Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

What kind of a news reporter are you, correcting your inaccuracies and trying to make up for your mistake! Time take you back for reprogramming!

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

One sniff and they're like "Okay, whatever this is, it's boring and I don't get it."

Ender910 10 points ago +10 / -0

I've been wondering the same thing somewhat. Thinking back, being actively involved in a close-knit hobby or gaming community used to qualify.

Sadly not always devoid of the occasional political/regressive bullshit (obviously), but at least it can be something that isn't exactly centered around political topics.

Ender910 1 point ago +2 / -1

Some of the concept has some appeal, in some of the same ways that the original Planet of the Apes films did. Also some Teen Wolf vibes.

But eh, this film's approach looks a bit lame for some reason. Soulless, a bit too cookie-cutter, trying too hard, something along those lines.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another thing too is that given how fake and gay the products at some online retailers like Amazon can be, it's a safer bet to go through a reputable retail store for certain kinds of items.

And like you said, a lot of these retail stores have already been adopting various order/delivery methods, which covers some of the extra convenience customers might want.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quite a lot I imagine, given just how much more business retail gets at Xmas. Like it is legitimately insane how much product you'll sell on a single day in December, compared to even the busiest day in any other month.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eh, I'll admit that many zoomers have something of an ADHD-likeness to how they approach a lot of things, and their sense of humor (and taste) sometimes eludes me. But I think some are managing quite well in spite of the hyperactive age of media and technology that they've had to grow up in.

Ender910 14 points ago +14 / -0

It really is revealing just how clueless Hollywood is about their expected zoomer audience, since I'm certain that's who they keep assuming is their "new" audience.

From what I've been able to tell, zoomers are generally not eating up most of their slop, since they're quite aware that there's already 30-40 years worth of perfectly good media they can enjoy, that's of better quality and still reasonably fresh and new to them.

Curiously, the only ones who seem to be regularly eating up their slop are a certain subset of braindead millennials who desperately cling to "the newest thing" like a bunch of drug addicts waiting for their next fix.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bosmer are probably one of the only types of Mer that aren't preoccupied with fucking with other races, generally.

They do sometimes have a tendency of going along with the "high elf" program though, to some varying degree.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

And some toxic chemicals build up in the system over time, while the body's unable to clean it out fast enough.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suppose a decent example of what you mean is a basic level of bureaucratic requirements and paperwork, maybe some regular inspections as need-be, responses to consumer concerns and whistleblowers, and then of course punitive courses of action for those that are discovered for not only failing to comply with regulations but also managing to cause active harm.

The FDA, at least as it pertains to the food industry, is a reasonably decent example to what's sort of ideal, like Heretic indicated. Although the FDA has been massively dropping the ball on things like baby food and baby formula in recent years, by not actively pursuing reports and instead responding to concern with pure skepticism...

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never met them through the game, so much as they were chicks I'd known from elsewhere (one from an mmo, one a friend of a friend, etc) who ended up wanting to join in.

Otherwise, I suppose it wouldn't be totally outlandish to come across random women in the right kind of survival game servers. Minecraft seems to have been a popular introductory survival game for a fair number of women over the years.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, that friend's not quite THAT bad, but he definitely leans towards a very commie-sided mentality when it comes to economics.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

What makes it even more bizarre is that such a headline would've had an entirely different kind of meaning 20-30 years ago. A meaning that while probably still a little retarded, wouldn't have been anywhere near as retarded as what it means in today's clown world.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are a fair number of scammy UV products out there, admittedly. In order for the UV light to properly do its job, it has to have a certain level of intensity/wavelength, and I forget which category of UV (A-B-C) it is that works best.

But for safety purposes, you REALLY don't want to let any of that emitting or reflecting onto your skin or eyes. Can also take a few minutes of constant contact or something do the job too.

The problem is, leftists will never do any research, or go into the details and explain the pros and cons essentially. They just label it as disinformation and try to get it censored and removed to "protect the peasants" from "hurting" themselves.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's really telling when just talking to an old lefty friend from California. He can even act like a normal human being for a while.

But then when something like Chevron moving its company to Texas comes up, he starts foaming at the mouth about how the CEO "dares" to make something like, 10-20 million dollars a year? And my friend claims how he's just moving the company so he can accumulate more money for himself. All while totally ignoring how California laws and taxes can impact the company as a whole.

Plus, in some respects, that's probably chump change compared to how much money a lot of CEO's and politicians rake in.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally forgot about that being part of the problem. Haven't exactly been needing to recall that kind of information for a couple years now.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ironically, you see this occasionally happen in multiplayer survival games. I've seen on at least a few occasions where women end up taking up a role where they'd rather sit around the base and manage or organize things while the men go out and do all of the resource gathering, looting, and fighting.

It's actually kind of amusing now that I think of it.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

And, ideally, they also bring stability and sanity to the home. Which makes it a lot easier for everyone to function and manage through the chaos of life.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've long acknowledged I would be dead weight in such a scenario.

I dunno why some people can't handle such honest perspectives of themselves. It's not even necessarily something to be taken personally, just simply a matter of reality and a willingness to acknowledge and accept it.

Ah wait, now I see why leftards would take offense.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

And a few parts might mysteriously appear on the organ black market. Just an unfortunate side effect, nothing to worry about of course.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be just about anything almost, although one of the most recent things I can find that might get some feathers ruffled was his post about the average IQ of Haitians from 7 days ago.

Ender910 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just occurred to me how some leftists are so arrogant and narcissistic that they'd probably see this as a sign that they're somehow more "likable"... lol.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

The goal isn't always to win the war, but at the very least have a shot at protecting your family and your home.

If you have to weather out a long dystopia, it's better to have some tools and resources. And it's better to weather it out than to lay down and surrender entirely.

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