One thing that will absolutely guarantee you failure in looking for a good wife is giving a rat's ass what women's opinions are about basically anything. The reality is that self-confidence and forward momentum in your own life will vastly outweigh anything else a woman complains about when she thinks about what 'turns her off'. The best piece of advice I was ever given with regards to women is 'Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.'
Women are plastic by nature; they will mould to you far more than you will mould to them. Changing yourself to suit another's tastes is womanly behaviour, hence it will lose you favour with women quicker than almost anything else. That's not to say you won't have to make changes when you marry a woman, because that's the nature of bringing two imperfect people together under one roof.
I think it’s more important to educate yourself and formulate correct opinions. You also have to follow through with being extremely adamant about your position. When I met my wife she was a leftist, anti-gun, anti-religious person. I told her I could convince her she was wrong, and she listened. Now she’s right wing, shoots with me every weekend, and attends church with me every Sunday. It was just unfortunate that everyone around her failed her but at least she was intelligent enough to lend an ear to the opposition. Which is why I’m never afraid to hear a retard out, even if it’s only to confirm their retardation
Obviously you should try and improve your own understanding of the world and become a morally upright person, but doing that is not a prerequisite to attracting a woman. Plenty of morally repugnant idiots are very successful with women solely due to their self-confidence. It just means they'll drag the woman down with them when they inevitably fail.
Women will flock to a guy with any hobby, because the hobby is mostly irrelevant as long as he is attractive.
One of the mistakes most guys make is thinking attraction is mostly looks, because it works that way for men. But with women, you can achieve a level of confidence in your self and your actions that they will absolutely drop to their knees and play video games or watch nerd shit with you. Because that confidence is attractive.
Its why the "oh no I'm so afraid to be seen as cringe" culture of the 2010s basically destroyed so much of the dating market. Guys were so afraid to be seen fucking smiling they invented the soyboy mouth agape meme. They would only engage with their hobbies "ironically."
You're right. Men need to remember that all male/female relations are driven by deep biology. Women are hardwired to seek stability, even if they don't know it consciously. Their goal is to create a safe environment for raising children. As far as a woman is concerned, confidence = stability, and wealth = stability. That's why it's so attractive to them. It's also why they can be insufferable consensus builders.
Men are mostly only concerned with genetic fitness, which is why we go for looks and youth.
One thing that will absolutely guarantee you failure in looking for a good wife arm candy is giving a rat's ass what women's opinions are about basically anything.
What you're saying isn't wrong for a certain type of woman, but that type also doesn't tend to be good wife material.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree. If your whole life is taken up by these types of hobbies, it’s probably not great for you. Having one of these that you enjoy in moderation along with some more traditionally “manly” hobbies is a good idea. I’m a Lego model builder, but I also do plenty of other hobbies, such as running, hiking and boating (sometimes fishing too but I suck at that lol).
"[People] who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
Yea, "Obsessed" is the important qualifier in what she said and she's 100% correct. Way WAY too many people from Gen X on have just stopped growing once they got too deep into modern entertainment. Men were pushed violently out of their traditional social/work roles, and far too many have taken it as a chance to behave as though they have no responsibility or accountability. I've spent the last decade+ trying to actually keep growing past that childish phase, and like any significant shift in life it's sure not easy, especially with the intense vitriol from the public sphere, but if you can't be assed to even try to actually be a real man (and not what media tells you a man is supposed to be), don't expect women to want you.
Your mistake here is using a genuine, honest definition of obsessed.
I can guarantee you that, "the religious hippie" (lol) definitely is not. What she really means is how dare he have a thing he pays attention to that isn't orbiting me.
The women in this hypothetical aren't actually looking for a husband. They don't want a partner or a lifelong friend or someone to love and cherish. They're looking for a settle. They think they're doing you a favor and their attitude matches that.
Most women are insane, frankly. Lacking direction they flail around unhappily, since society encourages their worst traits and the enemy has defanged the church that would have stood as a good influence.
Its the female version of strength testing. It's why "holding frame" in the red pill community. Women will do the EXACT same thing with two different intents and use various responses to make different conclusions.
To be clearer. "I want to do this" sometimes means "I want to do this" and sometimes it means "I think you dont want to do this, and want you to not let me"
Determining which is happening OR creating a response that satisfies both is the key.
One of her questions is looking to get her needs met, the other is looking to test if you're capable of meeting her needs under duress. In this case, she introduces the duress to make the test.
This is all of course retarded. But what did you expect.
For women, it’s the guy who’s good for you vs. the guy you really want. Before I got married, I had been both situations and the treatment difference is stark. Either way, they are extracting from you.
So your claim here then is that the term "man children" is an earnest, honest one? And not one that has been used to attack anyone with hobbies for the last two decades?
Words aren't an entity of their own dude. You actually have to pay attention to the message if you want to understand how a person is using a word.
The way this person is using those words? Absolutely it's an earnest and honest assessment of the abysmal state which many modern men have learned to accept as normal for their lives.
I'm the same. In my case it was even worse, it took the left ruining my hobbies to realize I had to grow up and not get so obsessed with hobbies. I'm strangely thankful for that.
Bingo. Destroying all the pop culture is a huge boon. I don't watch goyball, comics, cartoons, most movies, etc because of all this. In lieu of that I raise my kids.
She's not necessarily correct, even with the qualifier of being "obsessed".
You're absolutely right about men being pushed out of many of their hobbies and pastimes, and have had to find solace in striking up new... obsessions.
However, being obsessed with these hobbies is not a downside so long as the man is productive and active.
Some of my hobbies do require an obsession or an inordinate amount of time, such as practicing music -- I have had to invest sometimes between two and six hours in a day practicing, building up muscle memory for certain songs or techniques. The obsession is necessary to get good. I also have other hobbies, which can also take up a significant amount of time.
The thing is, are any of those worth sacrificing at this stage in life (too old to start and raise a family) for someone else? Absolutely not. Most men I know in most communities I'm a part of recognise that they inherently get zero value out of giving up the obsession of their hobbies for a woman.
What will she do instead? What time you impart on her benefits you more than improving a skillset, knowledge base, or technique in the hobbies that you find engaging? What will she provide you with that's better for you than the things you actually enjoy? And is it worth the downsides, baggage, and traumas she will bring into your life? (and make no mistake, everyone has baggage, especially the older they get)
If a guy spends 10 hours in a day architecting complex Lego structures, I don't see how that is worse than splitting that time between reorienting your schedule around someone else and spending several of those hours listening to pointless drivel or gossip or sitting on a porch. At least the Legos will give you better insight into structural philosophies, design principles and creative construction.
In short, one keeps the noggin' joggin', the other (usually) does not.
being obsessed with these hobbies is not a downside so long as the man is productive and active
To me, this sounds very much like the arguments made for many LGBTQ issues. Sure, if people can do those things while also being good, upstanding citizens, then there's no problem. Yet a cursory glance at the real world tells you immediately that certain groups are very rarely good, upstanding members of society.
If you can do it, that's great for you. But way WAY too many people think they're the one responsible meth smoker.
The difference is that a man being obsessed with his hobbies can lead to creative, intuitive, and innovative ways of how we look at, expand, and evolve culture. A perfect example of this is Wintergatan....
Combining an obsession of intuitive engineering with classical musical design principles, based on the works of other hobby-obsessed historical figures:
The LGBTQ crowd has nothing to offer culture; nothing enriching; nothing uplifting. It's a power-slide down a hill toward reprobate activities with no redeeming factors.
Now it's true -- and you are correct -- there are some hobbies that consume people with no positive outcomes. Indulgence for the sake of indulgence. At which point, the man loses himself in his obsession for nothing.
The bigger question is if his self-destructive obsession with hobbies would be any worse for him than gambling on trying to "better" himself for marriage where the dice-roll is a 50/50 chance of it ending in divorce and a 12% chance it brings him enough ruin to commit suicide?
I've a better idea and it's what I follow in life. I will do what I like as long as it causes no harm to anyone else or impedes on their private property. In return, I will not compel you to do what I do and leave you be. And no, The Religious Hippie being offended by my choice of hobbies in life is not "harm".
The alternative is to have everyone forced to work and micromanage every minute of their day to maximise revenue. And then remove those who are not maximising revenue from society as dead weight. There's a saying - "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Even the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos need time to decompress and wind down.
Also, the phrasing is important. These aren't hobbies, they're obsessions. It's not "I like movies," or "I like video games," it's "I love Marvel," or "I love Legos."
I don't know this person, and she might very well be insufferable still, but I can certainly see the point she's making. It's not necessarily "how dare a man want to sit around and watch a movie," it's more along the lines of "why is this adult absolutely obsessed with one specific franchise?" It's not a hard and fast dealbreaker necessarily, but I can certainly see the issue.
Hobbies are good. Obsessions can destroy relationships. Some people, very especially nowadays, never learned to moderate. I wouldn't want to be involved with a woman who, for example, needed to see every Marvel movie on opening night, bought all the merch, and all that shit. Too much of that is a major red flag, and men and women should both be very wary getting involved with people like this, as they can't always separate reality from fiction, and also often won't put their real-life relationship first. You can't trust them; they're detached, and are more likely to end up betraying you over stupid shit.
If every second of your life isn't taken up with working to meet a woman's needs and whims with absolutely no time left for the things you enjoy, then you're not husband material.
On a related note, exactly what difference is there between this entitled cunt and Matt Walsh or Charlie Kirk?
Women will always hate anything that men spend money, time, effort, thought, or concern on that isn't women.
And to everyone here saying that there's some truth to this, could you explain precisely how that is true. Not some vague nebulous "I feel that it's true" stuff. But an actual factual explanation.
If a man is capable of supporting himself financially and has a job, his own place, transportation, etc, what business is it of anyone how he spends the rest of his time and money? If he wants to spend 12 hours a day for 4 days in a row every week watching anime and playing video games, but he's able to pay all of his bills and stay in reasonable shape based off working the other 3 days, so what? You don't have to like it, you don't have to choose that lifestyle for yourself, but "I don't like this" is a far cry from "it's actually bad and here's how". Do you just feel it's bad, or can you prove it's bad, how, and by what standard are you measuring bad?
Think of the scummiest drug dealer, woman beater or psychopath and remember they always had a string of women, often times a whole revolving door well aware of their incongruities. Then think of all the well put together men who can't even get a date.
Is this really a man problem? Because if this is womens biggest red flag, it's telling.
Been this way in the anglosphere since Prohibition. Prohibition is one of the most sanitized events in American history and, alongside the British White Feathers bullshit, shows what a shame filled and man hating society the Anglosphere was starting to become all the way back in the late 1800s early 1900s (northern conservatism conserves nothing).
To recap, during prohibition alcohol was banned due to the influence of several groups including many women's groups. What is usually not said is those groups also killed off the wild west era saloon, because men liked going there. What is also not said is this is the period in which prostitution became illegal, for the same reason and due to the same groups. Up until that point it was frowned upon but not illegal.
Also, these women's groups and their enablers also went after, in no particular order: coffee houses, sports, game playing (as in dominoes and cards), and other assorted men's hobbies including hunting and fishing. Men's clubs and hobbies were targets back then, but the attacks didn't stick... back then.
Many Protestant churches were apart of this effort, as well as the usual subjects (tiny hats). This is also the era in which Kellogg got Americans to start circumcising young boys (to stop their masturbation... I shit you not). All in all, the Anglosphere (especially America) has had problems with men's sexuality and tendencies since... At least the 1900s.
Edit: In hindsight, it makes sense these groups went after the saloons so hard. They had every single thing listed above. They were a man's world. They had to die.
man "dr." kellogg was some crazy shit. what a bizzaro origin story that is. Guy tried so hard to get people to eat his cheap gruel as a cure all before they eventually started coating it in sugar and just selling it to kids.
Yeah, because sipping expensive alcohol and plastering petroleum on your faces is a much better hobby.
I wonder what she thinks about women that cosplay in some of the most revealing costumes I’ve ever seen in person. Surely that’s just “women exercising their rights”. Right?
This is just setting themselves up to try and hook a “chad” so they can turn him away from watching sports and make him watch their chick flicks and try on makeup. I’ve seen girls exactly like this and it’s pathetic. I enjoy sports AND my nerd memorabilia and the quickest way for me to disrespect your hobbies is for you to disrespect mine
Her preferred mate is an abusive 6'6" guy with a giant cock. The perfect parent for her theoretical future kids. Not child-raiser, of course. That will be the lego-user, but she'll find that guy AFTER she has the kids.
There are some grains of truth in there, but as noted in this thread, I can't expect her to be using a good faith definition of the word "obsessed." And most modern women spend more time on useless vapid shit than guys do on their hobbies. A dude who is a little too into Star Wars but is otherwise a well functioning person with a stable job and life is generally going to be more than the average girl deserves today.
You've never run into manchildren who spend too much time, money, and attention on stupid shit like collecting funko pops? Personally, to each their own I guess but I could see how that is pussy repellent. That is the grain of truth, there are a lot of actual manchildren out there.
The problem comes when one notes that where she draws that line and where I or most reasonable people on this board would draw that line is probably very different.
If they are financially self sufficient enough to support their hobby while having their own place, transportation, job, food, etc, what on earth gives me or anyone else the right to set the measuring standard for what is 'too much'?
You are absolutely allowed to say "I don't like [thing]". You never have the right to say "[thing] is objectively bad because I don't like it". You can definitely say "I don't like when men spend X< amount of time or money on such and such". But that never gives you the authority to declare that it is actually a bad thing based on you not liking it.
I've never met a respectable man that likes funko pops. That shit is for single digit testosterone score cuckolds. Look up the classic "funko allowance" pasta.
Marvel, starwars? Similar shit. If you like games and movies, that isn't inherently bad. If you like gay modern audience slop made for lowest common denominator zombies, that's pretty pathetic.
Agreed. As I get older, I stopped giving a shit what others did with their time assuming they aren't living off the government tit. They have a job and live within their means, thdn what they do with their time is theirs.
That's all well and good, but how is it relevant to the post we're discussing? She just said her and her friends consider a lot of that stuff to be not desirable in a potential husband and father of their children.
Again, I would wager I would strongly disagree on where she draws that line, but the assertions she is making don't exactly run afoul of your rant there. A statement that they don't view it as desirable in a potential mate isn't some grand overarching claim that it's fundamentally bad, although I wouldn't be shocked if she would follow up with that if pressed on it.
I feel like the funko pop people are just into collecting IN GENERAL and the funko plays into and exploits that. Every funko head I've met was into something else, like startrek / star wars/ magic the gathering/ comics first, then got funko cross over stuff, then got more funkos to try to complete that collection...
I’m gonna agree with her because she didn’t mention video games or anime and it’s 2025. If you’re still a Lego or mainstream pop culture figurine guy I’m gonna assume you’re not noticing enough and are probably gonna let your kid get trans’d. This woman’s instincts are correct
It's baffling how whatever women pour their energy into is some sacrosanct women's space bullshit, but when men do something equivalent but with a specific focus (ie., a dedicated hobby), it's a "red flag."
Women waste their time on endless social media dopamine addictions, but a guy with a LEGO collection is a problem? Fuck outta here.
We have the internet. It's trivial to look up pics/videos of any con and see tons of women cosplaying as Marvel and Disney characters, maybe even more then men. I agree that obsessing over childish media is pathetic, but both men and women do it, and this tweet is just another feminist/ conservative(religious hippie?) attempt at making women as inherently superior to men, which is partly why we're in this culture rot in the first place.
The problem is that those hobbies are not jobbies that make income. The only thing they want you to do that involves labour is employment for their benefit and chores for their benefit. Anything else gives her the "ick".
I don't know why this got voted down but it is technically correct. The people who get on in their careers and success network with other successful people (like attracts like) but you need those connections. They also come from wealthier families. Are taller (men six feet or above only make up 14% of the population but make up over half of CEO's) and there is the halo effect where people want to associate with attractive people. Even the personality aspects behind hard work are predominately (70%) genetic. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know of dropped out of education. So much so, that was a core feature in a Simpsons episode regarding entrepreneurship.
You can be inherently intelligent and smart but without any of those things, you'll have worse outcomes in life.
Some of these are legitimate concerns. Men should be building shit with lumber, not legos. Learn carpentry or metalworking. Plastic bricks are for children that might hurt themselves playing with a saw. Cosplay involves crafting which can translate into other skills.
All I could think of when I read the OP are those pictures from Reddit of entire rooms filled with Funko Pops still in their packaging. Collecting plastic junk is not a "hobby." At least with Legos and Gunpla, you're paying for the entertainment of putting something together. Funko Pops are ugly pieces of plastic that just sit there doing nothing. I wouldn't want a Funko Pop collector as a spouse, either, because it implies a severe lack of ambition and frugality.
As a women, my advice to men is, do what you love unapologetically. If she doesn't want to get to know the person behind your hobbies, then she isn't worth your time.
sports, cars, and anything that indicates you have money are pretty much the only hobbies you should tell women about before you know what kind of stuff they are in too and then you can tell them about your hobbies that are related to their interests, telling them you like to play with legos is pussy repellent
People are entitled to their preferences. Getting bent out of shape over some nobody's engagement-farming tweet is more immature than anything listed in it.
I will point out that "obsession" is by definition excessive. But without asking for examples, reading more into the degree here is just an exercise in if you want to feel attacked or not. Which is the whole point of engagement-farming. Make something that can be taken either way depending on benefit of the doubt and then let people brawl in the replies.
Guys, I have some bad news for some of you. These are indeed low quality hobbies that make you a low quality man.
Find a hobby that can aid in your survival. At a minimum something that can be done without electricity. Try woodworking, rock climbing, fishing, hunting, kayaking, farming. It makes you a more productive and desirable person.
Idk I do agree that too many guys spend too much time on shit like this. But how many of these modern women complaining spend their time learning cooking and other practical skills/hobbies? Most of them watch love is blind and go on tik Tok and think that makes them more grown up then guys playing video games or Lego/w40k etc. The men's hobbies can be childish and a waste of time, especially without moderation, but at least they aren't vapid, brain rotting garbage
Bad example as like kids playing helps with development, hobbies that seem useless can be EXTREMELY useful later on, for example:
Cosplay: the guy knows how to sew so immediately helps with clothing, medical needs let alone working with different types of materials depending on the cosplay.
Lego: Building and knowing from experience weight distribution
Star wars/ Marvel: if he's played certain games, he knows strategy and how to plan logistics.
It shows very shallow thinking if we can't see in our heads how a person's passion can be useful for survival beyond face value.
It does not cost you anything other than your time to train your body and mind. You are already on the internet. Access to information is easy. Find a marketable skill and develop it. Expand your influence.
Interesting view. Just one question though. Where exactly did you get the idea that your standard of what low quality hobbies or men are have absolutely any validity outside of yourself or that you get to be the one who decides what a 'real man' is?
The validity can be directly measured by the hobbies ability to help you improve your environment and expand your influence. This is not some subjective measurement.
Memorization of fantasy trivia and the pursuit of digital wins does not build marketable skills. It keeps your body weak and your mind distracted. It is of low quality.
I am not necessarily against low quality hobbies, but we should recognize them for what they are.
One thing that will absolutely guarantee you failure in looking for a good wife is giving a rat's ass what women's opinions are about basically anything. The reality is that self-confidence and forward momentum in your own life will vastly outweigh anything else a woman complains about when she thinks about what 'turns her off'. The best piece of advice I was ever given with regards to women is 'Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.'
Women are plastic by nature; they will mould to you far more than you will mould to them. Changing yourself to suit another's tastes is womanly behaviour, hence it will lose you favour with women quicker than almost anything else. That's not to say you won't have to make changes when you marry a woman, because that's the nature of bringing two imperfect people together under one roof.
I think it’s more important to educate yourself and formulate correct opinions. You also have to follow through with being extremely adamant about your position. When I met my wife she was a leftist, anti-gun, anti-religious person. I told her I could convince her she was wrong, and she listened. Now she’s right wing, shoots with me every weekend, and attends church with me every Sunday. It was just unfortunate that everyone around her failed her but at least she was intelligent enough to lend an ear to the opposition. Which is why I’m never afraid to hear a retard out, even if it’s only to confirm their retardation
That last sentence is hilarious and a good point.
Obviously you should try and improve your own understanding of the world and become a morally upright person, but doing that is not a prerequisite to attracting a woman. Plenty of morally repugnant idiots are very successful with women solely due to their self-confidence. It just means they'll drag the woman down with them when they inevitably fail.
is that while you guys put up with me? lol.
Pats head You're our strongest potato.
lmao, nice.
Women will flock to a guy with any hobby, because the hobby is mostly irrelevant as long as he is attractive.
One of the mistakes most guys make is thinking attraction is mostly looks, because it works that way for men. But with women, you can achieve a level of confidence in your self and your actions that they will absolutely drop to their knees and play video games or watch nerd shit with you. Because that confidence is attractive.
Its why the "oh no I'm so afraid to be seen as cringe" culture of the 2010s basically destroyed so much of the dating market. Guys were so afraid to be seen fucking smiling they invented the soyboy mouth agape meme. They would only engage with their hobbies "ironically."
You're right. Men need to remember that all male/female relations are driven by deep biology. Women are hardwired to seek stability, even if they don't know it consciously. Their goal is to create a safe environment for raising children. As far as a woman is concerned, confidence = stability, and wealth = stability. That's why it's so attractive to them. It's also why they can be insufferable consensus builders.
Men are mostly only concerned with genetic fitness, which is why we go for looks and youth.
What you're saying isn't wrong for a certain type of woman, but that type also doesn't tend to be good wife material.
I mean, in this day and age, you're not exactly wrong.
That's because men with hobbies won't spend all their time and money simping and slaving for a woman.
Basically, it's a red flag if SHE dismisses your hobby than just the basic "not for me so I'll let you enjoy your thing when you get free time".
Her hobbies of course being drinking, social media, and Tinder.
Resource threat. Every dime you spend on vidya is a dime she doesn't get.
The whore locked her replies.
Disagreeing with her is being a manchild, duh.
And abusive, duh.
The first mistake was asking a lesbian for her opinion on men to begin with. The second mistake was listening to her response.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree. If your whole life is taken up by these types of hobbies, it’s probably not great for you. Having one of these that you enjoy in moderation along with some more traditionally “manly” hobbies is a good idea. I’m a Lego model builder, but I also do plenty of other hobbies, such as running, hiking and boating (sometimes fishing too but I suck at that lol).
C.S. Lewis made a good point about this
"[People] who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
A personal favorite quote.
Did you spend $250 on a collector's item and she is aware of that?
She is thinking that's $250 you chose to ''waste'' instead of spending it on her.
Thus you are ''obsessed'' with your hobby and that's a red flag.
Going to a games convention to see interesting stuff and find a couple old games without the ''e-bay tax''? OMG what a manchild.
Should have spent $250 on a Louis Vuitton purse wallet for her instead./s
Those purses are like $2,500. That now gold-digging these women are.
Yea, "Obsessed" is the important qualifier in what she said and she's 100% correct. Way WAY too many people from Gen X on have just stopped growing once they got too deep into modern entertainment. Men were pushed violently out of their traditional social/work roles, and far too many have taken it as a chance to behave as though they have no responsibility or accountability. I've spent the last decade+ trying to actually keep growing past that childish phase, and like any significant shift in life it's sure not easy, especially with the intense vitriol from the public sphere, but if you can't be assed to even try to actually be a real man (and not what media tells you a man is supposed to be), don't expect women to want you.
Your mistake here is using a genuine, honest definition of obsessed.
I can guarantee you that, "the religious hippie" (lol) definitely is not. What she really means is how dare he have a thing he pays attention to that isn't orbiting me.
The women in this hypothetical aren't actually looking for a husband. They don't want a partner or a lifelong friend or someone to love and cherish. They're looking for a settle. They think they're doing you a favor and their attitude matches that.
ya, this.
She wouldn't say shit if her mouth was full of it if a man that gives her the tingles loves Funko Pops.
And if a man she were attracted too just happened to enjoy attending pre-school story time himself, she wouldn't find that weird either.
The point she's making is that, overwhelmingly, the real men in the real world who collect Funko Pops do NOT give her the tingles.
Why do they demand, bully and henpeck for beta behavior in men - when it immediately turns them off and then a tryst with an Alpha "just happens" ?
Most women are insane, frankly. Lacking direction they flail around unhappily, since society encourages their worst traits and the enemy has defanged the church that would have stood as a good influence.
Its the female version of strength testing. It's why "holding frame" in the red pill community. Women will do the EXACT same thing with two different intents and use various responses to make different conclusions.
To be clearer. "I want to do this" sometimes means "I want to do this" and sometimes it means "I think you dont want to do this, and want you to not let me"
Determining which is happening OR creating a response that satisfies both is the key.
One of her questions is looking to get her needs met, the other is looking to test if you're capable of meeting her needs under duress. In this case, she introduces the duress to make the test.
This is all of course retarded. But what did you expect.
And they wonder why we're less interested in marriage then ever.
It only became a problem when they tried to pathologize knowing that.
For women, it’s the guy who’s good for you vs. the guy you really want. Before I got married, I had been both situations and the treatment difference is stark. Either way, they are extracting from you.
You're a fucking idiot.
So your claim here then is that the term "man children" is an earnest, honest one? And not one that has been used to attack anyone with hobbies for the last two decades?
Sumsuch is probably a woman.
I've met manchildren but it has definitely just become a way to attack men
Words aren't an entity of their own dude. You actually have to pay attention to the message if you want to understand how a person is using a word.
The way this person is using those words? Absolutely it's an earnest and honest assessment of the abysmal state which many modern men have learned to accept as normal for their lives.
Hope she fucks you bro.
Women embellish and over exaggerate all the time.
When she says obsessed, she means a normal amount of time spent on a hobby. having figures, comics. collecting. NOT going crazy with it.
Not my monkeys; not my circus. Accountability is only a White male trait. No woman or minority has any of this.
I'm the same. In my case it was even worse, it took the left ruining my hobbies to realize I had to grow up and not get so obsessed with hobbies. I'm strangely thankful for that.
Bingo. Destroying all the pop culture is a huge boon. I don't watch goyball, comics, cartoons, most movies, etc because of all this. In lieu of that I raise my kids.
She's not necessarily correct, even with the qualifier of being "obsessed".
You're absolutely right about men being pushed out of many of their hobbies and pastimes, and have had to find solace in striking up new... obsessions.
However, being obsessed with these hobbies is not a downside so long as the man is productive and active.
Some of my hobbies do require an obsession or an inordinate amount of time, such as practicing music -- I have had to invest sometimes between two and six hours in a day practicing, building up muscle memory for certain songs or techniques. The obsession is necessary to get good. I also have other hobbies, which can also take up a significant amount of time.
The thing is, are any of those worth sacrificing at this stage in life (too old to start and raise a family) for someone else? Absolutely not. Most men I know in most communities I'm a part of recognise that they inherently get zero value out of giving up the obsession of their hobbies for a woman.
What will she do instead? What time you impart on her benefits you more than improving a skillset, knowledge base, or technique in the hobbies that you find engaging? What will she provide you with that's better for you than the things you actually enjoy? And is it worth the downsides, baggage, and traumas she will bring into your life? (and make no mistake, everyone has baggage, especially the older they get)
If a guy spends 10 hours in a day architecting complex Lego structures, I don't see how that is worse than splitting that time between reorienting your schedule around someone else and spending several of those hours listening to pointless drivel or gossip or sitting on a porch. At least the Legos will give you better insight into structural philosophies, design principles and creative construction.
In short, one keeps the noggin' joggin', the other (usually) does not.
To me, this sounds very much like the arguments made for many LGBTQ issues. Sure, if people can do those things while also being good, upstanding citizens, then there's no problem. Yet a cursory glance at the real world tells you immediately that certain groups are very rarely good, upstanding members of society.
If you can do it, that's great for you. But way WAY too many people think they're the one responsible meth smoker.
The difference is that a man being obsessed with his hobbies can lead to creative, intuitive, and innovative ways of how we look at, expand, and evolve culture. A perfect example of this is Wintergatan....
Combining an obsession of intuitive engineering with classical musical design principles, based on the works of other hobby-obsessed historical figures:
What you end up with is something awe-inspiring and culturally enriching:
The LGBTQ crowd has nothing to offer culture; nothing enriching; nothing uplifting. It's a power-slide down a hill toward reprobate activities with no redeeming factors.
Now it's true -- and you are correct -- there are some hobbies that consume people with no positive outcomes. Indulgence for the sake of indulgence. At which point, the man loses himself in his obsession for nothing.
The bigger question is if his self-destructive obsession with hobbies would be any worse for him than gambling on trying to "better" himself for marriage where the dice-roll is a 50/50 chance of it ending in divorce and a 12% chance it brings him enough ruin to commit suicide?
I've a better idea and it's what I follow in life. I will do what I like as long as it causes no harm to anyone else or impedes on their private property. In return, I will not compel you to do what I do and leave you be. And no, The Religious Hippie being offended by my choice of hobbies in life is not "harm".
Being a useless lout doesn't earn you a place in society. The same goes for aging childless spinsters.
The alternative is to have everyone forced to work and micromanage every minute of their day to maximise revenue. And then remove those who are not maximising revenue from society as dead weight. There's a saying - "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". Even the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos need time to decompress and wind down.
Also, the phrasing is important. These aren't hobbies, they're obsessions. It's not "I like movies," or "I like video games," it's "I love Marvel," or "I love Legos."
I don't know this person, and she might very well be insufferable still, but I can certainly see the point she's making. It's not necessarily "how dare a man want to sit around and watch a movie," it's more along the lines of "why is this adult absolutely obsessed with one specific franchise?" It's not a hard and fast dealbreaker necessarily, but I can certainly see the issue.
Hobbies are good. Obsessions can destroy relationships. Some people, very especially nowadays, never learned to moderate. I wouldn't want to be involved with a woman who, for example, needed to see every Marvel movie on opening night, bought all the merch, and all that shit. Too much of that is a major red flag, and men and women should both be very wary getting involved with people like this, as they can't always separate reality from fiction, and also often won't put their real-life relationship first. You can't trust them; they're detached, and are more likely to end up betraying you over stupid shit.
Why are these whores' complaints our problem? It's not like they're anything resembling wife material, so the trash taking itself out is a good thing.
Rage bait.
But in reality online dating is full of these whor….women.
If every second of your life isn't taken up with working to meet a woman's needs and whims with absolutely no time left for the things you enjoy, then you're not husband material.
On a related note, exactly what difference is there between this entitled cunt and Matt Walsh or Charlie Kirk?
Religious Hippie: "Men who do their own thing and have hobbies I don't like are man-children".
Also Religious Hippie: "Men who do as I say and don't do their own thing give me the "ick".
Not husband material sounds good to me. Who wants to be the chump who's too scared to ask why the baby came out half black?
The difference is one of them has a front-hole, while the other one is a giant front-hole.
Matt ''sick leave is for pussies'' Walsh.
There's a chance this one has a penis
Women will always hate anything that men spend money, time, effort, thought, or concern on that isn't women.
And to everyone here saying that there's some truth to this, could you explain precisely how that is true. Not some vague nebulous "I feel that it's true" stuff. But an actual factual explanation.
If a man is capable of supporting himself financially and has a job, his own place, transportation, etc, what business is it of anyone how he spends the rest of his time and money? If he wants to spend 12 hours a day for 4 days in a row every week watching anime and playing video games, but he's able to pay all of his bills and stay in reasonable shape based off working the other 3 days, so what? You don't have to like it, you don't have to choose that lifestyle for yourself, but "I don't like this" is a far cry from "it's actually bad and here's how". Do you just feel it's bad, or can you prove it's bad, how, and by what standard are you measuring bad?
Why have a girlfriend / wife if you’re not going to spend any time with her? It’s really fun to grow together, but you have to make time to do that.
You can grow together doing the things you enjoy. It is the woman who thinks that the guy must stop being a guy or having fun to spend time with her.
My best friend has this argument with his GF every fucking day.
'spend more time with me'
'what do you want to do'
'I don't care, anything but that'
'suggests literally anything'
'no not that either, don't you love me any more?'
'what do YOU want to do, i just want to make you happy"
'You should know!!' stomps feet and storms off in anger
tries to hang out with girlfrind
'yells and screams and tells him to go away'
gives her some space
throws a fit for not getting attention
refuses to go anywhere or do anything because gf is throwing a fit (AGAIN) and spends all day trying to spend time with GF
"go away, you are so horrible, how could you treat me LIKE THIS!?" spends entire day pushing him away
Men aren't mind readers, women most affected.
In other words, fire is still hot.
Think of the scummiest drug dealer, woman beater or psychopath and remember they always had a string of women, often times a whole revolving door well aware of their incongruities. Then think of all the well put together men who can't even get a date.
Is this really a man problem? Because if this is womens biggest red flag, it's telling.
These thots chasing thugs would have more restraint if the govt didn't tax the "good men" and provide a variety of safety nets for them
Best comment here.
Been this way in the anglosphere since Prohibition. Prohibition is one of the most sanitized events in American history and, alongside the British White Feathers bullshit, shows what a shame filled and man hating society the Anglosphere was starting to become all the way back in the late 1800s early 1900s (northern conservatism conserves nothing).
To recap, during prohibition alcohol was banned due to the influence of several groups including many women's groups. What is usually not said is those groups also killed off the wild west era saloon, because men liked going there. What is also not said is this is the period in which prostitution became illegal, for the same reason and due to the same groups. Up until that point it was frowned upon but not illegal.
Also, these women's groups and their enablers also went after, in no particular order: coffee houses, sports, game playing (as in dominoes and cards), and other assorted men's hobbies including hunting and fishing. Men's clubs and hobbies were targets back then, but the attacks didn't stick... back then. Many Protestant churches were apart of this effort, as well as the usual subjects (tiny hats). This is also the era in which Kellogg got Americans to start circumcising young boys (to stop their masturbation... I shit you not). All in all, the Anglosphere (especially America) has had problems with men's sexuality and tendencies since... At least the 1900s.
Edit: In hindsight, it makes sense these groups went after the saloons so hard. They had every single thing listed above. They were a man's world. They had to die.
man "dr." kellogg was some crazy shit. what a bizzaro origin story that is. Guy tried so hard to get people to eat his cheap gruel as a cure all before they eventually started coating it in sugar and just selling it to kids.
Yeah, because sipping expensive alcohol and plastering petroleum on your faces is a much better hobby.
I wonder what she thinks about women that cosplay in some of the most revealing costumes I’ve ever seen in person. Surely that’s just “women exercising their rights”. Right?
This is just setting themselves up to try and hook a “chad” so they can turn him away from watching sports and make him watch their chick flicks and try on makeup. I’ve seen girls exactly like this and it’s pathetic. I enjoy sports AND my nerd memorabilia and the quickest way for me to disrespect your hobbies is for you to disrespect mine
Uhm.... what she's saying would actually give him a better chance at being a good dad. Who would spend time with his kids.
Does this dumbass have any tweets on what she thinks a good father would be? very curious now.
Her preferred mate is an abusive 6'6" guy with a giant cock. The perfect parent for her theoretical future kids. Not child-raiser, of course. That will be the lego-user, but she'll find that guy AFTER she has the kids.
Normal men could very easily get women.
There's a difference between CAN'T and won't / not wanting to.
I could get a gf in less than 3 days, but i'm not a masochist.
Bringing a perpetual negatives machine (modern woman) into your life as a gf, is a stupid fuckin idea.
There are some grains of truth in there, but as noted in this thread, I can't expect her to be using a good faith definition of the word "obsessed." And most modern women spend more time on useless vapid shit than guys do on their hobbies. A dude who is a little too into Star Wars but is otherwise a well functioning person with a stable job and life is generally going to be more than the average girl deserves today.
What precisely are those grains of truth?
You've never run into manchildren who spend too much time, money, and attention on stupid shit like collecting funko pops? Personally, to each their own I guess but I could see how that is pussy repellent. That is the grain of truth, there are a lot of actual manchildren out there.
The problem comes when one notes that where she draws that line and where I or most reasonable people on this board would draw that line is probably very different.
If they are financially self sufficient enough to support their hobby while having their own place, transportation, job, food, etc, what on earth gives me or anyone else the right to set the measuring standard for what is 'too much'?
You are absolutely allowed to say "I don't like [thing]". You never have the right to say "[thing] is objectively bad because I don't like it". You can definitely say "I don't like when men spend X< amount of time or money on such and such". But that never gives you the authority to declare that it is actually a bad thing based on you not liking it.
I've never met a respectable man that likes funko pops. That shit is for single digit testosterone score cuckolds. Look up the classic "funko allowance" pasta.
Marvel, starwars? Similar shit. If you like games and movies, that isn't inherently bad. If you like gay modern audience slop made for lowest common denominator zombies, that's pretty pathetic.
Agreed. As I get older, I stopped giving a shit what others did with their time assuming they aren't living off the government tit. They have a job and live within their means, thdn what they do with their time is theirs.
I can outline why being a manchild is objectively bad in society.
That's all well and good, but how is it relevant to the post we're discussing? She just said her and her friends consider a lot of that stuff to be not desirable in a potential husband and father of their children.
Again, I would wager I would strongly disagree on where she draws that line, but the assertions she is making don't exactly run afoul of your rant there. A statement that they don't view it as desirable in a potential mate isn't some grand overarching claim that it's fundamentally bad, although I wouldn't be shocked if she would follow up with that if pressed on it.
I feel like the funko pop people are just into collecting IN GENERAL and the funko plays into and exploits that. Every funko head I've met was into something else, like startrek / star wars/ magic the gathering/ comics first, then got funko cross over stuff, then got more funkos to try to complete that collection...
I’m gonna agree with her because she didn’t mention video games or anime and it’s 2025. If you’re still a Lego or mainstream pop culture figurine guy I’m gonna assume you’re not noticing enough and are probably gonna let your kid get trans’d. This woman’s instincts are correct
I will care what a woman thinks of my hobby when they care what I think about their clothes, accessories, and shoes.
It's baffling how whatever women pour their energy into is some sacrosanct women's space bullshit, but when men do something equivalent but with a specific focus (ie., a dedicated hobby), it's a "red flag."
Women waste their time on endless social media dopamine addictions, but a guy with a LEGO collection is a problem? Fuck outta here.
We have the internet. It's trivial to look up pics/videos of any con and see tons of women cosplaying as Marvel and Disney characters, maybe even more then men. I agree that obsessing over childish media is pathetic, but both men and women do it, and this tweet is just another feminist/ conservative(religious hippie?) attempt at making women as inherently superior to men, which is partly why we're in this culture rot in the first place.
Women are collectivist by nature, you want to find an individualist whose life is not tethered to the opinions of others especially to crabs.
The problem is that those hobbies are not jobbies that make income. The only thing they want you to do that involves labour is employment for their benefit and chores for their benefit. Anything else gives her the "ick".
Any hobby can be used to make income if you're smart enough
I don't know why this got voted down but it is technically correct. The people who get on in their careers and success network with other successful people (like attracts like) but you need those connections. They also come from wealthier families. Are taller (men six feet or above only make up 14% of the population but make up over half of CEO's) and there is the halo effect where people want to associate with attractive people. Even the personality aspects behind hard work are predominately (70%) genetic. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs that I know of dropped out of education. So much so, that was a core feature in a Simpsons episode regarding entrepreneurship.
You can be inherently intelligent and smart but without any of those things, you'll have worse outcomes in life.
He's a troll user who slipped through the cracks. Might be the pajeet again with different dialogue.
They never deserved rights, they are not the same as me.
Don't forget the hundreds of empty egg crates oozing over the Barbie movie and getting their photo taken in a toy box outside the theater.
Don't forget all the grey bushed women drinking kiddie drinks and ooohing over prepubescent boys
Sounds to me like someone isn't interesting enough to keep their husband or boyfriend's attention and they are choosing to give bad advice
“Why aren’t you paying attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!??”
Some of these are legitimate concerns. Men should be building shit with lumber, not legos. Learn carpentry or metalworking. Plastic bricks are for children that might hurt themselves playing with a saw. Cosplay involves crafting which can translate into other skills.
This doesn’t have to be an either / or thing.
I built a great shed a little while back. Materials cost $2,500
I also buy some of the little Lego car models that they sell for like $20 each.
Sure there’s cheaper woodworking projects but you can do both
Sounds like fair complaints. Soyboy consoomers aren't attractive.
"Why won't men settle with me when it's blatantly obvious I want to make you miserable??!?"
Critical Drinker talks about it:
Original Tweet:
If you go to her account you see a lot of 'backtracking'.
All I could think of when I read the OP are those pictures from Reddit of entire rooms filled with Funko Pops still in their packaging. Collecting plastic junk is not a "hobby." At least with Legos and Gunpla, you're paying for the entertainment of putting something together. Funko Pops are ugly pieces of plastic that just sit there doing nothing. I wouldn't want a Funko Pop collector as a spouse, either, because it implies a severe lack of ambition and frugality.
As a women, my advice to men is, do what you love unapologetically. If she doesn't want to get to know the person behind your hobbies, then she isn't worth your time.
I'm guessing she doesn't really have any human friends. She's talking to her cats.
who even is this? Why is her opinion worth enough to post?
100% accurate comment lol
women dont want nerds, who knew
sports, cars, and anything that indicates you have money are pretty much the only hobbies you should tell women about before you know what kind of stuff they are in too and then you can tell them about your hobbies that are related to their interests, telling them you like to play with legos is pussy repellent
I see many cats in her future
People are entitled to their preferences. Getting bent out of shape over some nobody's engagement-farming tweet is more immature than anything listed in it.
I will point out that "obsession" is by definition excessive. But without asking for examples, reading more into the degree here is just an exercise in if you want to feel attacked or not. Which is the whole point of engagement-farming. Make something that can be taken either way depending on benefit of the doubt and then let people brawl in the replies.
Man, so many of you sound so bitter.
Guys, I have some bad news for some of you. These are indeed low quality hobbies that make you a low quality man.
Find a hobby that can aid in your survival. At a minimum something that can be done without electricity. Try woodworking, rock climbing, fishing, hunting, kayaking, farming. It makes you a more productive and desirable person.
Idk I do agree that too many guys spend too much time on shit like this. But how many of these modern women complaining spend their time learning cooking and other practical skills/hobbies? Most of them watch love is blind and go on tik Tok and think that makes them more grown up then guys playing video games or Lego/w40k etc. The men's hobbies can be childish and a waste of time, especially without moderation, but at least they aren't vapid, brain rotting garbage
Yup, the women who think video games are beyond the pale are the ones who spend hours a day watching crap like reality TV.
Or a cumulative 6 hours a day every day on their phones.
Ask this one if she's ever read a book that wasn't Harry Potter or Twilight.
Does any of those hobbies make income to her? If not, it will give her the "ick" and will be deemed a low quality hobby for a low quality man.
That is the difference between men and women. A woman’s stupid hobbies don’t matter as long as she can maintain a home.
Hobbit trivia and victory royals very rarely pay the bills or expand your understanding of the world.
Ah ok, weird angle to take with the “have caveman hobbies or else you aren’t a man”
I can work out on the weekdays and recreate the Battle of Geonosis in a diorama on the weekends. Doesn’t make me any less of a man really.
Almost as retarded as what the woman above said
Bad example as like kids playing helps with development, hobbies that seem useless can be EXTREMELY useful later on, for example:
Cosplay: the guy knows how to sew so immediately helps with clothing, medical needs let alone working with different types of materials depending on the cosplay.
Lego: Building and knowing from experience weight distribution
Star wars/ Marvel: if he's played certain games, he knows strategy and how to plan logistics.
It shows very shallow thinking if we can't see in our heads how a person's passion can be useful for survival beyond face value.
Yes, but these are all childhood activities for childhood development. The woman is specifically talking about the red flags for a mature man.
Mature men work to change their environment and promote expansion.
You sound like you have already given up on life.
It does not cost you anything other than your time to train your body and mind. You are already on the internet. Access to information is easy. Find a marketable skill and develop it. Expand your influence.
/money simply allows you to purchase power.
Interesting view. Just one question though. Where exactly did you get the idea that your standard of what low quality hobbies or men are have absolutely any validity outside of yourself or that you get to be the one who decides what a 'real man' is?
The validity can be directly measured by the hobbies ability to help you improve your environment and expand your influence. This is not some subjective measurement.
Memorization of fantasy trivia and the pursuit of digital wins does not build marketable skills. It keeps your body weak and your mind distracted. It is of low quality.
I am not necessarily against low quality hobbies, but we should recognize them for what they are.
/women can.
And if those two concepts have zero bearing on someone's own standard for whether their life is enjoyable and worth living for their own sake?
Your nihilistic government funded programming is on full display.
We'll mark that down as "Was unable to answer the question"