1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

(To the tune of Spider-man)

Every time, every time/

it really is them every time/

Own the banks, and the news/

don't ask if it's you-know-who/

Oy vey, it's really always them~

1776ReasonsWhy 12 points ago +12 / -0

I cannot think of a more fitting place for tranny artwork to be shoved than a game called "Suicide Squad."

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

He had so much (internet) fame and fortune, and a woman STILL left him for someone who is less manly than him, which is truly saying something. I think his worldview has been completely shattered beyond repair and we're witnessing it live.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

go outside.

Do not talk like some faggot redditor who thinks he understands the world better than anyone who disagrees with him.

1776ReasonsWhy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Your condescension is as undeserved as it is retarded. Get fucked cunt. You sound like the usual Leftist who shows up every now and again to concern troll, pretending you don't understand why we talk about things the way we do. Get lost.

1776ReasonsWhy 41 points ago +41 / -0

To troll and harass the Trump supporters on Gab, why is that confusing?

1776ReasonsWhy 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here is a segment from the Lotus Eaters on streamer Destiny celebrating it, and his ultimate removal from places like Kik and twitter. He's been a violent anti-conservative for years, but he's so comfortable talking like he does that he crossed a line this time.

You can scan reddit or twitter yourself to see tons more. They haven't really been hidden at all.

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Have you missed the last week and a half of Democrats celebrating the almost-murder of Trump, and the definitely-murder of that firefighter who caught the bullet instead? It's been nearly 8 years of increasingly violent rhetoric, but it's come to a fever pitch recently. You cannot call that "paranoid."

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

A very enterprising young minority would fatten him up first, then cash in on the jumbo-sized skin.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dumping them all on a single island (a set in HI's case) with thousands of miles of ocean separating them from the rest of us is also good future-proofing against escape.

1776ReasonsWhy 8 points ago +8 / -0

And it's already littered with black-worship spam all over it. Disgusting and unsurprising. Was this another one Cameltoe was listening to years before it actually released?

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I contend that the constant refusal also prove definitively it was every single one of them doing it and never his fault. It's giving them enough rope to hang themselves with, whatever that looks like in French parliament. Yes All Leftists.

1776ReasonsWhy 32 points ago +33 / -1

They have routinely poked and barbed the normal people who get castigated as Far Right for simply saying "I don't like modern Star Wars anymore" and it's going to cost them a LOT of good will. This is painfully ironic given their whole channel's big break was the Star Wars prequel critiques with Mr. Plinkett. They know, intellectually, that none of the newer Disney or Marvel products are good, but their ideology categorically forbids them from naming Feminism, Liberalism, DEI, or any other sacred cow as the reason that it's so awful.

They will never call out Disney giving former Personal Assistant to Harvey Weinstein Leslye Headland $180 million to make The Acolyte, but they will make an hour long video on it where they waffle about the "response" to the show being 'unfair' or 'intolerant' or 'undeserved.' They will whine and complain that there are starving children in Africa, and attacking a bad Star Wars show is a waste of time and a demonstration of skewed priorities. Yes, they really did this. They are weak men who coasted on the early breaking waves of "things sure are getting bad, aren't they?" but will never have the will or determination to point fingers because it will disrupt their comfortable movie-watching careers. They are a relic of the 2010's when internet videos critiquing media was a new phenomenon and now that things are well past "movies and TV are kinda bad, I wonder why that is" they don't want to take off their blinders and see what's been done, by whom, or why.

Good riddance to them. I dropped them when Mike couldn't help himself making a Donald Trump reference to some man making a cartoonishly evil and racist speech in one of their old-&-bad movie watches.

1776ReasonsWhy 27 points ago +27 / -0


We're not allowed to do that anymore, though... :(

1776ReasonsWhy 20 points ago +20 / -0

Democrats walked around with their "I can't breathe" shirts for MONTHS. Some still are. But it's lame and gay when the guy doesn't actually die.

1776ReasonsWhy 6 points ago +8 / -2

I'll tell everyone who does that "voooote harder" shit to kill themselves. I will not tolerate them mocking the last fucking line that prevents my nation from becoming a full-on warzone. What else am I supposed to do, be violent? Give up and despair?

deleted -3 points ago +5 / -8
1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the little Jew hat they wear. Literally, the tiny hat.

1776ReasonsWhy 9 points ago +9 / -0

I always think Left wingers are keyboard larping faggots because I know their nature is cowardly. Like you so often see in black-on-White fight videos, they will gang up on you instead of fight you one-on-one. Leftists never attack alone, only in droves. They cannot imagine rising up by themselves to take on an opponent.

I will always think right wingers seriously mean it because I have witnessed nearly 10 years of increasingly violent Leftists thinking they're the big kid on the playground who the teacher never seems to look at, and the time is very ripe for an explosive retaliation. Also, people who respect themselves simply do not let others tread on them, and especially under the guise of "being the better man." This idea has been twisted in the same way that being "Christian" means never being hostile or violent. It's a de-fanging psyop designed by evil people.

Wreck their shit, Mr. Beater.

1776ReasonsWhy 20 points ago +20 / -0

a sign that the communal warping of reality is spreading well beyond the right.

You may think you hate journalists enough, but you don't.

1776ReasonsWhy 20 points ago +20 / -0

Perhaps this is my autism shining through, but there's nothing I hate quite as much (musically speaking) as people improvising all over established songs like anthems. Just sing them NORMALLY and WELL. 99% of everyone are completely unworthy to try to edit them as they see fit and "spice them up" or whatever. What a travesty.

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