The people on the right bitching about it drive me insane. Yes, we play the game we have. If this is the rule the left wants to live by, then we apply it right back.
Those idiots are living in a fantasy world. They think if they are just nice enough and if the left bullies people enough people will reject the left and support conservatives.
The truth is most normies just go with the flow. That’s how you get most of them supporting GWB in 03 during the Iraq war and most of them supporting Obama and hating GWB in 08.
Before this effort to get people fired normies default position was to lean left to avoid getting cancelled. And that allowed the far left to push the window leftward. Now? Normies need to thread the line.
And you're one of them, you atrocious faggot. Conpro trash serving fed masters, actively working to subvert, derail or destroy any right wing movement have no place here.
You incredible moron, the movement in question predates the existence of this site. Accounts are transient as well.
You and all of your crypto-leftist ilk will face the wall baffled because you thought you would be part of the party just like the other useful idiots in leftist revolutions. You're no different than the other bolsheviks, goblin.
Who the fuck used the eacapist? You're actually claiming lineage from that trash heap? You dimwit. You don't even know where it actually began - it wasn't that site, you wretched fake. And if you claim to have come from there - you're a tourist and a fool.
I remember Operation Disrespectful Nod targeted advertisers for unethical journalistic outlets. That's different from specifically targeting individuals.
I suspect now we will end up in a spiral where will end up with the left and right engaging in an (hopefully not literal) arms race to not just cancel individuals but go even further. Once the right does this, the left will go one step further and then the right will outdo them and this won't end well.
The old "we can't risk escalation" argument for not doing something.
I'm not a fan of cancelling people, but until the left disavows the practice, the rest of us can't just sit back and take it.
Go look into game theory.and the Prisoners Dilemma. That's the situation we find ourselves in. Right now if we are not willing to use all the peaceful tools at our disposal to try to move the overton window, but the left is willing to use those tools, we lose, our principles be damned and thrown away onto the dust heap of history.
They tried to put you in prison if you went for a walk with two people. They tried to ruin Nick Sandmann and his families' lives for being accosted by a deranged larper. They cheered as people were beaten senseless or killed during the summer of 2020. They cheered when Jake Gardner killed himself after being charged for defending himself from the mob. I don't give a single damn about anything that happens to these people.
Then a bunch of people whining about it in the replies. No indication that any of them are on "the right" except this guy:
The First Amendment doesn’t just apply to speech we find acceptable. Even though her comments may be offensive, it’s her right to feel that way and to speak her mind. I am as conservative as it comes, but this woman needs to be reinstated to her job. Cancel culture cannot be the tool used to respond to unpopular speech.
Would it be great if we didn't have to stoop to their level in order to get stuff done in this country? Yes, it would be, it would be wonderful. But in the current political and social climate, I don't think that's going to be happening, so bring on the cancel culture boys.
Exactly, I am okay with people being shitcocks online, they're not. So I'm just holding them to their own standards.
Doxxing Carpe Donktum, calling Thunderfoot's university, using their connections within the comic book industry to threaten a publisher to cut ties with an indie comic book guy. Pepperridge Farms remembers.
It's actually hilarious watching all those people freaking out about how wrong cancel culture is.
Where were you the last decade or two, morons?
I don't like cancel culture. I will likely never like cancel culture. I'm also beyond trying to defend these demons from it, though. Was it right she got fired? Maybe not. Am I going to lose any sleep? Nope. Do I find it funny, in fact? Yeah. Not necessarily the firing, but the public shaming was actually pretty glorious.
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, chud!"
"Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences!"
I didn't make these rules. I don't support these rules. But these losers did make those rules, and do support those rules, and forced me to live under these rules. So at this point I've got no problems with letting them live by them too.
I'm not going to go around trying to cancel people, but I get why others are righteously pissed off enough to do so. To all the leftists who propped this shit up for years...maybe now's a good time to sit down and shut up, if you don't want to get potentially hoisted by your own retard.
Heres the extreme version: I abhore violence, but if it defends the ones I care about then violence becomes an option. Gabriel carried a sword. I dislike cancel culture, but these people ought to taste their own medice.
Live by cancel die by cancel. Or if you prefer "you made the bed, get fucked in it"
I stopped caring about not playing that game the moment leftists became the footsoldiers and cheerleaders of corporations. That should be their "prime evil", the one thing they never align with. But they did, and we're meant to be sad some schmuck felt consequences?
I'm over 50, so having lived through a decent chunk of history, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that one of the big reasons the left was so successful at marching through the institutions was the delusion that the right had that leftists were simply "misguided" folks who would see the light if only we took the high road and made reasonable arguments to sway them.
And don't even get me started on Bush Jr's compassionate conservatism.
I understand the impulse to take the high road, but unfortunately, practicing cultural pacifism and thinking that well-reasoned, high-minded tweets are going to sway the Overton window towards anything resembling sanity is a pipe dream.
People don't like it because their opposition to cancel culture wasn't only because it was other people doing it to them. People had a problem with it because fighting with our own friends and families is pants-on-head retarded, when the main threat we're facing right now is foreign adversaries who stoke these fires specifically because we can't do anything serious to oppose them when we're wrapped up in in-fighting.
Nobody blames you for having strong feelings. People blame you when you fly off half-cocked and lash out without even recognizing the lay of the land. People are pissed off with you because you're losing the mental game.
Seriously, history is replete with examples of universally-acknowledged men of honor who were also absolute badasses across multiple cultures from Hector of Troy to William Marshal, the Seigneur de Bayard, Baron Jacob Astley of Reading and Hal Moore for a modern example - and these are all from the Western tradition alone. At no point has 'being a genuinely good guy' and 'kicking inordinate amounts of ass' been mutually exclusive categories, in fact I think it can reasonably be argued that honorable men are obliged to resist & fight evil where they find it (and has been in the past). This is, for instance, a summary of what Bayard was like according to his French biographer and recorded on his Wikipedo page:
For the investiture as a knight that he received in battle, Bayard always felt deeply linked to the chivalric code of honor. Absolute loyalty even towards enemies, charity and help were his rules of life, in fact he did his utmost for the recovery of prostitutes and personally assisted the sick of the plague. While his fellow countrymen indulged in violence and raids, Bayard always remained respectful towards the weak and the vanquished, doing his utmost for their defense, and burned with furious anger in the face of all cruelty and injustice. He even used to pay out of his own pocket for the goods he requisitioned for the need for provisions, while his fellow countrymen used to simply snatch them from the peasants with violence.[2]
Since he usually led the vanguard in the advances and passed to the rearguard in the retreats, he ordered his men to extinguish the fires that his colleagues had set in the villages, and placed sentinels in defense of the churches and monasteries to prevent the looting and rape of women who had taken refuge there.[2]
Such was the fame of the magnanimity of Bayard that the people of Italy, who fled into the woods and mountains when armed men arrived, instead came running to meet his troops, loudly acclaiming his name and offering him gifts.[2]
This did not prevent him from becoming a fierce and feared fighter in battle. He knew no mercy either towards his enemies or towards himself, and in this way he did not enter into contradiction with the vivid religious faith that he had nourished since childhood. God had wanted him to be a knight and he limited himself to fulfilling God's will; he always placed himself in God's hands immediately before every battle.[2]
Mr. 'Nearly-undefeated Saint of Battle, always with time & money to help the innocent, and always down to smite his enemies with burning anger' here wouldn't think twice about pulverizing an avowed enemy of his under the latter's own standards, especially if they were honorless maggots like the average modern soyjak (in fact in one of his most famous duels, he killed a dude who he had honorably treated as a prisoner but then lied & claimed Bayard was a cruel torturer after he was released - extremely dishonorable and ungrateful conduct). It's gotten to the point where I'm beginning to think works like ASOIAF which portray honor as something only braindead idiots have to hold them back & get them killed are another poisonous psyop to encourage atomization, nihilism and a disdain for actual virtues in Western society.
brilliant write-up and i don't disagree with a word.
works like ASOIAF which portray honor as something only braindead idiots have to hold them back & get them killed are another poisonous psyop to encourage atomization
yeah. Ghost of Tsushima had to force you into a stealth-only "dishonorable" section where you poison invading mongols instead of fighting them head-on, because had they let you be honorable the entire game the whole plot of "honor holds you back" would've fallen apart... because you can be a complete badass and slice every mongol up without a lick of stealth or dishonor if you want...
We can't expect to enjoy the virtues of a good society without embodying those virtues ourselves. That doesn't mean we remain forever peaceful. Indeed, a truly good man does not tolerate evil in his presence. He destroys it. How can a good man be good, if he allows everything he loves to be destroyed? Lies can't be defeated with more lies. Evil can't be defeated with apathy.
Anyone telling you to remain peaceful while evil persists, is not your friend. They're either a great fool, a coward, or a liar, perhaps a mix of all.
Mainstream culture has convinced "good" men that violence is the tool of evil. Read your Bible. God has zero problems inflicting great violence upon his enemies. The violence of evil is a pale comparison to the wrath of the righteous.
We can absolutely have a virtuous society again, it only requires good men to act.
Armies used to stand in line to shoot at each other until Americans decided to start taking cover behind trees. Asymmetrical warfare, never give yourself a disadvantage by choice.
These people have announced they want Trump to be murdered. What is left to talk about? Nothing. All that's left is punitive action.
Btw none of those idiots in the replies give Home Depot a tenth of the business the average conservative gives.
Leftoid Rentoids have no reason to shop at Home Depot.
The people on the right bitching about it drive me insane. Yes, we play the game we have. If this is the rule the left wants to live by, then we apply it right back.
Holding someone to their own standards is not the same as making them your own standards
Anyone crying is either a shill/libshit or so stupid you don't want them on your side anyhow.
Turnabout is always fair play.
Those idiots are living in a fantasy world. They think if they are just nice enough and if the left bullies people enough people will reject the left and support conservatives.
The truth is most normies just go with the flow. That’s how you get most of them supporting GWB in 03 during the Iraq war and most of them supporting Obama and hating GWB in 08.
Before this effort to get people fired normies default position was to lean left to avoid getting cancelled. And that allowed the far left to push the window leftward. Now? Normies need to thread the line.
Yep. Its like being nice in afghanistan... look at how it turned out.
How is this new? Does anyone remember operation disrespectful nod?
We cost gawker media over a million dollars in revenue. One of the higher ups there cursed GG for doing so at the hulk hogan trial.
We've been cancelling people who deserve it, when they deserve it. As we've been told, you have freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.
A significant number of posters on this board are newfags or tourists unconnected to our original movement.
And a pajeedo with his alts
I’m glad my coining of pajeedo has caught on.
I was trying to remeber who suggested that.
Ask ConPro how to get rid of him.
And you're one of them, you atrocious faggot. Conpro trash serving fed masters, actively working to subvert, derail or destroy any right wing movement have no place here.
You incredible moron, the movement in question predates the existence of this site. Accounts are transient as well.
You and all of your crypto-leftist ilk will face the wall baffled because you thought you would be part of the party just like the other useful idiots in leftist revolutions. You're no different than the other bolsheviks, goblin.
So what was your account on the Escapist forums?
Who the fuck used the eacapist? You're actually claiming lineage from that trash heap? You dimwit. You don't even know where it actually began - it wasn't that site, you wretched fake. And if you claim to have come from there - you're a tourist and a fool.
Oh, you're from the chans? That makes you a fed. Then again leftist always project and you've been accusing everyone you don't like of being a fed.
You've already shown your colors, goblin. You don't belong. Scurry back to your hole with the rest of the leftist vermin.
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Comment Approved: Nothing here violates that.
I remember Operation Disrespectful Nod targeted advertisers for unethical journalistic outlets. That's different from specifically targeting individuals.
I suspect now we will end up in a spiral where will end up with the left and right engaging in an (hopefully not literal) arms race to not just cancel individuals but go even further. Once the right does this, the left will go one step further and then the right will outdo them and this won't end well.
The old "we can't risk escalation" argument for not doing something.
I'm not a fan of cancelling people, but until the left disavows the practice, the rest of us can't just sit back and take it.
Go look into game theory.and the Prisoners Dilemma. That's the situation we find ourselves in. Right now if we are not willing to use all the peaceful tools at our disposal to try to move the overton window, but the left is willing to use those tools, we lose, our principles be damned and thrown away onto the dust heap of history.
But hey, at least we took the high road, right?
And I will happily turn it around on them. They just tried to assassinate my president. They’re lucky they’re only losing jobs.
When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.
They tried to put you in prison if you went for a walk with two people. They tried to ruin Nick Sandmann and his families' lives for being accosted by a deranged larper. They cheered as people were beaten senseless or killed during the summer of 2020. They cheered when Jake Gardner killed himself after being charged for defending himself from the mob. I don't give a single damn about anything that happens to these people.
100% correct.
Don't bother, he was banned minutes after making this post.
Stealing 40 cakes.
dom needs to go.
I love the last paragraph so much.
"But what if these tactics are used against us!"
You mean, like for the past 20+ years?
"GenxJeff" is a swishy faggot with low t and 2 therapists
It’s the new “you look vaxxed.”
Apologies as i'm probably just bad at twitter but I don't see the actual comment / content that is being cancelled, any archives of the thread?
However can agree with the sentiment, they opened the door, they get to get hit on the ass with it on the way out.
Twitter is annoying. You can't see it all without clicking on the embed anyway. Here is the OP with a video of some deranged employee at home depot:
Then a bunch of people whining about it in the replies. No indication that any of them are on "the right" except this guy:
Oh. Ragging on people IRL for what they say on Facebook is not OK.
People are dumb ; they should say it anon. So by all means make fun of them for being dumb. On facebook.
Mr Davis is correct.
Would it be great if we didn't have to stoop to their level in order to get stuff done in this country? Yes, it would be, it would be wonderful. But in the current political and social climate, I don't think that's going to be happening, so bring on the cancel culture boys.
I wouldn't engage in it because its for fags but I'm not going to tell people not to do it. Its nice seeing leftists getting what is coming to them.
The left: gets someone fired for a racial stereotype joke made 20 years ago.
The right: gets someone fired 2 days after wishing death on one person and celebrating the death of another.
Yep, totally the same thing!
Yes - it IS wrong to play that game and until the left STOPS playing it (and they haven’t) then make them own up their own rules.
Haha the left taking responsibility. Haha.
I don't want her canceled for saying that. But the Left made this rule. If they want to remove that rule from the playbook it's on them.
Exactly, I am okay with people being shitcocks online, they're not. So I'm just holding them to their own standards.
Doxxing Carpe Donktum, calling Thunderfoot's university, using their connections within the comic book industry to threaten a publisher to cut ties with an indie comic book guy. Pepperridge Farms remembers.
Fight like a man Volgin!
The Right historically really loved riding that high horse... off a cliff.
What is more important? Winning (and having a future) or pretending that something like "honor" has any worth?
The former.
I truly hate these people.
No bad tactics, only bad targets.
It's actually hilarious watching all those people freaking out about how wrong cancel culture is.
Where were you the last decade or two, morons?
I don't like cancel culture. I will likely never like cancel culture. I'm also beyond trying to defend these demons from it, though. Was it right she got fired? Maybe not. Am I going to lose any sleep? Nope. Do I find it funny, in fact? Yeah. Not necessarily the firing, but the public shaming was actually pretty glorious.
"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, chud!"
"Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences!"
I didn't make these rules. I don't support these rules. But these losers did make those rules, and do support those rules, and forced me to live under these rules. So at this point I've got no problems with letting them live by them too.
I'm not going to go around trying to cancel people, but I get why others are righteously pissed off enough to do so. To all the leftists who propped this shit up for years...maybe now's a good time to sit down and shut up, if you don't want to get potentially hoisted by your own retard.
Heres the extreme version: I abhore violence, but if it defends the ones I care about then violence becomes an option. Gabriel carried a sword. I dislike cancel culture, but these people ought to taste their own medice.
Live by cancel die by cancel. Or if you prefer "you made the bed, get fucked in it"
The people saying this absolutely will not have the stomach for mass deportations.
I stopped caring about not playing that game the moment leftists became the footsoldiers and cheerleaders of corporations. That should be their "prime evil", the one thing they never align with. But they did, and we're meant to be sad some schmuck felt consequences?
I'm over 50, so having lived through a decent chunk of history, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that one of the big reasons the left was so successful at marching through the institutions was the delusion that the right had that leftists were simply "misguided" folks who would see the light if only we took the high road and made reasonable arguments to sway them.
And don't even get me started on Bush Jr's compassionate conservatism.
I understand the impulse to take the high road, but unfortunately, practicing cultural pacifism and thinking that well-reasoned, high-minded tweets are going to sway the Overton window towards anything resembling sanity is a pipe dream.
People still trying to "le high road".
Sorry, what's the deal here?
Woman got fired from home depot for wishing the shooter didn't miss and celebrating the shooting
Tom is a major fucking pussy
People don't like it because their opposition to cancel culture wasn't only because it was other people doing it to them. People had a problem with it because fighting with our own friends and families is pants-on-head retarded, when the main threat we're facing right now is foreign adversaries who stoke these fires specifically because we can't do anything serious to oppose them when we're wrapped up in in-fighting.
Nobody blames you for having strong feelings. People blame you when you fly off half-cocked and lash out without even recognizing the lay of the land. People are pissed off with you because you're losing the mental game.
it's not even about that angle - we could fight with integrity and honor and still win. many think that honor means not fighting at all...
Seriously, history is replete with examples of universally-acknowledged men of honor who were also absolute badasses across multiple cultures from Hector of Troy to William Marshal, the Seigneur de Bayard, Baron Jacob Astley of Reading and Hal Moore for a modern example - and these are all from the Western tradition alone. At no point has 'being a genuinely good guy' and 'kicking inordinate amounts of ass' been mutually exclusive categories, in fact I think it can reasonably be argued that honorable men are obliged to resist & fight evil where they find it (and has been in the past). This is, for instance, a summary of what Bayard was like according to his French biographer and recorded on his Wikipedo page:
Mr. 'Nearly-undefeated Saint of Battle, always with time & money to help the innocent, and always down to smite his enemies with burning anger' here wouldn't think twice about pulverizing an avowed enemy of his under the latter's own standards, especially if they were honorless maggots like the average modern soyjak (in fact in one of his most famous duels, he killed a dude who he had honorably treated as a prisoner but then lied & claimed Bayard was a cruel torturer after he was released - extremely dishonorable and ungrateful conduct). It's gotten to the point where I'm beginning to think works like ASOIAF which portray honor as something only braindead idiots have to hold them back & get them killed are another poisonous psyop to encourage atomization, nihilism and a disdain for actual virtues in Western society.
brilliant write-up and i don't disagree with a word.
yeah. Ghost of Tsushima had to force you into a stealth-only "dishonorable" section where you poison invading mongols instead of fighting them head-on, because had they let you be honorable the entire game the whole plot of "honor holds you back" would've fallen apart... because you can be a complete badass and slice every mongol up without a lick of stealth or dishonor if you want...
Great comment.
We can't expect to enjoy the virtues of a good society without embodying those virtues ourselves. That doesn't mean we remain forever peaceful. Indeed, a truly good man does not tolerate evil in his presence. He destroys it. How can a good man be good, if he allows everything he loves to be destroyed? Lies can't be defeated with more lies. Evil can't be defeated with apathy.
Anyone telling you to remain peaceful while evil persists, is not your friend. They're either a great fool, a coward, or a liar, perhaps a mix of all.
Mainstream culture has convinced "good" men that violence is the tool of evil. Read your Bible. God has zero problems inflicting great violence upon his enemies. The violence of evil is a pale comparison to the wrath of the righteous.
We can absolutely have a virtuous society again, it only requires good men to act.
The Confederacy, but it didn't stop Sherman from burning Atlanta, raping the women, then praised as a military hero in the Official History™.
Armies used to stand in line to shoot at each other until Americans decided to start taking cover behind trees. Asymmetrical warfare, never give yourself a disadvantage by choice.