Same. I was expecting him to sit there tweeting and drinking diet coke for 4 years while the world fell apart around him. I'm astonished he's not only doing things, but he's doing things that matter. He's playing hardball with exactly the kind of people who deserve it. It's only been two weeks so I'm not confident enough to call him a good president yet, but if the next four years go the way the last two weeks have, he'll be in my top 5 easily.
tl;dr, the amount a leftist cares about something is inversely proportional to the likelihood of them ever having to prove it.
Trump's approval rating is 53% among Democrats
Not to sound like a redditor but...source? This is difficult to believe.
I've never lost weight so fast when all I was eating was white rice thanks to a severe gastrointestinal issue. It's magic stuff, I swear. Probably related to the shichi fukujin that live in it.
Don't forget musk and his very real nazi salute that's not hallucinatory at all.
He's looking at it from the point of view of a business owner who doesn't care about society. Of course it's financially better to hire two people for half wages. It's even better to hire ten people for no wages, but that's illegal so they don't do it.
There's exactly one thing the left has consistently gotten right, and it's that corporations are not your friend. Where they get it wrong is assuming that the reason corporations are bad is because of patriarchy or white supremacy or some other fictional force. The truth is the exact opposite.
I just looked at the screenshot on my computer (so I could actually see the whole thing) and now I see that this is literally a screenshot from VTM:B. I thought the title of the OP said Bloodborne 2 and this was a screenshot from the first game, which I have never played.
Now I understand why us phoneposters have such a bad reputation.
Is that what's her name from VTM Bloodlines?
I've been boycotting Gillette for six years and I don't plan on stopping. The trick is to not try and boycott everything evil, because we live in an evil world which makes that impossible. You'll get fatigued instantly and give up. You have to pick a small handful of the most obviously evil things and rally against those.
Ayo hold up
So you sayin'
Whypipo really do be not seasonin they food?
I think he was a good person, but he was also a Reddit-tier moron. So his intentions are good, but when he does actually manage to do good things it's by accident.
Mint is the best distro for Just Working. It might not be absolutely perfect, but it's as close as you're gonna get.
The main issue I had with it was that display scaling didn't work great. It was okay, but Windows really has scaling nailed down.
I want to live in the place I saw in the movies while I was growing up.
Yeah. Me too.
- American who actually got to enjoy a couple decades of things being good
SHOCKING: AI gives dangerous advice no child should ever see!!!
...and here it is, unredacted and available for anyone to read!
The sad part is, most people who read this article won't even notice the hypocrisy.
Not to mention the bot explicitly told him not to kill himself. He said he was gonna and it freaked out at him.
So in summary, if a bot tells you not to kill yourself and you do it anyway, it's a danger to society. If a woman tells you to kill yourself over and over and you do it, she's just an innocent angel who didn't mean nothin by it.
That's the trick. You have to find an extremely remote region that contains as few Indians as possible.
She's a big girl.
He's saying what we've all been saying for decades: American culture celebrates mediocrity and midwittery. It's why we have affirmative action. It's why we have no child left behind. It's why we have reality TV. It's why we have BLM.
He's just doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing. Instead of trying to replace the population with hard workers, we should simply punish parasites. The culture will correct itself once it's not convenient to be a useless piece of shit any more.
Marianne Miller, who claims to be "non-binary" and is now credited as Marin Miller.
Holy shit, what a mess of a human. She started off as a normal looking girl and has gradually been transforming herself into Peter Griffin But Gay since then. I wonder when he realized he married the avatar of mental illness, assuming he's capable of rational thought any more.
Big Assassin's Creed energy. Oh, you're poor and sick and hungry? Too bad, I got shit to do.
The burning of the white house is basically the Canadian equivalent of wewuzzery. A bunch of British people won a battle against the Americans, therefore Canada (which did not exist yet) "kicked their asses".
In reality the entire war was a complete waste of time and resources for both sides and nobody likes talking about it because it was boring and embarrassing for everyone.
They're not traitors because they're not Europeans. They're not spies because they're not reporting back to their homeland. They're invaders, and thus should be treated the way any enemy combatant would.
In chapter 4, it will turn out that the detective was just pretending to be anti alien to get close to the protagonists.
In chapter 5, he'll have a change of heart when he sees an alien do something bad.
In chapter 6, we'll find out the alien actually dindu nothin and it was anti alien bias that made people see malice where there was none.
In chapter 7, it'll all be a conspiracy set up by the aliens in charge to false flag racists into hating aliens because bigotry is profitable.
And so forth.
That's right, I'm going full schizo and declaring that the entire purpose of this manga is to repeatedly play both sides for exposure.
I've been noticing this for a while. A completely ridiculous amount of specifically anti-Japanese propaganda. My assumption is that it's due to the proliferation of the fifty cent army and/or Chinese bots. Nobody hates Japan more than China, and they have the numbers to turn NPCs against Japan too.
It's probably not a coincidence that this is all happening at the same time as the globalist scourge deciding that Japan needs to become 99% black or it won't survive.
Nah, that's Stella Chung. She just has a fat face because she's southeast Asian. She's also covered in tattoos and it's basically impossible to find a picture of her wearing a decent amount of clothing.