Things Ive switched grayscale off for include... reading improperly labeled color coded graphs (a bad sign for the graph)..... and checking to see how deeply orange cnn has colored the President (not very deeply orange, I must say). Really nothing worth the technology of a color display.
Someone suggested to do my scrolling in black&white/grayscale to deny my brain some of the dopamine. Idk if that works, but I learned something that most people dont realize, since internet came after the color display: color is underutilized and almost never important online. It is very rare that I have a reason to switch out of grayscale. I'd say the most important thing color on the internet accomplishes is the aformentioned dopamine hit- as a part of web design/marketing, and I decided that you can "miss me with that shit."
Marketing, rebranding.
Woke right = non zionist, therefore the implied "real" right is zionist.
I hate youtubers but I will throw an idea into the ether for them:
Call square enix by phone and tell the customer service representative that you have feedback regarding this policy. Go down the list of banned acts one by one violating them over the phone with hilariously un-prosecutable phrasings (i.e. "no intimidation, duress"... "sir I am big and strong and therefore you must ungay the game")
I want you to know that your confusion is absurd to me. If you had kept that short I'd assume you were trolling me, because the implication I'm making has been quite clear. I think you are serious, though. Seriously confused.
Since you are rude I will not spell out how the function of a search engine relates to one's access to media, despite how bewildering it is that you don't get it.
You should probably just give up on this line of thought and look up something called the "Dunning-Kruger" effect. Read about that until a light bulb goes off in your head.
Remove the "L" and add the word "for" to the end
I woke up to the sound of an explosion, wtf is going on
Youre under attack, dumbass!
FUCK mars. Elon will singlehandedly ween me off my childhood space-wonder. I choose my history and race and culture and future over a game of "last one to mars is a rotten egg"
"You dont want your tEaM to lOsE, do ya?"
I want to own a plot of land that I can use to feed myself you son of a bitch. The american dream has transitioned from "a yard with a white picket fence" to "living free of the hostile influence of my own government". In fact I feel quite strongly that whatever team he's on should lose, because it's not my team.
Sometimes I wonder... did Tolkien know, when he wrote about the Ents, what he was writing?
You answered your own question lmao. I was gonna say "it's not rocket science", but, terrifyingly, it is.
if you want your team to win
"My" team?
You purchasing our game in le ebin steam sale even though we hate you, bro?
Did you know that the russian govt allows russians defacto access to all western games and media for free due to the their antagonistic relationship with western empire? Any time you feel you might open up steam and send money to a AAA studio that hates you, you could open up Yandex instead.
It's a manifestation of the browning of America.
I joked some months ago saying the game is gonna turn into TES oblivion quest marker fetching between cutscenes of men causing/failing to solve problems and leaving everything up to an exasperated ciri
You guys, there are decades of games made by white & japanese males in a golden era of creativity. Every time a jewish brown lgbt woman game comes out a bunch of you buy it and complain about it from the perspective having bought it. Why? Why not just download another pre-existing game when you are bored instead of quite literally being part of the problem and funding people who hate you.
My prediction is that there was an asteroid and that the aliens arent intentionally making humans into a lower class in their own world, but when the characters learn this they decide that killing them is still justified anyway.
I want to add some information that isn't in the other comments. When you are trading stocks/securities/crypto you can set up automatic purchases and sales to trigger at certain pricepoints. Big business has software that that does this at microsecond speeds to exploit very small but predictable fluctuations in prices. Normal human beings often set buys and sells at meme prices, and so when Tesla rallied past the 420 mark it triggered a legion of horn-honking memeboi sell calls at 420 that temporarily halted the rally.
Usually this barrier occurs at ubiquoitous, psychological threshold numbers like 5, 10, 50, 75, 100, etc but things like Tesla, Doge, due to their association with Elon and Elon's association with memes, will have extra little thresholds at numbers like 69, 69.42, 420, 420.69, etc (move the decimal to the left for doge).
If there were a white supremacy coin (bet there is), it would have a little barrier waiting for it at $14.88.
There it goes.
"Don't look so shocked, little boy; it's the future you asked for."
Absolutely incredible mind breakage. It's one thing for the system to "break a mind" by convincing people not to mate (that's a complex and delicate social thing after all), but to break it to the point of demonization of breathing, it's simply impressive. 50 years ago they would need to tie you down to a chair, drop LSD onto your eyeball, and carefully torture you to achieve such an effect
Open comment section, ctrf+f ""baum"", updoot
My grandfather gifted me a set of books called Frontiersmen of New York and he kind of raised his eyebrows at me and said it was a real history that might surprise me. He died before I would read it (feels bad) but when I did I found that it was a collection of interviews with people who were only a generation or two away from those who settled New York. The oldest people told stories about their parents. Many if not most stories featured the natives, not through direct description, but by the descriptions of consequences like the deaths of family and community members, and it was really gruesome and eye opening to read these people's words because their perspective is never proffered by media, ever.
Sweet, that's fantastic news. Thanks for sharing. Today my scroll was not a doomscroll.
They all made public statements about it and the vote is always public.
We now have the technology to allow airheaded actors to "write" about stories they have never read, and of all people in the world, they are the best suited for the pretendery required to take credit for it.