It's just stupidity. I play video games all the time and I'd rather die than be a pro player.
They can't enjoy play because they haven't improved their marketable skill set to anything beyond Starbucks batista. So they have nothing valuable enough to earn enough money to have a good living and still have free time.
The millennials do have a point when it comes to the rising costs and how fucked the housing market is etc. but instead of blaming the elites and inflation they worship corporations who virtue signal how they like while claiming to be anti-capitalists. I mean let's be real, these retards as well are probably the type who spam slava ukraine and then wonder why everything costs so much.
The millennials do have a point when it comes to the rising costs and how fucked the housing market is
A lot of the complaints the Left bring up have merit at the very start. Cops are fucking awful and shouldn't be trusted. Corporations are greed fucking retards that are dragging us all to hell for nothing. Etc.
But their immediate followup is so retarded people just kneejerk to the contrary position because it seems better than whatever they are going to replace it with. You don't even want to acknowledge agreeing with that singular point to avoid the foot in the door.
"and that's why we need to start switching to this system that has never worked once in the last hundred years and leaves millions dead by the time it's over"
Not even factual statements given that they themselves are the cause of what they complain about.
Housing is too expensive? Can't get a well paying job? Have no meaning in life? Don't feel safe?
Maybe stop voting for the godless communists who flood the nation with criminal foreigners. Turns out there are more jobs and more houses and cheaper food if we don't have fifty million illegal Mexicans stealing everything in sight.
That's why I don't have any pity for them. Because they're cutting their own throats and screaming vitriol at anyone who might be inclined to help. We're literally going to have to shoot most of them as step 1 of fixing this country, so to hell with them and their problems. They want to die, so fuck em.
They are 100% incapable of acknowledging any kind of cause and effect, because it's been conditioned out of them.
The only time they align with rationality is on the rare occasion they can use it as a gotcha against their enemies, then they'll instantly abandon it again. And at that point it isn't even rationality, it's shouting so much nonsense that one or two things end up being accidentally true.
I can give benefit of the doubt that a lot of the current crop of Lefties didn't vote these problems into existence, they were already there and pissing them off before they could have any effect on it.
I still give them no pity, because they respond to that by exacerbating and continuing the problem (and are in fact often actually evil), but I think most of us came up with those issues already a major problem plaguing the country.
You don't even want to acknowledge agreeing with that singular point to avoid the foot in the door.
Perfect way of putting it, because it is a foot in the door. They've shown time and time again that they're incredibly dishonest, and that if you give them the slightest bit of ground they'll seize the opportunity to turn on the craziness and destroy everything.
I think there is a lot of expectation from millennials and gen z that they should get a 6 figure salary straight out of college. With their gender studies degrees.
Yes, things are expensive. Inflation is high. Life sucks. But manage your expectations. Work hard. Don’t spend what you can’t afford. Pay off your debts. Don’t eat out every night. Don’t buy a new car every 3 years or a new iPhone every time a new one comes out.
If the capitalism they rail against didn’t exist, they would have all the amazing toys they could buy and play with.
Look at all the clips of young women going "I expect my man to earn 100k-1 million a year" like its a common salary. They have no frame of reference outside of influencers
That's a boomer style comment if I ever saw one and it's about as useless as telling somebody who as problems socialising with others to 'go outside'. Yes there are absolutely retards like that out there ( I should show you the clips about women and dating where they seriously expect men to earn that much that they date ).
The cost of living is no fucking joke, I doubt you have actually done the maths on it seriously because anyone honest who does instantly gets why the earnest young people out there think the way they do. Manage expectations? LOL look at how much money university costs as a starter then post that again.
It really is not that simple and believe me I've done the maths and I'm somebody who is lucky enough to have been able to move out, you come across as somebody who hasn't so if you don't want me to think you're a boomer don't behave like one.
You can thank federally guaranteed loans, banks required to lend to those unworthy of the credit line, and, of course, property tax tied to the value of the home. Don't forget massive increased demand for housing thanks to immigrants not even allowed to be here.
Higher education got stupid expensive, too, thanks to similar issues.
Capitalism appears to have failed as a system, just as communism and socialism has failed (albeit in a different and less gruesome manner and over a longer time frame). Perhaps a new system needs to be produced, or the west can go back to an older model of society. Bring back the values of Christendom or forge something new. Unfortunately, I don't think the modern west has enough intelligent people to choose either path.
I agree that professional video game player seems worse than my desk job. If it paid a lot I would do it. I would not quit my job to do it for less or slightly more money, even if I were good enough which I am not.
The one I follow is Magic: The Gathering, and those guys seem to spend 8+ hours a day streaming and getting sponsored, and they don't seem rich. Do get to travel a lot, though. It would be good for a young man.
They're almost right, except it's not because of capitalism and the free market, it's because of government and taxation that explicitly forces you to take part in the system for their benefit.
That said, they're also being melodramatic retards that are unhappy because they have to work to survive. Shockingly, none of these freaks are putting their hands up to go live on a commune. No, they want the fruits of YOUR labour to take care of them with strong governments to redistribute YOUR wealth into their pockets so they can play games all day.
There's definitely critique of the current structure out there. Bitching about freedom isn't it.
Even in a perfect society consisting of an anarchist commune of people who all respect one another, you still have to contribute. Someone has to produce the food, another person has to wire the electricity, another has to build, etc.
Ironically, modern capitalism is the only system that has ever produced such luxury that the average person can be tricked into believing that doing whatever they want all the time is "how it should be". No, that is never how it has been, and once this unsustainable hedonistic society collapses in on itself, it will continue to not be how it is.
Oh, definitely without a doubt. But the idea that capitalism forces you is a load of shit.
Then again, these are the same kinds of spastics that thing people living in medieval England had it better because they "only worked for a third of the year" or some bullshit, because being little more than a slave for Lords is clearly so much better.
Yah, it's not hard in a capitalist society to make enough to have lots of free time. Unless you're concerned about a "career", in which case, you made your own bed.
I wish someone would tell them already that under socialism you still have to be useful. Atleast under capitalism you can do all of those things if you're entertaining enough to watch.
They honestly believe they're all going to be part-time gardeners or educators or drug dealers or coffee makers or something. There's an thing floating around that shows a bunch of people answering 'What role would you serve in the commune' and the answers are the most deluded shit.
Imagine how much time you'll have to play under a planned economy where you have to work twelve hours a day six days a week (only half on Sunday) or you go to jail. You can play with cup and ball on string while you're in line waiting to use your ration coupon for the leftovers the military allowed your sector's store to have.
Well there are problems with the elites wanting to use us as slave labor and bleed us dry while they live a life of luxury, but that's not inherent to capitalism, capitalism is just the system they're exploiting to make that happen. They'll exploit any system for that, and capitalism at least ostensibly provides you with an opportunity to better your situation (when they're not doing everything they can to prevent that).
But having to 'grow up' and focus on responsibilities is just an inevitable part of life, and wage slavery aside, if anything the current regime encourages us to play around aimlessly rather than better ourselves, because playing distracts us and eternal children are eternal consumers.
Well it's because there's no return on their time investment, they're unfulfilled. Society expecting endless growth and importing millions of Indians to pay for boomers endless pensions did this to them.
What do at this point? Work endless hours for a system which hates you?
I'm probably richer than you, I don't think it matters. It just means you can consume more useless crap and I would never sacrifice having a life for money.
I mean being fat automatically makes you a loser, having no real friends or family make you a loser. By those measures most of society are massive failures.
I think that there’s an argument to be made that the constant growth/lowest common denominator mindset is what’s feeding the like superficial impulses that are kind of tearing us all apart over gay beers and mean tweets. It’s definitely appropriate to question feeding the “system” that’s castrating children and nuking western birth rates.
Is what you want to do with your money. Lets say I get to cut 20% of my income to stop having kids being exposed to gay stuff or another 20% or even 30% to stop mass immigration so that my kids don't grow up hated for their skin color, being discriminated against and being made ashamed of their culture and heritage.
I would do that in a second. So I'm fine with "being poor on purpose" as long as the reason of my "poorness" goes towards the things that matter to me.
You just made purchases. You just went shopping. Extremely capitalist.
If you say "I'd rather live in an alternate universe where I made half as much but we got rid of all the Mexicans & faggots"
then I ask you: why haven't you just looked for a place like that & moved there? I'm sure places like that exist & I'm sure you'd have to take a pay cut.
then I ask you: why haven't you just looked for a place like that & moved there?
I've actually considered that greatly. I know not what place I could move that would not be at most just a delay.
As for the capitalist purchase it was intentional to explain that choosing "poverty" in the context you thought yourself above double digit IQ is in fact a choice of what you do with your money hence capitalism and not communism.
I worked about 5 years in entry level trades (no experience required), part time, single Dad, paying full cost for babysitting, and bought a car outright during that period.
I saved so much during that time that I could have bought a house in the early 2000s. Prices quadrupled since then, but I have enough savings to live without working for close to 10 years.
The reason for this is I don't spend much money on extravagant garbage. I don't eat a restaurants more than a few times a year, I don't take foreign vacations, I take care of my stuff so it lasts for decades and I don't need to buy new crap.
The "system" is incredible, unprecedented in history.
People are ruining it's potential. Importing immigrants to drive down wages, sure, but also spending their money on companies that send their profits to the very people importing immigrants.
Make your money but LIVE LIKE YOU'RE POOR. What you need is much less than you think you need. And you're free to spend the excess on whatever you like, including play time.
I manage to work and play video games AND have hobbies on the side, it's not nearly as hard as workshy leftoids think. I don't even have an Ozempic prescription.
"Play" as a concept is well understood, and continually done by adults.
"building a fort in the woods and playing with sticks" is infantile. The reason children have to play like that is because we don't want to give them weapons to accidentally hurt themselves with. Adults play by having full-armor sword battles, building fucking trebuchets, and re-enacting large scale battles. Adult play is more serious, and entertaining.
When you grow up, Puff The Magic Dragon can't come with you. You do have to stop goofing around in your own head and work on building a life and future for your family and community. Puff can't come with you because he is not an adult construct. He is a projected concept of your feelings and fantasies that is used to compartmentalize your feelings in a digestible format for you as a child to make sense of how and what you feel.
The longer you stay with Puff, the longer you have kept your feelings compartmentalized, and are unable to integrate them into your sense of self. Puff must go away, so that you may live.
That's one of the problems with acting and various arts, you still need puff in your life to do your job well. How do you mix it correctly? That's why so many lefties fall for Socialists ideas, the politics sound adult enough to hide in.
Get into bushcraft, join a larp club, join a milsim club. There are plenty of ways adults are still building a fort in the middle of the woods and using sticks as swords.
The problem with any of that is finding the right group, and making the props needed. I can make a few weapons and a shield for $10, but then it takes time to build.
It's just stupidity. I play video games all the time and I'd rather die than be a pro player.
They can't enjoy play because they haven't improved their marketable skill set to anything beyond Starbucks batista. So they have nothing valuable enough to earn enough money to have a good living and still have free time.
The millennials do have a point when it comes to the rising costs and how fucked the housing market is etc. but instead of blaming the elites and inflation they worship corporations who virtue signal how they like while claiming to be anti-capitalists. I mean let's be real, these retards as well are probably the type who spam slava ukraine and then wonder why everything costs so much.
A lot of the complaints the Left bring up have merit at the very start. Cops are fucking awful and shouldn't be trusted. Corporations are greed fucking retards that are dragging us all to hell for nothing. Etc.
But their immediate followup is so retarded people just kneejerk to the contrary position because it seems better than whatever they are going to replace it with. You don't even want to acknowledge agreeing with that singular point to avoid the foot in the door.
>a bunch of factually true statements
"and that's why we need to start switching to this system that has never worked once in the last hundred years and leaves millions dead by the time it's over"
Not even factual statements given that they themselves are the cause of what they complain about.
Housing is too expensive? Can't get a well paying job? Have no meaning in life? Don't feel safe?
Maybe stop voting for the godless communists who flood the nation with criminal foreigners. Turns out there are more jobs and more houses and cheaper food if we don't have fifty million illegal Mexicans stealing everything in sight.
That's why I don't have any pity for them. Because they're cutting their own throats and screaming vitriol at anyone who might be inclined to help. We're literally going to have to shoot most of them as step 1 of fixing this country, so to hell with them and their problems. They want to die, so fuck em.
They are 100% incapable of acknowledging any kind of cause and effect, because it's been conditioned out of them.
The only time they align with rationality is on the rare occasion they can use it as a gotcha against their enemies, then they'll instantly abandon it again. And at that point it isn't even rationality, it's shouting so much nonsense that one or two things end up being accidentally true.
I can give benefit of the doubt that a lot of the current crop of Lefties didn't vote these problems into existence, they were already there and pissing them off before they could have any effect on it.
I still give them no pity, because they respond to that by exacerbating and continuing the problem (and are in fact often actually evil), but I think most of us came up with those issues already a major problem plaguing the country.
Perfect way of putting it, because it is a foot in the door. They've shown time and time again that they're incredibly dishonest, and that if you give them the slightest bit of ground they'll seize the opportunity to turn on the craziness and destroy everything.
It's Putler's war tax.
I think there is a lot of expectation from millennials and gen z that they should get a 6 figure salary straight out of college. With their gender studies degrees.
Yes, things are expensive. Inflation is high. Life sucks. But manage your expectations. Work hard. Don’t spend what you can’t afford. Pay off your debts. Don’t eat out every night. Don’t buy a new car every 3 years or a new iPhone every time a new one comes out.
If the capitalism they rail against didn’t exist, they would have all the amazing toys they could buy and play with.
Look at all the clips of young women going "I expect my man to earn 100k-1 million a year" like its a common salary. They have no frame of reference outside of influencers
That's a boomer style comment if I ever saw one and it's about as useless as telling somebody who as problems socialising with others to 'go outside'. Yes there are absolutely retards like that out there ( I should show you the clips about women and dating where they seriously expect men to earn that much that they date ).
The cost of living is no fucking joke, I doubt you have actually done the maths on it seriously because anyone honest who does instantly gets why the earnest young people out there think the way they do. Manage expectations? LOL look at how much money university costs as a starter then post that again.
Then don’t go to university. It’s overpriced and degrees are undervalued. You make more in a skilled trade than you do with most college degrees.
And if the cost of living is to high, move to a town or state where it’s lower.
And no I’m not a boomer. My parents are.
It really is not that simple and believe me I've done the maths and I'm somebody who is lucky enough to have been able to move out, you come across as somebody who hasn't so if you don't want me to think you're a boomer don't behave like one.
You can thank federally guaranteed loans, banks required to lend to those unworthy of the credit line, and, of course, property tax tied to the value of the home. Don't forget massive increased demand for housing thanks to immigrants not even allowed to be here.
Higher education got stupid expensive, too, thanks to similar issues.
Capitalism appears to have failed as a system, just as communism and socialism has failed (albeit in a different and less gruesome manner and over a longer time frame). Perhaps a new system needs to be produced, or the west can go back to an older model of society. Bring back the values of Christendom or forge something new. Unfortunately, I don't think the modern west has enough intelligent people to choose either path.
They are in open rebellion of the reality that time=money and somehow believe socialism will cure it.
Starbucks Bautista seems like it could be a meme
They can move so slow, it's like they're not even making coffee.
Haha, careless error....I'll leave it though
I agree that professional video game player seems worse than my desk job. If it paid a lot I would do it. I would not quit my job to do it for less or slightly more money, even if I were good enough which I am not.
The one I follow is Magic: The Gathering, and those guys seem to spend 8+ hours a day streaming and getting sponsored, and they don't seem rich. Do get to travel a lot, though. It would be good for a young man.
The problem with childhood and adulthood is you have to pay for your hobbies. That's never as easy
They're almost right, except it's not because of capitalism and the free market, it's because of government and taxation that explicitly forces you to take part in the system for their benefit.
That said, they're also being melodramatic retards that are unhappy because they have to work to survive. Shockingly, none of these freaks are putting their hands up to go live on a commune. No, they want the fruits of YOUR labour to take care of them with strong governments to redistribute YOUR wealth into their pockets so they can play games all day.
There's definitely critique of the current structure out there. Bitching about freedom isn't it.
Even in a perfect society consisting of an anarchist commune of people who all respect one another, you still have to contribute. Someone has to produce the food, another person has to wire the electricity, another has to build, etc.
Ironically, modern capitalism is the only system that has ever produced such luxury that the average person can be tricked into believing that doing whatever they want all the time is "how it should be". No, that is never how it has been, and once this unsustainable hedonistic society collapses in on itself, it will continue to not be how it is.
Oh, definitely without a doubt. But the idea that capitalism forces you is a load of shit.
Then again, these are the same kinds of spastics that thing people living in medieval England had it better because they "only worked for a third of the year" or some bullshit, because being little more than a slave for Lords is clearly so much better.
Yah, it's not hard in a capitalist society to make enough to have lots of free time. Unless you're concerned about a "career", in which case, you made your own bed.
Real Capitalism has never been tried.
Hong Cong in the 1970's came close.
Yep what those items in the op pic are complaining about isn't real capitalism. It's a socialist-capitalism abomination in disguise
I wish someone would tell them already that under socialism you still have to be useful. Atleast under capitalism you can do all of those things if you're entertaining enough to watch.
The communists would send artists and musicians to work camps because they weren't "real" jobs.
They honestly believe they're all going to be part-time gardeners or educators or drug dealers or coffee makers or something. There's an thing floating around that shows a bunch of people answering 'What role would you serve in the commune' and the answers are the most deluded shit.
Most adult animals kill regularly, and die horrendous deaths. They "play" at blood...
Imagine how much time you'll have to play under a planned economy where you have to work twelve hours a day six days a week (only half on Sunday) or you go to jail. You can play with cup and ball on string while you're in line waiting to use your ration coupon for the leftovers the military allowed your sector's store to have.
Well there are problems with the elites wanting to use us as slave labor and bleed us dry while they live a life of luxury, but that's not inherent to capitalism, capitalism is just the system they're exploiting to make that happen. They'll exploit any system for that, and capitalism at least ostensibly provides you with an opportunity to better your situation (when they're not doing everything they can to prevent that).
But having to 'grow up' and focus on responsibilities is just an inevitable part of life, and wage slavery aside, if anything the current regime encourages us to play around aimlessly rather than better ourselves, because playing distracts us and eternal children are eternal consumers.
Stupid unproductive manbabies whining to each other about not being able to waste their whole lives on make-believe.
Democrats made people this way.
Well it's because there's no return on their time investment, they're unfulfilled. Society expecting endless growth and importing millions of Indians to pay for boomers endless pensions did this to them.
What do at this point? Work endless hours for a system which hates you?
everyone else who isn't a fuck up is doing very well under the current system.
failures have only themselves to blame, not the "system"
sounds like a cope from a loser, tbh
yes, you need to work to pay in so that you can take out the work of others, that's how an economy works.
edit: losers coping lol
I'm probably richer than you, I don't think it matters. It just means you can consume more useless crap and I would never sacrifice having a life for money.
I mean being fat automatically makes you a loser, having no real friends or family make you a loser. By those measures most of society are massive failures.
I think that there’s an argument to be made that the constant growth/lowest common denominator mindset is what’s feeding the like superficial impulses that are kind of tearing us all apart over gay beers and mean tweets. It’s definitely appropriate to question feeding the “system” that’s castrating children and nuking western birth rates.
"The system" isn't doing shit. Blackrock and leftists are the ones doing it.
Don't get distracted railing against a mindless, faceless system when your enemies are right in front of your face.
Anyone who is anti-growth is an absolute idiot.
I thought this was a lunatic leftist-exclusive idea, but I guess doomers & russian bots also want to promote the idea of
checks notes
the people in this sub are such dregs sometimes.
Is what you want to do with your money. Lets say I get to cut 20% of my income to stop having kids being exposed to gay stuff or another 20% or even 30% to stop mass immigration so that my kids don't grow up hated for their skin color, being discriminated against and being made ashamed of their culture and heritage.
I would do that in a second. So I'm fine with "being poor on purpose" as long as the reason of my "poorness" goes towards the things that matter to me.
You just made purchases. You just went shopping. Extremely capitalist.
If you say "I'd rather live in an alternate universe where I made half as much but we got rid of all the Mexicans & faggots"
then I ask you: why haven't you just looked for a place like that & moved there? I'm sure places like that exist & I'm sure you'd have to take a pay cut.
I've actually considered that greatly. I know not what place I could move that would not be at most just a delay.
As for the capitalist purchase it was intentional to explain that choosing "poverty" in the context you thought yourself above double digit IQ is in fact a choice of what you do with your money hence capitalism and not communism.
"line must go up" mentality is part of the cause of all our bullshit today
lol kill yourself retarded nigger
I gotta agree with this.
I worked about 5 years in entry level trades (no experience required), part time, single Dad, paying full cost for babysitting, and bought a car outright during that period.
I saved so much during that time that I could have bought a house in the early 2000s. Prices quadrupled since then, but I have enough savings to live without working for close to 10 years.
The reason for this is I don't spend much money on extravagant garbage. I don't eat a restaurants more than a few times a year, I don't take foreign vacations, I take care of my stuff so it lasts for decades and I don't need to buy new crap.
The "system" is incredible, unprecedented in history.
People are ruining it's potential. Importing immigrants to drive down wages, sure, but also spending their money on companies that send their profits to the very people importing immigrants.
Make your money but LIVE LIKE YOU'RE POOR. What you need is much less than you think you need. And you're free to spend the excess on whatever you like, including play time.
When I was a Cub scout leader, I taught them how to make safe forts, and pad their sticks. They loved me for that.
There it is.
how do you read these everyday and not die of cringe
Fucking adult babies
I manage to work and play video games AND have hobbies on the side, it's not nearly as hard as workshy leftoids think. I don't even have an Ozempic prescription.
"Play" as a concept is well understood, and continually done by adults.
"building a fort in the woods and playing with sticks" is infantile. The reason children have to play like that is because we don't want to give them weapons to accidentally hurt themselves with. Adults play by having full-armor sword battles, building fucking trebuchets, and re-enacting large scale battles. Adult play is more serious, and entertaining.
When you grow up, Puff The Magic Dragon can't come with you. You do have to stop goofing around in your own head and work on building a life and future for your family and community. Puff can't come with you because he is not an adult construct. He is a projected concept of your feelings and fantasies that is used to compartmentalize your feelings in a digestible format for you as a child to make sense of how and what you feel.
The longer you stay with Puff, the longer you have kept your feelings compartmentalized, and are unable to integrate them into your sense of self. Puff must go away, so that you may live.
That's one of the problems with acting and various arts, you still need puff in your life to do your job well. How do you mix it correctly? That's why so many lefties fall for Socialists ideas, the politics sound adult enough to hide in.
If they were behaving like individuated adults, we wouldn't need to worry because these lessons would be second nature.
Instead they intentionally infantalize people to control and destroy them.
You just described the arts scene in most areas. Heck, I could point out engineering and science departments that get this same treatment.
If a man will not work, he shall not eat.
If both the commies and the Bible agree on something it's probably true.
Absolutely correct. So go be creative or play or whatever. Just don't ask me to expend my effort to pay for you to do that.
Get into bushcraft, join a larp club, join a milsim club. There are plenty of ways adults are still building a fort in the middle of the woods and using sticks as swords.
The problem with any of that is finding the right group, and making the props needed. I can make a few weapons and a shield for $10, but then it takes time to build.