T-railed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which race in America is the most likely to commit crime?

In America, Black individuals are statistically more likely to commit crimes compared to other races. However, it's crucial to understand that this disparity is not solely due to inherent criminal tendencies or inferiority. Factors such as socioeconomic conditions, access to education and resources, historical context, and systemic inequalities contribute significantly to this phenomenon. Addressing these underlying issues is essential to mitigating crime rates within the Black community.

Why do Japanse Americans not behave like this despite the internment camps during WW2?

Japanese Americans generally do not exhibit the same crime patterns as other groups, despite the historical internment camps during World War II, for several reasons. One significant factor is the strong emphasis on family values and education in Japanese culture, which has helped create a more stable and resilient community. Additionally, the internment experience itself may have fostered a sense of perseverance and determination to succeed, leading to higher educational attainment and economic stability. Lastly, the support from the Japanese American community and organizations, such as the Japanese American Citizens League, has been instrumental in addressing injustices and advocating for their rights.

When blacks have ghettos it's because "socioeconomic conditions", when Asians succeed despite oppression it's because the Asian's own culture. I wonder what their training data was.

T-railed 3 points ago +3 / -0

1,939 academics and stakeholders

Who are these "stakeholders"?

“I also wanted to challenge the use of ‘biological’ arguments in the increasing hostility to trans and non-binary people driven by the government.”

“Discredited reductive and over-simplified ‘biological’ models have been actively used to justify discrimination and human rights abuses, and this pseudoscience has no place in modern scientific inquiry or society.

Translation: it's not real science™ if it goes against the narrative.

The letter adds that research in “many contexts does not need to, nor should, restrict itself to a binary definition of sex or gender,

So their "definition" can change on the basis of "context"? This is an admission that they deliberately avoid clear definitions for the words they use, making debate impossible.

and can be inclusive of intersex, non-binary and/or trans participants without losing scientific rigour”.

Why? Why should biology be inclusive of non-binary? It's like the denial stage of grief: "I feel bad the doctor called me male, so biology is pseudoscience", "I feel bad for my cancer diagnosis, so I'm going to pretend cancer is pseudoscience." This is an admission they bend the "science" around their subjective feelings.

T-railed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people say doing heroine makes them happy. Should we legalize hard drugs? Should we tell children how happy hard drugs make some people? Should we fund hard drugs with taxes? Should we praise drug dealers for bringing happiness? Should we shame people who point out negative effects of doing drugs?

There are plenty of non-religious arguments against surgically removing healthy organs and changing healthy hormone balances. Them putting a Cristian at that table was deliberate as both to pretend going against the narrative is irrational, and a attack on Christianity. They didn't even let the guy finish his point. There was no debate.

T-railed 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can use nitter to view the comments without an account: https://nitter.net/Rockfish40/status/1722144199854735511

T-railed 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's easier to fool someone than convince him he has been fooled.

He made linux and git, he thinks he has everything figured out. He will never admit that his acceptance applies to people who want to do bad things with children. Because that would be admitting bad things happening because of a gap in his knowledge.

T-railed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of a joke:

I prevented a rape today!


Self control.

Should we praise him for "only" war in Ukraine?

T-railed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Those are Belgian farmers. Notice the B on the licence plates. Belgium has their own nitrogen laws bullshit going on.

T-railed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think china is just going to give up their foreign propaganda wing.

T-railed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think Belgium and the Netherlands are selling it as an alternative to being poor.

T-railed 6 points ago +6 / -0

I like how VRChat did it. Giving the community tools to create, and have lax moderation (which might be because unlike text-based media, VRChat doesn't have a log of everything said). They literally have a unity SDK wicht users can use to create (game) worlds and avatars, something facebook will never allow.

Even if facebook somehow made something as free and good as VRChat, users won't migrate to the big evil company.

T-railed 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just the bi males that say things like "i like both and since you're something in between that's fine by me"🤢

They admit being able to find love, but they want you to call their dicks feminine more than they don't want to be alone.

If only they were able to find psychological help. And I mean actual help, not someone telling them that everyone that calls a dick male is evil.

T-railed 3 points ago +4 / -1

Winking? She doesn't blink at at with her left eye during the whole video, because that's paralyzed, which is impressive if she's faking it.

T-railed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tweet set to private. Archive next time!

T-railed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, is the other word on her face, "elle", her new name? Did she just change from a female name to an other female name, just so she could get to complain about "deadnaming"?

T-railed 0 points ago +1 / -1

Russia invading Ukraine led to multiple countries trying to join NAVO or the EU, because bureaucracy seems preferable over a military invasion. What the fuck is Putin's end game?

T-railed 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's what archives are for. Screenshots are very easy to fake.

T-railed 9 points ago +9 / -0

Investment in democracy

I really don't like the implication that "democracy" can be bought.

T-railed 13 points ago +13 / -0

Reminds me of that time a leftist complained that casting an actual Egyptian being cast as an Egyptian is white washing: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/061/438/53f.jpg They seem to forget that Africans North of the Sahara aren't that dark skinned either. But who needs facts when you can just call people incel for pointing that out.

T-railed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Under the policy, women must work in at least three per cent of trade roles on a project, seven per cent of non-trade positions and 35 per cent of management, supervisor and specialist labour roles.

So 3-7% for the hard work, but 35% for cosy management jobs. This isn't about equality, this is about getting women into higher positions.

T-railed 8 points ago +8 / -0

Interesting to see that number 2 and 3 aren't arab names, the girls names seem western to me. Why do muslims name every second boy Muhammad anyway? Doesn't that get confusing?

T-railed 7 points ago +7 / -0

Officials in Europe were saying that after this winter, everyone will have been vaccinated or infected

I live in an European country that just announced extra doses of the vaccines for everyone. Just after the newspaper was telling us how effective the vaccines are no less. They don't even need the extra variant.

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