They're going for zerg rush tactics this time. Even if they all still somehow fail, the moment Trump supporters fight back the administration will get to declare martial law.
So significant, so important, than Trump laid low for 4 years of absolute presidential power, not daring to do anything close to that, for fear that the Left would find out his masterfully stealthy plan.
I know, right? The motherfucker already had a 4 year trial run an nothing happened. The old mantra that the internet never forgot, but it's become quite clear to me that is not the case for like 95% of the mouth breathers using it.
None of this is baffling to me. This is a direct result of what happens when you allow one political party to set up a gigantic indoctrination and propaganda system.
ANYONE who says this unironically should have their right to vote, own firearms, drive a vehicle and have kids revoked as you have displayed ZERO cognitive functions to be able to think for yourself.
Especially the kids one as you'd probably maim them on a single comma..(remembers covid shots and trans shit)...point unfortunately already proven.
Pol Pot is easily the worst modern tyrant, on a per capita basis no one else even comes close to his rate of lethality. Not to mention the sheer amount of torture and sadism inflicted, including mass bludgeoning to death of condemned prisoners just to save bullets.
Then again this is the crowd that struggles with per capita.
More people voted on that post than actively use Reddit in South Dakota, I imagine.
Anyways these officers are part of a murderous faggot clique whose unwillingness to follow legally-given orders from Trump directly led to the total disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal. If it were up to me, they wouldn't even get gravestones.
Edwin Walker had the right idea with the Pro-Blue program. The politicization of the US military under Clinton & Obama with all the consequences on display today prove that, in fact, if it is to serve its intended function of defending the American republic (as opposed to another glorified welfare program for minorities, another tool for leftists to wield in the murder and imprisonment of their enemies, and a pathway to cushy top positions in the defense industry for the cannier politicos) then truly nobody but ultrapatriotic Christian conservatives has any business serving, much less leading in its ranks.
More people voted on that post than actively use Reddit in South Dakota, I imagine.
I don't know why, but they've been astroturfing the shit out of the South Dakota sub lately. Even more than the rest of the states.
Sort it by top posts of all time. Of the top ten, all ten are Democrat propaganda, nine were posted this year, and six were posted just within the past month.
They must be really desperate to win SD for some reason, because they're clearly dumping tons of resources into it.
Either that or it's somebody's attempt to buy their way into getting favors from the Dems. I imagine the cost to astroturf that sub is low enough that somebody rich, but not rich could afford to do it, then bring that proof of fealty to DC to petition the lords for some minor court appointment.
The actual reason they say he's fascist is because he is using populism more efectively than heckin' Bernerino and much better than the Clintons and Harris. They are that butthurt democrats lost the momentum they had with Obama
I know this is incorrect, the the first words in their definition of fascist are "far right." Pinning that on Trump is gonna be hard since he's inconsistent. But I know they're not thinking through this.
All of a sudden, the leftist shills on Reddit are stupidly obsessed over what the military thinks.
What should be done to those traitorous fucks in the military given how they straight-up lied to Trump and blatantly admitted they'd collude with China if things developed seriously would probably violate a rule or three.
I believe that the military picking a side would be really super illegal and I'm fairly certain that the military making election suggestions is in the facist handbook.
Bureaucracy bitches who have single-handedly decimated military recruitment, lost all good will, and work as paid advisors for the MIC call Trump fascist?
It's almost like these military leaders understand that Trump would work to get us out of wars and not into new ones, resulting in the military--and, by extension, themselves--receiving less funding. As usual, these folks only care about their pockets and who's lining them. Nothing else.
That seems like a pretty mediocre score for a post in r/SouthDakota. Are you sure that wasn't the 25th top post, cropping out the 2?
That aside, I am having a hard time imagining how a superhitler could realistically do what the enemy claims Trump would do as president in current year.
For example, there are several clips of media figures claiming he will put political opponents, gays, blacks, and everyone else in concentration camps.
(Direct link here) Presumably some of the talking heads don't really believe it, but these npc's and predditors sadly do.
Ironically, there probably has been an Adolf Trump somewhere in history because both names are common enough. It's really obvious this campaign is dying fascist, I mean fast.
Unless it has drastically changed since I’ve been in, most military members lean right. Although I know they are trying to push out more traditional minded people.
The left hates the military but will “respect the service” of anyone who has something negative to say about Trump. An E-1 in boot camp would be given an MSNBC interview if he had something about Trump to say
Fucking horseshit. Every military officer that isn't a faggot loved what happened when Trump was elected, and more importantly every enlisted worth a fuck was pro-trump.
Almost every serviceman I know is voting for Trump. The people in the military who are against Trump are those who don't do the fighting and instead spend their time politicking in DC. That or they're non-white and voting on racial lines, but hey at this point why wouldn't you?
Well, considering that your pentagon purged the military of Trump supporters for politically loyal troons, and as such have had utterly collapsing ranks, it sounds to me like they are crying for their jobs.
In fact, it's weird how you didn't accept the French Military's warning about mass migration.
During Obama all of the patriotic warfighting officers were pressured into resigning. Limpwristed lickspittles who worship globalism took their places. I'm absolutely certain those traitorous faggots are terrified of Trump.
Those generals want a fucking nuclear exchange with Iran.
Donald Trump is the only thing stopping them.
The trannies on that site have zero clue as to what's at stake here,
Something that was so significant, so dangerous, so important that they waited till the last 2 weeks in the election to mention it.
Anyone who believes this is Harris levels of stupid.
Well they were hoping the assassination they set up succeeded so working the NPCs up into overdrive is the fallback plan.
They're going for zerg rush tactics this time. Even if they all still somehow fail, the moment Trump supporters fight back the administration will get to declare martial law.
Assassinations, plural.
Especially on Preddit.
So significant, so important, than Trump laid low for 4 years of absolute presidential power, not daring to do anything close to that, for fear that the Left would find out his masterfully stealthy plan.
It's baffling how they act like 2016 didn't happen
Unburden by what has been
This is a great line to use when someone talks reparations.
Thanks for the idea
I know, right? The motherfucker already had a 4 year trial run an nothing happened. The old mantra that the internet never forgot, but it's become quite clear to me that is not the case for like 95% of the mouth breathers using it.
None of this is baffling to me. This is a direct result of what happens when you allow one political party to set up a gigantic indoctrination and propaganda system.
ANYONE who says this unironically should have their right to vote, own firearms, drive a vehicle and have kids revoked as you have displayed ZERO cognitive functions to be able to think for yourself.
Especially the kids one as you'd probably maim them on a single comma..(remembers covid shots and trans shit)...point unfortunately already proven.
Yes yes. The man who married most of his kids to jews is Hitler. Lol.
That's cute.
laughs in african warlords
That's why they added the 200 year condition. Nobody today could match up to the evil brought upon the world by the early English settlers of America.
Mao died less than 50 years ago.
Pol Pot is easily the worst modern tyrant, on a per capita basis no one else even comes close to his rate of lethality. Not to mention the sheer amount of torture and sadism inflicted, including mass bludgeoning to death of condemned prisoners just to save bullets.
Then again this is the crowd that struggles with per capita.
Anything to distract from Mao and the CCP monster he created.
More people voted on that post than actively use Reddit in South Dakota, I imagine.
Anyways these officers are part of a murderous faggot clique whose unwillingness to follow legally-given orders from Trump directly led to the total disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal. If it were up to me, they wouldn't even get gravestones.
Edwin Walker had the right idea with the Pro-Blue program. The politicization of the US military under Clinton & Obama with all the consequences on display today prove that, in fact, if it is to serve its intended function of defending the American republic (as opposed to another glorified welfare program for minorities, another tool for leftists to wield in the murder and imprisonment of their enemies, and a pathway to cushy top positions in the defense industry for the cannier politicos) then truly nobody but ultrapatriotic Christian conservatives has any business serving, much less leading in its ranks.
I don't know why, but they've been astroturfing the shit out of the South Dakota sub lately. Even more than the rest of the states.
Sort it by top posts of all time. Of the top ten, all ten are Democrat propaganda, nine were posted this year, and six were posted just within the past month.
They must be really desperate to win SD for some reason, because they're clearly dumping tons of resources into it.
Either that or it's somebody's attempt to buy their way into getting favors from the Dems. I imagine the cost to astroturf that sub is low enough that somebody rich, but not rich could afford to do it, then bring that proof of fealty to DC to petition the lords for some minor court appointment.
Chairman Mao?
"Okay. So why is he a fascist?"
The actual reason they say he's fascist is because he is using populism more efectively than heckin' Bernerino and much better than the Clintons and Harris. They are that butthurt democrats lost the momentum they had with Obama
I know this is incorrect, the the first words in their definition of fascist are "far right." Pinning that on Trump is gonna be hard since he's inconsistent. But I know they're not thinking through this.
This is the EA Madden of NPC updates, I think they might've shifted a few numbers but it looks pretty much identical to the last iteration.
Pure female ethics. "Everyone within my bubble says this, so this must be true."
All of the bots in that thread are literally shaking right now!
All of a sudden, the leftist shills on Reddit are stupidly obsessed over what the military thinks.
What should be done to those traitorous fucks in the military given how they straight-up lied to Trump and blatantly admitted they'd collude with China if things developed seriously would probably violate a rule or three.
I love creating jobs in this town, as long as they're brown and live in my shed.
I believe that the military picking a side would be really super illegal and I'm fairly certain that the military making election suggestions is in the facist handbook.
Oh thank God it's illegal. It won't happen then. Almost got scared for a second.
A military coup would be illegal too, but that doesn't mean they aren't planning one against Trump.
They are telling us...
Trump needs to make brooming out all the quislings generals and officers a top priority.
"Vote every fascist out"
Bureaucracy bitches who have single-handedly decimated military recruitment, lost all good will, and work as paid advisors for the MIC call Trump fascist?
It's almost like these military leaders understand that Trump would work to get us out of wars and not into new ones, resulting in the military--and, by extension, themselves--receiving less funding. As usual, these folks only care about their pockets and who's lining them. Nothing else.
Gen Kelly is just seething that Trump dumped him like an ex girlfriend.
“Adolf Trump.” I like it. Here’s hoping he has a final solution for all the dual citizen traitors in government.
That seems like a pretty mediocre score for a post in r/SouthDakota. Are you sure that wasn't the 25th top post, cropping out the 2?
That aside, I am having a hard time imagining how a superhitler could realistically do what the enemy claims Trump would do as president in current year.
For example, there are several clips of media figures claiming he will put political opponents, gays, blacks, and everyone else in concentration camps. (Direct link here) Presumably some of the talking heads don't really believe it, but these npc's and predditors sadly do.
I do see that it was cropped out. Made and posted it in haste. Doesn't matter. 22k upvotes is not organic.
Edit: then again, was it cropped out? Can't even recall. Next time I'll screenshot above and below entries as well.
Ironically, there probably has been an Adolf Trump somewhere in history because both names are common enough. It's really obvious this campaign is dying fascist, I mean fast.
Unless it has drastically changed since I’ve been in, most military members lean right. Although I know they are trying to push out more traditional minded people.
The left hates the military but will “respect the service” of anyone who has something negative to say about Trump. An E-1 in boot camp would be given an MSNBC interview if he had something about Trump to say
If you were out before 2020 then it has drastically changed. The military used the vax mandate to remove conservatives from their ranks.
Oh. Well I got out in 04 so quite a while
The world has been fagged up pretty good in the last twenty years or so.
Fucking horseshit. Every military officer that isn't a faggot loved what happened when Trump was elected, and more importantly every enlisted worth a fuck was pro-trump.
Almost every serviceman I know is voting for Trump. The people in the military who are against Trump are those who don't do the fighting and instead spend their time politicking in DC. That or they're non-white and voting on racial lines, but hey at this point why wouldn't you?
Well, considering that your pentagon purged the military of Trump supporters for politically loyal troons, and as such have had utterly collapsing ranks, it sounds to me like they are crying for their jobs.
In fact, it's weird how you didn't accept the French Military's warning about mass migration.
Imagine being smart enough to take notice and drawing that conclusion instead.
During Obama all of the patriotic warfighting officers were pressured into resigning. Limpwristed lickspittles who worship globalism took their places. I'm absolutely certain those traitorous faggots are terrified of Trump.
NY in LA the two most out of touch places on earth
#1 evil man in the world 🥱🥱🥱🥱
Anti trumpers are starting to panic
They're......these generals are objectively dogshit......
All. Of them?
I saw this episode before! I wonder why it matters now all of a sudden and not the last 9 years they called him that
Those generals want a fucking nuclear exchange with Iran. Donald Trump is the only thing stopping them. The trannies on that site have zero clue as to what's at stake here,