Haha I’m reading the King James Bible off and on and he/his gets used even for shit that can’t have a gender, where we’d now use “it.” It’s kind of funny reading that and thinking of what a big fucking hissy fit some people throw over gendered language.
It’s funny how the only real detransitioning efforts have been on teenage girls larping as “men”.
Part of that is female privilege for sure, but I think a big chunk of it is that girls are incredibly impressionable, even compared to boys. Basically, "FtM" trannies are even more fake than "MtF" trannies. The men who go trans often have more mental issues, while the girls who go trans often just have the mental issue of being a teenage girl.
Girls do it to be part of the clique, boys do it because they often have underlying issues. Not all of course, but general trends. I think women in general are better at bouncing between identities anyway, so it's easier for them to get pulled out of the cult, especially when they realize it's not in their best interest.
Yep, I imagine all the tales of “male privilege” made manhood sound like easy street, it must be shocking when they join Team Masculine as a skinny little 5-2 muscle-less twig and they find that other men shit on men like that the same as she used to love shitting on them, only harder. Being able to maybe grow a beard thanks to the hormones doesn’t help, it turns out.
I’m not going to pretend I’m the second coming of Arnold Schwarzenegger myself, but I can’t imagine wanting to be treated by society as a man but have women’s size and strength. It’d be the worst of both worlds.
But they aren’t becoming men. They’re becoming trans. And trans people have enormous sway in the current political and cultural discourse. That’s why teenage white girls are doing it. They want attention, they want power over others, and they want to escape the oppressor designation put on them by their skin color.
While I still hold that eventually the trans “man” will get into situations where they are judged as men and thus judged as low value men, I do agree with your explanation too, about many simply reaching for an “oppressed” power class according to the view of the world the woke Internet taught them.
But even that’s kind of a dead end since trans “men” don’t have half the social power over real men that trans “women” have over real women, so even “his” power to cry out as “he” strikes us turns out to be pretty empty. Women being agreeable and vulnerable led them to cede a lot of territory to trans usurpers. Men being strong and blunt means girls on hormones don’t stand a chance. Like, can you imagine trans “men” coming into our sports and dominating? No. What would happen if a trans “gay man” tried their variation of the common trans “lesbian” move and insisted that men should have sex with them? We would just laugh, and if they started in about us being bigots, we could literally pick them up and drop them in the nearest garbage can. Even the ulterior motivation for going trans is not the escape-from-all-problems that it can be for men who turn into fake women.
Therr was one lesbian who "transitioned" fully expecting to cash-in her "male privilege".
First experience was whining people ignored "him" at the train station as she struggled with her luggage. Welcome to reality : male privilege isn't real.
Bonus irony for doing something quitessentially female : bringning too much luggage.
This isn’t entirely accurate. A white girl who transitions loses much of her sexual market value as a girl but gains immense power as a newly minted member of the protected LGBT class. In the dominant Marxist framework of the west, she immediately switches teams from oppressor to oppressed, dodging most of the anti-white hatred suffusing her school, her social media, her friend group, etc. This is why the bulk of the increase in transgenderism is coming from the going white female demographic. It’s a combination of social contagion and anti-whiteness.
I guess you could argue that teen female depression/ anxiety is exasperated due to a mass operant conditioning that the left uses as a control mechanism.
No but for real. If you’ve actually got a male brain, so able to take shit and dish it out, tending to be courageous, and able to forget your failures quickly, being a dude is AWESOME. And that’s not even counting the physical advantages, just the mental stuff alone is awesome.
But if you’re trying to be a man but you’ve got a female brain up there, which tends to take things harder, be frightful, and be crushed by people giving you shit, I don’t blame “FtM” people for wanting to switch back to the team that has all the social protections enabling them to be treated with kid gloves, by comparison.
They aren't men though. Just women with their breasts chopped off. It's funny how the FTTs are never the tall women, always the shortest.
It's not hard to be a man, stop feeling sorry for yourself. It is hard, however, to be a 5'1" "guy" with a scar for a chest, non-existent shoulders, and a creepy pedo voice that's a woman's deformed by testosterone.
I believe women have many times passed themselves as men, asserting dominance without chopping off their breasts. Probably because they were imposing figures.
they buy into the stupid feminist bullshit, realize that female privilege is real, they get none of the advantages of being a man while giving up female privilege, that men have to earn everything, and they're now basically the lowest of the low betas. you'd have to be stupid to drop the FTM bullshit.
MTFs on the other hand are largely a few different groups...
betas who realize the social hierarchy is (1) alpha males, (2) ALL women, (3) beta males... and that by "becoming" a female, they will increase their social status.
gay men who are embarrassed of their gayness, and thinking they're just in the wrong body is a cope. the biggest dating app in the world used to be OKC, before tinder, and overwhelmingly, the data showed men claiming to be bi... simply aren't. their user interactions prove they're just gay, and outwardly claiming to be bi is a cope.
gay men whose sexual abuse was really emasculating, and so acting like a girl is a cope.
But I thought that these people don't kill themselves if they undergo this permanent, life-saving operation? That's what the man on the TV told me, and why we need to make it available to children who don't even know why some have peepees and others have bunnyholes.
I believe the talking point is, do you want a dead son or a trans daughter. The problem is the house always wins in the long run and you are likely to end up with a dead son wearing lipstick that made some people tens of thousands of dollars mutilating him.
Which is why I find the argument retarded. Even by the left's own logic, it's the post-oppers that keep on 41-percenting themselves. I've never heard of a pre-opper doing it in either reality or in any of their shitty arguments. In fact, it doesn't even sound like a quantifiable statistic at all. If a normal person killed himself, how am I or anyone else supposed to tell it was because he thought he was in the wrong body? Only if he or someone he knew said so, and anecdotal evidence isn't reliable.
I looked it up, and it's apparently a code for involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. My question here is "When?" The presumed standard is when someone presents a high risk of harming him or herself or others. But where is that line drawn? Where is Beanie Man implying that line should be drawn?
I would guess the prevailing answer should be when someone expresses having gender dysphoria or an interest in transing.
Getting involuntary psyche holds above 72~hours is basically impossible. There are rules about it to make it seem like its doable, but meeting that criteria is so difficult that its not even worth trying.
You need to basically have the gun loaded and saying out loud you are going to use it before they even consider it.
Thoughtcrime isn't crime. They can have an interest in it all they'd like.
Actions done to pursue that interest should be the first even theoretical line. I'm not a murderer if I say I want to kill some jagoffs in rush hour traffic splitting lanes, and they're not a suicide risk if they just have some weird kink. But if I hook up a rocket launcher to my car, then yeah, probably look into me.
You bring up a good point. Personally, I would put the line at taking all that hormone shit. This is because stuff like gender dysphoria is a real treatable condition. It's kinda nutty, sure, but all that's needed is for that therapist to be trying to help them not have gender dysphoria anymore. Telling them it's okay to transition is just awful and I would like to see all such therapists fired if they are harming their patients like that.
A lot of these troons become crazy and terrible, but I think most of them were just confused and could have been saved. So I do pity who they once were.
This. Anytime the suicide statistic gets brought up they immediately shout "it's because they aren't accepted by society." This person was featured in ad campaigns, his instagram is full of people gassing him up for being brave and beautiful. The airline he worked for looks to have bent over backwards to make sure he was the most special employee. Hopefully some people see that no matter how much "acceptance" there is, this outcome is statistically likely.
With all the histrionics of this demographic, it's hard to believe any of this is real. Sounds like something you would stumble on in 'Cringetopia'. Even though no sane person would visit 'Cringetopia' for a second time.
Stop using the Left's language.
The neutral pronoun is "he."
Also, that's a "he."
Her pronouns are "Was" and "Were"
His pronouns were “He” and “Him.”
Michael Jackson, He/he
His pronouns.
^ This image has been removed from Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo image search results. I had to dig into my local stash to get it.
Thank god there is somebody else out there who remembers that english already has a neutral pronoun...
Haha I’m reading the King James Bible off and on and he/his gets used even for shit that can’t have a gender, where we’d now use “it.” It’s kind of funny reading that and thinking of what a big fucking hissy fit some people throw over gendered language.
Pretty sure the "they" refers to the multiple people who bent over backwards to placate this tranny.
I think beanieman is as much of a cuck as the next person, but you don't have to make shit up.
Sure sounded like he was talking about that one individual.
But on another reading, the wording is such that it's possible you're right.
I just hate hearing a single individual person being referred to as "they." It makes me think there's more than ONE.
As expected from the grifting fence-sitting beanie fag. I remember him having “Blaire” White on his podcast a while back so not surprising at all.
His farewell message sounds tortured. Imagine, instead of trying to get this guy some help, they used him for a virtue-signal.
Modern governance: People go in one end, meat comes out the other.
And laws are stuffed with the pork.
It’s funny how the only real detransitioning efforts have been on teenage girls larping as “men”.
Part of that is female privilege for sure, but I think a big chunk of it is that girls are incredibly impressionable, even compared to boys. Basically, "FtM" trannies are even more fake than "MtF" trannies. The men who go trans often have more mental issues, while the girls who go trans often just have the mental issue of being a teenage girl.
Girls do it to be part of the clique, boys do it because they often have underlying issues. Not all of course, but general trends. I think women in general are better at bouncing between identities anyway, so it's easier for them to get pulled out of the cult, especially when they realize it's not in their best interest.
A man who transitions female gains female privileges and LGBT status. A female that transitions male loses female privileges and gains manlet status.
Yep, I imagine all the tales of “male privilege” made manhood sound like easy street, it must be shocking when they join Team Masculine as a skinny little 5-2 muscle-less twig and they find that other men shit on men like that the same as she used to love shitting on them, only harder. Being able to maybe grow a beard thanks to the hormones doesn’t help, it turns out.
I’m not going to pretend I’m the second coming of Arnold Schwarzenegger myself, but I can’t imagine wanting to be treated by society as a man but have women’s size and strength. It’d be the worst of both worlds.
But they aren’t becoming men. They’re becoming trans. And trans people have enormous sway in the current political and cultural discourse. That’s why teenage white girls are doing it. They want attention, they want power over others, and they want to escape the oppressor designation put on them by their skin color.
While I still hold that eventually the trans “man” will get into situations where they are judged as men and thus judged as low value men, I do agree with your explanation too, about many simply reaching for an “oppressed” power class according to the view of the world the woke Internet taught them.
But even that’s kind of a dead end since trans “men” don’t have half the social power over real men that trans “women” have over real women, so even “his” power to cry out as “he” strikes us turns out to be pretty empty. Women being agreeable and vulnerable led them to cede a lot of territory to trans usurpers. Men being strong and blunt means girls on hormones don’t stand a chance. Like, can you imagine trans “men” coming into our sports and dominating? No. What would happen if a trans “gay man” tried their variation of the common trans “lesbian” move and insisted that men should have sex with them? We would just laugh, and if they started in about us being bigots, we could literally pick them up and drop them in the nearest garbage can. Even the ulterior motivation for going trans is not the escape-from-all-problems that it can be for men who turn into fake women.
Therr was one lesbian who "transitioned" fully expecting to cash-in her "male privilege".
First experience was whining people ignored "him" at the train station as she struggled with her luggage. Welcome to reality : male privilege isn't real.
Bonus irony for doing something quitessentially female : bringning too much luggage.
This isn’t entirely accurate. A white girl who transitions loses much of her sexual market value as a girl but gains immense power as a newly minted member of the protected LGBT class. In the dominant Marxist framework of the west, she immediately switches teams from oppressor to oppressed, dodging most of the anti-white hatred suffusing her school, her social media, her friend group, etc. This is why the bulk of the increase in transgenderism is coming from the going white female demographic. It’s a combination of social contagion and anti-whiteness.
Not sure about that. As far as I know, they all have mental issues - although that is often "just" autism.
And yes, girls are more impressionable than boys. But there are great reservoirs of people with mental issues, especially in this day and age.
I guess you could argue that teen female depression/ anxiety is exasperated due to a mass operant conditioning that the left uses as a control mechanism.
Teacher: you’re an oppressor because you’re white
White student: we’re all oppressors because we’re white?
Teacher: every white person except the lgbt people
White student: hmm…
LARP vs mental illness.
Alot of this is a sexual fetish
Because being a dude is hard, and once FtMs get a taste of it, they want their privilege back.
Being a dude rocks, sounds like a skill issue.
It's both. High standards but high rewards.
The rewards are more standards, btw.
No but for real. If you’ve actually got a male brain, so able to take shit and dish it out, tending to be courageous, and able to forget your failures quickly, being a dude is AWESOME. And that’s not even counting the physical advantages, just the mental stuff alone is awesome.
But if you’re trying to be a man but you’ve got a female brain up there, which tends to take things harder, be frightful, and be crushed by people giving you shit, I don’t blame “FtM” people for wanting to switch back to the team that has all the social protections enabling them to be treated with kid gloves, by comparison.
They aren't men though. Just women with their breasts chopped off. It's funny how the FTTs are never the tall women, always the shortest.
It's not hard to be a man, stop feeling sorry for yourself. It is hard, however, to be a 5'1" "guy" with a scar for a chest, non-existent shoulders, and a creepy pedo voice that's a woman's deformed by testosterone.
I believe women have many times passed themselves as men, asserting dominance without chopping off their breasts. Probably because they were imposing figures.
The others detransition into a skeleton.
FTMs are just women acting out.
they buy into the stupid feminist bullshit, realize that female privilege is real, they get none of the advantages of being a man while giving up female privilege, that men have to earn everything, and they're now basically the lowest of the low betas. you'd have to be stupid to drop the FTM bullshit.
MTFs on the other hand are largely a few different groups...
But I thought that these people don't kill themselves if they undergo this permanent, life-saving operation? That's what the man on the TV told me, and why we need to make it available to children who don't even know why some have peepees and others have bunnyholes.
I believe the talking point is, do you want a dead son or a trans daughter. The problem is the house always wins in the long run and you are likely to end up with a dead son wearing lipstick that made some people tens of thousands of dollars mutilating him.
Which is why I find the argument retarded. Even by the left's own logic, it's the post-oppers that keep on 41-percenting themselves. I've never heard of a pre-opper doing it in either reality or in any of their shitty arguments. In fact, it doesn't even sound like a quantifiable statistic at all. If a normal person killed himself, how am I or anyone else supposed to tell it was because he thought he was in the wrong body? Only if he or someone he knew said so, and anecdotal evidence isn't reliable.
I looked it up, and it's apparently a code for involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. My question here is "When?" The presumed standard is when someone presents a high risk of harming him or herself or others. But where is that line drawn? Where is Beanie Man implying that line should be drawn?
I would guess the prevailing answer should be when someone expresses having gender dysphoria or an interest in transing.
All troons should be put in mental hospitals.
Cross-dressing used to be a well known sign of craziness, like Corporal Klinger from M.A.S.H.
Getting involuntary psyche holds above 72~hours is basically impossible. There are rules about it to make it seem like its doable, but meeting that criteria is so difficult that its not even worth trying.
You need to basically have the gun loaded and saying out loud you are going to use it before they even consider it.
Thoughtcrime isn't crime. They can have an interest in it all they'd like.
Actions done to pursue that interest should be the first even theoretical line. I'm not a murderer if I say I want to kill some jagoffs in rush hour traffic splitting lanes, and they're not a suicide risk if they just have some weird kink. But if I hook up a rocket launcher to my car, then yeah, probably look into me.
You bring up a good point. Personally, I would put the line at taking all that hormone shit. This is because stuff like gender dysphoria is a real treatable condition. It's kinda nutty, sure, but all that's needed is for that therapist to be trying to help them not have gender dysphoria anymore. Telling them it's okay to transition is just awful and I would like to see all such therapists fired if they are harming their patients like that.
A lot of these troons become crazy and terrible, but I think most of them were just confused and could have been saved. So I do pity who they once were.
I dont see a real downside here?
There is none, but it's a great persuasive argument for normies who are undecided.
This. Anytime the suicide statistic gets brought up they immediately shout "it's because they aren't accepted by society." This person was featured in ad campaigns, his instagram is full of people gassing him up for being brave and beautiful. The airline he worked for looks to have bent over backwards to make sure he was the most special employee. Hopefully some people see that no matter how much "acceptance" there is, this outcome is statistically likely.
Hiding the mAdam's apple dosen't work when your shoulders and jaw would get a thumbs-up from Chuck Norris.
Nope, just the thought is enough. Thats why they’re cray cray.
What is 5150? Thought I kept up with the tranny lingo but I guess not
It's a psychiatric hold. Like involuntary detention on suspicion of being a crazy and dangerous.
Trans activists soon regardless of all that Mr Pool pointed out: “KotakuInAction killed this brave woman!”
He looks ready. 41%.
These people no matter what you think of them are being murdered.
I get using the 5150 ... but maybe this reject of genetics is best removed from the gene pool?
With all the histrionics of this demographic, it's hard to believe any of this is real. Sounds like something you would stumble on in 'Cringetopia'. Even though no sane person would visit 'Cringetopia' for a second time.