Nah, doubt she was involved. JFK Jr though, dying in a plane crash 6 months after a 4-term NY senator announces is resignation, with Hillary going on to win the election, that one activates the almonds.
You're still assuming that the "full" release will actually contain all the information. This could very, very easily just be a ruse to placate the public with half truths and/or false info.
It would be a massive dick punch to liberals who follow RKF Jr to release it redacted. It only supports Trump to release it unedited if it doesn’t involve any allies, especially if his murder was establishment connected.
If it will hurt Trump or any of his allies, it’ll be a fake version that pins Oswald as the shooter.
I'm not saying Trump would scrub anything. The deep state will definitely edit/falsify and outright remove entire documents, Trump will never see the full & unredacted files either.
I personally think it was the mafia (most likely connected with/used by LBJ in some way), but I doubt that will be in any files. As if the government's information can be trusted when it comes to a subject like this.
Speaking of mobster Jack Ruby who silenced Oswald, did you know his real last name is Rubenstein? That doesn't sound like the name of someone in the Italian mafia. I wonder which mafia it was?
The mob killed him because he made RFK the AG. Sam Giancana almost certainly played a role in getting JFK elected in the first place by rigging the vote in Chicago. A number of former associates have claimed that he openly declared that he had "his guy" in the White House, and in return he expected JFK to call off his brother. Instead, he put him in charge of the Justice Department and gave him free reign to go after the mob. Giancana was furious.
There's also quite a lot of evidence that certain intelligence agencies had previously worked with Giancana and other mobsters on ways to remove Castro in Cuba. The mob wanted that just as much as the government did, so they could have their casinos back.
It was the CIA. We already know for a fact that Oswald was a CIA agent, though he was probably just a patsy set up to take the fall for other agents that actually shot him.
Thats what I think as well. Supposedly JFK talked about disbanding the CIA and withdrawing the war months before getting snuffed out.
Funny how the people who stand up for the rest of us accidentally get shot in the head, what a pity.
George Bush Sr was also the director of the CIA during this time and made sure to point out he was nowhere near the assassination that day, even though there is a picture of someone who looks alot like him standing on a corner at the rally jfk was at.
Honestly my prediction is that this will be a nothing burger. There will be no "smoking gun" file. Even if someone were stupid enough to put pen to paper in the 60's it would have long since been destroyed in archives by now.
He did this last time he got elected, and one of the things that come out was the window of the vehicle.
There was a rumor that bullets went through the window, but that wouldnt make sense from the angle oswald was at. If I remember correctly both bullets were lodged in jfks brain?
Turns out the windshield was damaged and replaced that night or something.
Seems a strange thing to do in a murder investigation.
Lee Harvey Oswald... on behalf of the Soviet Union.
This is not a position I've heard a lot of, but I think it actually fits quite well.
First and foremost, the assassination was conducted by Oswald from the Book Depository. No, the magic bullet theory is a misinterpretation of the placement of the victims. Yes, those shots can be made by a marksman with the skill of Oswald. Yes, the rifle is accurate enough to do that. Yes, the ammunition found matches the rifle. Yes, the ammunition is deformed (it's not pristine). Yes the ammunition matches the damage to the car and the clothes of the victims. Yes, Oswald murdered a Dallas police officer who stopped him for a traffic infraction after he fled the shooting. No, JFK actually isn't quoted as having said that he would scatter the CIA to the wind. Yes, JFK actually didn't mind using the CIA for multiple operations, including against the government of Vietnam, and it was under him that many Special Forces activities began. Think about this for a second: when the government commits a serious crime, they don't turn the site of their crime into a tourist trap. If anything, they bulldoze the facility and quietly bury anyone from talking about it. The JFK assassination is talked about ad nauseum to this day, but nobody talks about the time we accidentally dropped a nuke on North Carolina, or the time when Puerto Rican Leftists tried machine gunning the entire US congress in a joint session, nor do they talk about the bio-weapon programs in Ukraine. Hell, you even forgot that a VBIED attack on a major Telecom Infrastructure building took place a few years ago. The point of a good conspiracy theory is not to stop people from talking, but to make people talk about the wrong thing as a distraction.
Don't talk about the fact that the Hawaiian government is a Democratic one-party state that may have intentionally allowed for the deaths of hundreds of people to create a development for the ultra rich, talk about how space lasers set the fire. Don't talk about how Bill "The Jew Hunter" DeBlasio created lockdowns so he could personally buy abandoned property in New York City, or how Andrew Cuomo killed 45,000 people via negligent homicide. Talk about Mayor Mike Adam's corruption issues. Talk about Cuomo "bibidy boobidy I toucha your face 'cause Imma Italian".
You're talking about Dallas, when you should be asking about the ATC recordings of LBJ staffers screaming at White House operators, or the fact that fist fights broke out between Kennedy staff and Johnson staff who stormed the place like it was a coup. You're ignoring the fact that LBJ himself explicitly said that one of the primary reasons for the Warren Commission wasn't to cover-up for the CIA, but to make sure that Russia wasn't blamed.
Oswald was a die hard Communist. He spent most of his life being an agitprop activist for Communism. Oswald had attempted to murder Edwin Walker, a right-wing reactionary, earlier the same year. He publicly lied on film multiple times about how he lead labor movements, union movements, and all sorts of other nonsense. He went to Mexico and defected to the Soviet Union in order to join the KGB.
Now... Russia claims that he was a low level enforcer in Moscow, that he got depressed, and left Moscow and the KGB.
I don't buy that story for a fucking second that someone just"leaves"the KGB. Especially when he went on to kill a rightst and then Kennedy (and injured the governor of Texas). Moreover, he couldn't be working for the CIA, because if he had the KGB would have killed him. CIA human intel in the USSR was horribly bad (likely because 30% of the State Department were informants).
People forget how crazy Communist hardliners were at this time. Mao supported a nuclear exchange. Castro supported a nuclear exchange, and for the same reason. Even if Cuba is destroyed, in the Soviets launch first, the US is destroyed and International Communism wins. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Navy hit depth charges on the escorting soviet subs, the captain of the sub and the party liaison ordered the ship to fire a nuclear torpedo at the American ships. The Flotilla's Chief of Staff Vasily Arkhipov, argued (successfully) not to fire torpedoes until communication with Moscow had been established, which eventually lead to the ship voluntarily surfacing. Nikoli Kurschev (the Soviet Premier at the time), had actually been kept in the dark by the hardliners about the missile deployments, and was in the middle of an extremely dangerous political crisis where the hardliners were attempting to have him deposed in order to start a nuclear war. I have to emphasize this. A multiplicity of Communists in multiple governments were attempting to actively start a nuclear exchange with the US.
If the American public had found out that Kruschev had lost control of his military, and the hardliners had managed to assassinate JFK, there is no question that the only response would have been a nuclear exchange. There are no other options for that event. If the KGB kills the president, it's an act of war, and NORAD goes to DEFCON 1. Even if there was some kind of agreement to not launch, it would require Kruschev to purge the military as harshly as Stalin did, which wouldn't have been possible.
I think the KGB assassinated JFK, using Oswald as the assassin. The "I'm a patsy" thing is a complete lie. I think he did it on orders. I think LBJ basically coup'd the government to take power from Robert Kennedy, but I think the terrible truth is that the US government would have rather blamed anyone else on JFK's death than the Russians. If they had told the truth, a billion people would be dead. In the mean time, the US has to basically look the other way and point at anyone else, including the CIA, to make sure the average voter doesn't realize that a KGB agent killed the president.
Yes, those shots can be made by a marksman with the skill of Oswald.
I think my favorite one from that point was when some guys trying to prove it couldnt have been Oswald hired a retired sniper to make the shots to prove it couldnt have possibly been done by one guy...only for the sniper they hired to be both more accurate and made the shots faster.
As for the main thing, I do definitely agree with the overall theory (as I know we have had this conversation before), but I think that Oswald was rogue from the KGB when he did it, rather than necessarily on their orders. After all, they were fine with mayors, governors, and generals being killed. Killing the president kind of raises the stakes to a position all but the most extreme of KGB types would not be comfortable with.
The KGB admitted that the recruited him. He defected at the Soviet embassy in Mexico. Everything we have about him publicly shows he was a die-hard communist.
If he didn't work for the KGB, he'd have to be a double agent, and frankly, the CIA got a lot of people killed trying to do that. It almost never worked. That's why American intel focused so much on Signal Intelligence.
I'm willing to accept that there could be alternatives to this theory. Something like, "The CIA pretended to be the KGB to Oswald", or "Oswald decided to go rogue from the KGB", at least as I think they are more plausible alternatives, and it's bizarre that the fact that Oswald was a KGB agent, murdered a police officer, and tried killing a rightist is basically unknown (or all three are typically not known by one person).
It would be balls-to-the-walls crazy to do it, but then so was launching a nuclear torpedo. The Leftwing narrative has always been that right-wing reactionaries were paranoid and that the USSR was never involved in terrorism, assassination, regime change, cultural subversion, espionage, infiltration, and was terribly afraid of nuclear war. Instead it was involved in all of those things and only a few communists were ever opposed to nuclear war, even in East Germany. 99 Red Balloons was a western shit-lib position.
The "rogue from the KGB" for me isnt necessarily that he was actually rogue and the KGB didnt know what he was doing. It was that they had sent him to the US to kill "enemies of the revolution" promising him high status in the Party if he did it (as the KGB had done exactly that on other occasions for other killers). And he was originally going to kill something more sensible, as we do know his first target was going to be a General, but then he found out about Kennedy being in Dallas and decided that would be his golden ticket into the cushiest life the Party could provide, but didnt really tell the KGB about it.
Then he actually did it, and he told them, and the KGB response was "ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!!?" and then did everything they did to throw it under the bus. Not out of any non-radicalism, but because they thought they werent prepared for surviving the nuclear war that would come if it came out the KGB killed the American president. Because like you have been saying with how unhinged communist are, for as much as people dismiss it as a "meme" ideology, when you look at it there are a terrifying amount of high-level commies who were favorable toward Posadism.
I'm not sure he would have had much time to know. Even if he was an active member of the KGB with a professional handler, he was arrested within a few hours. He attempted to die in a shootout with the police (which no one brings up regarding Jack Ruby killing him, when he tried to kill himself), that's why he was stuck in a jail.
As a result, if the Soviets sent him, and didn't want anything to do with it, they'd be in a panic to burn everything related to it, and shoot everyone involved in it.
Which is interesting because the records weren't destroyed, and the recruiters and handlers weren't executed.
And as for Posadism, yeah, it's pretty bad. I think Kruschev understood that he could never actually win a nuclear exchange, especially given the industrial difference. The entire Bomber Gap scandal demonstrated that the Americans could mistakenly build 2,000 nuclear bombers because they thought the Soviets had more, not realizing the Soviets only had 12. The nuclear sub program was basically the only hope that the Soviets would have to retaliate if the Americans launched first. They were never going to win, but too many Communists didn't get it. I have an atlas that actually contains a map of the Soviet plan to invade Europe in 1990 that was developed because they were concerned Reagan would attack.
There is no record, that I have seen, of an anti-war or anti-nuclear program in the Soviet sphere of influence. The ones in the west were all nearly explicitly funded by Russia.
First and foremost, the assassination was conducted by Oswald from the Book Depository. No, the magic bullet theory is a misinterpretation of the placement of the victims. Yes, those shots can be made by a marksman with the skill of Oswald. Yes, the rifle is accurate enough to do that.
Everybody knows that JFK was putting it to Marilyn Monroe, and everybody knows that Monroe was Frank Sinatra’s gal, and everyone knows that Sinatra was mixed up with the mob. Ergo the mob offed JFK for doinking Marilyn Monroe.
There's a podcast called America's Finest Stories - there's a Jew (yeah sorry folks, I know you all hate 'em) on the podcast who was an ex-leftist, is pro-Trump and spent the last 10 fucking years unearthing EVERYTHING about the JFK assassination. Before you bitch about his pointy hat and forked tongue, he also fucking hates Communists. He goes out of his way to point out the numerous Commie operatives that were involved with this assassination.
He Goes over the 1960's Deep State that planned to remove JFK the moment he was elected. The web of intrigue for the parties that were involved with the assassination is a giant fucking blob. People from both the left and right contributed to the thing.
LBJ and the Deep State of its time were the ones who ordered the hit in his opinion, Oswald pulled the trigger, but he was a dumbfuck that was manipulated into doing it and was the fall guy, anda second party was possibly involved.
Respectfully, if it was commies or soviet's, the government would have blasted that all over everywhere. It would not be some deep secret. The Dems probably would have dusted it off to justify the Ukraine BS.
The complete batshit schizo theories about the Trump assassination attempt convinced me that people are just stupid. The grassy knoll is like 10 feet from the road.
What about the whole ricochet bullet thing that is more easily explained by multiple assassins? Can't say that I have been interested in this for a very long time, but if Occam's Razor is applied, then it stands to reason that a 'richochet' is not on the top of the stack of probable explanations.
A bullet went through a person and into another person. All the wacky magic bullet stuff was popularized or wholly invented by the JFK movie which is a work of fiction. People don't believe Trump was hit in the ear even though there is HD video of it happening and a photo of the bullet in flight.
These files are gonna come out and it's not going to change anything because people believe what they want to believe.
My favorite conspiracy theory is the secret service fucked up and one popped him because he hit the car weird and pulled the trigger or something. I forget exactly what it is rn.
Are Greatest Ally in the Whole Wide World.
Nah my money's more on CIA/military since they hated the fact he wouldn't sign off on invading Cuba.
CIA/mossad/MI6, it's all the same picture.
Spelling is hard for you guys though, I understand
You forgot a period at the end of your sentence.
Hillary Clinton was ~16 I think. A small chance but greater than zero.
Nah, doubt she was involved. JFK Jr though, dying in a plane crash 6 months after a 4-term NY senator announces is resignation, with Hillary going on to win the election, that one activates the almonds.
Now Bush Sr, on the other hand, was in Dallas that day and was CIA.
It rhymes with news.
Those damn shrews!
Or was it the crushing weight of the church pews?
Mossad + CIA (JFK), Mossad + CIA (RFK), CIA (MLK)
They wouldn't release anything if that would implicate Mossad.
You're still assuming that the "full" release will actually contain all the information. This could very, very easily just be a ruse to placate the public with half truths and/or false info.
They'll scrub everything before it gets released. We'll never know.
It would be a massive dick punch to liberals who follow RKF Jr to release it redacted. It only supports Trump to release it unedited if it doesn’t involve any allies, especially if his murder was establishment connected.
If it will hurt Trump or any of his allies, it’ll be a fake version that pins Oswald as the shooter.
I'm not saying Trump would scrub anything. The deep state will definitely edit/falsify and outright remove entire documents, Trump will never see the full & unredacted files either.
I personally think it was the mafia (most likely connected with/used by LBJ in some way), but I doubt that will be in any files. As if the government's information can be trusted when it comes to a subject like this.
I agree.
Speaking of mobster Jack Ruby who silenced Oswald, did you know his real last name is Rubenstein? That doesn't sound like the name of someone in the Italian mafia. I wonder which mafia it was?
They say the mob killed him because JFK killed Marilyn Monroe.
If the mob killed him they've have told us by now. There's no political need to cover for the Mafia.
Whoever ordered it is someone that outing would cause political upheaval over.
So with your own government or a foreign government that is supposedly our ally.
But even our own government when it fucks up gets thrown under the bus by opposing party.
That's why my money is on Israel, because that's the one group that neither Dems or Repubs ever, EVER shit on. Even when they deserve it.
The mob killed him because he made RFK the AG. Sam Giancana almost certainly played a role in getting JFK elected in the first place by rigging the vote in Chicago. A number of former associates have claimed that he openly declared that he had "his guy" in the White House, and in return he expected JFK to call off his brother. Instead, he put him in charge of the Justice Department and gave him free reign to go after the mob. Giancana was furious.
There's also quite a lot of evidence that certain intelligence agencies had previously worked with Giancana and other mobsters on ways to remove Castro in Cuba. The mob wanted that just as much as the government did, so they could have their casinos back.
Yea the Italians are definitely behind this. I also heard the Proud boys and ISIS did a collab.
Sam Hyde, obviously.
It was the CIA. We already know for a fact that Oswald was a CIA agent, though he was probably just a patsy set up to take the fall for other agents that actually shot him.
Thats what I think as well. Supposedly JFK talked about disbanding the CIA and withdrawing the war months before getting snuffed out.
Funny how the people who stand up for the rest of us accidentally get shot in the head, what a pity.
George Bush Sr was also the director of the CIA during this time and made sure to point out he was nowhere near the assassination that day, even though there is a picture of someone who looks alot like him standing on a corner at the rally jfk was at.
Honestly my prediction is that this will be a nothing burger. There will be no "smoking gun" file. Even if someone were stupid enough to put pen to paper in the 60's it would have long since been destroyed in archives by now.
Might be some interesting tidbits.
He did this last time he got elected, and one of the things that come out was the window of the vehicle.
There was a rumor that bullets went through the window, but that wouldnt make sense from the angle oswald was at. If I remember correctly both bullets were lodged in jfks brain?
Turns out the windshield was damaged and replaced that night or something.
Seems a strange thing to do in a murder investigation.
Grassy Knolls R Us, LLC
Jews/Israel but it will be redacted or was never even put into the files
Himself, from the future, after travelling back in time to preve- wait no that's the script to a Red Dwarf episode.
70$ on "Israel"/Judeans Hedge bet 30$ on CIA
Leonard Dawson.
Maggie Simpson
His own vp and the cia. Impeach immediately!!!!
Lee Harvey Oswald... on behalf of the Soviet Union.
This is not a position I've heard a lot of, but I think it actually fits quite well.
First and foremost, the assassination was conducted by Oswald from the Book Depository. No, the magic bullet theory is a misinterpretation of the placement of the victims. Yes, those shots can be made by a marksman with the skill of Oswald. Yes, the rifle is accurate enough to do that. Yes, the ammunition found matches the rifle. Yes, the ammunition is deformed (it's not pristine). Yes the ammunition matches the damage to the car and the clothes of the victims. Yes, Oswald murdered a Dallas police officer who stopped him for a traffic infraction after he fled the shooting. No, JFK actually isn't quoted as having said that he would scatter the CIA to the wind. Yes, JFK actually didn't mind using the CIA for multiple operations, including against the government of Vietnam, and it was under him that many Special Forces activities began. Think about this for a second: when the government commits a serious crime, they don't turn the site of their crime into a tourist trap. If anything, they bulldoze the facility and quietly bury anyone from talking about it. The JFK assassination is talked about ad nauseum to this day, but nobody talks about the time we accidentally dropped a nuke on North Carolina, or the time when Puerto Rican Leftists tried machine gunning the entire US congress in a joint session, nor do they talk about the bio-weapon programs in Ukraine. Hell, you even forgot that a VBIED attack on a major Telecom Infrastructure building took place a few years ago. The point of a good conspiracy theory is not to stop people from talking, but to make people talk about the wrong thing as a distraction.
Don't talk about the fact that the Hawaiian government is a Democratic one-party state that may have intentionally allowed for the deaths of hundreds of people to create a development for the ultra rich, talk about how space lasers set the fire. Don't talk about how Bill "The Jew Hunter" DeBlasio created lockdowns so he could personally buy abandoned property in New York City, or how Andrew Cuomo killed 45,000 people via negligent homicide. Talk about Mayor Mike Adam's corruption issues. Talk about Cuomo "bibidy boobidy I toucha your face 'cause Imma Italian".
You're talking about Dallas, when you should be asking about the ATC recordings of LBJ staffers screaming at White House operators, or the fact that fist fights broke out between Kennedy staff and Johnson staff who stormed the place like it was a coup. You're ignoring the fact that LBJ himself explicitly said that one of the primary reasons for the Warren Commission wasn't to cover-up for the CIA, but to make sure that Russia wasn't blamed.
Oswald was a die hard Communist. He spent most of his life being an agitprop activist for Communism. Oswald had attempted to murder Edwin Walker, a right-wing reactionary, earlier the same year. He publicly lied on film multiple times about how he lead labor movements, union movements, and all sorts of other nonsense. He went to Mexico and defected to the Soviet Union in order to join the KGB.
Now... Russia claims that he was a low level enforcer in Moscow, that he got depressed, and left Moscow and the KGB.
I don't buy that story for a fucking second that someone just "leaves" the KGB. Especially when he went on to kill a rightst and then Kennedy (and injured the governor of Texas). Moreover, he couldn't be working for the CIA, because if he had the KGB would have killed him. CIA human intel in the USSR was horribly bad (likely because 30% of the State Department were informants).
People forget how crazy Communist hardliners were at this time. Mao supported a nuclear exchange. Castro supported a nuclear exchange, and for the same reason. Even if Cuba is destroyed, in the Soviets launch first, the US is destroyed and International Communism wins. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Navy hit depth charges on the escorting soviet subs, the captain of the sub and the party liaison ordered the ship to fire a nuclear torpedo at the American ships. The Flotilla's Chief of Staff Vasily Arkhipov, argued (successfully) not to fire torpedoes until communication with Moscow had been established, which eventually lead to the ship voluntarily surfacing. Nikoli Kurschev (the Soviet Premier at the time), had actually been kept in the dark by the hardliners about the missile deployments, and was in the middle of an extremely dangerous political crisis where the hardliners were attempting to have him deposed in order to start a nuclear war. I have to emphasize this. A multiplicity of Communists in multiple governments were attempting to actively start a nuclear exchange with the US.
If the American public had found out that Kruschev had lost control of his military, and the hardliners had managed to assassinate JFK, there is no question that the only response would have been a nuclear exchange. There are no other options for that event. If the KGB kills the president, it's an act of war, and NORAD goes to DEFCON 1. Even if there was some kind of agreement to not launch, it would require Kruschev to purge the military as harshly as Stalin did, which wouldn't have been possible.
I think the KGB assassinated JFK, using Oswald as the assassin. The "I'm a patsy" thing is a complete lie. I think he did it on orders. I think LBJ basically coup'd the government to take power from Robert Kennedy, but I think the terrible truth is that the US government would have rather blamed anyone else on JFK's death than the Russians. If they had told the truth, a billion people would be dead. In the mean time, the US has to basically look the other way and point at anyone else, including the CIA, to make sure the average voter doesn't realize that a KGB agent killed the president.
I think my favorite one from that point was when some guys trying to prove it couldnt have been Oswald hired a retired sniper to make the shots to prove it couldnt have possibly been done by one guy...only for the sniper they hired to be both more accurate and made the shots faster.
As for the main thing, I do definitely agree with the overall theory (as I know we have had this conversation before), but I think that Oswald was rogue from the KGB when he did it, rather than necessarily on their orders. After all, they were fine with mayors, governors, and generals being killed. Killing the president kind of raises the stakes to a position all but the most extreme of KGB types would not be comfortable with.
I think oswald was a patsy, thats why he was murdered before he could testify.
Being the son of a military general (or something), I dont see him really working for the enemy state.
The KGB admitted that the recruited him. He defected at the Soviet embassy in Mexico. Everything we have about him publicly shows he was a die-hard communist.
If he didn't work for the KGB, he'd have to be a double agent, and frankly, the CIA got a lot of people killed trying to do that. It almost never worked. That's why American intel focused so much on Signal Intelligence.
Anyone trying to claim that the shot was impossible is doing so out of malice or is so ignorant they should be deported to a third world country.
Especially given Oswald was a trained shooter. Would I expect a rando off the streets to do it? No. But anyone with any practice easily could.
I'm willing to accept that there could be alternatives to this theory. Something like, "The CIA pretended to be the KGB to Oswald", or "Oswald decided to go rogue from the KGB", at least as I think they are more plausible alternatives, and it's bizarre that the fact that Oswald was a KGB agent, murdered a police officer, and tried killing a rightist is basically unknown (or all three are typically not known by one person).
It would be balls-to-the-walls crazy to do it, but then so was launching a nuclear torpedo. The Leftwing narrative has always been that right-wing reactionaries were paranoid and that the USSR was never involved in terrorism, assassination, regime change, cultural subversion, espionage, infiltration, and was terribly afraid of nuclear war. Instead it was involved in all of those things and only a few communists were ever opposed to nuclear war, even in East Germany. 99 Red Balloons was a western shit-lib position.
The "rogue from the KGB" for me isnt necessarily that he was actually rogue and the KGB didnt know what he was doing. It was that they had sent him to the US to kill "enemies of the revolution" promising him high status in the Party if he did it (as the KGB had done exactly that on other occasions for other killers). And he was originally going to kill something more sensible, as we do know his first target was going to be a General, but then he found out about Kennedy being in Dallas and decided that would be his golden ticket into the cushiest life the Party could provide, but didnt really tell the KGB about it.
Then he actually did it, and he told them, and the KGB response was "ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!!?" and then did everything they did to throw it under the bus. Not out of any non-radicalism, but because they thought they werent prepared for surviving the nuclear war that would come if it came out the KGB killed the American president. Because like you have been saying with how unhinged communist are, for as much as people dismiss it as a "meme" ideology, when you look at it there are a terrifying amount of high-level commies who were favorable toward Posadism.
I'm not sure he would have had much time to know. Even if he was an active member of the KGB with a professional handler, he was arrested within a few hours. He attempted to die in a shootout with the police (which no one brings up regarding Jack Ruby killing him, when he tried to kill himself), that's why he was stuck in a jail.
As a result, if the Soviets sent him, and didn't want anything to do with it, they'd be in a panic to burn everything related to it, and shoot everyone involved in it.
Which is interesting because the records weren't destroyed, and the recruiters and handlers weren't executed.
And as for Posadism, yeah, it's pretty bad. I think Kruschev understood that he could never actually win a nuclear exchange, especially given the industrial difference. The entire Bomber Gap scandal demonstrated that the Americans could mistakenly build 2,000 nuclear bombers because they thought the Soviets had more, not realizing the Soviets only had 12. The nuclear sub program was basically the only hope that the Soviets would have to retaliate if the Americans launched first. They were never going to win, but too many Communists didn't get it. I have an atlas that actually contains a map of the Soviet plan to invade Europe in 1990 that was developed because they were concerned Reagan would attack.
There is no record, that I have seen, of an anti-war or anti-nuclear program in the Soviet sphere of influence. The ones in the west were all nearly explicitly funded by Russia.
Now you can try it for yourself with this old game.
how crazy would it be if even the government didn't know?
GHWB was the triggerman and that his unedited picture was handed out at his funeral
“Trump's JFK Files Executive Order puts declassification in the hands of a DEI-crusading Biden appointee”
I never knew - it took 16 years before the US would even release the video of JFK being shot?
edit: that tweet is nonsense- it took only 6 years before it was aired :
Secret Service driver of the limo. Pneumatic pistol with an explosive round.
Everybody knows that JFK was putting it to Marilyn Monroe, and everybody knows that Monroe was Frank Sinatra’s gal, and everyone knows that Sinatra was mixed up with the mob. Ergo the mob offed JFK for doinking Marilyn Monroe.
That’s my favorite theory anyway.
Cuba, mobsters, FBI, KGB.
Who knows.
I’m saying alien grays.
Oh! Oh! It was [REDACTED]! I knew it! That pile of black bars is listed as behind so many crimes!
We already know.
There's a podcast called America's Finest Stories - there's a Jew (yeah sorry folks, I know you all hate 'em) on the podcast who was an ex-leftist, is pro-Trump and spent the last 10 fucking years unearthing EVERYTHING about the JFK assassination. Before you bitch about his pointy hat and forked tongue, he also fucking hates Communists. He goes out of his way to point out the numerous Commie operatives that were involved with this assassination.
He Goes over the 1960's Deep State that planned to remove JFK the moment he was elected. The web of intrigue for the parties that were involved with the assassination is a giant fucking blob. People from both the left and right contributed to the thing.
LBJ and the Deep State of its time were the ones who ordered the hit in his opinion, Oswald pulled the trigger, but he was a dumbfuck that was manipulated into doing it and was the fall guy, anda second party was possibly involved.
Respectfully, if it was commies or soviet's, the government would have blasted that all over everywhere. It would not be some deep secret. The Dems probably would have dusted it off to justify the Ukraine BS.
Sorry, not buying that one..
Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone.
The complete batshit schizo theories about the Trump assassination attempt convinced me that people are just stupid. The grassy knoll is like 10 feet from the road.
What about the whole ricochet bullet thing that is more easily explained by multiple assassins? Can't say that I have been interested in this for a very long time, but if Occam's Razor is applied, then it stands to reason that a 'richochet' is not on the top of the stack of probable explanations.
A bullet went through a person and into another person. All the wacky magic bullet stuff was popularized or wholly invented by the JFK movie which is a work of fiction. People don't believe Trump was hit in the ear even though there is HD video of it happening and a photo of the bullet in flight.
These files are gonna come out and it's not going to change anything because people believe what they want to believe.
My favorite conspiracy theory is the secret service fucked up and one popped him because he hit the car weird and pulled the trigger or something. I forget exactly what it is rn.
Getting warmer...
The local JIDF operatives are saying anything they can to deflect.