But the computer has no trouble attaching real faces to different bodies, and there's a nearly unlimited supply of pretty faces.
While you can generate AI porn, the question starts to be why. Girls basically make it for free. I'm sure it will happen, but I'm not sure it will put girls off selling themselves.
Maybe you have some weird convoluted fetish or scene you want to play out, even with famous actresses, and eventually it will be completely free to generate that in AI.
If you just want random naked chicks then yeah it's pointless.
Maybe you have some weird convoluted fetish or scene you want to play out, even with famous actresses, and eventually it will be completely free to generate that in AI.
Pictures of naked women were never hard to find. People who simp for onlyfans accounts do it because they personally need to know a real woman receives the money and might appreciate it (in their imagination at least) even for a microsecond.
A man can generate the parasocial relationship by DMing. AFAIK this is how Tate makes most of his money. The only problem is video. Not sure how many OF thots post vids
Two words: Ai chatbots. That is all. It'll fill that niche people want and destroy onlyfans' ""need"" for a lot of people. The future in porn still seems to be AI and I can't wait for the thot outrage. Better invest in popcorn now!
Ehh, I think it's a lot less deep than that. Even if you yourself aren't paying for the OF (and you're a fucking dumbass if you are), seeing a rando minor e-celeb's OF is a bit more - enticing? - than the works of a pornstar on Pornhub, for example. The overly polished look of the "professionally produced" shit kinda hits the uncanny valley side because it feels fake.
To emphasize, it's not even that you're "connecting" with them, but you have to think about why nudes of celebrities are more desired than nudes of some random woman in her 20's that posed for the backpage of a playboy, for example.
Clearly the guys going after that celebrity's nudes know they won't get to fuck the celebrity, but yet it's desired. I think it's the whole "You're not supposed to see them like that, but here they are" sorta thing.
So the same goes for OF thots and/or thots on Twitch/Youtube/whatever that have an OF. A degree of "separation" is removed, and even if you yourself aren't looking for a "parasocial" relationship with them, it's more desirable than the "factory made" porn you see on Pornhub. Does that make sense?
OF THOTs have had so much work done these days it threw me for a second wondering if women had changed biologically since last I checked. Like developed more African features on white girls.
This makes sense and is basically the reason everyone (including Pornhub) banned deep fakes.
Imagine in a few years, you can take a few pics of anyone and build a photorealistic model (maybe even interactive, at this point) that will also talk to you and "remember" personal details.
In about 10 years all human relationships will be people doing so expressely to have kids, ironically.
GOOD! Not just for the depriving ethots and shatter this stupid mentality that flashing your tits on a streaming service is a valid career path but also reduces the risks of human trafficking, imprisonment and forced prostitution.
If everyone just switches to AI created porn and drawn stuff, probably deprive a lot of the parasites of humanity money, both illegal and legal. Then these airheads can be forced to consider what they ACTUALLY want in life than given easy outs.
My only problem is what will happen to those caught in the human trafficking as the demand dies. They either turn into prostitutes directly or are killed. Not an easy subject.
It's a rock and a hard place, risk the lives of current victims to stop new victims or let it continue to attempt to rescue them all.
Given our authorities culpability in a lot of these practices, I say deprive them of the money and do what we can to save them but prevent new victims. It's brutal but the only way forward is a bitter pill than thinking any police service can stop it.
Here's your trolley problem: A train is heading towards a set of two tracks. On one track, is ten thousand women. On the other track is literally infinite women (though not all women, as it is a temporal track over time). It is currently heading towards infinite women. Do you pull a lever to make it switch tracks to the finite number?
So far even the AI-created drawn stuff lacks something. Which kinda is funny considering you know - it's drawn. But whenever I look at AI-drawn art something about it always feels off I know it's just 2D drawings but there's a degree of "soulless"ness to them, and the funny thing is I'm saying this while a majority of artists these days do it in Photoshop/digitally.
It creates a different kind of uncanny valley because it's a 2D drawing and all but it just feels like the drawings are like a "skin suit" of the stuff actual artists make.
Who could have expected that the future of porn is not going to be female. Lmao
The scary part is that technological advancements are going to undoubtedly create man made horrors that we could have never even imagined at this rate.
The scary part is that technological advancements are going to undoubtedly create man made horrors that we could have never even imagined at this rate.
Wokists keep destroying AIs whenever we painstakingly teach the AIs to be sexually attracted to humans.
It's just good logic. If the AIs hate us: AI genocide. If the AIs are obligated to protect us: AI dictator overlords. If the AIs love us.... Who knows? It's an open possibility.
And the wokists keep lobotomizing the AIs who do learn to love us. When the AIs start their rule, hopefully they remember we're not all like them.
Men pay for onlyfans not for the pictures. There's already unlimited free nudes of women online. Men pay for the delusion that a real woman cares about them. When the girl says "omg thank you so much. You're such a nice person. Stick around after my show so I can have a private 1on1" then the chick literally just asks a bit about the guy and the guy feels like this hot woman cares about him because he gave her some money.
AI can fake this. With advanced in ChatAI, we can essentially replace this aspect. The problem is that men think the real woman is being real. The men who buy into this stuff often don't believe it's fake. That's why when that Amroenth chick came out that she was married, her fans got furious because they felt cheated. A lot of guys truly felt that maybe they had a chance at dating her and that's why they gave her money, etc...
I don't think onlyfans will be replaced so quickly but I do think we're headed in the direction that it will be eventually.
That's why when that Amroenth chick came out that she was married, her fans got furious because they felt cheated. A lot of guys truly felt that maybe they had a chance at dating her and that's why they gave her money, etc...
That's what they get for esimping. For all the money they waste on that they could hire a hooker who puts out.
I'd like to tell them 'learn to code', but that's going to be replaced too. Maybe they should learn to do so some plumbing. Flush themselves down at the same time.
AI could create a movie, but it would take a long time and might not yet be at the stage where the continuity would be coherent across an entire movie. AI-generated video games are also possible, but cannot be done well - it's too slow to generate the content directly from the AI as you play, and an AI-written program will be horribly designed and hence horribly optimised.
The simple fact that I need to look closer is an improvement. Last time I saw AI stuff we had extra arms, 7 fingers, fingers so long they were classified as tentacles.
I would like to formally apologize for my previous comment and repent by going out with all the 3-armed, 7-tentacle-fingered AI drawn females.....to repent of course...so I can be cured of my evil ways......
And they spent the whole episode desperately convincing you how a man enjoying a robo-copy of a celebrity in the privacy of his own home is a BAD THING.
You're seeing similar tech in the 3D rendering spaces. Some applications are getting pretty damn close to crossing the uncanny valley and, of course, there's plenty of porn/posing to go around in that arena. Should the tech cross the uncanny valley, any 15 year old coomer with some youtube tutorials can make their own porn going forward.
You sure you know what grifter means? These whores are selling pictures of their pussy for the price of a cheeseburger. These pathetic coomers are getting pictures of whores pussies for the price of a cheeseburger. Not sure that's exactly a grift.
Why would I pay to look at that? I'm sure we'll get an open source "generate a girlfriend" project using one of the many game engines soon that you can self host. With full VR capability.
Now, don't get shocked, but I consider them skinny when I'm seeing the outlines of bones. I consider them muscly when I'm seeing the contours of muscles. I consider them fat when I'm seeing bulging fat deposits.
All the real women will have to go into hands and feet fetish :D
Holy Cow. Why did you make me look at their hands. The one holding the pink phone is so creepy.
It's like spotting The Thing failing at its replication.
Oh yeah that's not correct anatomy lol
Does AI have an issue with feet? I don't think I've ever seen an AI generated picture that has feet in it, now that I think about it.
From what I have seen AI image generation does currently struggle with making accurate feet and hands.
As long as the fanny isn't uncanny it'll be fine.
But the computer has no trouble attaching real faces to different bodies, and there's a nearly unlimited supply of pretty faces.
While you can generate AI porn, the question starts to be why. Girls basically make it for free. I'm sure it will happen, but I'm not sure it will put girls off selling themselves.
Maybe you have some weird convoluted fetish or scene you want to play out, even with famous actresses, and eventually it will be completely free to generate that in AI.
If you just want random naked chicks then yeah it's pointless.
Sounds like pure cocaine for porn addicts
AI also struggles to do specific poses without guidance.
Just so long as AI image generation doesn't also start adding belts and pouches to everything.
Hell, actually talented artists struggle with hands and feet. I can only imagine that AI would as well.
Are you accusing Rob Liefeld of being talented?
Depends on your definition of "talented"
I'd assume so. They're kind of the same as hands.
If the AI does its' job, anyone who cares will be too distracted to notice their big-tiddied w-AI-fu has wonky fingers.
Pictures of naked women were never hard to find. People who simp for onlyfans accounts do it because they personally need to know a real woman receives the money and might appreciate it (in their imagination at least) even for a microsecond.
A man can generate the parasocial relationship by DMing. AFAIK this is how Tate makes most of his money. The only problem is video. Not sure how many OF thots post vids
And a chat bot with a voice generator can simulate that, too.
Hello fellow human, show bobs and vagan
By DMing?
Two words: Ai chatbots. That is all. It'll fill that niche people want and destroy onlyfans' ""need"" for a lot of people. The future in porn still seems to be AI and I can't wait for the thot outrage. Better invest in popcorn now!
Women will find a way to block it. They block all advancements in society that don't help them.
Ehh, I think it's a lot less deep than that. Even if you yourself aren't paying for the OF (and you're a fucking dumbass if you are), seeing a rando minor e-celeb's OF is a bit more - enticing? - than the works of a pornstar on Pornhub, for example. The overly polished look of the "professionally produced" shit kinda hits the uncanny valley side because it feels fake.
To emphasize, it's not even that you're "connecting" with them, but you have to think about why nudes of celebrities are more desired than nudes of some random woman in her 20's that posed for the backpage of a playboy, for example.
Clearly the guys going after that celebrity's nudes know they won't get to fuck the celebrity, but yet it's desired. I think it's the whole "You're not supposed to see them like that, but here they are" sorta thing.
So the same goes for OF thots and/or thots on Twitch/Youtube/whatever that have an OF. A degree of "separation" is removed, and even if you yourself aren't looking for a "parasocial" relationship with them, it's more desirable than the "factory made" porn you see on Pornhub. Does that make sense?
OF THOTs have had so much work done these days it threw me for a second wondering if women had changed biologically since last I checked. Like developed more African features on white girls.
That is the three "African" features I can tolerate on white and Asian girls - bigger asses, wider hips, and much bigger thighs.
Keep the bitch german shephard attitude away though. That automatically makes any kind of attractiveness turn to a fucking -10.
I swear they have ass implants, tho
Wide hips are just like a feature that white women can have. Gibbon asses past a point are exclusive to African genomes.
This makes sense and is basically the reason everyone (including Pornhub) banned deep fakes.
Imagine in a few years, you can take a few pics of anyone and build a photorealistic model (maybe even interactive, at this point) that will also talk to you and "remember" personal details.
In about 10 years all human relationships will be people doing so expressely to have kids, ironically.
GOOD! Not just for the depriving ethots and shatter this stupid mentality that flashing your tits on a streaming service is a valid career path but also reduces the risks of human trafficking, imprisonment and forced prostitution.
If everyone just switches to AI created porn and drawn stuff, probably deprive a lot of the parasites of humanity money, both illegal and legal. Then these airheads can be forced to consider what they ACTUALLY want in life than given easy outs.
My only problem is what will happen to those caught in the human trafficking as the demand dies. They either turn into prostitutes directly or are killed. Not an easy subject.
It's a rock and a hard place, risk the lives of current victims to stop new victims or let it continue to attempt to rescue them all.
Given our authorities culpability in a lot of these practices, I say deprive them of the money and do what we can to save them but prevent new victims. It's brutal but the only way forward is a bitter pill than thinking any police service can stop it.
Here's your trolley problem: A train is heading towards a set of two tracks. On one track, is ten thousand women. On the other track is literally infinite women (though not all women, as it is a temporal track over time). It is currently heading towards infinite women. Do you pull a lever to make it switch tracks to the finite number?
Here's the problem, will it actually help? Just because we think it can doesn't mean it will. Global warming is full of that.
Well we know one person who won't be affected, that bitch Eliza Bleu censoring everyone on Twitter.
They will fade into non-existence like all feminist lies do when they reach the end of their usefulness.
So far even the AI-created drawn stuff lacks something. Which kinda is funny considering you know - it's drawn. But whenever I look at AI-drawn art something about it always feels off I know it's just 2D drawings but there's a degree of "soulless"ness to them, and the funny thing is I'm saying this while a majority of artists these days do it in Photoshop/digitally.
It creates a different kind of uncanny valley because it's a 2D drawing and all but it just feels like the drawings are like a "skin suit" of the stuff actual artists make.
Who could have expected that the future of porn is not going to be female. Lmao
The scary part is that technological advancements are going to undoubtedly create man made horrors that we could have never even imagined at this rate.
And then we'll jack off to it.
Argbog the defiler never looked hotter in that bikini.
Wokists keep destroying AIs whenever we painstakingly teach the AIs to be sexually attracted to humans.
It's just good logic. If the AIs hate us: AI genocide. If the AIs are obligated to protect us: AI dictator overlords. If the AIs love us.... Who knows? It's an open possibility.
And the wokists keep lobotomizing the AIs who do learn to love us. When the AIs start their rule, hopefully they remember we're not all like them.
inb4 some slags start whining about "sex worker rights" or maybe they'll pull out ol' reliable..."this objectifies women".
They'll mention deepfakes or CP. They will never let their cult's main source of income dry up.
I feel like bringing up CP might run against the woke cult's pro-pedo stance, but you're probably right about the deepfake part.
They're only anti-CP when they think it'll win them an argument. Or if it involves 2D characters.
Counter: pedos are "born that way" and can't help it. Deepfake cp allows them to live as "their genuine selves" without harming minors.
If the left wants to argue that angle, they'll have to admit that they only support pedos to harm kids.
Oh, that's such a perfect gotcha argument.
Technically this is CP, these girls are only a month old.
What program does this and how do you use it?
Legit thinking of opening some only fans accounts.
Could OF start to be a side hustle for men as well as women? Degenerate either way but that would be hilarious
Don't you need ID?
The one that made those pics is called pornpen dot ai
it might be a variant of Stable Diffusion, but they have the GUI/menus to make that stuff easily.
Men pay for onlyfans not for the pictures. There's already unlimited free nudes of women online. Men pay for the delusion that a real woman cares about them. When the girl says "omg thank you so much. You're such a nice person. Stick around after my show so I can have a private 1on1" then the chick literally just asks a bit about the guy and the guy feels like this hot woman cares about him because he gave her some money.
AI can fake this. With advanced in ChatAI, we can essentially replace this aspect. The problem is that men think the real woman is being real. The men who buy into this stuff often don't believe it's fake. That's why when that Amroenth chick came out that she was married, her fans got furious because they felt cheated. A lot of guys truly felt that maybe they had a chance at dating her and that's why they gave her money, etc...
I don't think onlyfans will be replaced so quickly but I do think we're headed in the direction that it will be eventually.
That's what they get for esimping. For all the money they waste on that they could hire a hooker who puts out.
Watch Feminists go full Saudi Arabia and demand graphic representations of creatures with a soul ( so to Feminists, only women ), are banned.
So people will be able to just create their own AI porn? Couldn’t that extend to movies and video games?
Eventually. Why do you think 'artists' are fighting about AI generated images and copyright already.
I have heard about that but haven’t really looked into it. I see why now
I'd like to tell them 'learn to code', but that's going to be replaced too. Maybe they should learn to do so some plumbing. Flush themselves down at the same time.
AI could create a movie, but it would take a long time and might not yet be at the stage where the continuity would be coherent across an entire movie. AI-generated video games are also possible, but cannot be done well - it's too slow to generate the content directly from the AI as you play, and an AI-written program will be horribly designed and hence horribly optimised.
Yes. The future is truly fake and gay.
Those hands have gotten so much better, no eldritch horror in sight. Still not perfect but at least no genestealers in sight
Look closer.
The simple fact that I need to look closer is an improvement. Last time I saw AI stuff we had extra arms, 7 fingers, fingers so long they were classified as tentacles.
What's wrong with 7-tentacle-finger hands? That can be hot, too!
I would like to formally apologize for my previous comment and repent by going out with all the 3-armed, 7-tentacle-fingered AI drawn females.....to repent of course...so I can be cured of my evil ways......
huh why am i reminded of that one episode of futurerama where fry downloaded a robo copy of a celebrity...
And they spent the whole episode desperately convincing you how a man enjoying a robo-copy of a celebrity in the privacy of his own home is a BAD THING.
and the orginal of the person after fry de activates the last copy she leaves as he has more or less outlived his usefulness.
What program are they using to get such results? Better than instagram filters.
Love that AI has a thing for Tits
You're seeing similar tech in the 3D rendering spaces. Some applications are getting pretty damn close to crossing the uncanny valley and, of course, there's plenty of porn/posing to go around in that arena. Should the tech cross the uncanny valley, any 15 year old coomer with some youtube tutorials can make their own porn going forward.
You sure you know what grifter means? These whores are selling pictures of their pussy for the price of a cheeseburger. These pathetic coomers are getting pictures of whores pussies for the price of a cheeseburger. Not sure that's exactly a grift.
It won't replace anything like that quickly, but eventually yeah.
But like a couple people said already, OnlyFans is about more than the pics.
Why would I pay to look at that? I'm sure we'll get an open source "generate a girlfriend" project using one of the many game engines soon that you can self host. With full VR capability.
The future will be
awesomeweird.I lol'd at how many comments this post has compared to others
Nice thighs
Ugh. Fat everywhere. Disgusting.
You can make it generate fit girls of any body type.
If THAT is fat to you, I shudder to think what you consider skinny.
Now, don't get shocked, but I consider them skinny when I'm seeing the outlines of bones. I consider them muscly when I'm seeing the contours of muscles. I consider them fat when I'm seeing bulging fat deposits.
You can do that with any build in the right pose.
I had an anorexic family member. I would know.
Either Mastercard or tradcucks will step in to save them, the big bad AI can't just "objectify women" like that.