Kweebecker 4 points ago +4 / -0

While the armorer who is the basis for Baldwin's case is still in prison. Appealing, quite logically, since the courts ruled there wasn't any wrongdoing, guns just go off randomly in Lefty hands, there's no helping it.

Kweebecker 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's saddening, really. Everyone liked stoic Hayate and her elite ex-villain strike force. No one really liked whiny baby Vivio. Then they get disheartened and defunded because ViVid sold poorly when the two series run concurrently to one-another.

Kweebecker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of the sci-fi I read is "hard" sci-fi, which doesn't really adapt well into movie/show form even without the wokeness element.

But there's a great Gundam-like manga that hasn't been adapted into an anime, yet, so that could count: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Force.

Kweebecker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, her family as recently as grandparent-level were proud slave-owners, it makes sense she'd want to keep on the family tradition. But is modern-day slavery of male prisoners a part of the duties of her office, or is she still culpable for doing it?

Kweebecker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Front Hole Not-Havers who have sex with Front Hole Not-Havers

Kweebecker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been banned from donating blood before, because I ate beef in Britain during one of the mad cow scares.

Neato, I'm not in a country where they pay you to donate blood, it is 100% just a voluntary "nice thing to do" thing. They don't want it? That just saves more blood for myself. No pain, no tiredness, no lightheadedness, no other side-effects, no risks of embolisms or other risks whenever a needle goes in you. Just plusses to not donating blood, really, if the rest of the population is still doing it.

I don't have encephalitis (mad cow disease), I've been checked, but they want to stay safe just in case, and that's just fine with me. Less risk to me, less risk to the future receivers. I don't see why this other group is whining over it, it's just net profit.

Kweebecker 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd kill for scratchy handwriting. My workplace uses the cheapest fuckin' tablets in existence, no using your own, and some of the staff insist on using pens (touch something someone else had touched? Icky!), not iPad pens but actual pens, for their data input into them, so their touchscreens are scratched to hell and back...

So the acronyms will say something like "BKSCK" and I'll stand there wondering, until I parse together it isn't an acronym at all, but the word "black" with two fat-finger typos from mis-entries they didn't fix and in allcaps randomly mid-phrase because they edited a different word out from a properly formatted sentence while in allcaps mode for some byzantine reason.

Kweebecker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Alex Jones as VP

Then I think the... Speaker of the House would also need to be assassination insurance? And insurances all the way down the chain of command.

Kweebecker 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd be fine with the alarmism, if they also panicked every winter and said "there's snow outside! Global cooling! We're all going to freeze to death!" every time water froze.

Kweebecker 11 points ago +11 / -0

Logically, yes. But logic has no place in that world of hatred and bigotry. When you normalize for hours worked and exact job classification, women are paid more hourly than men by a fairly notable amount. They also boast three times the favorable bias in courts compared to even the strongest racial bias gap. And there's several major, successful, and government-integrated movements that boil down to "believe, follow, and obey all women". Logically, this means they are disproportionately favored in money, power, and influence. But bring this up in a major way that threatens such an embedded institution and they will use said money, power, and influence to make your life a living hell, if you can live at all.

Kweebecker 19 points ago +19 / -0

broadcast their flag onto the White House and hires as many of them into his cabinet as he can get away with

Yes, to them that is just scraping neutral. That is how privileged a class they are. Royalty in antiquity didn't have the privilege they do.

Kweebecker 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now, this is an educational moment: You're a leftist shill, I get it, it's good pay (please don't tell me you're doing this for free, there ARE places that will pay you to be retarded online to right-friendly areas as they can't argue merit so they need to argue feels, so if you ARE doing this for free for some byzantine reason, at least go get paid for it), but you see, if you're trying to pretend to be someone abhorrant so you tarnish the reputation or community of an area... Just say "fag", you shouldn't be self-censoring when you're trying to troll.

Faaaag. Fag. Faggot. Faggarooni. Come on little shillington, say it with me! "Fag"! If your corpo/govvy higher-ups get mad at you for typing it, say you're "deep cover" and need a raise! Fag! Three letters!

Honestly, the lack of professional standards offends me more than your "shock content" you're trying to pollute the board with.

Kweebecker 5 points ago +5 / -0

It was, as another person who liked the show. It very much was.

I liked the characterization displayed between them on it though, with afterwards him trying to awkwardly empathize with her noting that people say mean things because of how he looks too, and she's just 100% not getting the idea of humans hating humans, intra-race discrimination just isn't in her understanding, so he throws her an out with "because I'm half-robot."

It was very 90's "Very Special Episode" energy, but the characters didn't grandstand on it, and the fact the guest protagonist of the episode was a racist actually didn't impact the overall arc of the character. He was a racist. He still solved the problem, still was useful, still helpful, Robin politely asks him to leave Earth after the problem was solved if he's going to be a racist little shit, and he does, noting Starfire is "one of the good ones" from working alongside her but to watch out for any others of her kind, as parting words of wisdom.

The episode basically ends with a "whelp, we saved Earth again, thanks to that guy... Man that guy was a racist bastard though, wasn't he? Oh well. Who wants dinner?"

Kweebecker 1 point ago +1 / -0

So in summary, games that are complete failures and lacking in any useful elements are more likely to seek out SBI-style consultation than games that are good or promise to be good, therefore we should not focus on SBI: It is merely the fever, the swollen lymph nodes, one of the signs the company is sickly and the game's a failure, not the root cause, so we should ignore it?

Kweebecker 17 points ago +18 / -1

Taking that advice can be dangerous. Many countries, England included, will prosecute people for braking too hard near a road-painted rainbow.

Kweebecker 4 points ago +5 / -1

Given the fact Dom hasn't IP-banned him yet, I must assume he's one of Dom's alts.

Kweebecker 33 points ago +33 / -0

The prequels are (arguably) bad Star Wars movies.

But no one debates or argues whether or not they are, indeed, Star Wars movies.

Unlike the sequels.

Kweebecker 4 points ago +5 / -1

French Colonial Lower Canada has laws about maximums before marriage, rather than minimums. You'd need to pay a surtax if you were not married by that point. They were desperate for the population growth. I believe it was 16 for women, 18 for men, though, so certainly not this literal infant nonsense, though you could reasonably expect the marriage to occur earlier than the latest tax deadline, I suppose.

If you're looking for younger examples, in Romeo And Juliet, Juliet "Had not yet seen fourteen summers", as per her father in the play, but was being put to an arranged marriage situation. Another character chastizes him for letting her get that old, implying the marriage age should have been younger, and a lack of pushback in the narrative to that idea implies it would have been at least somewhat acceptable to audiences at the time.

All this stated, in colonial Canada, they thought the best way to cure an infection was leeches and cocaine, and if that failed, amputation. And Shakespearian medical science started and stopped with "have you tried more powdered lead infused heroin?", so while there are indeed historical examples of a society's norms being quite different than ours on a sexual health basis, those norms are ALSO rather barbaric in the rest of their health sciences, and you should look back on those societal views with bemused castigation, not idolatry.

Kweebecker 5 points ago +5 / -0

People are looking at the priceless painting. Just because it is kept behind a gate in a museum, doesn't mean no one sees it.

Kweebecker 18 points ago +18 / -0

"Allah" is a weird title for the British Police Force, who will certainly play interference and help this poor innocent man against the evil children, just like they did in Rotherham when they arrested the children for prostitution charges while letting the rapists go free.

Kweebecker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup. Leftism is the only ideology where a white woman witnesses a black man torture her husband to death, then rape her repeatedly while breaking many of her bones, and her overall review of the event is "I'm so glad he could express his suppressed rage at being systemically oppressed upon me, a privileged class."

Jonestown would be envious at the suicidal fanaticism of the True Believers. Even they had to have some of the cultists drink the poison at gunpoint, but when you believe in Leftism, all bad things are good! Islam can't compete. They don't have the numbers. They could kill hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and all the rest of the Lefties would keep propagandizing, indoctrinating children, grooming children, replenishing their sacrificial numbers, all while praising the deaths as some glorious divine ongoing event.

Kweebecker 4 points ago +4 / -0

There'd be less interactions: The cops would never leave the station, not even for calls, for fear of seeing someone in need of help.

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