It's actually really indicative of what they really want. Total conformity in the rejection of all traditional cultural and biological norms. Breaking the mold is only good as long as we all do it together in exactly the same way.
Trannies are viciously obsessed with gender roles, some of them out of the most strict time frames you can imagine.
There was a twitter screencap going around a bit ago where a bunch of them were admitting to eating the nasty watery ketchip discharge because using their own strength to shake the bottle once would cause them to break down in dysphoria.
Unironically they are bringing back gender roles in our cultures obsession with appeasing them
That's something that always bothered me about it. I accepted the dissolution of gender roles a while back, and still accept it as part of my individualist philosophy. I recognize the difference in sexes will lead to different aggregate outcomes between them, but I have no problem with women doing men things or men doing women things.
Then along comes the cult of transgenderism. Now suddenly gender roles are back, and if you like doing opposite sex things, you must inject super girl/boy juice or you're invading the gendered space. They encourage minors to chemically castrate themselves if they play with dolls, or cut off their tits if they fix cars.
It's so blatantly sexist, and yet we're the bigots.
I accepted the dissolution of gender roles a while back
BAH. Admitting that not every male is a "man's man," nor every female a "girly girl," is no more strange than saying, not every white person is a tight-assed scold or a racist cracker, nor every black person a soul sister or brotha.
Destroying sex roles for the 1% of the population who don't fit them exactly is madness.
I remember 10 years ago when they were saying how women can wear suits and men can wear dresses because the clothes aren't representative of a gender.
Now if you wear a dress, you must be trans because only women wear dresses.
Honestly if I didn't know it was a mental illness, I would have assumed all this trans stuff was a goal of people who were against gays and lesbians to make homosexuals lose all credibility and garner unanimous hatred from everyone.
How many fucking days are there for LGBT awareness or some shit? It seems like every other month is some kind of LGBT awareness month with LGBT awareness days in between those months...
Get in lightsaber duel with a Sith. Sith says "you are really just a woman," not even using a force mind trick. Tranny Jedi cuts own head off in despair and Sith wins.
Dumb for a whole bunch of reasons. One, if they are aliens (which they should be, because it's Star Wars) then how is this representing actual Trans or non-binary people? Maybe that's just how their society works, so there's no oppression for it or anything (which is the actual reason they would care about this stuff). If they aren't aliens, it's dumb because Star Wars has been having too many human characters anyway. Also since it's a scifi future where you can get almost full body prothesis it creates logical problems for anyone who actually cares to think about these stories with any depth. Same for the oppression part, surely a society so advanced and interacting with so many different species and societies would have almost entirely moved past such concerns, potentially making any instance of it feel forced and out of place.
If they had an axe wound they had to keep dilating, it would basically make them ineligible for any further medical care for serious trauma, as a bacta tank would just accelerate their healing and they'd need to redo the process.
Please kill me already. Why do they have to ruin everything they touch? I can already imagine the retarded political comparisons, they're going to compare themselves to Frodo and the Elves, when they're literally the Orcs invading the West and replacing the natives.
At least they haven't touched Narnia, probably because it's way more explicitly Christian. But I wouldn't put Narnia on quite the same literary level as LoTR.
On the plus side, at least we can piss them off by posting Daily Gondor screencaps.
First one was okay, I actually liked it and felt it was a decent start. Also one of my favorite soundtracks.
Prince Caspian was mediocre, and decided to keep the Witch as the main villain for no real reason. It was also injected with a bunch of pointless character drama that didn't come from the books at all, and just sidestepped the actual story at every possible turn. The 45 minute castle siege was something that was only talked about in the book, but was dismissed as a bad idea. It was a major step down in quality, but it didn't fully kill interest in the series.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is many a fans favorite of the books, and they butchered it into a thousand pieces. Also kept the witch around from the first book as the primary villain for no apparent reason, again. It bombed so bad no fourth was ever made, and no one I know would have paid to see one.
For now the franchise is "safe" because no one would want to risk reviving a bomb. Though it's ties to Christianity are so well known, a remake is more likely to just get canceled than be wokefied.
The old BBC TV series/movies were good. I think those went up through The Silver Chair. I recall a lot of people being rather annoyed with some of the changes in the recent movies (never seen any myself.)
Man I'm just glad the trilogy was made when it was. They can't take that away, so when amazon inevitably fucks it up I won't care since I never planned on watching that shit to begin with.
The trannies and retards can whine and gnash their teeth all they want, if it wasn't written by JRR or Christopher Tolkien, it isn't canon and isn't Lord of the Rings.
As others have said, what makes LOTR so strong is that canon is comparatively explicit. If Amazon messes things up (as is likely), most people heavily into Tolkien will reject it as being inconsistent. A premium is placed upon knowledge of the writing that I think will be enough of a bulwark. Only time will tell though I suppose.
I'm eternally thankful Star Wars was never something I got into. For other children my age, it was their religion. For me, it was just those movies with space ships.
"Trans." "Non-binary." Nothing more than buzzwords. These tards don't even know what the hell those terms mean, aside from the fact that identitarians cum every time they hear them.
And y'know, with how pale these two freaks are, how their eyes are all shadowy and sunken in, their heads are shaved, and they're wearing these menacing smirks, these look more like they would be evil Sith.
I'm going to catch some flack for this, but "non-binary" makes sense in the Star Wars universe as there are an insane number of alien life forms that exist in SW. That being said, idgaf who you fuck, what you play pretend as, or anything else if it has absolutely nothing to do with the story. My other issue is how in your face Disney, and others, are with it. It is so bad to ruins the story telling and detracts from the plot. I miss the days when a good story was more important than virtue signaling. Also, aren't Jedi supposed to not engage in relationships?!?! WTF DISNEY THIS IS 101 SHIT. Fucking retards.
I'm going to catch some flack for this, but "non-binary" makes sense in the Star Wars universe as there are an insane number of alien life forms that exist in SW.
There are interesting things you can do with the idea, but they cannot come from the left. For example, a culture that uses gender-neutral pronouns out of modesty, where it would be considered crass to talk about a third party while identifying them by their genitals.
But their non-binary isn't actually non-binary. Its still rooted in earth human gender roles.
Its like the Holdo bitch from TLJ. Apparently her outfit was because she was from some brutally oppressive planet of conformity. So of course she dresses in pretty dresses and dyes her hair like a regular American teenager, nothing unique about it.
There are ways to do it, like the semi-interesting way the Asari worked in Mass Effect, but they never do.
Luke throwing away his lightsaber (a symbolic foreshadowing of the burning of the Jedi archives in The Last Jedi)
I think you can draw a common theme from both, but it's that Luke rejected the teachings of the Jedi for his family. First by choosing nonviolence when confronting his damned father, despite his teachers' warnings, then by burning the teachings of the religion that saw both Anakin and Kylo fall.
There are certainly leftist themes in the The Last Jedi scene, but not ones foreshadowed by Return of the Jedi's.
I think the originals are excellent films with an overall positive message, but looking back there are two or three details that stand out to me.
Everyone in the Empire is white and evil. The good guy rebels had the non-whites and aliens on their side. It’s the same diversity message, just low-key.
The main female character is of course a feminist who “don’t need no man”. She was the low-key precursor to Daisy Ridley’s Rey.
The white males on the good guy’s side were flawed characters who had to overcome their faults to become great. (Luke the delusional dreamer, Han the selfish scoundrel)
Leia didn’t have any faults. (unless you count arrogance, but that’s what a “strong woman” is) Lando didn’t have any faults either. He only betrayed them at the start because he had a gun to his head. He was otherwise an exemplary figure.
They came out around the 70’s right? That was the beginning of the end basically, with the Civil Rights and Women’s Liberation movements. (And right after the 1965 Immigration Act)
On the other hand, I also see Christian themes, especially in Return of the Jedi.
I thought Jedi were taught not to have relationships. It was Anakin's marriage that ultimately led him to the dark side. The woke crowd will pervert absolutely anything.
You can't be trans and non-binary.
I think the idea is that transitioning into an abomination counts.
Eyebrows are binary.
Honestly chuckled lol
Those are titles, words you cling to as the darkness falls around you.
You would think that with all their technological advancement and jedi magic they would find a way to cure mental illness.
A Jedi has to have an integrated, healthy mind to avoid going bad.
So they are going to turn into sith. Who woulda guessed?
Decide to create two of the specialest snowflakes. Make them identical.
Good job.
It's actually really indicative of what they really want. Total conformity in the rejection of all traditional cultural and biological norms. Breaking the mold is only good as long as we all do it together in exactly the same way.
Denying scientific fact, essentiall.
This crowd, you will find, has a special obsession with twins and hermaphroditism.
If I understand the dogma correctly, don't these two contradict eachother?
So the trans dogma states that women can't wear pants? When did it become so based!!!
Trannies are viciously obsessed with gender roles, some of them out of the most strict time frames you can imagine.
There was a twitter screencap going around a bit ago where a bunch of them were admitting to eating the nasty watery ketchip discharge because using their own strength to shake the bottle once would cause them to break down in dysphoria.
Unironically they are bringing back gender roles in our cultures obsession with appeasing them
That's something that always bothered me about it. I accepted the dissolution of gender roles a while back, and still accept it as part of my individualist philosophy. I recognize the difference in sexes will lead to different aggregate outcomes between them, but I have no problem with women doing men things or men doing women things.
Then along comes the cult of transgenderism. Now suddenly gender roles are back, and if you like doing opposite sex things, you must inject super girl/boy juice or you're invading the gendered space. They encourage minors to chemically castrate themselves if they play with dolls, or cut off their tits if they fix cars.
It's so blatantly sexist, and yet we're the bigots.
BAH. Admitting that not every male is a "man's man," nor every female a "girly girl," is no more strange than saying, not every white person is a tight-assed scold or a racist cracker, nor every black person a soul sister or brotha.
Destroying sex roles for the 1% of the population who don't fit them exactly is madness.
I remember 10 years ago when they were saying how women can wear suits and men can wear dresses because the clothes aren't representative of a gender.
Now if you wear a dress, you must be trans because only women wear dresses.
Honestly if I didn't know it was a mental illness, I would have assumed all this trans stuff was a goal of people who were against gays and lesbians to make homosexuals lose all credibility and garner unanimous hatred from everyone.
How many fucking days are there for LGBT awareness or some shit? It seems like every other month is some kind of LGBT awareness month with LGBT awareness days in between those months...
Get in lightsaber duel with a Sith. Sith says "you are really just a woman," not even using a force mind trick. Tranny Jedi cuts own head off in despair and Sith wins.
Those who are causing the problems, will eventually offer the aware of that.
Dumb for a whole bunch of reasons. One, if they are aliens (which they should be, because it's Star Wars) then how is this representing actual Trans or non-binary people? Maybe that's just how their society works, so there's no oppression for it or anything (which is the actual reason they would care about this stuff). If they aren't aliens, it's dumb because Star Wars has been having too many human characters anyway. Also since it's a scifi future where you can get almost full body prothesis it creates logical problems for anyone who actually cares to think about these stories with any depth. Same for the oppression part, surely a society so advanced and interacting with so many different species and societies would have almost entirely moved past such concerns, potentially making any instance of it feel forced and out of place.
The names are retarded.
If they had an axe wound they had to keep dilating, it would basically make them ineligible for any further medical care for serious trauma, as a bacta tank would just accelerate their healing and they'd need to redo the process.
Never have I felt more secure in my long running argument that LOTR is more worthwhile to be invested in than Star Wars.
Please kill me already. Why do they have to ruin everything they touch? I can already imagine the retarded political comparisons, they're going to compare themselves to Frodo and the Elves, when they're literally the Orcs invading the West and replacing the natives.
At least they haven't touched Narnia, probably because it's way more explicitly Christian. But I wouldn't put Narnia on quite the same literary level as LoTR.
On the plus side, at least we can piss them off by posting Daily Gondor screencaps.
Idk, they did a pretty good job of just ruining it with the movies. Killed an entire generation's potential for interest in the books.
How bad were the movies? I've only seen the Prince Caspian one, and that was as a middle schooler.
First one was okay, I actually liked it and felt it was a decent start. Also one of my favorite soundtracks.
Prince Caspian was mediocre, and decided to keep the Witch as the main villain for no real reason. It was also injected with a bunch of pointless character drama that didn't come from the books at all, and just sidestepped the actual story at every possible turn. The 45 minute castle siege was something that was only talked about in the book, but was dismissed as a bad idea. It was a major step down in quality, but it didn't fully kill interest in the series.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is many a fans favorite of the books, and they butchered it into a thousand pieces. Also kept the witch around from the first book as the primary villain for no apparent reason, again. It bombed so bad no fourth was ever made, and no one I know would have paid to see one.
For now the franchise is "safe" because no one would want to risk reviving a bomb. Though it's ties to Christianity are so well known, a remake is more likely to just get canceled than be wokefied.
The old BBC TV series/movies were good. I think those went up through The Silver Chair. I recall a lot of people being rather annoyed with some of the changes in the recent movies (never seen any myself.)
Man I'm just glad the trilogy was made when it was. They can't take that away, so when amazon inevitably fucks it up I won't care since I never planned on watching that shit to begin with.
The trannies and retards can whine and gnash their teeth all they want, if it wasn't written by JRR or Christopher Tolkien, it isn't canon and isn't Lord of the Rings.
This is a hill I am willing for them to die on.
The nice thing is that it'll be super easy to call that series non-canon when comparing it to to movie trilogy.
As others have said, what makes LOTR so strong is that canon is comparatively explicit. If Amazon messes things up (as is likely), most people heavily into Tolkien will reject it as being inconsistent. A premium is placed upon knowledge of the writing that I think will be enough of a bulwark. Only time will tell though I suppose.
I'm eternally thankful Star Wars was never something I got into. For other children my age, it was their religion. For me, it was just those movies with space ships.
Star Wars?
"Trans." "Non-binary." Nothing more than buzzwords. These tards don't even know what the hell those terms mean, aside from the fact that identitarians cum every time they hear them.
And y'know, with how pale these two freaks are, how their eyes are all shadowy and sunken in, their heads are shaved, and they're wearing these menacing smirks, these look more like they would be evil Sith.
High Republic is trash. Knew it would be, this only reinforces my certainty.
Stop stop he's already dead!
why is it always some new fake holiday
this is not star wars
I just started reading Dune and I'm super worried, even though the trailer looks okay.
The Sith?
Sounds like it's too binary and therefore racist.
I'm going to catch some flack for this, but "non-binary" makes sense in the Star Wars universe as there are an insane number of alien life forms that exist in SW. That being said, idgaf who you fuck, what you play pretend as, or anything else if it has absolutely nothing to do with the story. My other issue is how in your face Disney, and others, are with it. It is so bad to ruins the story telling and detracts from the plot. I miss the days when a good story was more important than virtue signaling. Also, aren't Jedi supposed to not engage in relationships?!?! WTF DISNEY THIS IS 101 SHIT. Fucking retards.
There are interesting things you can do with the idea, but they cannot come from the left. For example, a culture that uses gender-neutral pronouns out of modesty, where it would be considered crass to talk about a third party while identifying them by their genitals.
But their non-binary isn't actually non-binary. Its still rooted in earth human gender roles.
Its like the Holdo bitch from TLJ. Apparently her outfit was because she was from some brutally oppressive planet of conformity. So of course she dresses in pretty dresses and dyes her hair like a regular American teenager, nothing unique about it.
There are ways to do it, like the semi-interesting way the Asari worked in Mass Effect, but they never do.
So glad I can go to the back issues and buy lots of the Old Republic comics.
This shit is every week now. Aren't we past the media representation vs the 2% they occupy in real life?
Can you elaborate on how A New Hope and Empire Strikes back are anti white propaganda?
It is pretty obvious that Return of the Jedi is leftist propaganda.
I think you can draw a common theme from both, but it's that Luke rejected the teachings of the Jedi for his family. First by choosing nonviolence when confronting his damned father, despite his teachers' warnings, then by burning the teachings of the religion that saw both Anakin and Kylo fall.
There are certainly leftist themes in the The Last Jedi scene, but not ones foreshadowed by Return of the Jedi's.
I think the originals are excellent films with an overall positive message, but looking back there are two or three details that stand out to me.
Everyone in the Empire is white and evil. The good guy rebels had the non-whites and aliens on their side. It’s the same diversity message, just low-key.
The main female character is of course a feminist who “don’t need no man”. She was the low-key precursor to Daisy Ridley’s Rey.
The white males on the good guy’s side were flawed characters who had to overcome their faults to become great. (Luke the delusional dreamer, Han the selfish scoundrel)
Leia didn’t have any faults. (unless you count arrogance, but that’s what a “strong woman” is) Lando didn’t have any faults either. He only betrayed them at the start because he had a gun to his head. He was otherwise an exemplary figure.
They came out around the 70’s right? That was the beginning of the end basically, with the Civil Rights and Women’s Liberation movements. (And right after the 1965 Immigration Act)
On the other hand, I also see Christian themes, especially in Return of the Jedi.
FYI the original Star Wars films were released in '77, '80, and '83
I don’t know enough about the Catholic Church to comment, but I find what you said interesting.
I thought Jedi were taught not to have relationships. It was Anakin's marriage that ultimately led him to the dark side. The woke crowd will pervert absolutely anything.
I see your schwartz is as big as mine!
Jesus fuck, they are terrifying. Though come to think of it, with how the Jedi belief system functioned, I'm surprised they weren't all eunuchs.
China is raffing at us so damn hard.