posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +27 / -0

Yes I am completely out of the loop, I'm an old school CoD player and the only time I really played was the early modern warfare games back when multiplayer was acceptable and even back then it was pretty bad let's be real. I logged in warzone awhile back since it was one of the most played games out there allegedly just to see if it was even worth a casual play and I thought it was shit back then.

Now I discover as someone who never touches this crap usually they're trying to get your phone number on top of forcing you to log into a third party launcher via steam. This is so shit and I'm quite surprised that the steam reviews don't bring this up more as a feature of how bad the game is. So that's an instant uninstall from me and it seems like the security features and moderation for online games are going to get even worse than I imagined.

This is what absolute shit people are playing now? A half-arsed battle royale FPS that tries to spy on you and runs like a potato because they vomited polygons and 4k textures everywhere massively bloating the installation size?