't black, mythology doesn't "belong to all humans," and if it's historically accurate that means it's accurate. It's like whining about "weaponized facts." You can weaponize anything, sure, but complaining about weaponized truths is a pretty silly stance.
I used to love period pieces but refuse to watch any recent ones. Also, I’ve never heard anyone try to make the case for black Vikings until this race saw fever started and then they have all these “experts” making the claim
Number 2.
Flawlessly admits that everything the left cries about diversity, is fiction. Perfect way to call out your own bullshit by admitting it's anti white racism and replacement.
Show us. Show us where it is historically accurate. Where is it? Oh? It doesn’t exist. If there were any “black Vikings” it was very very rare and never documented in historical text. Because the black people they're thinking of hardly traveled across continents. Only the wealthy ever did. And even if the wealthy Africans did travel north, then you best believe Vikings would take over their ships and dominate the fuck out of them.
The fact that the Giants were so god damn inconsistent and nonsensical, her being black was the least of my concern. Her grandma is like 6 stories tall and steals the mortal shell of animals like a Scandinavian buffalo bill.
Who do you think it was that sold the slaves to begin with? Yes, that is literally the only real historical achievement that blacks had. Not surprising for a race that never developed agriculture or a written language.
That is an excellent joke. As for you, you're clearly an outlier and a welcome one.
However, an outlier doesn't preclude against a general rule, and vice versa. One can admit the truth of the overall behavior and predispositions of your race, and still accept that it doesn't apply in every case.
Which is my particular position on the matter. On the whole I view blacks as a plague on civilization because well, they are.
Oh you read Last Kingdom ay? Please let me know what you thought of it. I personally consider Cornwell to be the foremost historical fiction author or our time so I'm always glad to get people to pick up his books.
Kaarous: I don't think that blacks are a plague on civilization. They could easily be brought into the fold, as they were in pre-WWII USA. They developed a fantastic culture (blues, jazz, gospel etc) and were generally well-behaved.
The real problem is the jews convincing everybody that blacks can do math and sheeet. Get rid of the jews, and then the blacks will fall in line.
Pre WW2 United States has a very different climate back then. They behaved because there was a gigantic organization that was willing to use violence if they didn't.
That would be my mindset as well. Unfortunately we live in a time where anti -white racism is encouraged and young black people are being taught that the white man is holding them down. I’m not blind to demographics but like you said I’m a believer in individuality
Blacks have accomplished plenty through history, especially given shit geography, ultra-dangerous fauna, and malaria.
American black racial activists are simply psychotic racist vandals. These people don't know African history, and aren't interested in learning it, so they'll just steal other people's shit and score 3 simultaneous points: race grifting, polarization, & demoralization.
Hey they accomplished a lot. Those neighbourhoods didn't burn themselves and those graveyards would be way more empty. Not to mention the economy would be trending up and government social welfare waste would be trending down.
Edit: obviously being sarcastic and talking from a statistical standpoint. Just because the overview is bad doesn't mean the individual is bad.
My neighbors friend was telling me about how inclusive the Vikings were and I didn’t give much of a rebuttal besides where did she get that from. I honestly never heard anyone make the argument of black Vikings until these tv shows pushed the idea. So they had slaves or they were mistaken for Vikings? This is just so idiotic and I’m tired of these very people acting outraged when there is pushback. Heck, I’m only a tiny bit Scandinavian and I’m mad
My favorite story of the Vikings explains just how inclusive they were when they discovered North America.
The Vikings actually recorded first contact with North American tribes in Newfoundland. Apparently, the Viking explorers were out in a party of 3 away from their landing site, and approached some natives near a tree line, who then came out to greet them. The description goes onto explain what the natives looked like. But then suddenly mentioned the color of their blood, and that the natives seemed excitable after the Vikings discovered this fact.
These motherfuckers stabbed a dude to see what color his blood was onfirst contact.
This is one of the reasons why the Vikings were eventually forced from Newfoundland. Despite their military prowess, the natives seemed to immediately decide that irregular warfare against the Vikings was the only correct result, and they would perpetually harass and attempt to murder the Vikings (with arrows from a safe distance). They were unable to conduct any amount of trade with any of the locals, and couldn't regularly return with supplies from Scandinavia.
The Vikings are the pinnacle example of shitty first contact outside of "Star Trek: Enterprise"
I didn’t know that specific story but I knew about them reaching Newfoundland. I need to read more about that. I’m watching The Curse of Oak Island and they get into that a little bit. I also need to buy the book the Northman and Hamlet is based on
In your story with a white northern European woman playing Shaka Zulu maybe have a bit part where some black women Vikings get lost and end up on the eastern shores of Africa.
I'm sure the absolute absurdity would be lost on some people but there is so much room for comedy there.
She actually says “for realsies”. Since I was over someone else’s house I didn’t want to tell her she was full of crap. As I said before I do find it interesting that I never heard anyone making the claim of black Vikings until they started pushing the idea in shows and stuff.
We haven’t seen these “journalists” and studios mock Mohammad yet?
Does “mythology belong to all” or not?
"We can steal your culture because we were oppressed and it was forced on us, and now you want to take it away" This will be their average retarded response.
They've already done that over movies like "Gods of Egypt"
As they should. If they came out with a game about the Trimurti and one of them was a white guy with an American accent I'd be insulted, and I'm not Indian. I don't want other cultures corrupted to be more appealing to me. It suggests that I either do or should only care about things that look like me, which is a super shitty way to live.
Yes. It was sweet baby. And it explains so much about that whacked feminist storyline than just the diversity hires.
I mean I'd argue black vikings make way more sense than what is historically accurate. When you think of a small percentage of people raping, looting, and burning down buildings while also being seen as "cool" in culture, your first thought isn't white people.
Say it with me. Nigger fatigue.
Don't forget AWFL and troon fatigue
kill yourself tranny
It's not mythology, you pathological faggot. Fucking useful idiots think white culture being erased is cute.
Especially since you know this faggot would be reeing like a jet engine in afterburn, if it was the other way around. They already freaked out when the actress for the live action Lilo and Stitch remake was the tiniest bit too pale.
All board for White Wakanda! All aboard!
Now do Black Panther.
The response is usually “well his character is based on his race”. At least I was told that when I tried to explain the annoyance with little mermaid race swap. It didn’t matter when I said the original story described her as very pale. Or the Anne Boyelin show. The showrunner said something about different perspectives or some nonsense like that
They race swapped Heimdallr in Marvel as a deliberate racial attack. He is literally described as the whitest Aesir, so of course they make him a black man. It's everywhere man and it is all done maliciously and with intent.
No arguments from me. Most of the Thor I read in the comics as a kid was from the Avengers so I didn’t get into the Asgard part until I was older. I used to believe that race swaps weren’t a big deal since they were sporadic years ago but I finally opened my eyes after Annie came out. That was followed with so many to the point where I won’t even watch something if it’s race or gender swapped, or if it sounds interesting I just buy the book. Denzel is one of my all time favorite actors and even though I no longer have Netflix I’m not going to even pirate his Hannibal movie
And then I remember hearing people talking about how great Idris Elba did in the role ... and I was like, "did I miss something? He didn't do anything." There was certainly nothing particularly noteworthy in his performance.
But as a psyop, that makes perfect sense. "The whitest guy is actually black, and he was amazing! And if you disagree, you're probably a racist."
tranny wokecels ESG slurper slam genocidal antiwhite propaganda inside your games, you point it out, NPC strawmanning harassing black people because is hard to defend people with abominable worldviews.
very slimy.
Even if it’s not?! I doubt they are being harassed or I’m sure that the “harassment” is someone calling out the absurdity of black Vikings. So are they historically accurate or not. It does break immersion. If I’m playing dynasty warriors and everyone is black or white that would look odd. Black gamers have been known to talk serious trash. This woman ever been around when guys play Madden?
I don't have a problem seeing "Samurai Warrior Yasuke" in Nioh, but why the fuck is he speaking English in an "everyone speaks their natural language" voice track? Especially when William was literally the first Englishman to make contact with the Japanese?
I’ve never played that. The game is about the first Englishman to visit Japan?
A very fictional action-fantasy Souls-like take, but yes, about the historically real William Adams making landfall in Japan.
Because clicks and whistles don't translate well.
In which case, broken Japanese that he learned from his lord and master, Oda Nobunaga.
“Mythology belongs to all humans”
I can’t wait to see the places we could take this
Wakanda is white
Whitekanda forevah!
That went from its true, to maybe it's not true, to fine it's not true fuck you.
Definitely written by someone who has a good grasp on reality.
She's not black in a fucking game, she's black in a regular video game. There won't be any fucking in that game, or it'll get rated X.
Y'see, I know what you were saying. But if you're going to get technical and assinine, I can too. What you meant is that it's a cop out so that you can do what you want, despite it not being historically accurate, or what happened at all.
You could have just said it was fiction. You could have just said you weren't going for historical accuracy. You could have said you just wanted a black person in your game.
But no, you were combative and had to broadly paint gamers as horrible people.
I wasn't interested in the game before, but now I'm gonna follow your career and never buy a single game your name is attached to.
Reap what you sow.
And these people are shocked at the backlash they also ignore that people are beyond tired of this sort of thing
Wow, what a sexist fucking piece of shit, right?
Also, I like how it's the whitest...person(?) ever, with blue hair, coming to the defense of the largely imaginary harassed blacks. Truly a hero.
And, no to all three points: Vikings weren't black, mythology doesn't "belong to all humans," and if it's historically accurate that means it's accurate. It's like whining about "weaponized facts." You can weaponize anything, sure, but complaining about weaponized truths is a pretty silly stance.
There is no such thing as a ''historically acurate black Viking''.
Blacks don't belong in Viking stories.
As with the nature, reality is a counter-revolutionary force.
I used to love period pieces but refuse to watch any recent ones. Also, I’ve never heard anyone try to make the case for black Vikings until this race saw fever started and then they have all these “experts” making the claim
They were too busy making up female vikings until recently.
It’s a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.
This is a blatant attack on European peoples. It should be responded to as such.
Inevitably, the commenter is a blue-haired monstrosity.
They destroy actual culture because they demanded the right to make up their own, and even they realize the one they made up sucks.
Believe me, if I could weaponize an abstraction, you wouldn't be around to complain about it.
Every post like this should just be spammed with White Panther.
Number 2. Flawlessly admits that everything the left cries about diversity, is fiction. Perfect way to call out your own bullshit by admitting it's anti white racism and replacement.
White Zulus
Make a movie about Apartheid SA. Make the Boers black and the Africans white
Show us. Show us where it is historically accurate. Where is it? Oh? It doesn’t exist. If there were any “black Vikings” it was very very rare and never documented in historical text. Because the black people they're thinking of hardly traveled across continents. Only the wealthy ever did. And even if the wealthy Africans did travel north, then you best believe Vikings would take over their ships and dominate the fuck out of them.
Jesus fuckin hell I hate these people.
I gave it the benefit of doubt. Then I learned sweet baby inc worked on it...
The fact that the Giants were so god damn inconsistent and nonsensical, her being black was the least of my concern. Her grandma is like 6 stories tall and steals the mortal shell of animals like a Scandinavian buffalo bill.
Who do you think it was that sold the slaves to begin with? Yes, that is literally the only real historical achievement that blacks had. Not surprising for a race that never developed agriculture or a written language.
They love to brag about having the supposed richest man in history, but they never say what Mansa Musa sold to get rich.
Honestly - they should “white-ize” that story with an all white cast, change the names and locations but otherwise leave it historically accurate.
Once the movie is promoted heavily by progressives (and it will) THEN drop the bomb on who it was based on.
Hey now, I got an A+ on my seventh grade book report. That was something of note for me at the time.
Obviously a joke. I know what you think of blacks and not trying to change your mind. I just thought that was a good joke
That is an excellent joke. As for you, you're clearly an outlier and a welcome one.
However, an outlier doesn't preclude against a general rule, and vice versa. One can admit the truth of the overall behavior and predispositions of your race, and still accept that it doesn't apply in every case.
Which is my particular position on the matter. On the whole I view blacks as a plague on civilization because well, they are.
I appreciate your candor my friend. Believe me, I’ve discussed this very issue along with perceptions many a night.
Also have always appreciated your book recommendations
Oh you read Last Kingdom ay? Please let me know what you thought of it. I personally consider Cornwell to be the foremost historical fiction author or our time so I'm always glad to get people to pick up his books.
It’s on my list. The beauty of this group is that I have a massive list of books and manga to read.
Kaarous: I don't think that blacks are a plague on civilization. They could easily be brought into the fold, as they were in pre-WWII USA. They developed a fantastic culture (blues, jazz, gospel etc) and were generally well-behaved.
The real problem is the jews convincing everybody that blacks can do math and sheeet. Get rid of the jews, and then the blacks will fall in line.
Pre WW2 United States has a very different climate back then. They behaved because there was a gigantic organization that was willing to use violence if they didn't.
I’ve known lots of smart black people and plenty of dumb white pipo.
I believe in individuality and liberty for that reason… but that makes me the bad guy for some reason these days!
That would be my mindset as well. Unfortunately we live in a time where anti -white racism is encouraged and young black people are being taught that the white man is holding them down. I’m not blind to demographics but like you said I’m a believer in individuality
Exceptions don't make the rule. Just because my neighbor is smart I don't let him live in my house.
Oh come now, we all know they industrialised selling their "own" (yes, yes, political rivals, but still) into slavery, that impressive
Blacks have accomplished plenty through history, especially given shit geography, ultra-dangerous fauna, and malaria.
American black racial activists are simply psychotic racist vandals. These people don't know African history, and aren't interested in learning it, so they'll just steal other people's shit and score 3 simultaneous points: race grifting, polarization, & demoralization.
IIRC there are multiple polls showing that pretty much all other blacks worldwide despise American blacks.
"We don't want our slaves back" - Africans.
Hey they accomplished a lot. Those neighbourhoods didn't burn themselves and those graveyards would be way more empty. Not to mention the economy would be trending up and government social welfare waste would be trending down.
Edit: obviously being sarcastic and talking from a statistical standpoint. Just because the overview is bad doesn't mean the individual is bad.
My neighbors friend was telling me about how inclusive the Vikings were and I didn’t give much of a rebuttal besides where did she get that from. I honestly never heard anyone make the argument of black Vikings until these tv shows pushed the idea. So they had slaves or they were mistaken for Vikings? This is just so idiotic and I’m tired of these very people acting outraged when there is pushback. Heck, I’m only a tiny bit Scandinavian and I’m mad
My favorite story of the Vikings explains just how inclusive they were when they discovered North America.
The Vikings actually recorded first contact with North American tribes in Newfoundland. Apparently, the Viking explorers were out in a party of 3 away from their landing site, and approached some natives near a tree line, who then came out to greet them. The description goes onto explain what the natives looked like. But then suddenly mentioned the color of their blood, and that the natives seemed excitable after the Vikings discovered this fact.
These motherfuckers stabbed a dude to see what color his blood was on first contact.
This is one of the reasons why the Vikings were eventually forced from Newfoundland. Despite their military prowess, the natives seemed to immediately decide that irregular warfare against the Vikings was the only correct result, and they would perpetually harass and attempt to murder the Vikings (with arrows from a safe distance). They were unable to conduct any amount of trade with any of the locals, and couldn't regularly return with supplies from Scandinavia.
The Vikings are the pinnacle example of shitty first contact outside of "Star Trek: Enterprise"
I didn’t know that specific story but I knew about them reaching Newfoundland. I need to read more about that. I’m watching The Curse of Oak Island and they get into that a little bit. I also need to buy the book the Northman and Hamlet is based on
In your story with a white northern European woman playing Shaka Zulu maybe have a bit part where some black women Vikings get lost and end up on the eastern shores of Africa.
I'm sure the absolute absurdity would be lost on some people but there is so much room for comedy there.
That’s actually a very good idea.
Oh yeah, the people who seasonally raided neighboring kingdoms were inclusive. Totally you guys, for realsies.
She actually says “for realsies”. Since I was over someone else’s house I didn’t want to tell her she was full of crap. As I said before I do find it interesting that I never heard anyone making the claim of black Vikings until they started pushing the idea in shows and stuff.
Jörmutter is so fat...