Ever notice they're the only ones who brought up stormfront, a website that hasn't been relevant for 10 years, or the actual stormtroopers (as imp claims that's what he's referring to) that hasn't been relevant for 80 years
It's amazing that a handshake sounds identical to a few other accounts here. This place has so obviously been targeted by a Zionist shill farm it isn't even funny.
They aren't just here. They are on .win in general. I'm guessing they are afraid of even small amounts of opposition because it could grow. They also could just be studying us, trying to find effective shill techniques that can be ported elsewhere.
I and a couple of friends of mine have a theory that every semi-open forum on the web is monitored and targeted. I've seen copy-paste comments made on different forums within a lot of subjects I keep an on eye on, from guns to agriculture to business. And as far as the resource expenditure goes, if you run a billion-dollar revenue business, spending a million bucks a year on your own personal 50 Cent Army is the same as the average American spending about $75.
We, kia2 win, do get the occasional obvious bot posts often posting to gambling sites. It's trivial for a bot to make accounts and post but that they show up here at all means someone's analytics show this site to be worth the effort. And if someone running gambling bots has that data you can be sure much larger groups do as well.
And like Arch mentioned they are on .win in general so there is likely blanket coverage for these sites. "Stormfag" is even likely to be a treated as a keyword for bots (or humans) to monitor, the same way /pol/ believes "sneed" is now used.
I'm ok with you being a gigantic faggot about this issue because you're at least a regular here. The handshakes are just sloppy agitators whereas you're here to play the long game and occasionally make worthwhile contributions to other discussions along the way.
And I am okay with you being the most reasonable stormfag here. Arch used to have that title, but he's weird sometimes, and I think he may be either a bot or shill account or manned by multiple people. Sometimes I thought he was just a liar or operating in bad faith, but sometimes it's like he doesn't read anything I said, and responds to completely different arguments at the same time.
While we have clearly had our differences, the fact that you are most certainly a genuine person that is merely being used as a Useful Idiot by much more sinister people, is very obvious to me and warrants my respect.
You have a pretty long running track record of posting gargantuan walls of text and when someone does bother to read them there's often a willful refusal to acknowledge easily observable phenomena, so yeah it's not remotely surprising that people would begin to just outright ignore what you post in order to shout at you. You've kind of earned that response.
And I am okay with you being the most reasonable stormfag here.
It helps that I take absolutely no pleasure in arriving at the worldview I now hold.
Calling everyone that doesn't 100% support everything Israel does a stormfag is the equivalent of feminists calling any male they disagree with an incel lol
"I agree with you and your ideas, but shouldn't we devote ourselves to policing internal wrongthink and not focus on the real problems? Also everyone who calls me out is acting like a leftist."
There's one thing that stormfront and the opinions of retards who use insults like "stormfag" have in common. That thing being that they're both completely irrelevant. I immediately know that anyone using that reddit tier insult is a complete tool and they deserve to be mocked for being so pathetic.
This Palestine Israel blowup was a highly crystallizing moment for both the right and the left. Turns out most of the conservative thought leaders are just controlled opposition Zionists, and most of the leftist foot soldiers are just anti-white zealots. There’s no representation, in government or media, for heritage white America. Any attempt to achieve solidarity or representation for this group is immediately branded as nazism.
Did you ever notice how many of them are gay too? There’s a really weird overlap between people who put foreign objects in their body and people who allow foreign propaganda to seep into their brain.
There was, doesn't look like it anymore. There's also still a 5 here. A lot of it was from disagreements over mod policies. RealDrJester started 3 and 4 because he wanted KiA to have a hard pro-Israel/Judaism stance IIRC. 5 looks like it's still up and you can read the pinned post to get that guys arguments
I don't really care one way or another, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia (hell, all of europe), China, Japan, they can all get fucked for all I care. Foreign devils, all of them.
In this thread: No, you're the [insert Other Side™ Term here]-fag!!!
I know that there's a divide here among those that like to focus on Jews and those that like to ignore anything to do with that, but come on. This is peak in-fighting if ever there was.
Psyops can be just forum shifting and disruption. They're not going to provide actual useful information to the forum. IDC if people want to dunk on handshakes, but ideally I think there would be no engagement.
Oh I quite agree. That's one reason why I don't exactly throw around accusations of that kind unless there's some painfully obvious indication of someone's ulterior motive.
Cloak and dagger shit is already headache inducing enough without suspecting every single person you interact with. Doesn't mean I won't speak my mind or poke holes in poorly framed arguments though, psyops or no psyops.
I'd like to think that's an attitude that glowies don't enjoy trying to deal with.
We just need to come to the place where we can casually acknowledge Jewish influence without making it a forbidden fruit. That's the way I approach it. At that point it will be easier to have rational discussions about, simply, the truth.
The problem is the rank deception and bad faith of the J-boosters enrages people and makes rationality difficult.
leftist approach of viewing any outsider as a threat
That's basic human psychology that's biologically hardwired in as an evolutionary adaptation for survival. It's the default state of the human animal, not a political stance.
I didnt say that anyone who disagrees with me is pro israel I said people who use the word "stormfag" are all pro israeI. Its also used by people who want to call others "nazi" but also dont want to come off as sounding like a leftist so they say "stormfag" instead. .
So if you say stuff against jews you are now a national socialist? do you consider all the European countries that expelled jews hundreds of times throughout history to be all national socialists?
No, you're just a National Socialist, and too cowardly to say it openly. George Lincoln Rockwell was at least honest when he called Hitler the leading figure of Social Justice in the 20th century. You agree, you just prefer to be used as controlled opposition against the political right, and you simply re-iterate Leftist talking points and narratives.
You still havent answered my question. Were all the European countries that expelled jews hundreds of times throughout history all national socialists?
you're not answering because you know what the answer is. Europe has long hated jews before national socialism was even invented .. What "stormfaggots" say about jews today is nothing in comparison to what some Medieval era Kings and Queens and Christian popes used to say about jews.
If you think people are nazi just say nazi, this i called you stormfag because you won't call yourself nazi is nonsense. It's not like you care about about nazis feelings right? If you want to point out to other forum members who the nazis are, it'd be more specific to say nazi than referring to a website nobody ever bought up.
No National Socialist wants to call themselves National Socialists. It's a trend I've noticed. They, and the Left, are both more prepared to call the National Socialist a Nazi, because it helps to disguise the problem at play. Internationalist Socialists don't want Socialism to be tied to National Socialism, because it exposes Socialism for what it is. National Socialists don't say that they're National Socialists because they don't want anyone to recognize that they are explicit Leftists, particularly on the dissident right which they seek to destroy.
There is also a moral judgement component to it. I do care about the National Socialist's feelings: and he should feel bad. This is because, as a Socialist, he's a bad person with serious personal faults who is politicizing them into a schizophrenic historical dialectic centered around an international jewish conspiracy against him. He is also so fundamentally power-hungry that his actions are directly contradictory to the claim that he has any intent on helping either his nation, or any other category he claims to advocate for.
I would also call a Communist a "Pinko" for much the same reason.
National SOCIALIST emphasizes the point that they're not just generic movie villain leftie stereotypes and expresses a clearer understanding of the brigading faggots' natures and actual goal - which is forum sliding and subversion of right wing spaces towards auhoritarian leftist ideology.
yes "we" are the ones subverting right wing spaces when we point out which ethnicity invented communism and Frankfurt school and has a disproportionately large representation in the leadership of leftist movements.
The left/right we're talking referred to the European usage with revolutionists, progressives sitting on left and the traditionalist, monarchist sitting on the right. The left/right they're referring to is the neocon definition about government control of economy with anarchist being the extreme right and monarchist on the extreme left. When we talk about 'conservatism' we're thinking about conserving culture and traditions while they're thinking about conserving liberal values. There is fundamental disconnect about the definitions, and we're just talking pass each other
Lenin nor stalin were jews. Mao sure as fuck wasn't a hook nose. The majority of communist leaders over time were not. Obama, the clintons and the gates aren't. Soros is propped up as a public face for the bilderberg faggots exactly to serve as a distraction and deflection, of which you idiotic stormniggers are the other hand. You serve the same purpose as the hate crime hoaxes leftists like to self-perpetrate - a tool to discredit right wing through association with an ideology that is as far from right wing as it gets.
It is an element of the "horseshoe theory" propaganda - that the right wing is actually no different from the left.
Because you faggots sure as fuck ain't actually nationalists. You fags always simp for authoritarian regimes and salivate over the idea of totalitarian government but by "your" guys, just like regular lefty goons. You spit on the founding principles of the united states with enough regularity that you'd fit right in on the root or cnn if you changed "jews" to "whites".
You're either caught by the propaganda trap or you're a glowie pushing it. Racial idpol is cultural marxism, used by the elites to sow division and distraction among the general populace to serve their aims. You are just as much their puppet as the rainbow haired faggots.
Imagine thinking race politics is marxist. Race politics existed long before marxism. But i guess all of Europe before the 1900's were all marxists because they put their own race first before others.
You fags always simp for authoritarian regimes and salivate over the idea of totalitarian government but by "your" guys, just like regular lefty goons.
I do it for different reasons than a leftist does, for it is the only way for a nation to preserve itself and move forward. Assuming you are American, you've had no authoritarian nor totalitarian regimes in your admittedly very short history, and where has it led you to? Can you really look at the current state of things in the USA and call it a success?
You spit on the founding principles of the united states
I'm sure your founding fathers from 300 years ago would definitely be fond of you useless libertarian faggots, this isn't 1776, it's 2023, wake up retard.
And it is a component of the least persuasive, by far, posts you make here.
But keep on trying to shame people, I'm sure it will work this time.
Just to be clear: I put "stormfag" in the same category of slur as "homophobe" or "misogynist" or any other thought-terminating smear. I see them, I quit reading, and I add the writer to my mental list of "ok, well there's no point engaging with this person on this topic."
I have no problem with socialism in all-white countries. It's when you have non-whites that system is destroyed by the lazy. Nothing wrong with being a Nazi. Badge of Honor
Exactly. This is the level of rampant fucking stupidity, and explicit fucking Leftism that proves you are a danger to the people around you. You don't give a shit about whites because you are a Socialist. The same way a Feminist doesn't give a shit about women. The same way a Trade Unionist doesn't give a shit about the working class. The same way a Communist doesn't give a shit about the poor.
In the end you'd slaughter as many whites as you could to protect your own fucking laziness as a agent of the state.
I used the term a lot, and I have no love for the nation of Israel. I see it as an abusive nation that uses its citizens as meat shields. coincidentally, people that tend to be stormfags tend to also have a connection with Israel.
Israel survives off of victim bux, which are only justified because stormfags and Hamas exist.
"""if you say stuff against jews or israeI then you must have a connection to israeI because speaking uncomfortable negative truths about jews or israel must mean that you are secretly a jewish person trying to get victimhood points for israeI"""
Just because people agree with me doesnt mean there is a bot farm. . You know what bot farm actually does exist though? Pro israel bot farms and JIDF bot farms https://archive.is/xYfJL
We know israel funded hamas for decades, for some reason they’ve never been attacked by Saudi funded terrorism (the vast majority, alqueda isis etc) and
coincidentally, people that tend to be stormfags tend to also have a connection with Israel.
I think this is true of the top-tier schitzoids like this case-in-point:
It’s just sad that some people fall for that shit (both the ones who repeat it uncritically and the ones who point to it and screech “NOTZEEEEES!!!!! AMUNGUS!!!!”)
Tricky question without a clear answer. I think the first step to peace does involve admitting guilt where it’s valid, and israel is a very guilty nation.
Ever notice that these retarded, leftist cultural marxist goons screech endlessly about jews but never actually do anything useful or have meaningful contributions to discussion?
And every time it comes to defending their actual ideology they deflect endlessly.
Your faggot brigade glows in the dark. Your forum sliding hoax brigade meant to discredit and disrupt right wing gatherings serves no positive purpose here. I'm pro america first as are the majority of posters on this website. I don't want a single dollar to go to any foreign nation. Stormfag is an accurate term referencing your real aims - spreading leftist ideology using racial idpol - just like the larger sphere of leftists.
You crypto lefty goons serve the interests of the globalist that you claim to hate. You're all fake or fooled by leftist propaganda.
Every time you call someone here a leftist what you actually mean is an unabashed collectivist. They’re not quite the same and your argument ends up sounding more unhinged and shill-ish than it otherwise would
I mean, yeah, this is pretty close to disinformation. Yes, National Socialism is espoused by 'Stormfags'. That's what Stormfront espoused. That's what most White Nationalists are. That's why most of them praise Hitler. That's why most of them embrace National Socialist iconography. That's why they espouse Judeo-Capitalist dialectic, which forms the bedrock of German National Socialism. That's why they post links to "National Justice". That's why they complain about the treatment of George Lincoln Rockwell and Father Coughlin.
This is what this is, this is what this always was. Denying it is a bald-faced lie. You might as well say that CRT has nothing to do with Socialism or Marxism.
But, does Unknownsailor know this? Maybe. Probably. But I'm not sure.
Ever notice they're the only ones who brought up stormfront, a website that hasn't been relevant for 10 years, or the actual stormtroopers (as imp claims that's what he's referring to) that hasn't been relevant for 80 years
It's just an NPC instinctual response. Similar to feminists calling any male they disagree with "incel"
"shlomo", "Jew", "noticing", "zionist","zog", "jidf", "noseticing", "show nose"...
What are those? Similar to feminists calling any male they disagree with "incel".
You stormfaggots always project.
You forgot "handshake".
It's amazing that a handshake sounds identical to a few other accounts here. This place has so obviously been targeted by a Zionist shill farm it isn't even funny.
The question is why though. I can't possibly imagine we're large or influential enough to warrant the resource expenditure.
They aren't just here. They are on .win in general. I'm guessing they are afraid of even small amounts of opposition because it could grow. They also could just be studying us, trying to find effective shill techniques that can be ported elsewhere.
The memes here can change the world!
I and a couple of friends of mine have a theory that every semi-open forum on the web is monitored and targeted. I've seen copy-paste comments made on different forums within a lot of subjects I keep an on eye on, from guns to agriculture to business. And as far as the resource expenditure goes, if you run a billion-dollar revenue business, spending a million bucks a year on your own personal 50 Cent Army is the same as the average American spending about $75.
We, kia2 win, do get the occasional obvious bot posts often posting to gambling sites. It's trivial for a bot to make accounts and post but that they show up here at all means someone's analytics show this site to be worth the effort. And if someone running gambling bots has that data you can be sure much larger groups do as well.
And like Arch mentioned they are on .win in general so there is likely blanket coverage for these sites. "Stormfag" is even likely to be a treated as a keyword for bots (or humans) to monitor, the same way /pol/ believes "sneed" is now used.
It's okay, I'll still be here. I don't have a handshake.
I'm ok with you being a gigantic faggot about this issue because you're at least a regular here. The handshakes are just sloppy agitators whereas you're here to play the long game and occasionally make worthwhile contributions to other discussions along the way.
And I am okay with you being the most reasonable stormfag here. Arch used to have that title, but he's weird sometimes, and I think he may be either a bot or shill account or manned by multiple people. Sometimes I thought he was just a liar or operating in bad faith, but sometimes it's like he doesn't read anything I said, and responds to completely different arguments at the same time.
While we have clearly had our differences, the fact that you are most certainly a genuine person that is merely being used as a Useful Idiot by much more sinister people, is very obvious to me and warrants my respect.
You have a pretty long running track record of posting gargantuan walls of text and when someone does bother to read them there's often a willful refusal to acknowledge easily observable phenomena, so yeah it's not remotely surprising that people would begin to just outright ignore what you post in order to shout at you. You've kind of earned that response.
It helps that I take absolutely no pleasure in arriving at the worldview I now hold.
Did my cock leave your ass sore? You are such a stormfaggot.
Right to the gay imagery. Interesting. I guess it's less gay if you're the one on top in your mind, amirite?
He is a fag, he likes it in there.
Calling everyone that doesn't 100% support everything Israel does a stormfag is the equivalent of feminists calling any male they disagree with an incel lol
Way to strawman.
Hey impossible1, how's your mother?
Did that guy get banned again?
i think he caught a 48 days ban over a month ago, so we'll see that lovely schizo soon enough
It is ridiculous that the ban length keeps doubling.
I think everyone who uses "stormfag" is his alt.
Right on queue.
It's very much a "hello fellow kids" script.
"I agree with you and your ideas, but shouldn't we devote ourselves to policing internal wrongthink and not focus on the real problems? Also everyone who calls me out is acting like a leftist."
That's the kicker, all the censorship. Conservatives constantly self censor and try and fit into the little box even as it gets smaller.
There is something to be said about cleaning up spam/porn/and bad faith material. But disagreeable ideas should be freely discussed.
There's one thing that stormfront and the opinions of retards who use insults like "stormfag" have in common. That thing being that they're both completely irrelevant. I immediately know that anyone using that reddit tier insult is a complete tool and they deserve to be mocked for being so pathetic.
This Palestine Israel blowup was a highly crystallizing moment for both the right and the left. Turns out most of the conservative thought leaders are just controlled opposition Zionists, and most of the leftist foot soldiers are just anti-white zealots. There’s no representation, in government or media, for heritage white America. Any attempt to achieve solidarity or representation for this group is immediately branded as nazism.
This right here.
Did you ever notice how many of them are gay too? There’s a really weird overlap between people who put foreign objects in their body and people who allow foreign propaganda to seep into their brain.
And they're almost all invariably cuck beards who have a fake wife who fucks everything but them
I'm sure there won't be any fake abusive reports in this topic.
They are all number 1 spergs that cannot help themselves. They don't just sperg here, they also do it elsewhere, too.
Anyone remember that one guy who was sitting in KIA3 and 4 who was Israeli and his favorite go to was to call anyone disagrees with him a stormfag?
That was the guy, RealDrJester
There is a 3? ... and a 4? What? Why?
There was, doesn't look like it anymore. There's also still a 5 here. A lot of it was from disagreements over mod policies. RealDrJester started 3 and 4 because he wanted KiA to have a hard pro-Israel/Judaism stance IIRC. 5 looks like it's still up and you can read the pinned post to get that guys arguments
Noticing, noticing and noticing some more.
Surprised this post even stayed up here.
I don't really care one way or another, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia (hell, all of europe), China, Japan, they can all get fucked for all I care. Foreign devils, all of them.
In the interest of inclusion and equity, we should drop the "storm" from all such statements.
In this thread: No, you're the [insert Other Side™ Term here]-fag!!!
I know that there's a divide here among those that like to focus on Jews and those that like to ignore anything to do with that, but come on. This is peak in-fighting if ever there was.
reminder to not engage with shills, pilpul is all they know and goal is to prevent proper conversations
mock them and drop some basic info about jewish atrocities throughout history, then move on with your day
anyways, have some Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion
Yes, but Palestinians are animals too.
I don’t like either side.
I'm pro Israel, cause sandnigger islamists are worse than jews on any level that I can think of.
I mean Ukraine-Russia at least has decent people (and assholes) in the population on both sides.
Sand people didn't just get 16 billion dollars to drop more bombs.
To be fair, Israel does put a lot of money and effort into their global psyops. So there is at least some justification for jumping to suspicion.
But at the same time it's sometimes easy to develop something of a tunnel-visioned obsession.
It's all part of the glorious fun that makes up clown world psychology 101.
Psyops can be just forum shifting and disruption. They're not going to provide actual useful information to the forum. IDC if people want to dunk on handshakes, but ideally I think there would be no engagement.
Oh I quite agree. That's one reason why I don't exactly throw around accusations of that kind unless there's some painfully obvious indication of someone's ulterior motive.
Cloak and dagger shit is already headache inducing enough without suspecting every single person you interact with. Doesn't mean I won't speak my mind or poke holes in poorly framed arguments though, psyops or no psyops.
I'd like to think that's an attitude that glowies don't enjoy trying to deal with.
What would entail something being painfully obvious? Just curious. For me it's the BBC posting in gif, lol.
We just need to come to the place where we can casually acknowledge Jewish influence without making it a forbidden fruit. That's the way I approach it. At that point it will be easier to have rational discussions about, simply, the truth.
The problem is the rank deception and bad faith of the J-boosters enrages people and makes rationality difficult.
That's basic human psychology that's biologically hardwired in as an evolutionary adaptation for survival. It's the default state of the human animal, not a political stance.
Prior to October 7th, there was far more bitching about women here than anything about Jews or Israel.
I didnt say that anyone who disagrees with me is pro israel I said people who use the word "stormfag" are all pro israeI. Its also used by people who want to call others "nazi" but also dont want to come off as sounding like a leftist so they say "stormfag" instead. .
Says someone ready to cede his country to shitskins, move to south America and farm out his project to pajeets.
I don't think you're left wing, or right wing, you don't have the fortitude for either side. The idea of you making fun of people who care is cringe.
I wasn't referring to mainstream sides.
I don't think you're a glowy. You're kinda retarded sometimes but not a glowy.
Not only that, but everyone who disagrees with them might also be sockpuppets and/or jews, lack of proof be damned.
They're absolutely npcs.
I don't care about Israel, but would you prefer fag instead?
It's my way of being particularly specific about you and your ilk. You're National Socialists faggots, and this is an easy term to explain it.
So if you say stuff against jews you are now a national socialist? do you consider all the European countries that expelled jews hundreds of times throughout history to be all national socialists?
No, you're just a National Socialist, and too cowardly to say it openly. George Lincoln Rockwell was at least honest when he called Hitler the leading figure of Social Justice in the 20th century. You agree, you just prefer to be used as controlled opposition against the political right, and you simply re-iterate Leftist talking points and narratives.
You still havent answered my question. Were all the European countries that expelled jews hundreds of times throughout history all national socialists?
Your faggot question doesn't deserve an answer, since we both know what National Socialism is.
you're not answering because you know what the answer is. Europe has long hated jews before national socialism was even invented .. What "stormfaggots" say about jews today is nothing in comparison to what some Medieval era Kings and Queens and Christian popes used to say about jews.
Who cares?
I'm not answering because it's a non-sequitur and you're pretending you don't know what National Socialism is.
Its weird that there was so many national socialist popes before national socialism was even invented https://files.catbox.moe/dyog44.jpg
If you think people are nazi just say nazi, this i called you stormfag because you won't call yourself nazi is nonsense. It's not like you care about about nazis feelings right? If you want to point out to other forum members who the nazis are, it'd be more specific to say nazi than referring to a website nobody ever bought up.
No National Socialist wants to call themselves National Socialists. It's a trend I've noticed. They, and the Left, are both more prepared to call the National Socialist a Nazi, because it helps to disguise the problem at play. Internationalist Socialists don't want Socialism to be tied to National Socialism, because it exposes Socialism for what it is. National Socialists don't say that they're National Socialists because they don't want anyone to recognize that they are explicit Leftists, particularly on the dissident right which they seek to destroy.
There is also a moral judgement component to it. I do care about the National Socialist's feelings: and he should feel bad. This is because, as a Socialist, he's a bad person with serious personal faults who is politicizing them into a schizophrenic historical dialectic centered around an international jewish conspiracy against him. He is also so fundamentally power-hungry that his actions are directly contradictory to the claim that he has any intent on helping either his nation, or any other category he claims to advocate for.
I would also call a Communist a "Pinko" for much the same reason.
National SOCIALIST emphasizes the point that they're not just generic movie villain leftie stereotypes and expresses a clearer understanding of the brigading faggots' natures and actual goal - which is forum sliding and subversion of right wing spaces towards auhoritarian leftist ideology.
yes "we" are the ones subverting right wing spaces when we point out which ethnicity invented communism and Frankfurt school and has a disproportionately large representation in the leadership of leftist movements.
The left/right we're talking referred to the European usage with revolutionists, progressives sitting on left and the traditionalist, monarchist sitting on the right. The left/right they're referring to is the neocon definition about government control of economy with anarchist being the extreme right and monarchist on the extreme left. When we talk about 'conservatism' we're thinking about conserving culture and traditions while they're thinking about conserving liberal values. There is fundamental disconnect about the definitions, and we're just talking pass each other
Lenin nor stalin were jews. Mao sure as fuck wasn't a hook nose. The majority of communist leaders over time were not. Obama, the clintons and the gates aren't. Soros is propped up as a public face for the bilderberg faggots exactly to serve as a distraction and deflection, of which you idiotic stormniggers are the other hand. You serve the same purpose as the hate crime hoaxes leftists like to self-perpetrate - a tool to discredit right wing through association with an ideology that is as far from right wing as it gets.
It is an element of the "horseshoe theory" propaganda - that the right wing is actually no different from the left.
Lenin was part jew and also i'll let Putin tell you who was behind the first Soviet Union https://archive.is/y7VYH
Mao was funded by them https://files.catbox.moe/q8d1t1.jpg
and many of Stalin's closest advisors were jewish
Hillary Clinton's daughter is married to one
Bill Gates's mother is a banker with a common jewish surname
OK fine whatever , just use your preferred full term.
"I hate niggers, faggots and kikes"
"oh yeah? You a national SOCIALIST, emphasizing the SOCIALIST!"
Because you faggots sure as fuck ain't actually nationalists. You fags always simp for authoritarian regimes and salivate over the idea of totalitarian government but by "your" guys, just like regular lefty goons. You spit on the founding principles of the united states with enough regularity that you'd fit right in on the root or cnn if you changed "jews" to "whites".
You're either caught by the propaganda trap or you're a glowie pushing it. Racial idpol is cultural marxism, used by the elites to sow division and distraction among the general populace to serve their aims. You are just as much their puppet as the rainbow haired faggots.
Imagine thinking race politics is marxist. Race politics existed long before marxism. But i guess all of Europe before the 1900's were all marxists because they put their own race first before others.
I do it for different reasons than a leftist does, for it is the only way for a nation to preserve itself and move forward. Assuming you are American, you've had no authoritarian nor totalitarian regimes in your admittedly very short history, and where has it led you to? Can you really look at the current state of things in the USA and call it a success?
I'm sure your founding fathers from 300 years ago would definitely be fond of you useless libertarian faggots, this isn't 1776, it's 2023, wake up retard.
This!! All of this!!!!
All of what you said!
And it is a component of the least persuasive, by far, posts you make here.
But keep on trying to shame people, I'm sure it will work this time.
Just to be clear: I put "stormfag" in the same category of slur as "homophobe" or "misogynist" or any other thought-terminating smear. I see them, I quit reading, and I add the writer to my mental list of "ok, well there's no point engaging with this person on this topic."
Thought terminator is absolutely the appropriate term to describe these clichés.
It's not thought-terminating to me. Same way "Leftist" isn't either.
That's because of the Leftism, not the word. You can't really engage honestly with any Socialist on any topic. That's the problem.
You just described why you feel it's OK to stop engaging in a discussion after deploying that label. Wow
Not in deploying the label, in recognizing who and what you are.
Tomato, tomahto
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Comment Approved: You're allowed to call each other fags.
I have no problem with socialism in all-white countries. It's when you have non-whites that system is destroyed by the lazy. Nothing wrong with being a Nazi. Badge of Honor
Exactly. This is the level of rampant fucking stupidity, and explicit fucking Leftism that proves you are a danger to the people around you. You don't give a shit about whites because you are a Socialist. The same way a Feminist doesn't give a shit about women. The same way a Trade Unionist doesn't give a shit about the working class. The same way a Communist doesn't give a shit about the poor.
In the end you'd slaughter as many whites as you could to protect your own fucking laziness as a agent of the state.
I used the term a lot, and I have no love for the nation of Israel. I see it as an abusive nation that uses its citizens as meat shields. coincidentally, people that tend to be stormfags tend to also have a connection with Israel.
Israel survives off of victim bux, which are only justified because stormfags and Hamas exist.
"""if you say stuff against jews or israeI then you must have a connection to israeI because speaking uncomfortable negative truths about jews or israel must mean that you are secretly a jewish person trying to get victimhood points for israeI"""
The absolute pilpul
this unironically.
also wow! an immediate response and three up votes within minutes, your farm works fast!
Just because people agree with me doesnt mean there is a bot farm. . You know what bot farm actually does exist though? Pro israel bot farms and JIDF bot farms https://archive.is/xYfJL
oh I know they exist, I experience them on a daily basis
if our side had "farms" we'd be the one printing money, numbnuts
It's a close call as to whether stormfags are more obsessed with jews or with social media upvotes and downvotes.
I just mentioned something similar yesterday:
We know israel funded hamas for decades, for some reason they’ve never been attacked by Saudi funded terrorism (the vast majority, alqueda isis etc) and
I think this is true of the top-tier schitzoids like this case-in-point:
It’s just sad that some people fall for that shit (both the ones who repeat it uncritically and the ones who point to it and screech “NOTZEEEEES!!!!! AMUNGUS!!!!”)
Tricky question without a clear answer. I think the first step to peace does involve admitting guilt where it’s valid, and israel is a very guilty nation.
Textbook inversion.
They do the same with fed jacketing.
"You oppose federal government policies? Only a fed would do that!"
Ever notice that these retarded, leftist cultural marxist goons screech endlessly about jews but never actually do anything useful or have meaningful contributions to discussion?
And every time it comes to defending their actual ideology they deflect endlessly.
Your faggot brigade glows in the dark. Your forum sliding hoax brigade meant to discredit and disrupt right wing gatherings serves no positive purpose here. I'm pro america first as are the majority of posters on this website. I don't want a single dollar to go to any foreign nation. Stormfag is an accurate term referencing your real aims - spreading leftist ideology using racial idpol - just like the larger sphere of leftists.
You crypto lefty goons serve the interests of the globalist that you claim to hate. You're all fake or fooled by leftist propaganda.
Every time you call someone here a leftist what you actually mean is an unabashed collectivist. They’re not quite the same and your argument ends up sounding more unhinged and shill-ish than it otherwise would
leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist leftist leftist stormfag leftist leftist marxist
You're too obvious.
Yev yo!
Learned a new word today. Opprobrium.
Right? I thought it was a misspelling.
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
I mean, yeah, this is pretty close to disinformation. Yes, National Socialism is espoused by 'Stormfags'. That's what Stormfront espoused. That's what most White Nationalists are. That's why most of them praise Hitler. That's why most of them embrace National Socialist iconography. That's why they espouse Judeo-Capitalist dialectic, which forms the bedrock of German National Socialism. That's why they post links to "National Justice". That's why they complain about the treatment of George Lincoln Rockwell and Father Coughlin.
This is what this is, this is what this always was. Denying it is a bald-faced lie. You might as well say that CRT has nothing to do with Socialism or Marxism.
But, does Unknownsailor know this? Maybe. Probably. But I'm not sure.
You can hate jews without being a NatSoc. The issue is that you're not.