
any info on the validity of what im hearing? that site is pure asscancer to navigate and some of the info links on there are broke too...


archive of tweet in case of removal:https://archive.is/h4k29

Seems ironic a browser claiming to be against censorship is now engaging in cancel culture if that's not bad enough seems they preemptively blocked reply's from the tweet on twitter as only "People @torproject follows or mentioned can reply." appears on the live page as of this writing.

After looking at the open letter in question it seems they are censoring all opposing views if this thread is to be believed: https://github.com/rms-support-letter/rms-support-letter.github.io/issues/175, not really related just seems like good trivia.


Hello I made a mistake and let my mind wander a bit, so I was thinking gee it's so convenient that some dev's these days have a shit code problem that's so bad it makes you need to buy better hardware. Then my next thought was what if thats the point? We've seen sites like pc gamer recommend parts. What if some studio's are getting kickbacks somehow. my thought process was that incompetence can't be the only reason for games running like they have 5 different copy's of denuvo sucking on them at some point things start looking deliberate like the pokemon company's latest fuck up.


Given that the Reddit domain is voluntarily locked down, will the content on there be mirrored elsewhere for archival purposes? There could be some useful stuff in there that could be helpful down the road.