When he announced his running prior to 2016, I thought it was a joke.
The apprentice guy? I was born in 92 and really just hardly aware of him except for the apprentice, of which I only watched a few of the celebrity apprentice episodes because it had celebrities on that I liked such as Gilbert Gottfried and Penn Jillette.
So I didn't really care for Trump for two reasons.
I associated him with reality TV and I did and still do despise reality TV. I saw it and still see it as one of those things that decayed the American culture.
When he was the subject of a comedy central roast around the time he announced he was running, he didn't seem like he could take a joke.
I've since seen that Trump's not the type of guy who does big hearty showy laughs. If he's amused by something he'll just sort of smile. But at the time, I didn't think he had a sense of humor about himself, and I've always been someone who's wary of people who can't take jokes about themselves.
But what changed for me officially was when I saw a video of his, one of his campaign videos addressing the problem of political correctness in the culture and stifling free speech.
That alone was enough to ensure I was behind him 100%. I never saw any other "conservative" politician boldly address this issue or even address it at all really.
Mostly it was just us on the internet fighting the culture war who bothered to address and fight political correctness. Where was John McCain's take down of PC culture? Where was Mitt Romney's takedown of PC culture? But here, the guy who I thought was just doing this for attention as a reality TV guy, is the only one to flat-out say, political correctness is a problem and needs to be addressed.
So that video made me a Trump supporter. Then seeing how the mainstream media treated the man made me see things even clearer.
Probably the second the establishment tried to cancel him.
They say you can judge a man by his enemies. Well, this guy's enemies are establishment politicians who embody everything I hate about my government, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess.
2015, specifically, after the media got their hate on for him a couple times. They were telling such wild lies, so I wanted to see what he was really like, and I started watching Trump rallies, and liked what he had to say.
I actually watched the Elevator Speech in full, which was chock full of populism and common-sense. After he actually filed his financial disclosure form a few days later I told a relative "If he can get through the primary he's going to be the next President".
That was when I decided to vote for him, but I don't like or dislike people I haven't met in person. Even today I don't like or dislike him as a person - I don't know him. Kinda like not getting stressed out about things out of your control.
I do like many of his actions, foremost his insulting people; we're a weak, soft, easily offended society and we need somebody to slap people in the face to strengthen us up.
For me it was when Hillary tried to call him about on abusing the tax system and he turned that shit right around on her. Never seen anything quite like that before.
How about the interview where he said, "You wouldn't believe how many people here want war!"
“Because you’d be in jail.”
Also, the red dinner.
Red Dinner?
Trump gave a roast speech at the Al Smith charity dinner shortly before the election in 2016. You can find videos online. It is called the Red Dinner in reference to the Red Wedding in Game of Thrones - because both were massacres.
Oh yes, I remember that now.
His speech there before this election was a banger too.
Non American, I knew him for years as a real estate mogul and media personality but wasn't really on my radar.
It wasn't until he ran in 3016 did I really start to like him as he cut through ALL the bs and destroyed an entire field of Republican candidates to win nomination. Him also stopping Hillary winning was the most delicious icing on the cake.
Dang, took you 1000 years to come around!
Damn sleepy messaging, half tempted to leave it though.
Though reminded me of a joke that we should just freeze Trump so that every 4 years he can run, win the presidency to make sure dems never have a woman president lol.
What would also be hilarious is it's win number 174 for him and the leftists would still be going "this is in no way a mandate....our cultish beliefs are still the mainstream....the only reason he won all 14 branches of the government (many more checks and balances in the future) and won the popular vote and super popular vote is ignorant KAGA's (Keep America Great Always; slogan had to change for obvious reasons) wanted to reduce taxes in the Andromeda Galaxy. A woman president could have colonized probably 10 times as many galaxies by now if America wasn't sexist"
He’s obviously posting from the Future where Trump time travelled after completing his term in 2029!
Plenty to like about him, plenty to dislike, some to hate about him too.
He was your better option with passive benefits for my nation by accident too.
He made more good decisions for his country than the near-totality of politicians in the West in my lifetime. But he also nominated a few WEF swamp creatures and put Israel and jews at the top of his actual priorities, open and behind the scenes.
But he dosen't seem to hate White people, unlike Democrats, and his policies of ending anti-White discrimination and anti-White government propaganda are not something another politician would have done. Too many limp-wristed ''right-wing'' ones.
When? I guess after the 2016 elections and things improved when the ''experts'' and the media predicted the apocalypse.
Oh and even if it's just one of his ''Big Ask'' buisnessman negociation strategy, saying he wants to help Israel eliminate Palestinians from Gaza by shipping them to Western and Arab countries... what a fucking zio-retard. About 90% of people are pissed at him for spouting that bullshit.
The moment John Oliver mocked him I know I was locked into licking him.
I knew he was something of a media mogul, had cameos here and there in TV and movies but really didn't think much about him.
But then Hillary showed up and John Oliver thought Trump was a joke worth mocking over the plutocratic puppet which exemplified the authoritarian Left.
Easy side to pick and what an enjoyable ride it's been too :)
I was, and am, a classic liberal (In the non-US sense) and so would have been considered a Lefty all the way through Obama's administration. I know lots of people who also jumped ship as soon as Hillary showed up and so they did that one to themselves.
not american, probably around 2017/18 before hand all I really knew about him was what my countries media said (nothing good) so I originally thought that trump winning was bad and it would be a terrible thing, at this time I also had some really stupid lefty ideas (I stupidly thought that trannies people just wanted to live their life, things like the NHS in england and similar in other countries were a good thing and something we had over the americans, how fucking wrong was I?)
but then I started to realize that things were really really going to shit in my country due entirely to left wing ideas, the alphabet soup lot were doing some truly heinous shit the trannies especially were something horrific and that america had the same issues and trump was all against that and the left hated him because of that, I hope the AFD make some big strides in the coming elections and keep to their promises we need a mass ejection of third world trash from our countries and for communists to be removed
The popularity of the NHS dying is a good thing for Britain.
I had people defending the idea of discrimination by time, rather than money, because "it makes you really thing whether or not you need medical treatment". I think this attitude is going away ever since Covid.
The morning he won in 2016. I was thrown off by how happy I was.
Short answer: "Fight, fight fight!"
Long answer: I liked most of what he was saying in the 2016 election cycle, I just didn't trust him to do any of it. I especially liked the way he had a sort of passive ability to get intellectual frauds to expose themselves in the most obvious ways by responding to some of his completely non-controversial statements with the most unhinged vitriol.
I liked a lot of what he did in his first term even if I thought there were missed opportunities and some mistakes.
I liked his campaign pretty well in 2023-2024.
But after he got shot and his first instinct was to stand up and say "fight, fight, fight!" I was 100% all in. That is the guy you want to be in charge. I've never witnessed a more incredible moment in my life and that includes fiction.
As soon as I realized they were planning another Clinton vs. Bush election, I gravitated towards Trump.
Those were some genuinely dark days.
Everyone was like that meme of Steve Carell from The Office: "NO! NO! NOOOOOO! GOD! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Jeb v. Hillary, fuckin' christ.
The "you have to go back" reply to some gotcha question during an interview he had in 2015 or so is when he got my attention. The media swarming him with hate and hoaxes told me he was pissing off all the right people in both sides of the aisle.
A friend took me and our wives to dinner one night. Middle of the meal he wants to talk politics and I don't.
I've had a policy since I was a kid of never talking politics with someone I'd like to stay friends with. Reason being that any political discussion only goes two ways: I give a simple answer that is unexpected and get barraged with a bullet list of talking points we could address, but the listener is too distracted by there being more talking points in the queue to hear any of my responses. The other way is I give a simple answer, the other person chuckles and we never talk about politics again (because we agree, or because he's so alarmed and wary he doesn't want to talk to me anymore).
His question was, "Can we talk about Trump?" And I responded, "Can we not and tell others we did?" He laughed at the joke and pushed forward, "I want to read a post I saw and get your response to it. It makes sense to me, but I wanted to know what your take was." I wince, this is the talking-point barrage happening pre-conversation, and say, "That sounds like a terrible idea over dinner, and our wives are here." His wife pipes up, "No, I'm interested too." Mine stays quiet.
Sufficiently emboldened, he pulls out his phone and begins reading. This is the primary cycle of the 2016 race, and honestly I'm doing my level best so far in not paying close attention to anything. I've not voted for a primary candidate that went on to get the nomination at any point before. Every winning nominee since I'd begun voting wasn't my pick (or even second pick). In 2016 I had less than zero interest in following the primary candidates closely.
What he read was a rant to the effect of "Every candidate is better than Trump in every way." To which I asked, "Does that include Hillary?" He cocked his head and finally asked carefully, "Are you saying Hillary is not better than Trump?" I shrugged and said "Trump is not at the bottom of the list, nowhere near it. Hillary, however, name a single candidate in this field you think is worse than her. I can't."
He finally said that he wasn't thinking of her as a serious candidate, more of a perfunctory inclusion. But he admitted, no, nobody is worse, even Trump. So I finished with "There's a number of people I'd be happy to see make it through. Trump doesn't bother me, and I don't know why he bothers other people so much. Hillary, however, bothers me enormously. I think we have many more important problems to consider before we get to how good or bad Trump is."
Later, Hillary won the nomination, and at that point I was totally invested in Trump.
I never was really a fan of Trump. I never watched the Apprentice or anything he was involved in. I was aware OF him, because being in NJ/NYC you knew who he was.
When he ran in 2016 I also thought it was ridiculous. I was 100% behind Rand Paul, with maybe Ted Cruz as a 2nd option. (Jeb! would have made me vote third party) However, once Rand dropped out, and after seeing Trumps debates, and his actual positions on issues. I came around pretty fast. When it was down to just Trump, Cruz, and that Ohio Gov who's name I forget (and don't feel like googling) I was fully 100% on board with Trump. (Still did like Cruz though)
What sold me on Trump was actually listening to HIM and not reading what the media said about him. I've been onboard ever since. I've donated and voted for him three times.
Same with the celebrity culture crap. He was a risk as formerly being part of that upper class Democrat city crowd. I thought his latching on to the birthed phenomenon was opportunistic attention seeking. But around his official run, he was willing to say stuff like "Haiti is a shithole" (whether he said that specifically post inauguration). I still voted libertarian, but Trump surprised me by doing the most a president can do to cut spending and regulations, with the hand he was dealt.
Voted for him 2020/2024. I don't like his continuation of Perot's proposed protectionism, and I would prefer Ron Paul's idea of true free trade. At least Trump is threatening tariffs to get other countrys' shit together where it concerns American citizens' interests. I can't support the libertarian party until the Mises paleo-libertarians break away from the LP, so Trump is the best we will get in my lifetime. Maybe another small country will figure out a controlled border, gun ownership, and constitutionally constrained government scope.
Free trade is a gigantic globalist lie.
Progressives decried free market healthcare in America, not realizing that it hasn't existed for 45+ years. Populists do the same with NAFTA, not realizing it wasn't a free trade agreement. Free trade is about independent individuals and businesses trading with other independents, without artificial middlemen and barriers. These satanic multinationals don't go away with managed trade agreements, antitrust fakery, and similar bait-and-switches. All these do is open up regulatory capture, to raise the water level so that more independent competitors drown while the politically connected float.
Trump may end up being the greatest Libertarian presidential candidate. If he rescinds the Income Tax, I'm calling him a Libertarian president.
i'll like him when he cuts funding to these bot posts too, lmao.
i fear for any real people in this comment section who have been fooled by zion don.
I cannot fucking stand these stupid memeposts pretending to be profound, like they were written by some ultraintelligent megamind seer.
It's just making semi-plausible, yet totally unprovable, vague claims sandwiched between stating the obvious.
That meme would be plausible if Donald Trump hasn't been clear about oppossing DEI and political correcntess and the demonization of Christians since 2016.
And if the establishment didn't try to oppose him every step of the way including trying to kill him which they almost accomplished.
Do you really think Kamala Harris would have rolled back a single DEI thing?
Her parties attempt to reach white men was that "white dudes for Kamala" campaign and it was the faggiest thing ever made.
Why do you treat Israel different than Taiwan? I assume you think it's a good idea to have it set up where Taiwan and other smaller asian countries don't get dominated by China.
Well Israel is one small little country surrounded by violent, barbaric jihadists who have made it their eternal mission statement to destroy them at all costs.
Yes Trump supports Israel, as do I as a Christian. I doubly support Israel because of the prophecy that shows that Israel will repent and be restored and the gentiles are not to be conceited, because we've been grafted in to the olive branch, but they, the original olive branch, will be restored at the end.
That's why I doubly support them, but I support them anyways for the same reason I support Taiwan. Very evil countries have made their intent clear. In Taiwan's case, China, in Israel's case, all of the middle east.
various saints on the jews
martin luther on the jews
direct martin luther excerpt
places where the Bible explains jews wanted to, and did kill Christ
larger image explaining how Jesus was not "a jew", among other things that are more speculative
i can also point you to a few talmudic passages where the jews explain their satanic rituals, concepts, and other rules. you can find them by googling, first result on sefaria:
indirect killing is OK: Sanhedrin 77b
the one who has active homosexual intercourse with a boy under 9 years is "not liable": Sanhedrin 54b
giving a child to satanic priests or burning him is OK, as long as it's not both at the same time: Sanhedrin 64a
cursing your parents is OK, even using God's name: Sanhedrin 66a (also, hermaphrodites can curse them too!)
black magic incantations are OK: Sanhedrin 101a
"High Priests" can still marry women who had "atypical penetration" including with animals: Yevamot 59b
it's OK to hire prostitutes as long as there is some time between payment and intercourse: Avodah Zarah 62b
you can break promises if you say "any vow that i take in the future is void" before: Nedarim 23a
group murder is OK because it's unclear who actually did the killing: Sanhedrin 78a
you can see demons by doing black magic: Berakhot 6a
if you are a Christian you are one that is heading for the wide gate.
You're saying I'm heading for hell because I support Jews, yet my basis is rooted in scripture.
Yours is rooted in the words of man including saying Jesus was not Jewish.
And yes the Jews killed Jesus. This as well as whatever Jews believe today is completely separate to the church and believers support of Israel and Jews.
That support is rooted in prophecy. We know they're not saved, we know they're not righteous.
In fact, when the Bible speaks about at the end times, Israel being vindicated by all the nations surrounding them getting trampled by Jesus on the great day of the Lord, the Lord explicitly says, it's not for their sake, but for God's sake that He's vindicating them. In other words, to prove God's faithfulness and fulfillment to covenants in spite of people's lack of righteousness.
Romans 9 and Revelation show us God's sovereign choice with Israel. All the anti-Christ's armies will be gathered against Israel at the end times...why do you think sharing the anti-Christ's attitude on wanting Israel destroyed is not a dangerous attitude for a Christian to have?
Romans 9 is the biggest refutation to the current attitude against Israel and Jews that the world is increasingly having.
Let me ask you this. No other group of people loses their land, and gets dispersed for nearly 2000 years and yet stays a people, and gets part of their land back and still plays a huge role in the future with prophecy. Do you really think that's a coincidence?
You notice how no other ancient people exist anymore when their nation went away. There's no more spartans, no more babylonians, no more romans, no more assyrians, and yet Jews lose their land around 70 AD and remained a people until the 1940s where they get their nation back, the very nation that is the central place in the prophecy of Revelation, Daniel, etc. That just doesn't happen unless it's by God's providence.
the only reason jews survived is because they were mostly in Christian countries who ostrosized them without genociding them these two things combined made them more strongly huddle together whilst never disappearing.
. The Keifang jews that reached China almost completely disappeared and were almost completely assimulated with the Chinese after a few hundred years (before jews from Europe contacted the small remains left and tried to revive them) because it was easier for jews to assimulate in to a pagan culture than it was for jews to assimulate in to a Christian culture .
Case in point. The Chinese in Malaysia have a very strong Chinese identity because the Malaysian muslims ostrosized them but the malaysian muslims in Malaysia never tried to genocide them.
The Chinese in Indonesia are more assimulated because the muslim Indonesians there tried to genocide the Chinese
The Chinese in Thailand are more assimulated because they didnt get ostrosized at all and pagans can more easily assimulate with pagans.
The reason why jews lasted so long is because Christians ostrosized them without genociding them. which made them more strongly huddle together without disappearing.
In China they were less ostrosized and it was easier for jews to assimulate with pagans than it was for them to assimulate with Christians hence why the Keifang jews in China almost disappeared after a few hundred years before the jews from Europe contacted them and tried to revive them.
it wasn't because of "God's divine intervention"
Your example uses some Chinese groups in other places. China has been an empire for thousands of years and is the single most populated nation on earth.
Any foreign Chinese could have contemporary sources to turn to keep a Chinese identity.
Israel was not a nation for nearly 2000 years and yet the Jews remained.
And Israel, this tiny little nation being the central place of the end times…..these two factors make comparing some Chinese expats with Jews like comparing a puddle to the Atlantic Ocean.
the only way to reconcile support for today's "israel", which is a highly debatable label to begin with as most of today's jews have no ties to the israel of old and are just a genetic mish-mash following the satanic religion of talmudism, is to claim that God's favor lies with a people that say the Lord is boiling in excrement in hell, that say it's OK to rape and sacrifice children, that say it's OK to do black magic, to swindle goys like you and me, to have sex with animals...
how? in what world does this make sense? Jesus Christ not only overtly stated to the modern jews (then-pharisees) that they are not of God:
(John 8:42)
but they themselves explicitly continue to prove this today in their acts and in their words.
you are not a Christian if you do not follow Christ's words, you are some sort of strange apocalyptic death cultist who believes we should enact evil suffering for an indeterminate amount of time because some people call themselves who call themselves israelites command it.
you like the Book of Revelation?
(Revelation 3:9)
what is this if not a warning against current-day jews?
you like Paul?
(Titus 1)
Christianity is not a death cult. you are not called upon to support these insane satanists because they use the name "israel". you have been deceived. the only reason you say that all the heinous things they say and do are Godly is because Satan has made you say so.
After Scott Adams started writing about him in detail in 2016 sometime.
And re liked him on day 1 post inagauration because he showed that he actually had learnt something.
Trump's egotism annoyed me in the beginning, but I wanted to hear what the rest of the field had to say about him. As it turned out everyone else was practically defenseless against him in the debates, even when he was making extreme provocations like crapping on John McCain and charging that Iraq was a disaster. There were a couple of others that looked good here and there, but none of them had staying power. When I figured out the truth was on Trump's side, I went for him. After I figured out he actually cares about Americans, I backed him 100%.
I've always liked them, but if you're talking about politically supporting him, well, I've supported him since he announced his run the first time around. Before he was the candidate.
Probably about a month into his first term. My stance on him basically went something like this:
He announces he is running
"What the fuck? Again? And uh...that was kind of spicy for an opening statement. Still leaning toward Cruz though."
He starts winning primaries
"Wat? Guys, did we forget he was a Democrat for most of his life? This is clearly a bit and he is going to turn it into another business venture when he is done."
wins the primary
"Are you fucking kidding me you dumbasses?!"
election day
"...sigh...Well, at least he is better than Hillary..."votes Trump
he wins
"Wow, that worked?"
He starts doing the things he said he would do
"Wait, he was serious?!"
starts doing even more of his promises, including the stuff people said you could never do
"...I changed my mind...dons full gearMAGA ME HARDER! I AM NOT TIRED OF WINNING!!"
And as we have seen more of the establishment revealing itself, I got more and more approval of him, and now in his second term with him going absolutely balls to the wall I am happier than I have ever been.
Probably late in the 2016 republican primary, when it started shaking out that it was going to be him and Ted Cruz fighting for the nomination to go against Hillary Clinton.
I liked him before, but it was around the time the "The Delegates, Dahnald" and Zodiac Killer memes were running full bore was the time I went from liking him compared to Hillary and Cruz to actively supporting him.
The fact that he had just taken down Jeb! and I was actively starting to hate Clinton, also probably played a role
I was Ted Cruz up until somewhere of early 2016. I liked what Trump had to say and had been following him since his elevator speech (was a regular Rush Limbaugh listener at the time and still watched Faux News) but still had some faith that the GOP was trying to do the right thing (Jeb Jeb aside) plus I had the Doc Brown style reaction of “The Apprentice Guy?!”
My first inkling that something was wrong in the Matrix was when Jeb Jeb categorically denied every statement that Trump put forth and spewed Democrat talking points (immigration great, DACA great, muricans don’t like to work). But then that was Jeb Jeb… second was when Cruz just avoided the issues outright.
I don’t recall if I voted for Trump or Cruz in the primary. I’m thinking Trump… certainly voted for him in general but didn’t expect him to win.
The Jan 2016 happened and all hell broke loose as everyone lost their minds with MeToo, Faux News got gutted along with obvious personal/political hunt downs of anybody that was a Trump ally, including Steve Wynn. Then cancel culture… then impeachment for being Trump… then Chinese Flu and then the wheels really came off!
It’s been a real learning experience as to how infiltrated and entrenched communism had become (and is still trying) and it’s ironic because all they had to do was play straight man to Trump’s rhetoric. Be ultra lawful, uphold the state to Trumps “bull in a china shop” behavior. But no - what the socialist utopian communist leadership defended the most wasn’t their ideology… wasn’t the defense of the people nor was it trying to further their socialist utopia… no, they had to have revenge because their egos were hurt and it dropped the veil on everything.
When I woke up and learned Hillary wasn't president.
When the media started shit talking him and I took the time to listen to one of his campaign rallies where he went off about China and the economic implications thereof. Everything he said was dirt fucking simple reasoning that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would agree with. The media blitz just gave me flashbacks to #Gamergate. Admittedly I was sympathetic to some of what Bernie was espousing at the time as well, but I like to believe I've grown since then.
To use the reality TV analogy, season 1 Trump was pretty good, but season 2 is looking better and better.
Still not perfect, but better than I expected.
I've been aware of his existence since the 80's and remember people being disappointed that he didn't run in 1988 and 1992.
In fact I'd go so far as to say that Trump declining to run was why Ross Perot felt it necessary to torpedo GHW Bush's second run. A move I agree with, btw, even if in practice it was handing the democrats an unearned good decade of peace dividend to squander.
ill be honest i didnt like him till like half a year into his first term at first i thought he was a plant to make sure Hillary won the election
Never liked him and still don't, but he is exactly who we need and I have always fully supported him and voted for him 3 times.
In 2016 I started liking him because they would always have CNN on when my buddy and I would get lunch every Friday. I'm not a genius, but I could see through the constant negative BS they made up about him. Clearly there was something they were trying to stop. Flash forward to 2016 election night I was kind of rooting for him but didn't want to admit it yet. Even at that point if you asked me if I supported Trump I would have probably given a vague and non-committal answer.
Charlottesville was really the nail in the coffin for me. Saw a lot of friends freaking out on Facebook about how racist Trump is for what he said. Thought that this was finally the smoking gun I was waiting for that would prove Trump was the piece of crap everyone was saying he is. Watched the full speech and was absolutely floored by how divorced from reality everyone's screeching was. It was evident people were getting themselves into a frenzy over headlines and select snippets and not the full context.
From then on it has pretty much been a mad dash to the right for me. Orange man ain't perfect but he's the best we've had in my lifetime. Hope he's just the beginning of the pendulum swing.
I guess I've never really liked Trump. Not until recently.
In fact, I can tell you that there were times I hated him, or even made me want to punch him in the mouth.
That thing where he pulls somebody... hard... in a hand shake? I would absolutely take that as a physical attack if someone did that to me, and I would respond with violence. That shit pissed me off when I first saw it. But normally he does it to people that I find out later are unmitigated cunts, like the French PM.
I never liked him, but he's certainly the greatest president I ever had in my life time, and I say this as someone who originally voted Hillary in 2016. Republican down ballot, but I figured that Hillary was literally smarter and more calculating, and Trump would be more of an ignorant wild-man. I never believed Hillary wanted a full-scale ground war with Russia. I figured she would be kept in check by a Republican MAGA congress. I figured he would accidentally start a war.
Turns out the idea that she is a savy political operator was the biggest lie she ever told. She's actually wildly stupid, and her behavior since she lost proves it. Sargon was right: she wanted a nuclear exchange with Russia. Now, I think Biden did too, and they couldn't get one started. Everyone who argued that Hillary wanted a land war in Asia, if not a nuclear exchange, was 100% right and I shouldn't have dismissed your concerns as quickly as I did.
And this was after I had been losing my mind repeatedly over Trump's treatment by the media. NPR's "On The Media" (a media watchdog program), explicitly stated they had to abandon objective journalism to "stop a despot". And I remember screaming at my radio over the Hollywood Access tapes because "Let" is not "rape".
I think the thing that made me like Trump was Betsy DeVos. Trump's 1st term best cabinet pick. The first thing she did was rescind the "Dear Colleague" memo which instantiated the Title IX Tribunal system in colleges, and had lead to a show-trial system which created over 150 federal lawsuits. I was the "victim" in one of those tribunals and had to defend my "attacker" to prevent the school from expelling him for nothing. I was never called before the tribunal, I was left to defend him in a written statement asserting his moral character. He told me I had to keep it vague because telling me the charges against him could get him expelled. People should have gone to prison for that system. When she rescinded the memo, the head of NOW came onto an NPR show I was listening to and explicitly stated that she had made rape legal on college campuses. Cue me: screaming at the radio again.
Anyways, I remember her being declared utterly incompetent and a hilariously stupid pick. And removing that was the first thing she did. From then on, she never had a scandal, and there were no real complains with her activity. The Title IX tribunals aren't totally dead, but they have no legal or judicial basis at this point, they're just the Universities being gulags.
That made me like him by proxy. He was gonna do the right thing, and I don't give a shit that he rustled jimmies on Twitter. But I wasn't a fan of his.
I would say the thing that really made me a Trump fan was him standing up after the assassination. That's very much the correct attitude to have in response to taking a bullet. Little reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt. Love it. That is the type of personal character we need, along with the "Happy Warrior" mantra that he got from Banon. Stellar.
As a former New Yorker (30+ years ago), I've always liked him to some degree.
There was TV commercials and shows I didn't particularly care about but I didn't see it any different from anyone else doing TV. The branding was tacky but, hey, if people wanted to pay me by slapping my name on a golf club or a box of steaks, I wouldn't say no either.
But I always respected him as a real estate dude. The escalator ride did get me excited (can't outsource office buildings, so it makes sense). With the shit years Obama gave us, I welcomed any political outsider into the fray. With media frauds like "Dancing Fat Man", "Video Game Harassment Campaign", "Ahmed the Clockmaker" and "Baby-faced Trayvon Marin" it was easy to disregard the overnight smear jobs.
Back in 2015 when I was just browsing the web and enjoying memes from 9gag (yeh...) I saw all the Hillary vs Trump memes and I was curious about why were those two the candidates for President. Then I asked one of the missionaries in my church (he came from US) what he thought about them and he told me all the bad things about Hillary and he was excited about the idea of Trump being President. I think that was what made me research more about US politics and made me doubt about the veracity of the reports from the MSM.
To be totally honest, my like for Trump was more hate for the left until the Joe Rogan interview. He is obviously more well spoken, in touch with issues, and a competent leader than he gets credit for. Also in that interview, he said Kamala can barely string two sentences together, which is totally accurate and proved by the CBS editing fraud.
At one point during the run up to the nomination, when it was basically Trump and Ted still fighting it out, there was an actual conservative protest about something or other.
I don't remember what, or when, exactly, and yes, that's going to annoy me for a very, very long time.
The part that stuck with me, however, was a clip of Ted and Trump being asked about said protest. Ted basically went with the mealy-mouthed, standard GOP blather about how conservatives should be good little boys and stop protesting and just go home and not make a fuss. (Paraphrased.)
Trump, however, was basically, 'No, they have a right to protest, they should be protesting' and that's basically when it clicked for me that, oh, he wasn't playing by the 'fail gracefully' GOP playbook.
Plus, there was constant 'attack, attack, attack' debate style and refusal to let democrat talking points stop him. That also helped.