The way she made every colored line a different color reminds me of MS Excel girls at the office, coloring individual boxes in big spreadsheets for pReSeNTaTiOn vAlUe, making as much money as I did actually working each hour to increase revenues and decrease losses while subject to actual performance tracking.
made me smile in the middle of my doomscroll
I realize this implication is baked in, but it stands to reason that appealing to jews is not about good honest competition, since jews account for about 2% of the American population and well fewer than 25% of them voted for Trump in either 2016 or 2020, which is about 1.75m votes. If even 1% of the general population is anti-semitic that is approximately 3.5m votes (but it could be 35m+ votes at 10%+ and such).
Well I hope that canadians don't get trojan horsed over one good foreign policy stance lol. To that end I hope that the opposing candidates lack "lets go to war for israel" stances.
Every time Trump says "if I'm not elected israel will be destroyed! Kamala is not up to the task of protecting israel"(sic) I experience a little moment of internal panic. Like, bro, you are in a good position... maybe discuss ANYTHING ELSE for like 60 days. 60 days of radio silence would be better than that. Every time Trump opens his mouth to blow some more israeli cock, every American's likelihood of future prosperity dips.
Whatever it is in the collective left wing mind that wants amerisraeli dollars diverted away from bombing browns, it has been a thorn in my side forever. I can't help but feel if leftists supported genocide the republicans would be rabidly anti-genocidal maniacs, jealously guarding their ownership of the anti-genocide position by doing things like, oh, not feeding bombs directly into the "let's destroy an entire people" pipeline, and I would have 90% of all my desired economic and social stances covered by 1 party.
I know in reality these stances are not owned, that doing what's right in the middle east is not inherently right wing or left wing, and I am just frustrated by my fellows for occasionally being so weak minded, slow, and ignorant; all the traits of a non-jewish supporter of israel.
"Time to go jog, for my health, to a mcdonalds, to ROB IT"
Roller coaster sentence
This would have been a Muh Russian Bots/Shills story 5 years ago. I never hear Muh Russia anymore despite the entire establishment seething over one of their corruption-outlet tentacle nations being at war with them. It gives me an impression of the degree by which the general public BTFO'd certain incredibly expensive propaganda campaigns in the 2016 period (although I think this warrants noting that the same groups of people failed to reject other less expensive campaigns from the same period, such as a prominent hate campaign where users of many large social media websites and groups weren't allowed to be racist/sexist/homophobic, putting a stopper on all expressions of hatred that weren't directed at the target group- muslims and islam at the time. It turns the target group into a pressure release valve for other social frustrations. It is a tactic/prediction that Orwell covers with brevity in the first chapter or two of 1984).
Hiccups and vulnerabilities aside, the amount of cushioning on public awareness that TPTB have burned away in these last ten years is wild. Everyone seems to be aware of shit on a higher level now. It wasn't like that even just 15 years ago. Things that propagandists and politicians used to flat out deny are pieces of common knowledge that serve as devices in a debate today. The debate boils down to "who is targeted/who should be targeted" and it is a foreboding echo of history; somebody really is the target, somebody really does lose, and the result is violence on a scale that will mindbreak generations and lay seeds that ensure the cycle goes on forever. Everybody is trying to wrestle control of at least some aspect of the apparatus of our destruction in order to point it at someone else and it will go on forever. The last people standing will point the apparatus at themselves in a hereditary state of madness and fire it.
I was reading through my old replies and I realized I never came to a resolution on wtf Flying Bats meant. I have no theories other than that bats rhymes with cats.
You are based.
I was only expressing confusion. "Vegetarian cats" sounds like it refers to parents grooming kids to be socially-religious homosexual leftists. "Flying bats" by contrast sounds to my ears like it refers to 99% of bats, which are common animals that fly. I don't get the relation between the two phrases, other than having to do with animal behavior, and in that context it makes no sense because nearly zero wild cats are vegetarian and nearly all wild bats can fly or glide. It seems to make no sense on two separate levels.
This is off topic but do you like, live somewhere where the bats don't fly?
"the Rule 16's"
I would rather watch A Night in Sickbay, Threshold, and Move Along Home on repeat for 12 hours
I fuckin lol'd
Personally I noticed that procedural cop dramas were propaganda way before I realized what kind of propaganda it was, who's behind it, and why.
It's so in-your-face. The state authority is good and perfect, unstumpable, unstoppable, inescapable, and always correct. The citizen, by contrast, is either a liar and a killer, or a victim and an ally. The proper nouns get rotated out to reflect different specific messaging along the way, the same way a burger joint puts toppings onto burgers.
I tested high but I don't think of it as "smart", it is more like "capable".
I read for recreation and it's easy and relaxing. There's not much to say about it. It's pleasant and healthy to read. A person who reads enough books will become "smart" because they're accessing experience that is otherwise cut off to them. The accumulation of the neuron connections that command the relationship between two ideas is practically definable as "intelligence". Low IQ people who are knowledgable can come to any conclusion I might come to by different means.
Nothing in this world is too complicated, it seems complicated when we look at all the overlapping and interacting layers of simple A/B logic, but when you examine some little mechanism in a vacuum, it is simple every time. A relatively low IQ person simply skips fewer steps when they examine things. With a disciplined mind they can run through things at their own pace and come to a rational solution. The difference is that a high IQ person will make many assumptions along the way and get there faster. If we examine an assumption, we see that is simply a small set of intellectual connections that have been conglomerated into a block for easy reference. In effect, the high IQ person is compressing data to stream it faster.
"But You_Are_Based, wouldn't a more intelligent person skip less and not more?" Well, it depends on the needs of the moment, on the context and our motive. In 99% of the every-day situations we run into, speed is percieved as intelligence whereas a meticulous thought process is percieved as "slow".
I infer and deduce people's disposition and motive accurately, which helps me appeal to them when I want to, but since I'm not an agreeable person it also results in me treating certain people very rudely, even as strangers. I make assumptions and I tend to trust in them unless it results in a discrepancy that proves me wrong. I'm a little socially impatient. People play games based on their own simulations of my rationale, and I see it happening in real time. I either have to wait for them to complete their performance or interrupt them because I already know what they're trying to accomplish and why. I have wronged people before by underestimating them and overestimating myself, but when that happens and it is demonstrable to me, it makes an impact on me and affects the assumptions I make in the future. I.e. I am exactly the same as everyone else.
Something I can do based on my intelligence is to produce a long-form text narrative (anywhere from an essay to a novel) with very little prompt. It's easy for me to simulate a living world with individuals that have their own agency and to communicate it in English. It's easy for me to parse out custodies of events and work cause-and-effect to the point of Butterfly Effect. It's easy for me to tell what a person is like from how they communicate, what their motives are, where their lines in the sand go, etc. It's easy for me to take the prose of some successful bit of rhetoric and smush a different topical/narrative aim into that template. It's easy to debate in favor of things I don't believe. It's easy for me to disassociate from myself and play or write characters that don't share my natural idiosyncrasies.
I am not a lonely person. I can tell what people need from me and if I care about them I will provide it to them. My best friend is fearsomely intelligent and we are always putting the other on a run for his money. I'm friends with people who are not very intelligent, but who are better persons than me. I like people who participate in the reindeer games and I will put aside all my tightassed bioandroid bullshit and all my bigotry to play reindeer games with them. I like people who create art and who appreciate the art that others create. I like musicians who can sit down for an improvisational jam with me. I like people who are competitive in strategy games. I like anyone who second guesses the motivation behind the delivery of information they've recieved from someone else. I like talking shit with strangers about society, and then saying bye and never seeing them again. I like more people than I hate, and I say that as an avowed counter-semite and dissenter under globohomo.
I forgot to mention competency ceilings, like math. I don't think there's much to say about it. The math in school was easy because a person was there to tell me what to do and how, and they drilled it for repetition. The repetition being so important just goes to show that the process is not actually dependent on IQ. But if we take it far enough, we get to a point where our ability to memorize some algorithmic ritual is insufficient for the ritual, and there we see our ceiling.
Quote it, dirtbag, I'll wait.
Topic Status: avoided by obsfucation
Jew Status: defended by omision
Pil Status: pul'd
Oh yeah, it's Antonio time
Gloatsting in a comfy thread
believing wikipedia with blind faith
Strawman, link it, quote it
is he claiming wikipedia is wrong or not
Quote from the OP; "who wrote the sources that wikipedia used"
More interesting than Wikipedia is the possibility that we might agree on the issue at hand: that an unbiased source might reflect the idea that jew Leo Frank tampered with and/or faked parts of his dead daughter's private diary to sell for a profit, and that this action happened to assist in perpetuating a status of victimhood among the jews, being that the resultant propaganda would be distributed to warn young white children about the horrors of white nationalism, in the context of it resulting in the Holocaust, for decades and decades.
Not that any of this necessarily implies Leo Frank's individual actions involved any collective conspiratorial intent on the part of groups who definitely not enjoy special protections on internet forums everywhere today.
Im just glad that we can speak freely and openly about it, since if people had to jump through hoops it would validate and lend credence to disgusting theories of hatred in an infinite feedback loop, perhaps even ironically dooming the group in question. Luckily that's not the case, as indicated by the clear and concise nature of this post.
But what is he criticizing about it? A... source?
Woah there buddy did you just post heckin wikipedia? Paging Dr. u/AntonioofVenice, quick, Leo Frank is jewish and needs your help.
So, what, to avoid censorship, gamers should have self censored? This is an old Bolshevik line that still has little pieces of boot stuck on its tongue to this day. I'm not really sure that's what you mean, though, to be fair.
Blaming gamergate for censorship is like blaming a shooting for gun control. It doesn't happen on its own. Actual people with personal political motives are there waiting to take advantage of any opportunity or excuse to express greater control over others, even occassionally participating in (or outright creating their own) such opportunities.
I suggest you make this post in /pol/ on 4chan or on ConPro (, since the mod here has made it against the rules to discuss the decline of western culture with meaninful honesty, maturity, or brevity.
Your post appreciates the problem purely via the behavior of white women and you are allowed to say anything about them in that context because you are not accusing them of expressing any collective or personal agency for their actions (otherwise you may be suggesting a conspiracy among their identity group, which violates the mod's "rule 16").
Paradoxically, even though you cannot blame women for their own actions- since that could equate to an accusation of conspiracy among an identity group- you cannot blame anyone else, either, since it could be considered an accusation of conspiracy among a different identity group instead.
You can phrase it rather carefully to discuss things without accusing anyone of anything, by using what I call "zero custody language". In Zero Custody Language a person does not shoot a victim, the victim simply "becomes shot." To use Zero Custody Language in an example:
the reason for the change in fashion among white women is quite similar to the reason music among blacks became so violent and rapey, and the reason everyday speech among British men became a crime, and the reason we have a net negative global economy with more debt in existence than dollars in existence.
But it is easier to just find a free speech forum without a mod who is definitely not a direct participant in the conspiracy theories he has banned, and type in plain language there.
In 2020 she was wheeling out "Im black now not indian", which has always been a delicate thing due to her time as a prosecutor building an entire career off of arresting brown people almost exclusively for petty offensives.
But it worked great. Trump and diehards can hardly talk shit about it because in his dogma, it's based and redpilled when a zogbot prosecutes a lawbreaker.
The result is a vacuum where the people who WOULD and SHOULD be bitching about the hypocrisy of her past are quiet about it because they are (a) supposed to support the things she was doing despite being against her, or are (b) totally in the bag for her because Trump symbolizes the Great White Hope for them and they hate themselves/whites for existing more than they could ever hate a stronk powerful female racial minority for being a shapeshifting hu-demon.