This is my problem with this whole debate. Yes I acknowledge that young people face serious challenges starting out in the workforce. Yes I agree that we are importing foreigners to take American jobs and that is hideously evil and unfair.
Once we’ve agreed on that, what then? What is a young adult supposed to actually do tomorrow? What is your plan? Complaining about it incessantly on Twitter is not a plan. Calling for policy solutions is fine and I agree that we should work on those. But what about tomorrow? What is the demoralized young person supposed to actually do in his life tomorrow?
I say that he must get up in spite of it all, get the best job he possibly can, and work as hard he can to achieve what he can. He has a difficult road. Far from the most difficult compared to the vast majority of humans who have ever lived on Earth, but difficult. I acknowledge that. But he still has to get up and walk. What else would we have him do?
Listen Matt, this is very simple. You don't need to tell young white men to get up and walk. People learn how to do that by age 2. You need to start fighting to abolish the H-1B visa program.
Yes, you're one of the few Con Inc influencers who says H-1Bs should be stopped. But strangely enough, you spend your time defending the ones who think it's amazing? Why?
Get to work ending the H-1B, or shut up.
Or, he can put forth the absolute minimum effort to give himself a life he can tolerate. He can grift and cheat and abuse what public assistance programs will actually serve him. He can withdraw from civic engagement, undermine the government at every turn possible, and just generally be as shitty as he can to an economic and political structure that seeks to disenfranchise and disempower him at every turn while still feeling entitled to the fruits of his labor.
Loyalty is a two-way street, and the powers that be have shown nothing but contempt for white men for decades.
This is what the mgtow guys are advocating. The only way to win is not to play.
Walsh is far too idealistic for a Christian. Humans are flawed and lean towards the sinful selfish thing.
We are not a nation of cohesion anymore
Feels like what I said year ago aged like a fine wine.
So your solution to bad times is to be a weak man. Literally hood nigger behavior.
No. That is blackpill shit. Don't be a faggot. The only thing you said that has value is undermining government operation, which CAN be functiona but could also be detrimentall. But refusing to better yourself means you will never have any actual influence. Refusing to get engaged in civic duties just hands the reigns of power to the left.
This thread is pathetic and yours is the worst post in it. Giving up is letting the globalist cabal win. Nothing changes when you voluntarily become a useless zombie
Nobody owes society shit unless society provides back for them, and our society has shown continued willingness to not only fail to uphold its end of the bargain but also demand more in spite of it.
You can call it hoodnigger behavior, and it is, but you are advocating for beta simp behavior of sticking by your wife after the 9th affair.
At least one of these options ends with my life improving, instead of wasting it away hoping for applause about how awesomely principled I am.
You're literally saying being a welfare zombie is preferable to actually trying to improve society, and that trying to actually make your own life or your community better is "simp behavior". No, beta behavior is what the post I replied to is encouraging.
That's fucking retarded. I thought you were one of the sane posters here. You're welcome to fuck off to mexico or england if you want to lie down and cry that the world isn't making your life easy instead of actually doing anything about it - because that's the mindset of a cuck who worships the state. That's why those countries are dead. That's not an American outlook.
Society is against me and my life, I owe it nothing and improving it is literally teaching it, and my enemies, that they can use me as they please and I'll keep coming back for more like a beta bitch. There is no "improving" our way out of this situation until many drastic steps are taken first. And not a moment before then.
I don't want anything extra from it, I want to be left alone by it. I want my forcefully collected taxes to be used for the purpose they are meant for, and then literally to be left to toil in my swamp in peace.
I'm truly broken that you are disappointed in me, whatever will I do. I suppose I should be a REAL AMERICAN and conform my principles and morals to what a random nigger on the internet tells me to think.
-Sincerely, "conservatives"
Cuckservatives are only loyal to conserve 1 tribe, they don't care about you.
Step 1 - tell you to fuck right off for holding them back from doing anything effective.
No man, you've got to understand: Society only works when you allow those with money and power to rape the women you love in broad daylight, while keeping your damn mouth shut and working to enable the systems which facilitate it.
Only if you ignore the plentiful warning signs which have been passed down over many thousands of years about these situations.
We're not in the UK so speak for yourself
Good thing that's the only place where people behave poorly.
I honestly despise conservatives more than leftists. At least the latter are openly in opposition to me and everything I believe in, while the former pretend to be on my side and then slip the knife in first chance they get.
Useless traitors meant to pacify people before they move too far to the right.
"We're sorry." ~ Con Inc.
Matt Walsh also says that the 40 hour work week is a sign of laziness and people should expect to work even more.
We can have that discussion after we have readily available, decent paying jobs.
Heck, some people couldn't work more than 40 hours a week even if they wanted to. In many fields, employers don't want you to, and won't even let you, even if the employee wanted to spend even more time working for shit pay as currency gets more and more worthless.
Some employers will lose their shit if you don't clock out right on time, because they're worried about regulatory nonsense and mandatory overtime pay. Back in the day my old boss would get really annoyed if I stayed four minutes longer to wrap up the day's work, even though I never tried to get paid for that time at all, much less at overtime rates.
Yeah, there's plenty of lazy people, and there's plenty of times "just work more" is the correct advice...but there's also plenty of times that following that advice would be for suckers. If you're already making shit pay with no path for advancement, but are making enough to get by...why on Earth would you trade the remaining limited time you have in a week for more shit pay work? The cost/reward caps out at some point, if the economy is shit. You're better off either pursuing your hobbies, or looking for different work if you can find it...not just more work.
Forget overtime, the current wagie meta is to get each employee below 40 hours so they count as "part time" and the employer don't have to shell out benefits. The fewer the better, though 35-hour weeks seems to be the "sweet spot".
"Just work two jobs, brah."
"Look at all the jobs we created!"
"He's not working 48 hours a week, he's working two 24-hours-a-week jobs at the same location!"
look at all the gdp we're beating Chyna with
I'm actually surprised that the government didn't catch on to that long ago. It's an easy fix to just make employers supply benefits based on the total number of man-hours their employees work.
I.E. if you have 40 full-time employees you have to pay them all benefits or, if you have 80 half-time employees, the government mandates that you pay at least 40 of them benefits. This would remove any incentive for employers to chop up full-time jobs into part-time, because they're paying the same number of benefits packages regardless.
Or we could do away with all that nonsense anyway, get government out of employers' business, get them out of healthcare and education, and pop the stupid regulatory bubbles.
Why is it an employer's job to pay for an employee's healthcare? The only reason that's a thing is because of bizarre government intervention. The jobs that wanted to were already doing that; mandating it just incentivized businesses to screw over their employees, while also making private healthcare costs shoot through the roof, making employees even more at the mercy of employers, government, and healthcare.
Just let employees and employers work things out, mostly among themselves. Same for education and healthcare/insurance.
None of these guys would be caught dead working a Panda Express management job. Hell they'll performatively act "insulted" if an offer doesn't give them enough money, as Steven Crowder demonstrated a couple years ago.
Coming from someone whose "work" is drifting into the studio at 2pm, reading someone else's scripts for two hours, and then going home at 4pm.
Imagine being enough of a faggot to hope someone's marriage fails. You might as well be a leftist at that point.
The progressive income tax needs to be abolished to get people to work more. I make $150k/yr working 40 hours a week but if I work another 40 and get paid $150k/yr for that additional 40 then I'll be earning barely minimum wage because of progressive income taxes. That's a joke.
Not only that but no where is going to pay me $300k/yr to work 80 hours a week instead of $150k/yr to work 40. I'd do it if I was paid appropriately.
You basically have to go out on your own for that. I do that now for people I used to work with, and I work harder than I have since my 20s because team "billable hours" is a great team to play for. It's also a nice feeling (for me at least) for a project to end so it doesn't feel like work is an endless slog where nothing seems to ever progress.
But I don't know how you deliberately put yourself into that situation where you can do that; it would be very specific to an individual. In my case it happened on accident: old coworkers emailed me after they'd heard through the grapevine I quit where we'd worked together, they needed help, the ball started rolling, and things just worked out. After the first successful project they knew I could deliver, so then I was a known quantity for the next time they needed help.
Historically speaking, what these demoralized young men will eventually, inevitably do is kill. Including, but not limited to, the replacement workers and their advocates, plus tons of collateral damage.
The filter caught your comment. Must've said something that makes Dom uncomfortable.
If it was a level playing field or at least EASILY understandable hierarchy (noble hierarchy, one built of merit, resource availability etc) but White men have been targeted for disenfranchisement all across the West from employment, entrepreneurship, relationships even their entertainment.
So going 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' comes across as well as 'let them eat cake'.
Matt's suggestion is for a never ending cycle of tolerance, ultimately leading to the death everyone involved, up to and including the White Western nations who follow his advice.
Since the implementation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and especially since the last vestiges of the gold standard were removed by Nixon in the early 1970s, the U.S. dollar has lost over 99% of its value. Inflation, due to usury, money printing, and fractional reserve banking, simply out paces any amount of work a man can do. Previously, before the inflation got too bad, a man used to be able to work a blue collar job, right out of high school, with no experience or college, with no training, and be able to work a few years at the company and make enough money to support his wife, several kids, own a home, own a car, and live comfortably, without having to work 60-90 hours a week.
Now? We're being asked to work harder and harder, longer and longer hours, both the husband and wife have to work, and even working two jobs, it's still not enough to afford a home. Even child care has gotten so expensive its often cheaper for the wife to stay home (good thing, but for the wrong reasons).
The very nature of usury and money printing necessarily results in this death spiral. The average man can't keep up with inflation. The average wage hasn't kept up with it since the 1970s. Even though CEOs and the uber rich are richer than they've ever been, the average man has never been poorer, or worked harder for their own destitution.
There is simply no benefit for us to continue to operate under the current paradigm, which is sick, twisted, corrupt, and evil, operating purely for the benefit of evil people at the top, and toward our intended detriment.
If a system was built up by men, for themselves, their loved ones, and their progeny, and that system becomes corrupt many years later, and instead of working for the betterment of the people, it now becomes hostile to the people, there are only two correct responses the people should have. One, is to try to fix the corrupted system, to root out the rot and evil. If option one can't be done, violence and destruction of the old system is the only answer, to completely remove it, and rebuild the system from scratch, for ourselves, our loved ones, and our progeny.
What's wrong with talking about your issues in the new "public square?"
White people aren't allowed to talk about our problems, or fix them. We're just told to tolerate it, non stop, until we die out as a people.
The left and right hold this view, which is why mainstream right wing pundits, like Matt Walsh, are telling young White men to, essentially, shut up, tolerate it, and get back to work. They'd sooner let entire generations work themselves to death, for no benefit at all, than to ever admit being wrong, or that their positions are objectively evil. Even the most "innocent" mainstream right winger is a mammon worshipper.
White men discussing things openly might lead to organization, intolerable to the powers that be.
And the Anglo Saxon learned to hate...
I don't know anyone who watched the RNC could disagree with you. There were bilingual speakers, troons, faggots, every type of liberal there.
And Trump thanked every demographic of people, after he won the election, except White people (the overwhelming majority of the right wing voting base)
Ironically Matt Walsh was one of the only public speakers that spoke out against that and got dog piled lol
Maybe the fact he's talking about it made people think he was someone they could talk to about it
He talks about it alot but for some reason he insist on the idea that men are just supposed to weather any shit thrown at them and not fight back. It's only recently he's started actively calling out women on shit like OF. I think he's just one of those guys that grew up around men that said suck it up and move on. I did too but I'm still more of a fuck you and horse you rode in on kinda guy
No Walsh is telling men in general that. He persist that men just have to stoically take any shit thrown their way. Not sure why you're trying to make it a race issue when Walsh is one the few mainstream voices consistently advocating for white people. He just doesn't extend the same to men as an individual group which is his biggest flaw in my opinion
Matt Walsh is making the wrong conclusions with limited data. If you take the issue in totality, what I said is correct. This issue is entirely connected to race.
Other races are still granted their natural rights, to associate with whom they chose, to group up with whom they chose, to collectivize along racial lines, to espouse for their racial interests, to protect themselves from dangers and threats, to protect their neighbors and people, to gatekeep out undesirables. All of these natural rights are being denied White people. A group, regardless of size or purpose, can't exist without the natural rights necessary to maintain that group. If all of the natural rights necessary to maintain a group are being denied to White people, then we, as individuals, families, communities, jobs, churches, states, nations, and as a people, will cease to exist. The demographic trends since the 60s prove this. The rampant anti-White propaganda proves this. The media and government coverup of non-white on White crime proves this. The welfare use of non-whites proves this. The explicit importation of non-whites into White countries proves this. The explicit hiring of non-whites over more competent Whites proves this. The overwhelming number of jobs in recent years only going to non-whites proves this. ESG and DEI proves this. Affirmative action and diversity proves this. The "oppressor vs oppressed" narrative (i.e. Whites = oppressor and non-whites = oppressed) proves this. The media propaganda proves this. The dozens of NGOs specifically funding and helping non-whites get into White countries, en masse, proves this. The demonization of White people in history, if the rules were applied equally to all races, would damn them more, proves this. I can't conjure a single instance in Western civilization, nor all its institutions now, that is explicitly to the benefit of White people. Can you think of one?
On face value, Matt Walsh is correct that, as men, we must be stoics and tolerate a lot of shit, for the greater good of the collective. That's why Western civilization rose to the height that it did, because of our ability to tolerate. But, tolerance, in itself, isn't a virtue. It depends on the situation. If our societies and institutions become corrupt, tolerance is the worst thing we could do. You don't tolerate lies, wrong, and evil, you refute it, correct it, and destroy it.
Matt Walsh, as a mainstream right winger, is intentionally ignoring the larger issues of inflation, and arguing that we keep doing more of the same, work harder and harder to maintain a system that is incredibly corrupt and antagonistic toward us, and our people. That is the wrong position.
My guy how the fuck am I wrong when he does talk about everything you listed then throws it out the window when applied to solely men. Although he's also being a hypocrite on the inflation issue anyway since he's been railing against it for half a year prior. Maybe it's just lip service but I've listened to the man rant about the exact issues you're talking about. He's the only person I still watch at DW because he does talk about it. I'm not white but I'm pretty sure as a Christian male I'd be next on the chopping block after white people
Men need to take back power and the weight of society or we're doomed. We also need the privileges back though and being quiet about it won't work. He might be backtracking but his video commentary on it is that he thinks redpill is too doomer which I agree with.
Agreed. Repeal the 19th.
Men have never NOT had the weight of society. Litterly for not a single second of recorded history.
Every society that has stopped rewarding them for that collapsea within a few decades. Nobody ever picks up the slack, and nobody ever will.
Either pay your men or die. Thats the conversation, its simple as that
I tried...
"What do we tell young men?" shouldn't be the question. The question is how do we shame and pressure CEOs and politicians to adjust their hiring preferences or else.
Whenever your question is about talking to someone about the problem, instead of addressing the problem itself, well, I think it's pretty clear the person asking that question has no interest in helping.
If you go into a poor black neighborhood, and go up to a guy there, and ask him what he would prefer, being given a million dollars by a racist, directly to him (both the money and the racism), or have a million dollars spent on an ad campaign for a rich black guy in Cali to say "you're seen, I look like you, you're important" on a commerical for a month or two on B.E.T., see what that black guy in that poor neighborhood chooses. He wants the problem solved, one million in his pocket, don't matter if the cracker giving it to him calls him a "nigzog" while doing it and advises him to not spend it on whores "like his people do", it still solves the problem, while an ad campaign to do absolutely nothing but performative leftism, when that money COULD HAVE helped him, is just an insult.
Matt Walsh is unironically calling for the ad campaign, instead of the money, but only for other people, not himself.
I want 0 new H1Bs in the country and want the existing ones sent back to wherever they came from.
But they are not the reason that people can't afford a house or make an honest living in a non-tech job.
Foreign workers don't just depress wages for the sector they work in, but every other sector that the native workers are pushed into. The native workers, who no longer work in the sectors taken over by foreigners, don't just disappear. They still have to work. So, where ever they go, they depress the wages of those sectors as well, purely by looking for work. They increase the labor pool, which necessarily depresses wages.
Given the magnitude of the foreigner problem throughout the West, they absolutely depress wages across the entire economy.
Same reason why doubling the workforce by normalizing women working full time tanked wages...which was a big reason for the push to begin with.
I have nothing against women working, but normalizing it (while not changing that men were also still required to work) inevitably meant single-income households were largely destroyed. It would be nearly impossible for that not to be the outcome.
Creation of do-nothing HR/bloat jobs, substandard work, maternity leave, period leave, simps, and/or workplace drama weren't enough for you?
I should have qualified my statement: If fully qualified. There are plenty of jobs or fields that I think women shouldn't work, absolutely. But others they're completely qualified or suited for.
"I have nothing against women working" should not be taken as a blanket statement.
Even worse, because men were forced to compete against women for wages, and women simply do not need to earn as much to live because they aren't ever expected to provide for anyone but themselves.
So women not only compete for the jobs, but once they get them, they drive wages down further because they can survive on less money than men.
(And, to add yet another layer of evil to it, we have feminism pushing the wage gap myth for generations.)
Not the exclusive reason, at least. Economy is shit for many, many reasons, and foreign workers (legal and illegal) is one of the contributing factors, of course.
Yeah, that's the illegals. 40 million of them.
everyone that's come here or been born to someone that's come here since 1965
No, but it is what gets you the most reward for the least effort.
Doesn't this guy work for Ben Shapiro? Doesn't that answer your questions?
Did Matt really just do the " I know it's bad but stop complaining about it" bit?
And what is he going on about a "tomorrow"? Today, we currently have millions of crime, disease ridden, dangerous criminals in our countries, Matt.
They always want to play pretend like looking entirely outside of the system isn't a real option which exists.
He truly doesn't get that it's not about being lazy. It's about the reality that the value proposition isn't worth it. We all know that we're going to still have to work. But why is it that Matt can only ever offer the most pithy of platitudes and handwave away these criticisms? Why is it that he cannot address the reality that he is asking people to work their ass off to virtually be a slave. He talks about prior generations having it hard, but I'd argue we're heading quickly to a very medieval system where there is near zero economic mobility. Nearly half of what we earn ends up as taxes. Whether that's income tax, sales tax, various green taxes, death taxes, and for the "lucky" ones things like land tax. Half of your labour is stolen by the state. And Matt thinks the solution is to work harder.
This is the issue people have. If hard work paid off, it wouldn't be an issue. The issue is that people don't want to be slaves. What a shocking revelation.
The bare minimum contribution to the system needed to survive. Convert paper money into physical assets. Improve yourself, your family, and your connections. Focus on community.
Good for you, Walsh, that you're plugged in to the system. I'm not, and I'll do everything in my power to collapse it. If and when people like me succeed, I'll be there to tell you to get up in the morning and work harder.
Lot of guys seem to have taken the wrong lesson from warching Trump at McDonalds.
There is the option of withdrawing from society. The Chinese call it lying flat. Japan has a large group of hikamori men. In this feminist society, the only way to win is not to play at all.
How is surrendering a win?
Literal cuck attitude. Disgusting. I will not emulate soy infused bugmen and no american ever should.
I had an interview at a big tech company recently for an engineering role; 5 of the 6 people who interviewed me spoke English as their second language. One of them clearly spent her free/work time speaking Hindi (or some other Indian language), because we could barely communicate.
I didn't get the role, but wasn't even fair. There was no way I was getting the role, and I worry even if we stopped all H1-B's tomorrow it would be too late.
Of course the shabbos goy faggot with the easiest job in the world wants me to work even harder.
Matt, what you are doing is NOT A PLAN either, you fucking online twat.
Okay. Then. HELP HIM. And this shit, right here, this ain't help.
Fucking hollywood faggotry. If you have a problem with the world then participate in the solution with your MOUTH CLOSED.
I hate these types of people. Well groomed and retarded.
Can't he fight for policy change while telling young white men not to buy into the victim mentality? It's obviously a difficult time, but it's far from hopeless. Maybe you have to have multiple jobs, 60 to 80 hours a week for a while. Maybe you have to drive an old car for a while. Maybe you gotta say no to alcohol, nicotine, Marijuana, and coffee shops (preferably forever for most if not all of them). Maybe you can only eat homemade meals. Maybe you have to shop at goodwill for clothes and buy used furniture on offerup. But if you skrimp and save and work your ass off for a while, you will enjoy your 40s and beyond. If you keep overspending, trying to work the bare minimum, and simply hope someone will save you, you will never be successful. Nobody cares about you, nobody is coming to save you. Hopefully when you pull yourself up and enter a position of power you will remember the struggle and you will try to help people going through what you did
All that stuff is obvious. This is just playing into the boomer mentality that youngins these days are lazy druggies who spend too much on frivolities. If you even entertain that idea for a moment, you'll never focus on fixing the real problems. So no, someone who says that is not going to be fighting for correct policy change.
I've been doing everything I said and have gone from a very shitty life to a pretty darn good one (hopefully I don't have to work 60 hour weeks for too many more years). I simultaneously agree with you that things suck, but I agree with Matt that no one disliking my comment is doing shit about fixing the problem. I can fix my own problems, but I don't have the time or ability to fix it for everyone. Do you?
They don't want help is their problem. They'd rather complain and bitch.
That's just plenty of people's baseline lives already.
I see alot of young people (people my age) driving brand new cars while having no money and complaining they can't save.
Yup. There are definitely a shit ton of retards, no argument here.
Exactly what I see too. I've worked in multiple industries, blue and white collar. White collar people my age finance nice cars, houses way bigger than they need (even after accounting for the outrageous prices), buy overpriced coffee, and buy expensive liquor that tastes 5 percent better than the cheap stuff, all while paying the minimum balance on their student loans. The blue collar guys I worked with would drive to the gas station in the morning to get a pack or two of cigarettes and an energy drink (or two). The few that were married would have packed lunch, but the single ones would eat out every day. Then after work they'd buy enough beer for the night and maybe pick up some dinner and some Marijuana. I did the math on most of them and they averaged out to about 300 a month on beer, 300 a month on nicotine, and 300 bucks on Marijuana. I absolutely get why they feel the need for those things to cope, but 900 bucks a month at the time was a mortgage. Now it's half of one in most cases.
All of that was to say most people should budget their money and they will be horrified at how much money they are casually spending on temporary distractions.
I saved enough money to buy a house in one year because I don't spend on anything unless I'm saving money and i buy food in bulk. My car is old and reliable and I don't take vacations often nor drink. I agree with him that you can pull yourself up because I went from poverty to middle class but the problem with what he's saying is that the government literally tries to disadvantage us
If you've never lived in a "migrant" neighborhood, there will be a good dozen people living in a 3br/2ba house. They will illegally convert (and I use the term loosely, because it's just a bunch of bunk-beds in a normal garage) the garage to a bedroom to fit all the people living there. And they will have like 5 cars parked in both the driveway (the garage is a "bedroom", so they can't park cars there) or the street all the time, making it difficult for you to entertain more than a few guests at a time without them having to park far away from your home due to all the street parking.
I'll always remember something the CEO of one of the companies I used to work for said: "you never want to be forced to compete on price". And that is why: because you can always find someone willing to live in greater squalor to accept slightly less than you to outbid you.
I lived very much as you did in my early 20s when I saved for my first house. Never did I want to live with 11 other people to do so, nor did I think it was reasonable I be expected to.
Then they should eventually be doing well for themselves if they aren't already. The way I see it, we reasonably have two options: bitch about how bad everything is and vote for people that might fix the problem, but probably won't OR we can do whatever we can to ensure the survival of our families and vote for people that might fix the problem, but probably won't. If you have another option, let me hear it
Can't we bitch about how bad everything is while doing whatever we can to ensure the survival of our families?
Well that's basically what I do, so I suppose...yes lol
There's alot of people dooming on this very post. I just watched Walshs speech on the issue and his long form explanation is far more agreeable considering how many people on this post are actually advocating giving up
OP is a faggot, and this board is slowly dying from crypto-leftist shills that outnumber legitimate users these days.
I refuse to acknowledge any of these blackpilling fags as actual men - the OP is deliberately missing the point to whine like a BITCH.
I guess you missed the subtext but all that stuff is obvious. Matt may as well shout "vegetables are good" or "crime is bad" from the rooftops.
Also, you got the last part wrong. It's not "you will try to help people going through something similar." It's "you will dethrone and punish the evil pigs that did this to your people."
Bottom line: if we keep going the way we're going, not even bootstrapping is going to save you.
We're literally in the process of trying to dethrone them. I'd be more concerned with the Republicans that tried bringing in prostitutes and queers
Good stuff, but...what's stopping you?
It's starting to happen
Hard work and cunning is better than hard work alone.
With that being said, whether you a) decide to NEETmax and not contribute, or b) get rich or die trying, do it for yourself. No one is entitled to your labor, your sweat, blood, tears, loosh, etc. With hold as much as you can either way.
This thread is more proof that universal suffrage is shit and only those who earn it should get to vote. All the low T soy fags going "waaaahhhh I'm not catered to by the state so I should give up and become human slug" are trash.
Move to canada if you think like this, or if you're one of the fed shills encouraging it. Or if you aren't American to begin with and you think this shit, stop posting forever because your disgusting weakness has no value.
White male property owners, as was the case before?
I would take starship troopers' (book) take instead. Volunteer only, not necessarily military, potentially fatal civic service. Can't be bought, inhereted or transferred in any way. Would keep worthless goblins and the entirety of the current "elite" from ever having a vote.
Land ownership needs to be restricted back to stare residents only, no foreigners or corps. It's too limited in current form. And the original restriction was not just whites or men in all states, just landowners.