IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

NPCs don't think for themselves. They just do what their programming dictates.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hearing about what's going on in the debate is making me sick.

This fucking NPC straight up admitted he's too lazy to actually watch it for himself.

Next time save an archive before making a screenshot. This thing is so full of [REMOVED] that it's incomprehensible. https://archive.is/Wv18m

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's 100% a psy-op to keep NPCs occupied and distract from the real BS that's going on.

And apparently John Oliver did a piece on it

A TV program to program NPCs running it is just further confirmation of what it really is. It's all just more fodder to make the normies feel like they know what's going on.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ain't nobody apologizing for the multiple abominations of nu-Trek, or at least, if they have, I haven't seen it!

The most they'd do is demand the fans apologize for not sucking them off hard enough. The makers of "nu-Trek" have egos that are inversely proportional to their ability to make a watchable television show.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 8 points ago +8 / -0

they see themselves as smarter and kinder.

Only because their handlers have convinced them that blind obedience is a sign of intelligence. Following the approved official sources is how they validate themselves. It's why their brains short circuit when you show them direct sources, like videos of something happening and not just some clown telling them what to think.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 7 points ago +7 / -0

They even bring up the "White supremacist conspiracy" of "replacement migration". I guess the United Nations are just a bunch of conspiracy nuts.


IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

crypto is gay controlled nonsense one pair of pliers away from being a noose around all our necks.

bitcoin is not.

What is bitcoin if not a type of "crypto currency"?

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman and Tipper Gore were the biggest names pushing the "games bad" bullshit back in the 90's.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

All governments around the world need immigration due to the low birth rate.

How about they address the causes of the lower birth rate instead of turning their own countries into third world shitholes? They'll get more people, but fundamentally change entire countries in the process.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's impossible to remain profitable without a good ESG score.

I agree with everything you said, except how you phrased this. Running purely on debt requires the debtor to have infinite funds. Since that's physically impossible, everything will eventually come crashing to a halt.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm putting it that long away as we've seen how long they can exist as 'Zombie studios' before eventually shuttering.

ESG scores bring loans with low interest rates. Why would these companies be so hell bent on riding that ESG cock, if they were still profitable? I'm sure there are other reasons, but the fact they always double down on that faggotry makes me think they're doing quite badly.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've worked manufacturing at a few companies and we had a saying about adding more people. "If a job takes one man three days, it will take nine days with three men."

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just see the words "racist" as a combination of "race" and "realist". There's a reason the countries these people come from are shit and it's not "muh colonialism" or any other faggotry leftoids use to deny reality.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 1 point ago +1 / -0

The left would just fill them with dissidents and let their degenerate supporters stay free.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 5 points ago +7 / -2

not "leftoid censorship of anime and manga". you keep deflecting. i don't give a fuck in what form it is.

sexualization of children is immoral and disgusting. agree or disagree?

You're trying to set up a Kafka trap because I can distinguish between fiction and reality, and this angers you. It also angers you that I understand this bullshit is how leftoids plan to get all anime censored and it has nothing to do with actually helping anyone.

Get lost or keep crying u/they-see-me-trollin because I am done humoring your disingenuous bullshit.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Which is why I always stand against censorship and why I'm so adamant about it. It's the difference between being principled and being a coward who flees because someone might call them names.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can think of a couple series with traps in them, but none where that was the main draw. Although I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few people are looking forward to season 3 of RE Zero because of the cat trap. Yaoi is almost entirely catered towards women, but I suppose a few have managed to get closer to mainstream appeal.

Which is just proof as always that they don't care about having The Thing or Representation. They just want to take from you by ruining whatever you like with it, because as you said its allowing you to escape their grip.

Agree completely. This is also why they're going back to old and already dead series, like Dragon Age and Perfect Dark. It's not enough that they already killed those series with retarded bullshit. The fact is that the people they hate still have fond memories of the originals and they want to take a shit on the memories too.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 12 points ago +13 / -1

Do you really think the censorship will stop with "loli/shota"? Obviously it won't, because the goal is forcing anime to bow down to ESG bullshit. The left are mad that people have found a way to avoid their propaganda and now they're trying to turn anime into the same bullshit. They don't seem to realize that they can't force people to like troons or other DEI bullshit, but their programming makes them think they can force the issue.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 8 points ago +9 / -1

are you paying attention to the groomer shit? leftoids are the ones sexualizing children.

are you really defending sexualizing children?

How the fuck did you go from me being against leftoid censorship of anime and manga, and the ways they go about pushing that censorship, to this retarded bullshit? Did you have a stroke in between comments?

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 22 points ago +24 / -2

Which is why I oppose all of this censorship on GP. This is just an excuse for them to turn anime into the same degenerate propaganda, that most western media is now. They made this painfully obvious when they referred to stuff like "Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!" as CP. Anything with a female character that isn't a troon is heresy to them and it makes leftoids and their masters seethe.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 24 points ago +28 / -4

opposing child porn is not "pro-censorship"... it's anti-pedophilia.

Have you seen what anime leftoids refer to as CP? You've fallen for their bullshit, hook, line and sinker. It's just a bullshit way leftoids use to get their foot in the door to push censorship and retarded faggots like you are helping them. They don't give a fuck about "anime CP" and most of them are likely pedos IRL.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Leftoids are just mad that people have found a way to avoid their subversive propaganda. Anime studios refuse to make female characters look like troons and shove LGBWTFBBQ faggotry into every product, because that garbage doesn't sell. This makes the leftoid faggots and their masters seethe. They really think they can make people accept this degeneracy and that they just need to push harder.

IfThatIsWhatYouThunk 24 points ago +31 / -7

anime child porn.

You seem to have forgotten that you aren't on Reddit here, retard. That "anime CP" shit is just a way leftoids try to get anime censored. Either by "localizers" or at the source, out of fear of censorship. Take your pro-censorship bullshit and GTFO.

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