Which is extra hilarious. They're so pissed at being called out they gotta claim only men would think that... Nah, women are kinda fucked up with some of their fantasies.
I recall some hentai manga about rape being decried by some feminists, until it came out that the artist/writer was female and actually enjoys depicting her fetishes.
Results indicated that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. For women who have had rape fantasies, the median frequency of these fantasies was about 4 times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week.
where to begin... fifty shades... twilight... anita blake, vampire hunter....an entire genre of trashy romance novels often colloquially referred to as "bodice rippers," so named for the women on the front covers often having their tops ripped off by half naked men... the list goes on...
So many of those urban fantasy paranormal book series! If it's written by a woman, it's almost certainly that kind of porn shit where everyone man (and male creature) fucks the main female character.
It's so bad, because I want more good urban fantasy.
what's funny is the modern supernatural aren't even the most prominent settings/genres (at least not traditionally). you have western, victorian, and medieval settings quite often.
porn shit
sadly kinda true. i actually liked the anita blake books at first, but they got so smutty after a while, i just couldn't stand it... put it this way, i guess her editors figured out men were reading them, because the author actually had a lesbian scene that was so out of place, it was an actual turn-off...
I did. It had lots of good parts, but also so much cringe. I remember one of the novels that had Dresden speak to Titania, and out of the fucking blue, the author wrote a pro-gay marriage manifesto. Completely broke the suspension of disbelief, and seemed utterly out of place.
Or in the most recent one, he randomly killed off Murphy in a moronic way (even if I didn't particularly care for her), patently obviously only to have her be out of the way while he writes his fetish of Dresden being in a relationship with a vampire, and being "forced" to take part in it because of Mab, so that we can't hold him responsible for moving on from his long-term relationship at the drop of a penny.
There were many memorable events, like riding a tyrannosaurus skeleton to battle or channelling the power of a leyline to fend off an immortal shapeshifting creature, but the amount of woke, 4th wall breaking crap, makes me hesitant to really recommend the series to anyone.
Oh man. We were visiting my in-laws a few years ago and my mother-in-law had a dozen of these books lying around. So, curiosity getting the better of me, I read a handful of them.
Absolute trash. A harem fantasy with every member either being psychologically or physically abusive towards the heroine. Exceptions include a twink minor and several simps, who she fucked for status and power.
Really eye-opening that women find this appealing.
the story itself wasn't bad in the first few books, the world building was legitimately good, and the main character had some refreshingly based moments, but yeah, they were always a little smutty and they became straight up literary porn over time...
Yep, if you wanted to peek into a womans mind, pick up any kinda romancy drama material. 50 shades of grey was a huge hit, and it wasnt straight men who were reading it. Most poor women(aka most of the population) fantasizes about being some rich dudes fuckpuppet.
I remember being so bored as a little kid one time I picked up one of me mums books and started to read it.
ROFL something about a aztec princess getting checked to make sure her hymen was still in place and the whole book is basically about her meeting this stud from some strange foreign land.
I put that down pretty quick. Turns out I dont really like that stuff, I like adventure, maybe a little bit of romance, but mostly adventure.
Who would have guessed men and women are so different.
Dumb fuck isn't entirely wrong. Most men are indeed clueless as to what women fantasize about. They were trained to think women didn't think about sex at all and were all just into wholesome lovey-dovey romance. Not that they fetishize truly depraved sex acts alongside abuse, degradation, stalking, and even rape.
That dude is a legend. I held off on watching his content because from the sound of how people talked about it, I figured why bother since it seems like I already know most of what he says. And while that was true, his videos and explanations are so enjoyable that it's easily worth the ride.
If I ever need to redpill a normie on that topic, his videos will be one of the first vehicles I will consider.
Feet themselves aren't gross, but foot fetishists take their, well, fetish for the appendages to places that are gross. Namely, they seem to be obsessed with filth, like the stench that feet can build up if you don't change your socks regularly, or how dirty feet can become when you walk around barefoot for some time.
Feet are the thing that touches the ground, the dirtiest of all surfaces. In order to keep them clean, we must double encase them and create the sweatiest, muskiest part of the body possible. And, because of how humans choose to live, they are usually covered in callouses and other nonsense.
Feet are great as feet. Feet as an object to lick or rub your dick on is gross. The same way that everyone has an ass and poop, and that is necessary too, but you aren't running to defend eating shit.
Well that and because the only way to do such an action is to either kneel before them, or place them on such a high seat that its effectively the same humbling act.
Its why despite shoe shining booths being such a common thing at airports, the only people using them are the prideful and vain. The people who expect others to kneel before them.
50 Shades is the most bestselling shit of all time for a reason, and 1% of the population, no matter how much they're overrepresented in the wealthy caste, can't support that monolith on its own.
Not entirely, if you read womens "romance" novels you will see that they want to be taken against their will by the bad boy. Ive seen it with women around me too, tattoos, criminal record, pitbulls, women are drawn to it like flies and shit,
A 100 years ago a tattoo on a woman would mark her for social exile
Dating an inmate? Untouchable
But nowadays everything is flipped, shagging a stranger is considered exciting instead of irresponsible and incredibly degenerate so ofc they'd gravitate towards rape and BDSM (obviously done by a high value male and not some dirty jeet or haji)
The leading kink for women is overwhelmingly being dominated up to and including CNC/Rape.
There is a reason Fifty Shades of Grey was a best seller, despite being criticised as a negative depiction of BDSM (because it didn't respect boundaries or limits supposedly), and it wasn't for the quality writing (it's literally fanfic tier).
TBH, BDSM in itself is sick shit.
People always say "oh, that stuff is wrong, it wasn§'t proper BDSM" about everything, but really, how can it be healthy in the first place? Everyone keeps saying there are these wonderful BDSM relationships, just not THIS one (it's never that one).
Same with that retarded "poly" shit. Sure, all of the relationships fail, but there are those totally really wonderfully working ones... whoops, turns out those were shitty as well.
I think mild BDSM is generally fine, it's the ones that try to pretend it's a lifestyle that are delusional. Tying up your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and a bit of roughness is fine, but if you're getting into specialised equipment, serious bruising/injury and/or a lack of normalcy outside of the bedroom, there's definitely something wrong.
But poly shit is absolutely fucked up. At least the precursor to that, swingers, were honest about the sleaziness of it all, but even that too is messed up.
My fear with all that would be that it turns into that. It probably starts pretty tame but then increases to keep it novel until you get to shit like swinging and cucking.
Nah, that's not really how it works. Most of that shit comes from porn addiction more than anything else. Actual intimacy simply works differently, and mild BDSM is mostly just "vanilla" (aka normal sex) with small twists and nothing more.
Let me put it like this: Would you say spanking your better half could lead to swinging, or is that a bit of a reach? What about holding their hands above their head so you're in control, does that lead to cucking? No, it's also a reach. This is the kinds of things I'm talking about.
This is about as silly as saying that anything other than missionary leads to adultery or some shit. Slippery slopes are a real thing, but I don't think this is one of them. And if someone were to honestly believe that a bit of rough sex is going to lead to wanting to have sex with other people, I would suggest that thought was already there before the rough sex started, not caused because of it.
Having seen the data, that comic is closer to the truth than people would like to be comfortable with. If anything, domination, control and masculinity make up the whole romance genre. Why was Fifty Shades of Grey one of the most successful novels of all time? Expanding on that, why was the movie Titanic one of the highest grossing films of all time?
Women don't naturally submit to men. Their instinct is to want to be submitted by men. We, in general, don't want to do that. Hence the rise/fall of civilizations.
tbh does any male want to really take care of three catgirls, at best that would be good for maybe a month and than the realities of the situation start to sink in
The comic gave me a smirk but, like a typical woman, she doesn't understand that the ideal romance for men is "a nice woman who treats me kindly and adds to my life instead of subtracts from it."
After reading a few posts I've come to the conclusion that @SandyFrizzle might actually be mentally retarded. She does not understand the concept of talking talking about a fantasy that someone else might typically have - it's maxed out her abstract thinking skills.
To be fair in these so called "rape" fantasies they are being "raped" by a very tall, handsome, masculine, rich male archetype. That's like saying you have the "rape fantasy" that is based around being "raped" by hot girl with big tits and great ass.
There's a community note that says the comic was made by a woman.
Which is extra hilarious. They're so pissed at being called out they gotta claim only men would think that... Nah, women are kinda fucked up with some of their fantasies.
I recall some hentai manga about rape being decried by some feminists, until it came out that the artist/writer was female and actually enjoys depicting her fetishes.
And it's not just like that in the east. Just look how popular 50 shades of gray was with women. And the rest of its genre.
Daily reminder that romance novels make up the largest amount of novels sold by a lot.
When people bitch about how men don't read compared to women, it's because women consume their version of porn by the truckload.
Correct. "50 Shades," "Twilight," and the millions of throwaway Harlequin novels that never got Hollywood adaptations.
Sex is primarily psychological for women.
I recall a survey that ranked r*pe as the #1 female fantasy and chocking as their favorite bedroom activity.
I can't speak to the former, but I can confirm the latter. Chicks love a firm grip around their throat. I don't "get it," but it works.
It’s been said a few times before:
The people who hate women the most are other women.
Men call it "competition" and realize the hate part is just extra, unnecessary work.
where to begin... fifty shades... twilight... anita blake, vampire hunter....an entire genre of trashy romance novels often colloquially referred to as "bodice rippers," so named for the women on the front covers often having their tops ripped off by half naked men... the list goes on...
So many of those urban fantasy paranormal book series! If it's written by a woman, it's almost certainly that kind of porn shit where everyone man (and male creature) fucks the main female character.
It's so bad, because I want more good urban fantasy.
what's funny is the modern supernatural aren't even the most prominent settings/genres (at least not traditionally). you have western, victorian, and medieval settings quite often.
sadly kinda true. i actually liked the anita blake books at first, but they got so smutty after a while, i just couldn't stand it... put it this way, i guess her editors figured out men were reading them, because the author actually had a lesbian scene that was so out of place, it was an actual turn-off...
Hell yeah.
I did. It had lots of good parts, but also so much cringe. I remember one of the novels that had Dresden speak to Titania, and out of the fucking blue, the author wrote a pro-gay marriage manifesto. Completely broke the suspension of disbelief, and seemed utterly out of place.
Or in the most recent one, he randomly killed off Murphy in a moronic way (even if I didn't particularly care for her), patently obviously only to have her be out of the way while he writes his fetish of Dresden being in a relationship with a vampire, and being "forced" to take part in it because of Mab, so that we can't hold him responsible for moving on from his long-term relationship at the drop of a penny.
There were many memorable events, like riding a tyrannosaurus skeleton to battle or channelling the power of a leyline to fend off an immortal shapeshifting creature, but the amount of woke, 4th wall breaking crap, makes me hesitant to really recommend the series to anyone.
Oh man. We were visiting my in-laws a few years ago and my mother-in-law had a dozen of these books lying around. So, curiosity getting the better of me, I read a handful of them.
Absolute trash. A harem fantasy with every member either being psychologically or physically abusive towards the heroine. Exceptions include a twink minor and several simps, who she fucked for status and power.
Really eye-opening that women find this appealing.
the story itself wasn't bad in the first few books, the world building was legitimately good, and the main character had some refreshingly based moments, but yeah, they were always a little smutty and they became straight up literary porn over time...
Even lesbian writing features rape! The vagina monologues is one example.
never read it, all i can think of is the seth mcfarlane gag making fun ot it about a literal vagina doing standup.
Yep, if you wanted to peek into a womans mind, pick up any kinda romancy drama material. 50 shades of grey was a huge hit, and it wasnt straight men who were reading it. Most poor women(aka most of the population) fantasizes about being some rich dudes fuckpuppet.
I remember being so bored as a little kid one time I picked up one of me mums books and started to read it.
ROFL something about a aztec princess getting checked to make sure her hymen was still in place and the whole book is basically about her meeting this stud from some strange foreign land.
I put that down pretty quick. Turns out I dont really like that stuff, I like adventure, maybe a little bit of romance, but mostly adventure.
Who would have guessed men and women are so different.
...not gonna lie, i looked up fifty shades when it came out...
...it's a wonder I didn't die laughing, honestly...
Dumb fuck isn't entirely wrong. Most men are indeed clueless as to what women fantasize about. They were trained to think women didn't think about sex at all and were all just into wholesome lovey-dovey romance. Not that they fetishize truly depraved sex acts alongside abuse, degradation, stalking, and even rape.
hoe_math really redpilled me with his cutesy comics over the last 18 months showing the juxtaposition of the dark and chaotic traits of female nature.
That dude is a legend. I held off on watching his content because from the sound of how people talked about it, I figured why bother since it seems like I already know most of what he says. And while that was true, his videos and explanations are so enjoyable that it's easily worth the ride.
If I ever need to redpill a normie on that topic, his videos will be one of the first vehicles I will consider.
Men might create fetishes of the grossest things like scat and feet, but women fetish the most disgusting acts imaginable.
And at least only the worst men pick up those traits, while its nearly all women doing theirs.
How the hell are feet gross? Everyone has feet. Feet are necessary for walking. If you believe that feet are gross the problem is you.
Feet themselves aren't gross, but foot fetishists take their, well, fetish for the appendages to places that are gross. Namely, they seem to be obsessed with filth, like the stench that feet can build up if you don't change your socks regularly, or how dirty feet can become when you walk around barefoot for some time.
Having feet on your mouth is gross as fuck and also pathetic
Using the indefinite article before a plural is also pathetic.
You can thank government schools for that.
The same goes for you.^
OK now go lick some feet, inbred vermin.
Feet are the thing that touches the ground, the dirtiest of all surfaces. In order to keep them clean, we must double encase them and create the sweatiest, muskiest part of the body possible. And, because of how humans choose to live, they are usually covered in callouses and other nonsense.
Feet are great as feet. Feet as an object to lick or rub your dick on is gross. The same way that everyone has an ass and poop, and that is necessary too, but you aren't running to defend eating shit.
That's also a reason that washing another person's feet is considered on of the most loving and humble things a person can do
Well that and because the only way to do such an action is to either kneel before them, or place them on such a high seat that its effectively the same humbling act.
Its why despite shoe shining booths being such a common thing at airports, the only people using them are the prideful and vain. The people who expect others to kneel before them.
Sandy protests too much. https://x.com/reddit_lies/status/1889135686751604873
And... She's a yid
Is it like a jewish fetish to be into BDSM?
No, I think that’s just most women, to be honest.
That is not a healthy sexual mentality honestly
The healthy mentality is like cuddling after a fuck, all this BDSM crap is like MKultra shit
Just like how they push "Dommy Mommy" to soy dudes, makes me cringe and heave at the same time
A 100 years ago we had none of that shit because shaming existed, but nowadays? The culture of degeneracy prevails...
50 Shades is the most bestselling shit of all time for a reason, and 1% of the population, no matter how much they're overrepresented in the wealthy caste, can't support that monolith on its own.
While i believe there is something alluring to soyfoids thinking they're so desireable a rich high-status dude would go all the trouble to "rape" them
I still think none of this shit is natural, its all degenerate garbage promoted by the juice 👃🏻 media
Not entirely, if you read womens "romance" novels you will see that they want to be taken against their will by the bad boy. Ive seen it with women around me too, tattoos, criminal record, pitbulls, women are drawn to it like flies and shit,
A 100 years ago a tattoo on a woman would mark her for social exile
Dating an inmate? Untouchable
But nowadays everything is flipped, shagging a stranger is considered exciting instead of irresponsible and incredibly degenerate so ofc they'd gravitate towards rape and BDSM (obviously done by a high value male and not some dirty jeet or haji)
Archive for when she inevitably deletes the post.
I remember seeing one of the "hard truths to swallow" pill memes which read something along the lines of
I mean, we do know. We can look on Amazon bestsellers and see what fantasies you spend money on.
The leading kink for women is overwhelmingly being dominated up to and including CNC/Rape.
There is a reason Fifty Shades of Grey was a best seller, despite being criticised as a negative depiction of BDSM (because it didn't respect boundaries or limits supposedly), and it wasn't for the quality writing (it's literally fanfic tier).
TBH, BDSM in itself is sick shit.
People always say "oh, that stuff is wrong, it wasn§'t proper BDSM" about everything, but really, how can it be healthy in the first place? Everyone keeps saying there are these wonderful BDSM relationships, just not THIS one (it's never that one).
Same with that retarded "poly" shit. Sure, all of the relationships fail, but there are those totally really wonderfully working ones... whoops, turns out those were shitty as well.
I think mild BDSM is generally fine, it's the ones that try to pretend it's a lifestyle that are delusional. Tying up your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and a bit of roughness is fine, but if you're getting into specialised equipment, serious bruising/injury and/or a lack of normalcy outside of the bedroom, there's definitely something wrong.
But poly shit is absolutely fucked up. At least the precursor to that, swingers, were honest about the sleaziness of it all, but even that too is messed up.
My fear with all that would be that it turns into that. It probably starts pretty tame but then increases to keep it novel until you get to shit like swinging and cucking.
Nah, that's not really how it works. Most of that shit comes from porn addiction more than anything else. Actual intimacy simply works differently, and mild BDSM is mostly just "vanilla" (aka normal sex) with small twists and nothing more.
Let me put it like this: Would you say spanking your better half could lead to swinging, or is that a bit of a reach? What about holding their hands above their head so you're in control, does that lead to cucking? No, it's also a reach. This is the kinds of things I'm talking about.
This is about as silly as saying that anything other than missionary leads to adultery or some shit. Slippery slopes are a real thing, but I don't think this is one of them. And if someone were to honestly believe that a bit of rough sex is going to lead to wanting to have sex with other people, I would suggest that thought was already there before the rough sex started, not caused because of it.
Missionary?! Sex?! Inevitably leads to perversion. Chaste abstinence is the only thing that doesn't lead to BDSM scat-adultery!
Missionary isn't so bad. The real problem is having sex while standing up, because it might lead to dancing.
The Baptist in me laughed way too hard at this...
Yeah, but why would you do the things mentioned in your 2nd paragraph?
And yes, they will lead to much more degenerate things but, of course, not for everybody.
That’s because 50 Shades is literally just a Twilight fanfic that had the character names swapped because Stephanie Meyer had a fit
Bitch, you put the Palestinian flag in your username. We wish you only fantasised about this shit and stopped trying to vote us into hell.
and she’s a jew, how fucked up is that, maybe she wants the muzzies to invade
So have we switched from "culturally enriched" to "invade" now? This euphemism treadmill is a doozy.
Just look up what kind of smut booktok is always gushing about and the top panel seems pretty accurate.
The books are always about a lady with a boring personality getting railed by some kind of monster, abusive ceo and/or rapist.
I mean it's either those or the ones about dudes getting pounded by other dudes, but I'll take the former over the latter.
All the replies smugly psychoanalyzing an objectively wrong point is peak Tumblr feminist
Having seen the data, that comic is closer to the truth than people would like to be comfortable with. If anything, domination, control and masculinity make up the whole romance genre. Why was Fifty Shades of Grey one of the most successful novels of all time? Expanding on that, why was the movie Titanic one of the highest grossing films of all time?
'Having seen the data'... I hope you mean, having had relations with women... it's clear that they're the degenerate sex.
Women don't naturally submit to men. Their instinct is to want to be submitted by men. We, in general, don't want to do that. Hence the rise/fall of civilizations.
Men used to want to conquer women, but now we're propagandized from childhood to treat them like privileged princesses.
I got a better laugh out of the community note. But the comic isn't wrong.
tbh does any male want to really take care of three catgirls, at best that would be good for maybe a month and than the realities of the situation start to sink in
Imagine the smell.
The comic gave me a smirk but, like a typical woman, she doesn't understand that the ideal romance for men is "a nice woman who treats me kindly and adds to my life instead of subtracts from it."
The Men's Romance one is deeply wrong. It should be a dark-haired catgirl, and the middle should have twintails.
After reading a few posts I've come to the conclusion that @SandyFrizzle might actually be mentally retarded. She does not understand the concept of talking talking about a fantasy that someone else might typically have - it's maxed out her abstract thinking skills.
a large percentage of women have rape fantasies https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18321031/
To be fair in these so called "rape" fantasies they are being "raped" by a very tall, handsome, masculine, rich male archetype. That's like saying you have the "rape fantasy" that is based around being "raped" by hot girl with big tits and great ass.
No, actually its "I am going to kill you but deep inside I love you, thats why I rape you."