Everyone online is mocking the dialogue, but this frame right here captures what truly sucks about about the game. Her horribly uncanny valley facial animations.
DON'T push for a realistic aesthetic if you can't fucking deliver it. Her facial animations look worse than those in Half Life 2, and that came out over EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO.
It helps that Wind Waker is still a proper Zelda game. Like, people always act like its just the art style that people turned around on, but there is a lot more to it.
Because after WW we had Twilight Princess, which was marred hard by its linearity, "one use" items, and heavy cutscene focus. But then its Skyward Sword, the motion control demo, and Breath of the Wild, a game that barely resembles any of the other games in the series.
So a lot of the reason people went back and liked it a lot more is because its exactly the type of game they enjoyed in the first place, instead of a lot of "its good...but" addendums.
Bunch of whiny teenagers who wouldn't know art if it slapped them in the face cried for "muh 3d". "Muh gritty adult Link." Polygon shit from the ps2-3 era is absolute garbage, even the best story and gameplay can barely compensate (see e.g. FF7). Catering to these consumers is what's made the industry fall apart over the past 15 years.
Yeah, it was Auto Modelista. I need to get the PAL version so the brakes work properly. When the 360 and PS3 came out, the Cel Shading style dropped. I think it's because the style requires a simplified look and feel and the creators wanted to show off graphical prowess of the machines.
You want old? I was just treated to the nice surprise that my modern gaming PC could run Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. I got it with the "Jedi Knight Collection" not expecting to be able to play it because age (I got it for Jedi Academy).
If you can stomach giving a woke-ass company money, use GoG for the older games. They pack it with a DOSBox instance to ensure the game will run. And ... it's DRM free, so you can put it on a USB stick and go to a friend's house with it. Or give him a copy if you like.
Did that for my beloved copy of Lucas Arts' game Afterlife ... a Sim-City style game where you control Heaven and Hell.
If you can stomach giving a woke-ass company money
And unfortunately you don't have a choice unless you want to sail the high seas, or refrain from playing. Steam may not virtue signal like CDPR but they're just more subtle about it. Epic forces you to celebrate pride in their games.
It's really easy not to have your main character wear a dumpy, baggy flannel shirt so she looks even less attractive.
I'm sure the artists were told to make her ugly, but when their best effort still had boobs and basic symmetry were told to put some dollar store clothes on top.
This dialogue reminded me of a book I saw recently, called, The Girl Who Could Move Shit With Her Mind. And it got me thinking:
Am I the only one who's annoyed by how common profanity is in every medium? I don't mean from a moralistic standpoint; I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the words themselves. I would even say that there's a time and place for them. But if you use them every other sentence, it makes you sound crass, uneducated, and childish.
I was a teenager, once. I had my swearing like a sailor phase. But I outgrew it when I wanted to be taken seriously as a professional. Meanwhile, I have relatives who read Go the Fuck to Sleep to their baby every night because, "it's just words."
The (over)use of profanity, like with installing woke elements, is a cheap way to appear “hip” with the intended audience (that either doesn’t exist or hates that sort of stuff). It gives off strong “How do you do, fellow kids?” vibes.
It’s also used to make up for bad writing. Sometimes it’s used well, like with Chapelle or Carlin. More typically now it’s used to stand in for a punchline.
Cut to one guy:
Cut to the response:
Fuckity fuck!
Another cut to someone else:
Fucking fuckity fuck fuck!
The formula’s so common that if I hear that I just assume something’s going to be crap. Not always, but at this point anything new that does that tends to suck. Same with seeing a cast of characters that are all female Skittles. A movie or game or show that’s mostly female Skittles cursing? Just assume it’s like Velma.
It reminds me of every time the MPAA relaxes its standards a little. When I was a teenager, they changed the rules so that you could say the word "fuck" exactly one time and still retain your PG-13 rating. Suddenly every single PG-13 movie had one "fuck", usually at some le ebin moment that makes it feel like the entire script was written around this one word.
The fact is, even above average writers are still pretty horrible. The worst thing you can give a talentless person is freedom. Being forced to work around constraints is good for them, because otherwise they just swear and make Current Thing references because that's what their idea of good writing is.
I don’t think you understand the difference between a restriction and a constraint in creative writing.
Mindy Kaling wrote for 26 episodes of The Office. She also wrote Velma. For the latter, she had total creative freedom. For the former, she had to work within numerous constraints.
Constraints can certainly be bad, at which point they can become more like restrictions. But a lot of the time, constraints function to impose structure and direction on a project, and these things are usually required for someone to do their best work.
Look at George Lucas. Constraints = original trilogy. No constraints = prequel trilogy. The man needs someone telling him “no”.
You say that, but after almost sixty years of woodworking my Dad still maintains that he did his absolute best work when he had access to fewer tools and was forced to improvise and innovate, so there's something to what u/WhoIsThatMaskedMan is saying.
Am I the only one who's annoyed by how common profanity is in every medium?
Not at all. You could write a whole post on that topic here on games alone.
Meanwhile, I have relatives who read Go the Fuck to Sleep to their baby every night because, "it's just words."
I can't understand parents like that, but most of the ones I've encountered were woke liberals. I doubt they'd still agree "it's just words" if the book was Go the Fuck to Sleep, Nigger.
You are mistaken. Avengers was Crystal Dynamics which is a developer in California and recently sold by Square-Enix to Embracer Group. Forspoken is Luminous Productions which is a Japanese developer still owned by Square-Enix who did most of the work on FFXV.
This is one of the (many) things that pissed me off with AC Valhalla as well. The character models are utter dog shit. Weirdly shaped hands and pinky fingers that you can’t unsee, skin textures with the consistency of porridge, NPC’s waving their arms wildly while delivering simple dialogue. The environments etc (even if copy/pasted to hell) have never been more vivid, especially in 60fps, but Jesus why were they so lazy with the character models?!
I started playing Odyssey last night just to compare the two and man does everything feel cleaner, tighter and more polished.
Good dialogue died pre 2010 probably lol. I remember this scene in stargate sg1. Tealc was gonna zap oneill so he becomes electrically charged to prevent some alien energy creatures from attacking. Tealc points a zat'nik'til at oneill. Oneill was like, "can i get a warning??" Tealc says, "im gonna shoot you." Oneill says, "more like 1 2 3 , so on 3. 1..." and then tealc tealc zaps him lol.
Everyone online is mocking the dialogue, but this frame right here captures what truly sucks about about the game. Her horribly uncanny valley facial animations.
DON'T push for a realistic aesthetic if you can't fucking deliver it. Her facial animations look worse than those in Half Life 2, and that came out over EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO.
'Member when The Wind Waker was first revealed?
'Member how much people hated the art direction?
'Member how those takes aged like milk?
'Member how the game still looks great today?
I 'member.
It helps that Wind Waker is still a proper Zelda game. Like, people always act like its just the art style that people turned around on, but there is a lot more to it.
Because after WW we had Twilight Princess, which was marred hard by its linearity, "one use" items, and heavy cutscene focus. But then its Skyward Sword, the motion control demo, and Breath of the Wild, a game that barely resembles any of the other games in the series.
So a lot of the reason people went back and liked it a lot more is because its exactly the type of game they enjoyed in the first place, instead of a lot of "its good...but" addendums.
Bunch of whiny teenagers who wouldn't know art if it slapped them in the face cried for "muh 3d". "Muh gritty adult Link." Polygon shit from the ps2-3 era is absolute garbage, even the best story and gameplay can barely compensate (see e.g. FF7). Catering to these consumers is what's made the industry fall apart over the past 15 years.
Don't cut yourself on that sharp edge of the PS1 polygons...
Don't have a seizure like those shaky ps1 textures...
Yeah, because Nintendo literally released a trailer for that exact thing, then went the fullest 180 possible on it.
I'm pretty sure people accepting deceptive marketing like you did far more damage to the industry than some whiners.
Deceptive marketing?
You must still be mad about Twelve Tales: Conker 64.
Difference being, nobody cared about Conker at that point. There was no fanbase to even market to in the first place.
Imagine still being this mad about Wind Waker not being realistic.
AFTER getting Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword right after.
Member when cel shading was used for all sorts of awesome ideas? The car game by Capcom comes to mind.
Yeah, it was Auto Modelista. I need to get the PAL version so the brakes work properly. When the 360 and PS3 came out, the Cel Shading style dropped. I think it's because the style requires a simplified look and feel and the creators wanted to show off graphical prowess of the machines.
I never tried Titanfall 2, but it's on sale for a few dollars on steam now.
Would rather try "old" games like that which are almost free now.
You want old? I was just treated to the nice surprise that my modern gaming PC could run Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. I got it with the "Jedi Knight Collection" not expecting to be able to play it because age (I got it for Jedi Academy).
If you can stomach giving a woke-ass company money, use GoG for the older games. They pack it with a DOSBox instance to ensure the game will run. And ... it's DRM free, so you can put it on a USB stick and go to a friend's house with it. Or give him a copy if you like.
Did that for my beloved copy of Lucas Arts' game Afterlife ... a Sim-City style game where you control Heaven and Hell.
And unfortunately you don't have a choice unless you want to sail the high seas, or refrain from playing. Steam may not virtue signal like CDPR but they're just more subtle about it. Epic forces you to celebrate pride in their games.
That games great. Great story and characters. Hard to take action movies seriously when games do it way better. Horror too.
TF2 is solid but overhyped at this point.
At least faces are hard to do right.
It's really easy not to have your main character wear a dumpy, baggy flannel shirt so she looks even less attractive.
I'm sure the artists were told to make her ugly, but when their best effort still had boobs and basic symmetry were told to put some dollar store clothes on top.
Or they were hired for having entire portfolios of ugly.
This dialogue reminded me of a book I saw recently, called, The Girl Who Could Move Shit With Her Mind. And it got me thinking:
Am I the only one who's annoyed by how common profanity is in every medium? I don't mean from a moralistic standpoint; I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the words themselves. I would even say that there's a time and place for them. But if you use them every other sentence, it makes you sound crass, uneducated, and childish.
I was a teenager, once. I had my swearing like a sailor phase. But I outgrew it when I wanted to be taken seriously as a professional. Meanwhile, I have relatives who read Go the Fuck to Sleep to their baby every night because, "it's just words."
The (over)use of profanity, like with installing woke elements, is a cheap way to appear “hip” with the intended audience (that either doesn’t exist or hates that sort of stuff). It gives off strong “How do you do, fellow kids?” vibes.
It’s also used to make up for bad writing. Sometimes it’s used well, like with Chapelle or Carlin. More typically now it’s used to stand in for a punchline.
Cut to one guy:
Cut to the response:
Another cut to someone else:
The formula’s so common that if I hear that I just assume something’s going to be crap. Not always, but at this point anything new that does that tends to suck. Same with seeing a cast of characters that are all female Skittles. A movie or game or show that’s mostly female Skittles cursing? Just assume it’s like Velma.
Which is a shame because tasteful profanity is a lost art. Just look at The Sopranos.
It reminds me of every time the MPAA relaxes its standards a little. When I was a teenager, they changed the rules so that you could say the word "fuck" exactly one time and still retain your PG-13 rating. Suddenly every single PG-13 movie had one "fuck", usually at some le ebin moment that makes it feel like the entire script was written around this one word.
The fact is, even above average writers are still pretty horrible. The worst thing you can give a talentless person is freedom. Being forced to work around constraints is good for them, because otherwise they just swear and make Current Thing references because that's what their idea of good writing is.
I don’t think you understand the difference between a restriction and a constraint in creative writing.
Mindy Kaling wrote for 26 episodes of The Office. She also wrote Velma. For the latter, she had total creative freedom. For the former, she had to work within numerous constraints.
Constraints can certainly be bad, at which point they can become more like restrictions. But a lot of the time, constraints function to impose structure and direction on a project, and these things are usually required for someone to do their best work.
Look at George Lucas. Constraints = original trilogy. No constraints = prequel trilogy. The man needs someone telling him “no”.
What are engineering standards for bridges?
Those are just constraints said the women only engineers.
The rest is the bridge under the water.
You say that, but after almost sixty years of woodworking my Dad still maintains that he did his absolute best work when he had access to fewer tools and was forced to improvise and innovate, so there's something to what u/WhoIsThatMaskedMan is saying.
What do mean DmC: Devil May Cry wasn't Shakespearean?
It absolutely was in comparison to newer writing
Not at all. You could write a whole post on that topic here on games alone.
I can't understand parents like that, but most of the ones I've encountered were woke liberals. I doubt they'd still agree "it's just words" if the book was Go the Fuck to Sleep, Nigger.
The Jossification of media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
This looks like the same engine as that shitty Avengers game that’s getting canned.
Same developers if I'm not mistaken
You are mistaken. Avengers was Crystal Dynamics which is a developer in California and recently sold by Square-Enix to Embracer Group. Forspoken is Luminous Productions which is a Japanese developer still owned by Square-Enix who did most of the work on FFXV.
"My face is tired"
what is this crap?
This is one of the (many) things that pissed me off with AC Valhalla as well. The character models are utter dog shit. Weirdly shaped hands and pinky fingers that you can’t unsee, skin textures with the consistency of porridge, NPC’s waving their arms wildly while delivering simple dialogue. The environments etc (even if copy/pasted to hell) have never been more vivid, especially in 60fps, but Jesus why were they so lazy with the character models?!
I started playing Odyssey last night just to compare the two and man does everything feel cleaner, tighter and more polished.
Everything gotta be "realistic".. while ignoring magic, flying dragons and undead hordes. Lol.
Ha ha!
Go away, Rean!
Cuff is the final boss.
Funny how tifa lockhart is so endeared by many.. and so is 2b from neir automata. But this zoomer baboon is gonna be forgotten in a month lol.
Imagine paying $70 for a 15-hour campaign of copy and paste fetch quests. The dialog and graphics issues are just shit gravy on the shit sandwich.
Good dialogue died pre 2010 probably lol. I remember this scene in stargate sg1. Tealc was gonna zap oneill so he becomes electrically charged to prevent some alien energy creatures from attacking. Tealc points a zat'nik'til at oneill. Oneill was like, "can i get a warning??" Tealc says, "im gonna shoot you." Oneill says, "more like 1 2 3 , so on 3. 1..." and then tealc tealc zaps him lol.
That looks pre 2010's, but I guess it's late 2010's or 2020's according to your post.