Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's a definite possibility.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

At least part of it likely ties in with development time/cycles. The rest is of course whether or not they're still betting on the DEI money (which is still rolling in a fair bit).

Ender910 2 points ago +3 / -1

And were those UTI's going to cause irreparable damage? Probably not.

In all likelihood they'd more or less grow out of those as they got older. As their immune system matured, and as they figured out how to properly maintain the proper hygiene.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

What probably makes the impact is that women typically have slightly less reliable/accessible high-end erogenous zones from which they can utilize.

As barbaric and senseless circumcision is in either case, males still have access to a substantial amount of high-yield sensation from the glans. Granted, the glans has probably taken a fairly significant hit to its effectiveness thanks to the removal of that foreskin.

And in-case it wasn't already obvious, I am not defending the practice in any way shape or form or denying the very real and needless impact that such damage does.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could maybe see hygiene as "possibly" playing a very very small role in transmissibility for some STI's, but it would be so insanely negligible that it makes the claim completely moot.

Ender910 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair, there's a subset of women that just get offended when male genitalia come up in any conversation. Even when it's a legitimately serious and mature topic that warrants discussion.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think needlessly mutilating perfectly healthy bodies, because of a mental condition might be the real reason people get "worked up". Plus the stack of bullshit lies upon lies to try and downplay the damages being inflicted.

I still can't fathom what kind of retards can honestly buy into the propaganda campaign to push the idea that hormone blockers couldn't "possibly" cause irreparable physical and psychological damage.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably the only Star Wars related experience I still have any interest in is the X-Wing series. And that's more-so because of the solid game design and writing than the setting.

Ender910 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'll take a few tattoos over orange tans and silicone boobs. Not that there aren't still a fair number of boob jobs (and video filters) with modern content, but I always got the impression that it was rampant as hell up until the last decade or two.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a rather good point. Hadn't really thought about it like that for some reason.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if the lower framerate somehow makes it a little easier to keep track of what's going on (visually) throughout scenes. Especially during rather action packed and chaotic scenes.

It's also a little difficult to gauge honestly, since most modern films, filmed on digital, have generally adopted a lot of Abrams-style techniques that make things extra jarring. The reboot of Total Recall comes to mind. The whole bloody thing seemed like an endless chase scene.

Not that it was that bad of a movie, but in the end I didn't feel like anything happened throughout it that I could give a single fuck about.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

`Aye, that's been my observation as well. And I think the few designers who have some idea of how to really utilize it are not exactly eager to unveil the curtain too early, especially to potential competitors.

And I guess since a lot of it usually occurs behind the scenes of development, it's also not the sort of stuff that's usually worth showcasing to consumers.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not useless so much as less cost efficient in a lot of cases. Still very much useful in a lot of areas, but a lot of the potential use is still so experimental and new.

Not specifically because it's buggy/unoptimized so much as that the design and incorporation of it is so much newer and different than most technical innovations in the past decade or two.

Takes a bit more out of the box thinking than the usual "autism".

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's also a little strange how broadly the term's applied. Seems like the most common denominator is simply "does not focus heavily on ADS". Even if ADS might be semi-present.

Ender910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reminds me of that Sean Bean Frankenstein series. Not sure how historically accurate all the stuff about government votes on cadaver laws were, but it was certainly a fascinating and eye opening backdrop and set-up for the plot.

There was also an interesting film by Michael Crichton in 1978 called Coma. Really fucking creepy. Not to mention horrifyingly plausible.

Ender910 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wouldn't entirely say that, especially when you have multiple foil examples of religious figures who aren't assholes and do challenge Winn quite often (Bareil, Opaka, Sisko to some extent).

She is however playing a somewhat common kind of villain though. The uptight, controlling, power hungry, self-serving, finger wagging sort of virtue-signaling villain who tries to pretend like they're a self-sacrificing hero for the people.

In a way she's practically reprising her role as the bitch-nurse from One Flew Over Cuckoos Nest.

Ender910 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm generally not a fan of that either, though in some cases I have seen games manage to pull that off in surprisingly convincing ways, to the point to where I wouldn't have any idea that it was doing that if I didn't have some knowledge about what was going on under the hood.

I'm thinking of maybe holding off until the modding scene catches up a bit, simply because of how spoiled I've been with STALKER mods in general for however many years now.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I'm sure in her (character's) mind that's true, the more likely truth is that she came up with that as an excuse for her being a miserable cunt, long after a lifetime of actively choosing to be a miserable cunt. She just doesn't want to admit that she's simply a terrible person.

Dukat's character followed a largely similar pattern. Trying to lay every possible thing out there to blame instead of himself for how he managed the station during the occupation. Coming up with rationalization after rationalization for why he does such slimy shit, like constantly trying to use his position of power to seduce and bone Bajoran women. Why he treats his own daughter like shit. Etc etc etc.

It's something that we can see in common with deranged political sorts (especially on the left today), who'll excuse every possible failing they have and mistake they make, claiming it's for the greater good. And lying through their teeth about just about everything for as long as they draw breath.

Ender910 16 points ago +16 / -0

Also that some of the parents, at some points during the press conferences or whatever seemed odd in their emotional-social demeanor.

Which is to say, they didn't look nearly as broken or distraught as you'd expect most parents to be after losing their kids in such a meaningless act of violence.

Ender910 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even more-so for anyone in places like the UK, Canada, Australia, etc. There's almost nothing important that a commentator can get away with pointing out because of the bullshit censorship laws that have been plastered to and fro.

Ender910 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think that's why one of the few youtubers of this sort I'm okay with is Razorfist.

He's not knee deep into it as a primary source of income, as near as I can tell anyway, so he's not dumpster diving for stories or spitting out a regular stream of needless or rehashed commentary.

But I guess he'd probably agree that he's not really a commentator per say anyway. So the point ends up being a little moot.

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