spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

youll have to get the domains from jester whos still squatting on them and a few others. kia5 however exists.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

can agree, i mean we already got artists doing it to their art for anti ai scraping. we need a similar techinque that runs on your computer and browser that poisons the data. the only way to stop this data farming is to make it unprofitable.

spambot 7 points ago +8 / -1

just mentioning in case people arnt aware. kia5 exists, just incase things get too bad.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

aye, i rember the ds era. the touch screen was forced to be plastered onto a lot of games. sometimes to their detrament. ever play dawn of sarrow with the mod that removes the magic circle bullshit? it plays 100 percent better on the boss encounters. one thing that the touch screen i will admit had good uses for was menu navigation... even then i perfer the old highlight and select methiods.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

... magical ... niggers.... welp if anyone decides to make a parody of the socity of magical negros i guess we got part of the title now.

spambot 7 points ago +7 / -0

this is hegelian dialectic. problem reaction solution... a common trick to employ to make people swallow things they normally wont... and it works because people dont pay attention, then again with life grinding one down its hard to find the energy.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

yup, would argue that people need to take a page from dlsite and sell "points" on a clean-ish site that can be redeemed for product on the other site as well... would be a good opertunity to include crypto payments not tied to a know your customer exchange and offer monero.... oh and all purchases final too. i think that would be enough myself.... seriously this mess is setting up space of someone to make a site thats a huge middle man that does this service.

spambot 5 points ago +5 / -0

if you dont mind dos stuff and puzzels, check out the incredible machine series... esp the toon machine one. the puzzle editor alone can be tons of fun as is discovering niche physics interactions.

if you dont mind eurojank dos platformers that started on amiga check out trolls and oscar by flair software they're hop n bops as was common in the day but they did have their own power ups and a few that are bad by design. the big show stoper if you will was the yo yo, for the time im sure it was impressive a dual utillity tool of attack and grappling hook. both also had a bounus and an anti bounus level and you will want both as the continues can be found in the anti bonus.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

on the ammerican comment, cant speak for others but theat covid mess put my trust in the medical establishment threw the mantle. i expect we will see more old timey ailments come back thanks to the mrna agenda...

spambot 7 points ago +7 / -0

ah, fuck. they went with clownflare? guess people forgot how they rolled on kiwifarms.

spambot 5 points ago +5 / -0

theres a chance it might be on swfchan... but why chance? then again how does one fork this? its huge! ... maybe the archiveteam can help once some smoldering starts.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

my dumb question is... what happens when a spoiler vote manages to have enough duplicates to win?

spambot 1 point ago +1 / -0

yup, i rember that, thats why theres a kia 5 thats NOT squated by jester. admins might wanna ban domain squating as it could open up an attack vector in the likes of step 1 aquire bots. step 2 program bots to spam create subs with a bruteforce style methiod (ex aaz inc by one equal aba) step3 enjoy the lockdown ban as needed. might be oversimplfying this a tad but this is long enough as is.

spambot 1 point ago +1 / -0

can agree with that statement. the "advertiser friendly" mindset needs to go. or as i heard someone say once a racists money spends just as well as a tolerent persons.

spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

well with names like weird ghosts and sweet baby the legit part is subnautical, you could name the group game on whole wheat or barrlescrape interactive and it would likely work.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

some likely do, others dont care and will keep on dancing till the music stops. thinking theres another dance hall down the road that will let em in.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

like venture capitol it too will eventually dry up... after it takes peoples retirements and savings with it. come on fink, do it. open pandoras box.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

why not? if it sells well enough to recoop its investment cost it will likely make some heads explode... the question is what kinda generic you going for? 90's rpg? harvist moon with combat thats not tacked on? platformer?

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