A sad day indeed. Concord to shut down Sept. 6. :(
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Holy balls.
This is next level. This is a new record.
Concord just did a speedrun of itself, epic.
EDIT: Already removed from Steam. LOL. Also...24-34 current players.
In a game with 16 playable characters.
So...it's conceivable that not every character is currently being played. In fact, likely, since some of those players are likely in menu, or something. Holy shit, do they even have enough players for this massively advertised game that just released, to fill out a single game match?!
How big are match sizes meant to be?
Someone else said 5v5. So, ten players. Could be only 24 current players. Some in menu. So, if they can fill one game...they're certainly not filling two. Owch.
And none of those characters are normal.
For a 5v5 game. Meaning there are going to be times where people can't start a third match until one of the other two finish.
Compare that to Halo 2/3, genuine asp dude heaven, which had several slayer matches stay online for weeks after the game was scheduled to go off line.
Deleted my post as just released it a second after you lol, but barely 3 weeks and dead already, this is a BIBLICALLY bad flop that Sony has to explain to shareholders.
10/10 schadenfreude, so much enjoyment watching this train wreck with popcorn, I demand an encore with ALL woke games still to come!
Just look at Celeste, an incredibly gay and woke game with great gameplay, I just pirated it and skipped the dialogue, game was amazing.
You could remove the nigger and rewrite the dialogue in less than a day, game would be so sick.
wasnt the woke added retroactively?
IDK I only play complete games usually, so when the final patch dropped I played the game.
Which is ultimately self defeating. I don't know single person who pays for a subscription to an online newspaper.
I understand if the ad revenue from open access articles wasn't sustainable, but you can't just bill your way out of that. It's like when a failing restaurant shrinks portion sizes and increases the menu price; it's only going to speed up their collapse.
How many japs do you think are gonna be redpilled about California this week? "What is She/They? How could that be a selling point?"
I think it even fell short of the Day Before in terms of longevity (Which lasted about 40-50 days before the servers were shut down). To say nothing of Battleborn getting three more years to serve it's cult following after it's last content update despite crashing hard in the wake of overwatch and the fact that Bioware's Anthem is still running (To my knowledge) long after the pandemic cancelled the attempted rework.
If I were them I would desperately convince the shareholders that they at least have a viable FPS engine which they could skin a new F2P shooter with after all the negative hype dies down.
I have a feeling the next shareholders meeting might go like this
A bet all the "talentless freaks" feel silly now!
They will just blame toxic white MAGA Christians (I'm sure I'm missing a few labels to turn rabid bigotry into acceptable woke speech).
Men, you forgot the men. Men did this!
it must be those GamerGate fascists fault
with help from Chinese nationalists and Putin
If a Sony MOBA Hero Slopper can't break 100 players then gamers really are dead.
Amazed it got this far. At least SEGA had enough sense to shut down hyena. But at least we got a chance to poke fun at concord.
Btw.. that black ninja with the weird glasses is actually a tranny lol. A legit tranny char and voice actor.
And that cat girl is raises by 2 women.
Obviously the original plan was to reveal the trans character a few weeks after a highly successful launch. Then all the gamers would realize they had been playing as a tranny all along. It would be a great cultural victory and a watershed moment for trans acceptance.
But the game flopped because everyone hated the characters lol
I think if Hyenas had gotten to release, it might have drawn as much mockery (well deserved mockery, at that), if not more. Doubly so since the PvPvE extraction shooter elements and zero gravity gameplay were not working out from what little I know about the game.
I don't think it helped that you needed a Playstation account to play the game, especially since that hurt Helldivers 2 a lot.
I tried the beta or whatever and it was dogshit, there was something dreadfully wrong with the balance, latency, or both as you'd either get merc'd in about a tenth of a second by other players, or be basically invincible depending on seemingly nothing. Also, the idea that we're fighting to raid billionaires' vaults for fucking SEGA collectibles isn't quirky, it's retarded in the context of the commie tripe they tried cramming down our throats. If the billionaires looted earth or whatever nonsense they tried to push the last thing the poor downtrodden pirates would be stealing are fucking Vinyl Pops and old video games.
Sony is gonna release a game exactly like Hyenas.. called FairGame$ lol. its the same "le rich people and capitalism is le bad"
Amazing how capitalism profits from anti-capitalist propaganda.
It reminds me of how older anti-drug programs like D.A.R.E. accidentally helped increase drug use and how Cigarette companies acutally exploit anti-smoking campaigns for their own benefit.
Testament in the new version of Guilty Gear is voiced by a troon in the EN voices. Previously he was voiced by a guy in Japanese only.
Some new character that was added to the recent FFXIV expansion was voiced by a troon as well, and surprise surprise, is highly unlikable.
I really hope the Sony Games division gets drug into some very unpleasant meeting with the Japanese overlords that would give me vibes of a Yakuza game. They need to shut that division down and fire everyone, bring what game dev and their IP back to Japan.
With all the recent reports of how the japs are embracing mass immigration and DEI, I’m not sure that would even make a difference anymore
It wouldn't be as bad if they importing somewhat similar-ish people, such as Chinese or Koreans.
If they bring in niggers, sand niggers and pajeets they are fucked. Can't they see what every country that brings people turn into?
I'm 75% Korean, 25% Japanese.
That will be a cold day in hell if they ever do that. For one, the three countries HATE each other, absolutely fucking hate each other.
For the other, South Korea is also dealing with a declining population as well, and the last people they'd want to import are the Chinese commies. Do remember, South Korea has a stark reminder of what communism did to a country DIRECTLY to the North of them.
idgaf how hard working Chinese folks are, unless they actually come here and renounce their Chinese citizenship I see any that stay here in the West as a potential risk. Not because they fuck with us directly from the front, but rather because they do it through subterfuge.
You rather have niggers?
I understand what you are saying, but my dude: anything is better than niggers.
This is breaking all kinds of records. But not the ones they wanted.
Most expensive failure in recent memory.
Quickest player base loss of any game, ever.
Fastest server closures in at least 10 years.
For all the flack lawbreakers, battleborn and others got, they at least got more than a month. FFS, The Day Before, the scam game we all saw coming, it got 53 days iirc.
Like I said before, I dislike it when games fail, even if they're not ones I'd play. But this one was made by people who hate me and my way of life. So no, I'm very okay with this one being killed so quick.
It got exactly two weeks. Aug 23rd to Sept 6th.
So it got...a Fortnite 😎😎😎
all three of them?
Hey there are dozens of them. Dozens! I mean, barely...but still! Technically!
Surprised they are giving refunds. They must scared shitless of getting sued.
given how low the sales must have been, its probably just a very cheap PR move by Sony
Another line item to add to their tax filing this year when tallying losses.
Not enough ESG and government funding for their garbage to stay online?
You'd think with the time and money commitment a few more million to have players playing it and bots talking it up on twitter would be a drop in the bucket just to avoid the monumental embarrassment.
I can only assume it's because they planned to pay several full-time employees to keep working on the game, censor in-game speech, and ''community managers'', and there was no significant income so the higher-ups panicked and pulled the plug.
They should have gotten more grants from USA and EU
How much did this cost again?
I keep hearing the hundreds of millions, but I'm not sure if that is dev costs or simply how much Sony paid to acquire Firewalk, JUST FOR THIS GAME.
The previous owners boasted of raising $250 million. Eight years of AAA development (in the west) almost certainly cannot cost less than two hundred million.
Between this and the Borderlands movie, we’re witnessing the greatest flops in entertainment history. And it’s largely a result of a very simple truth: people don’t like unattractive bitchy characters.
But the sad part is, Western media won't get it. They'll just see this as a one-off flop and try it again, and again, and again.
Eight years of development, and it didn't last a month. I wonder if they had a slightly more competent management and were able to get this out just two years sooner it would have done better? Because right now the counter culture to the woke shit is gaining momentum.
That game took 8 years? The hell were they doing that whole time?
I don't know any of the backstory, but I quickly watched a gameplay video. Doesn't look like it does anything that hasn't been done a hundred times already by other FPSes. So why does this game even exist?
You remember all those Tictok 'day in the life of' videos, where some vapid twat who works for some tech company demonstrated that their office life was mostly an adult day care center? So much of it was snacking, fancy lunches, nap time, play time, a dozen or so meetings, and very little if any actual work. Probably something like that.
And then Elon fired like 80% of those cunts when he "let that sink in" with that dumbass dad joke where he walked into the Twitter office with an actual sink lol.
After Elon fired everyone the remaining staff looked like the kind of staff I would see from the early 2000's - someone post that comparison picture.
Current Twitter is mostly white dudes, maybe one or two pajeets, several American-born Asians, and as always that ONE girl that actually is competent enough to stay (and most likely isn't a left wing feminazi cunt since she actually stuck around to work under Elon).
They've been making the game long before Sony bought them, but knowing devs these days, Sony probably didn't have to "insist" upon the direction of character design.
When a co-dev creates content, it usually has to get signed off on by the lead dev. With each person in the loop, the amount of time it takes to approve seems to increase exponentially. You also don't see the content that was approved and later thrown away. Another thing is that all manner of systems like combat and interaction and inventory and environment and AI seem to get reinvented with every game because every game has its own very specific nuances and because devs who did it for the last game have moved on.
Even with all that you'd think it only be a couple years tops...but developers can take an absolutely painful amount of time designing things, rigging things, polishing things, and fixing things in projects with large scopes. There's also resource contention; an engineer needs an asset but the designer needs it and the artist is waiting for the designer. And the time just flies.
So it's a miracle the "soyface" game No Man's Sky actually turned itself the fuck around and fixed a lot of shit.
That fucking Britbong nerd told his staff "get the fuck off social media, lock your asses in doors, and get back to fucking work so we fix this shit".
And one good thing? They kept their team relatively small. Went from like 20 to 50 people, which is low considering how much teams balloon into 100+ shitfests.
And they're still releasing fucking expansions for free not asking for a singe fucking cent, because they kept their overhead costs low as the game CONTINUES to sell.
If No Man's Sky can fix that shit, why can't other games do that?
Because a corporate environment works under a completely different ruleset than a small business. You really have to have worked in a corpo environment for a while to understand the seemingly braindead moves these companies make.
In this game's defense, Overwatch was in pre-dev hell for a decade before it came out. Blizzard was trying to make another MMO using the ideas that formed the Omnic Crisis and things of that nature before eventually making a fps.
Deadlock is invite only and hit 150,000. Lol
I took a look at what I could, didn't really see anything that would appeal to me. But it certainly isn't actively repulsive to me like Concord.
Oh no!
Battleborn, Lawbreakers, and now Concord - anyone else want to try their hand at a 5v5 hero shooter with ugly ass characters?
didn't even last long enough for all the counter culture tubers to dunk on them
Damn, they called the player characters "Freegunners"?
That's cringey as fuck.
I wonder what dumbass cope the usual suspects are gonna choose this time? ''It failed because it was a bad game, not because it was woke!'' "It failed because the evil nazi chuds review bombed it!!!''
Damn, that's got to be a record of utter failure.
Even et took longer to go to landfill.
If only AAA studios and developers would learn from this but alas, woke feminist trash will never admit culpability. They'll just blame toxic male gamers and move on to their next DEI / ESG project like locusts
Where did all the money go.
I would assume it would be relaunched as Free to Play
Those retards that paid for this crap should lose their money.
Games as a service market is already saturated and being anything other than F2P/P2W is doomed from the start
Given how crappy the game is and how fast they're trying to memory hole it I'm really starting to wonder if Sony is just using this to launder 200 million dollars in dirty money.
Really wish we still had real investigative journalists that could force a forensic audit on this mess.
Is Concord the new an hero?
oh...that's so sad...
That was a neat jetliner...
I know it's stupid, but I have a weird feeling of FOMO for not at least trying it. I don't even like hero shooters, but now that it's lost media....