Dumb for a whole bunch of reasons. One, if they are aliens (which they should be, because it's Star Wars) then how is this representing actual Trans or non-binary people? Maybe that's just how their society works, so there's no oppression for it or anything (which is the actual reason they would care about this stuff). If they aren't aliens, it's dumb because Star Wars has been having too many human characters anyway. Also since it's a scifi future where you can get almost full body prothesis it creates logical problems for anyone who actually cares to think about these stories with any depth. Same for the oppression part, surely a society so advanced and interacting with so many different species and societies would have almost entirely moved past such concerns, potentially making any instance of it feel forced and out of place.
If they had an axe wound they had to keep dilating, it would basically make them ineligible for any further medical care for serious trauma, as a bacta tank would just accelerate their healing and they'd need to redo the process.
Dumb for a whole bunch of reasons. One, if they are aliens (which they should be, because it's Star Wars) then how is this representing actual Trans or non-binary people? Maybe that's just how their society works, so there's no oppression for it or anything (which is the actual reason they would care about this stuff). If they aren't aliens, it's dumb because Star Wars has been having too many human characters anyway. Also since it's a scifi future where you can get almost full body prothesis it creates logical problems for anyone who actually cares to think about these stories with any depth. Same for the oppression part, surely a society so advanced and interacting with so many different species and societies would have almost entirely moved past such concerns, potentially making any instance of it feel forced and out of place.
The names are retarded.
If they had an axe wound they had to keep dilating, it would basically make them ineligible for any further medical care for serious trauma, as a bacta tank would just accelerate their healing and they'd need to redo the process.