Don't most other countries have socialized tuition or some shit? They don't need to be able to afford it, their governments can dump all their scum via student shenanigans
What I mean is that getting a greencard via going through college in the USA wouldn't work unless the foreign student had the money to pay the tuition, thereby reducing the number of who can take advantage of that to only rich kids.
You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
In 2016, he said that he was going to end H-1B abuse. Not that he was going to end them entirely. And there were definitely more rejections during his term, and they issued a fuck ton more RFE's (request for evidence) on H-1B filings.
Of course you're fucking here. KiA's #1 DeSantis simp who called everyone Trump cultists even when when they actively disagreed with Trump. Mr. "JD Vance was carried to his election by Mike DeWine". Priority number one right up until after he got shot: defeat Trump. Even go so far as to pretend you were alt-right on several occasions.
Lo and behold, the DeSantis shills and the Groypers come screaming in calling it a "betrayal" that a man who never claimed he was a White Nationalist, and actively sought out a large Trumpian coalition, whom they never supported, states a basic bitch 90's Democrat position of "why would I shut down H1B's, when I think high skilled migration is good and never said I would end it" as a "bEtRaYl".
I thought the meme about him being a Jew was just that, but he had a visceral reaction to the mildly annoying guy quoting scripture that gives credence to that theory.
Bro, you have a tremendously based username, unfortunately all of your posts are displaying as "Comment removed by community filter, pending further review."
Congrats, you're both retarded. OTP was staunchly anti-Trump and dooming, then delighted by some of Trump's weirder picks and acting like a big supporter, and then dooming on other things again.
Meanwhile, you always obfuscate and bring everything back to race and white nationalism and shit. It's not about that; Trump did say H-1Bs were a scam, and not about skilled workers. This is a massive flipflop, and it has nothing to do about Trump betraying the White Race or anything. This is a betrayal of his immigration stance. Doesn't mean Harris would have been better, doesn't mean I regret him winning...but this is pretty shitty from him, and of course people are going to be annoyed and disappointed.
Meanwhile, you always obfuscate and bring everything back to race and white nationalism and shit.
Oh fuck off, that's just Gaslighting.
I'm bringing race into it when there's a dozen people in all of these identical threads screaming about how this is intentionally designed to support the Great Replacement of whites. Then, when I point out how ridiculous this is, and how obviously astro-turfed it is, I get call a jew. Spare me.
If we're only talking Trump policy, then there is nothing out of the ordinary here at all. Trump has never claimed he was going to end the H1B program that I'm aware of. All I'm seeing him do right now is his normal non-statement, and him adding the obvious: his companies use H1B's. There's no betrayal here if policy is all your looking at. Why would a 90's Democrat end the H1B program?
I'm bringing race into it when there's a dozen people in all of these identical threads screaming about how this is intentionally designed to support the Great Replacement of whites.
Ctrl+F "White" in this thread, and it's only you and people responding to you.
Three people mentioned "white" in another of them was you.
Four people mentioned "white" in the third of them was you, and you made up for 45% of uses of the word. And the others three people were all in a single comment chain, responding to each other.
Trump has never claimed he was going to end the H1B program that I'm aware of.
Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions.
I call out retarded shit in replies when and where I see it, and faggots don't like it. That includes this groyper gay ops.
You didn't read your own quote.
here's mine:
Trump has never claimed he was going to end the H1B program that I'm aware of.
here's the important part of yours because you didn't see it. I bolded the parts you missed.
eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse ... I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program
Congratulations, Trump never said he intended to end H-1B. Just that he intended to "fix" it. You might not like it, and you might have assumed otherwise, but you do actually have to listen to him.
Ok i think i get where the misunderstanding might be. I think, in light of what happened now I suspect what Trump may have meant was not ending H1Bs as a whole, but making H1Bs significantly more expensive.
Yes, it does sound like his 2016 stance because he likes the program and not the abuse of it. You might not like the way politicians and lawyers word their statements, but if you're going to be interested in politics, you have to watch their words very carefully. He never said there was a problem with the system itself, just with how it was being abused.
And, if no one is saying it, why is everyone acting like it. All he's said is that he'd fix the H-1B system. He isn't saying this is going to further white replacement. He isn't saying he supports mass migration. He isn't saying he intends on driving down wages with immigration. He's not saying any of these things. Really, like a lot of the time, he's not saying much of anything at all (which is why this whole argument is stupid).
More than anything, I'd be willing to bet he probably sees the response on twitter and will play a balancing act of appeasing his base, appeasing industry, and using H-1B denials to pressure other countries diplomatically and economically the way he intends to with tariffs.
There is a gap between being in support of them and being at the level Musk is at.
He already appointed an immigration guy who openly wants to cut them back and Vance has been reposting his own comments in opposition to "countries are a sports team."
So yes Musk is retarded and should probably be shot, and this isn't a great system that should be completely upended, it also isn't "confirmation" that infinity jeets are already on the boat to land on 1/21 either.
Seriously, people need to calm down. It's a given Trump is going to be less restrictive on legal immigration than most on this board, myself included, would want. The question is only how much. The vague comments in this article do nothing to clarify how the next few years will look. It's not a binary case of Unlimited Jeet Works or nothing.
MAGA is not "dead" due to a couple vague and non commital comments in a NYPost article. People are beyond ridiculous.
Trump is not "far-right" and never has been. He was a Lefty in the 90s and even 00s for a bit and has barely moved from then, and is only on our side of the divide due to the extreme pull Leftwards of everything else. That means he isn't going to be nearly as racist as we want, he isn't going to agree on half the shit we'd like him to, and will do a lot of shit that is in opposition to our side.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fucking retarded. They bought their own hype, built him up to this ideal, and are now realizing their "hero" isn't their carbon copy in all ways.
Its peak single mother raised behavior revealing itself.
So yes Musk is retarded and should probably be shot
FFS, calm down. Hyper-intelligent autistic immigrant thinks he can use a government program to get more people like himself should be killed because he's not in agreement with you over a single program? Get a grip.
He's being an autistic retard on the internet, do not respond with additional retardation.
Ironic that an offhand joke in an otherwise equal post about telling people to "calm down" is given the defense of "plz be patient he has autism" from a man too autistic to parse a deliberate exaggeration for comedic effect.
So, I'll de-joke with you. No he shouldn't be shot over this. His position is foolish but its both not illegal to be stupid on Twitter nor does he have any true power to put this in effect (yet).
Fine, sorry, there's a lot of annoying "guess we'll just die because Trump killed us".
Yes, I do sometimes need comment broken down barney style with /s
And I'll add, he's abjectly wrong about it. He's wrong about attracting better workers (most of them aren't that good), he's wrong about attracted educated workers (most of them committed fraud), he's wrong about there being a STEM shortage (that's actually wrong & is a condemnation of the Universities). Even down to his point that labor is the primary limiting factor in the success of his innovation and companies (that's true of literally all businesses).
Frankly, people should be focusing on his original point of "educated and motivated" people. The most over-educated population in the world is de-motivated. Well, I have some good ideas about why!
It happens and for all our disagreements I appreciate we can admit these misunderstandings when they happen.
And yes, he is wrong in nearly every way about it. Only the most imbecilic of people could agree with Elon on this, or people who put money ahead of everything else and know they can make a buck on it.
But, as the point I keep trying to badger people here about on every topic shows, people can't just say that in a sincere and convincing manner. It has to be "MAGA HAS FALLEN EVERYONE ABANDON SHIP."
Only the most imbecilic of people could agree with Elon on this, or people who put money ahead of everything else and know they can make a buck on it.
I wouldn't go that far: I'd say this is very "default liberal" limited thinking. "Line go up is more good? Yes." I think, unfortunately, if you put out a survey on his position, the vast majority of people would agree. And that is a real problem that the dissident right has to contend with: a lot of good, true, and productive positions aren't shared.
I guess from a Libertarian perspective, the strongest arguments my side has is economic ones and individualist ones. We can mathematically prove that rent control doesn't work, but it doesn't mean that people won't keep voting for them.
This is why Sargon was absolutely losing his shit after seeing a YouGov poll. Not only do some people not get it, but they literally do not know any opposing argument because the overton window was closed to the point that some people believe CNN is a right wing network. Thankfully, the Fabian Society isn't based out of our capital city like in the UK, but all this shows is just how much work we have to do to, I'd hate to say it, educate people. Even on our own side.
If Reform UK has 30% of it's members supporting Feminism, and Elon believes that H1-B's are super cool, it just shows us the work we have to do, even within our own side.
I think, unfortunately, if you put out a survey on his position, the vast majority of people would agree.
Only with a lot of either ignorance or presumptions in place.
I think most people who aren't anti-white from the outset would only agree if they don't have much knowledge on the issue and fall for the easy marketing pitch he tried to sell it as at the start.
Like I said in another comment, a lot of people on the Trump side probably barely even knew H1Bs existed let alone a lot of their function and how they are used until this blew up. Its one of those sections of immigration that is often not discussed outside the very narrow "tech but also right wing" circles compared to things like border hoppers and "visa overstayers."
I think the vast majority of voters on Trump's side would be against it if you just sat them down and gave them a short explanation of it. Which is one reason why Musk, and his big name supporters, went for the "FUCK YOU' response so quickly.
Because if people think about it beyond the 10 second blurb of "we want the best and greatest to MAGA" that they were leaning on, it falls apart completely. Its a position built entirely on ignorance to succeed.
I totally agree that if you sat them down and explained shit the maga normies be on our side, but that's the problem. The ignorance really is there, and media control have worked hard to promote it.
I'm actually wondering if the "FUCK YOU" response is coming from people actually prodding him into saying something stupid. He's an autist, not a politician, so I can easily see how professional manipulators could prompt him into sperging out.
Oh wow, a 90s Democrat is supporting the "ex" liberal that made his fortune through government "green" incentive programs on mass legal immigration policies?
I get that Trump is better than the alternative, and by a wide margin, but thinking that Trump was going to be the messiah was and always will be delusional. He was always a lesser evil and anyone thinking otherwise will forever be an idiot.
I hate all the pajeets in tech but I'm in the minority, most tech workers are leftiest so I doubt this will impact anything in terms of approval ratings.
It does not work like that. Most people want anti-immigration in what they interact with. H-1B impacts mostly tech, this will be major cities like Austin that is already blue. The rest will consider it an acceptable compromise. I expect it will translate in a minor approval drop l but not enough as to have an impact for midterms and in 2 years most will have already forgotten about it.
H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.
They do tend to infest and I'm sick of them. Their ingroup bias is insane and they seem to have no actual morals. Still I'm not wrong, I would like to be but the truth remains that it will not affect the large portion of the voting base.
To take it off my chest, the company I work for put an Indian guy as team lead on one of the tech teams and it turned almost entirely Indian in less then 2 years. A friend of mine was working on that team and they would do shit like give him the worst tasks while also not giving him the right permissions to do those tasks, they would ignore him when he asked for accounts and permissions and then they would chastise him for not finishing on time. They would take tasks and then redistribute only among themselves so that they would have full control. Management would side with them and you are better off not mentioning it. I've recently took that guy on my team to spare him the treatment, he was the last non-Indian on that team.
I also have one Indian on my team, back when I was a bit more innocent in regards to Indians, I showed him a good idea that I wanted to implement and scheduled a meeting with my manager to present the idea. He scheduled a meeting one hour earlier and presented it as his idea. He then acted like that is just normal.
I freaking hate working with Indians, I was talking with Smith1980 about having a hard time being a Christian lately, Indians are one of the major reasons for that.
Unironically, this entire blowup is probably teaching a huge chunk of Trump voters what H1B even is, because, as you said, its almost entirely centralized to a small section of the country that is all Lefties anyway.
MAGA ran on anti-immigration over the border because its a problem we can see everywhere and is effecting every industry from the bottom up, including the vast majority of the working class that make up the Red voting base.
You can't go almost anywhere without seeing the problems rampant Mexicans are causing, while most people will go months without even interacting with a Pajeet in anyway if they don't work in a tech office.
You're right! Give up! Demoralize yourself! Exit the political process and wander into the woods to die! That's the only real progress that can be made: suicide.
Don't worry fellow rightists, we can still save the Republic as long as we make no sudden moves towards the levers of power. If we're lucky: maybe, just maybe, we can work with the Democrats to keep him from getting in!
Trump was never going to flat out rebuke what Musk was saying. Under his administration H1B rejections steadily rose each year. Is it as drastic a change as I would want? No. But I won't act like the sky is falling when I get what I expected instead of getting something way beyond expectations. Anyone who expected all jeet influx to end immediately is either retarded or feigning ignorance in order to doompost.
On the immigration front the influx from the southern border is an order of magnitude larger than the jeets. He's looking like he will be better on the former this time, so I'll be happy if he stays where he was on the latter. We will never get everything we want all at once.
It legit seems like it sometimes, but some are users I generally recognize as being coherent most of the time. Just frothing at the mouth and not even reading things completely before responding the past couple days. "If I don't get 100% what I want right now then it's all over." Childish and unproductive.
“If Trump won’t stop the great replacement, what’s the point?”
The revelation that people very close to Trump harbor completely unacceptable views on immigration - which was the primary issue that elected Trump in the first place - is not a minor disagreement that should blow over.
You're greatly overstating the coherence and cogence of the people sperging and cherry picking the worst and most simplistic counter arguments in an attempt to paint yourself in a positive light, but we both know you're well aware that's what you're doing.
It's not a binary "open the jeet floodgates and die" versus "shut them completely and prosper" kind of situation. I think it's good that this has been put into the limelight, but yes, people who are willing to throw away two very capable and powerful allies over this spat are shortsighted and not acting in a pragmatic manner. To the point it's understandable some would come to expect nefarious intent.
Doomposting and black pilling are almost never productive. Call out what you think is wrong and present what you think good solutions look like. Don't go around posting "we're finished," "Trump is done before even assuming office," etc. It's entirely counterproductive to your stated desires and goals.
One of the upsides to a Vivek / Elon vs a Soros is the level of transparency. This debate is taking place out in the open and putting a spotlight on this issue that it hasn't gotten before. This is inherently good for people who want to strictly clamp down on immigration; sperging and doomposting is not.
Elon and Trump need to make a detailed presser talking about the changes they are seeking to the H1B system if they want to save face. This is turning into the shitstorm of the century.
Not only is it easily verifiably not true that he uses lots of H1Bs, any hysterical retard taking the bait on this one is absolutely not going to make it when the first Tom Homan crying woman deportation videos start getting posted.
Reminder that the open border under Harris would have been an infinite number of pajeets, and South Americans, and Africans, and Arabs.
Yes, it's disappointing. It's still not retroactively changing anyone's vote in the general election. DeSantis would have been better on immigration, no question. But the next two in the primary were what? Ramaswamy and Haley? Fucking lol. I sure wonder what their stances on Indian immigration are /s. Oh right, Chris Christie is in top 5 somewhere. Now there's a winner.
Acceleration is a meme. If you have any doubts still, look at COVID. That went from zero to nation-wide house arrest in a blink. The people who foisted it on the people suffered zero repercussions. Except maybe Cuomo who they were already trying to get rid of.
The Canadian truckers put up more resistance than Americans.
Trump and Javier Milie both went to the WEF. Politics is a war of position, particularly against the Left. You have to smile at the people who intend to kill you.
"rent free...goat fucking friends...goat fucking're a stormfag....stormfags...stormfag...goat fucking friends...Israel will take you out too one day. You won't be missed...You also wouldn't be missed...stormfag...shortbus brigade..."
"muh jews" guys...the retards...muh jews...should have glassed the terrorists...If they took you retards out you wouldn't be retards...goat rapist..."muh jews" conpro fags...fetish about being...shortbus brigade...jew domination guys...your leftist friends...midwit...your leftist all...stormfag...take all of you out, I wouldn't shed a tear. Less oxygen wasted...inferiority...stormfag...Okay jew...jew...jew...faggotry...conpro "muh jews"...jew boy...your love of cock...jew boy...jew boy...jew boy...You sucking dick...jews...jew...conpro fag
Yeah, when I always call out stormfags shitting up the board, it's not weird how that's a lot of my comments.
It is weird how you always seem to show up in brigades whenever someone screeches about the jews, there's always more of you quickly running in too. Maybe if you went back to conpro where you can jerk each other raw we'd all be happier. Fucking faggots.
Please. I don't get replaced because I'm actually useful. DeSantis basically said that the H1B system has an issue. The arguments against Elon are that it shouldn't exist. No one ever promised that.
What a fucking betrayal.
This is not what he ran on in 2016
I mean he said he was going to staple green cards to college degrees, I think his stance was pretty clear
that means any yahoo can just buy some "everest" or "phoenix" equivalent degree in india or wherever.. rip
That doesn't really mean much when the foreign students would have to be able to afford USA's college fees. There'd be no student loans for them.
Rich kids would be able to get in the USA legally anyway.
Don't most other countries have socialized tuition or some shit? They don't need to be able to afford it, their governments can dump all their scum via student shenanigans
What I mean is that getting a greencard via going through college in the USA wouldn't work unless the foreign student had the money to pay the tuition, thereby reducing the number of who can take advantage of that to only rich kids.
Yes Australia is an example of this - see the videos I posted above...
You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
I'm not from the USA.
OK, well my comment stands, wherever you are...
Why would they need loans if they qualify for minority grants and scholarships?
Fair point.
In 2016, he said that he was going to end H-1B abuse. Not that he was going to end them entirely. And there were definitely more rejections during his term, and they issued a fuck ton more RFE's (request for evidence) on H-1B filings.
It's fucking disgusting. At least now it's become public knowledge and he'll get the heat for it - rightfully so.
He hasn't even emptied a box of sharpies into the drawer of the Resolute Desk yet. What bill did he sign to betray you?
Of course you're fucking here. KiA's #1 DeSantis simp who called everyone Trump cultists even when when they actively disagreed with Trump. Mr. "JD Vance was carried to his election by Mike DeWine". Priority number one right up until after he got shot: defeat Trump. Even go so far as to pretend you were alt-right on several occasions.
Lo and behold, the DeSantis shills and the Groypers come screaming in calling it a "betrayal" that a man who never claimed he was a White Nationalist, and actively sought out a large Trumpian coalition, whom they never supported, states a basic bitch 90's Democrat position of "why would I shut down H1B's, when I think high skilled migration is good and never said I would end it" as a "bEtRaYl".
Ah yes, the Make America Great Again coalition, famously in favor of mass immigration as long as it’s legal.
Your anti-white hatred bleeds through your civnat faggotry.
I thought the meme about him being a Jew was just that, but he had a visceral reaction to the mildly annoying guy quoting scripture that gives credence to that theory.
I've spoken against anti-white discrimination in real life more than you ever will, coward.
In any case, the MAGA movement is not in favor of mass migration. If you want to win anyone to your point, don't be a frothing retard.
(X) Doubt
What did I say about your opinion?
Nobody cares about what you say, faggot.
Bro, you have a tremendously based username, unfortunately all of your posts are displaying as "Comment removed by community filter, pending further review."
And the filter just got you again.
Congrats, you're both retarded. OTP was staunchly anti-Trump and dooming, then delighted by some of Trump's weirder picks and acting like a big supporter, and then dooming on other things again.
Meanwhile, you always obfuscate and bring everything back to race and white nationalism and shit. It's not about that; Trump did say H-1Bs were a scam, and not about skilled workers. This is a massive flipflop, and it has nothing to do about Trump betraying the White Race or anything. This is a betrayal of his immigration stance. Doesn't mean Harris would have been better, doesn't mean I regret him winning...but this is pretty shitty from him, and of course people are going to be annoyed and disappointed.
Stop being ridiculous.
Gitz loves his magic dirt and his paper Americans. He hates whites.
Simple as.
Oh fuck off, that's just Gaslighting.
I'm bringing race into it when there's a dozen people in all of these identical threads screaming about how this is intentionally designed to support the Great Replacement of whites. Then, when I point out how ridiculous this is, and how obviously astro-turfed it is, I get call a jew. Spare me.
If we're only talking Trump policy, then there is nothing out of the ordinary here at all. Trump has never claimed he was going to end the H1B program that I'm aware of. All I'm seeing him do right now is his normal non-statement, and him adding the obvious: his companies use H1B's. There's no betrayal here if policy is all your looking at. Why would a 90's Democrat end the H1B program?
Ctrl+F "White" in this thread, and it's only you and people responding to you.
Three people mentioned "white" in another of them was you.
Four people mentioned "white" in the third of them was you, and you made up for 45% of uses of the word. And the others three people were all in a single comment chain, responding to each other.
The Gizortnik cries out in indignation as he projects unto you.
I call out retarded shit in replies when and where I see it, and faggots don't like it. That includes this groyper gay ops.
You didn't read your own quote.
here's mine:
here's the important part of yours because you didn't see it. I bolded the parts you missed.
Congratulations, Trump never said he intended to end H-1B. Just that he intended to "fix" it. You might not like it, and you might have assumed otherwise, but you do actually have to listen to him.
I hope you're just being disingenuous, because the alternative is worrying.
Also, you're the who set out the discussion that Trump didn't claim he'd end them. When no one was claiming the counterpoint.
Does that sound anything like Trump's 2016 stance?!
Gimme a break. That's not what anyone was saying. Again, you're disingenuous, or worse.
Ok i think i get where the misunderstanding might be. I think, in light of what happened now I suspect what Trump may have meant was not ending H1Bs as a whole, but making H1Bs significantly more expensive.
Oh, by the way, here's the latest post of people screaming about how it's unacceptable that Elon Musk isn't a white nationalist:
Because yes, that is how stupid this argument is from what I assume are a horde of groypers trying to retcon Elon into a WN.
Yes, it does sound like his 2016 stance because he likes the program and not the abuse of it. You might not like the way politicians and lawyers word their statements, but if you're going to be interested in politics, you have to watch their words very carefully. He never said there was a problem with the system itself, just with how it was being abused.
And, if no one is saying it, why is everyone acting like it. All he's said is that he'd fix the H-1B system. He isn't saying this is going to further white replacement. He isn't saying he supports mass migration. He isn't saying he intends on driving down wages with immigration. He's not saying any of these things. Really, like a lot of the time, he's not saying much of anything at all (which is why this whole argument is stupid).
More than anything, I'd be willing to bet he probably sees the response on twitter and will play a balancing act of appeasing his base, appeasing industry, and using H-1B denials to pressure other countries diplomatically and economically the way he intends to with tariffs.
There is a gap between being in support of them and being at the level Musk is at.
He already appointed an immigration guy who openly wants to cut them back and Vance has been reposting his own comments in opposition to "countries are a sports team."
So yes Musk is retarded and should probably be shot, and this isn't a great system that should be completely upended, it also isn't "confirmation" that infinity jeets are already on the boat to land on 1/21 either.
So trump is making maga happen by hiring replacements for cheaper from overseas... Lol. 2 more weeks I'm sure.
Of course, being for something somewhat (foolishly or not) is the exact same as being for it 110% without restriction or restraint.
That's why every one of you who has had sex outside of marriage is fully in support of Onlyfans and mass sluttery on all women, right?
h1b is the antithesis of even milquetoast maga though. I guess maga just means "cheapest"
Quiet, Pajeet.
Am I a Pajeet or a Kike?
Or are you just so retarded with rage that you are mindlessly throwing out every insult you have hoping for the "oh no I've been found out!" response?
Whatever you are you can't handle zognald being called out for importing the servants on his property while pretending to represent Americans.
Damn, I feel real burned now. This will certainly change my position and gain you the support you need to get your perfect world.
At least pay attention to who you're responding to. u/Adamrises has been an extremely active, steadfast, American patriot on this board for years.
I appreciate the kind words, my guy, though I feel undeserving of such.
Seriously, people need to calm down. It's a given Trump is going to be less restrictive on legal immigration than most on this board, myself included, would want. The question is only how much. The vague comments in this article do nothing to clarify how the next few years will look. It's not a binary case of Unlimited Jeet Works or nothing.
MAGA is not "dead" due to a couple vague and non commital comments in a NYPost article. People are beyond ridiculous.
I've said it before and it needs to be repeated.
Trump is not "far-right" and never has been. He was a Lefty in the 90s and even 00s for a bit and has barely moved from then, and is only on our side of the divide due to the extreme pull Leftwards of everything else. That means he isn't going to be nearly as racist as we want, he isn't going to agree on half the shit we'd like him to, and will do a lot of shit that is in opposition to our side.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fucking retarded. They bought their own hype, built him up to this ideal, and are now realizing their "hero" isn't their carbon copy in all ways.
Its peak single mother raised behavior revealing itself.
Yeah, no. Loser. You were a Uber-faggot yesterday and it doesn’t look like you’ve changed.
Your incoherent whining is unproductive, retard.
FFS, calm down. Hyper-intelligent autistic immigrant thinks he can use a government program to get more people like himself should be killed because he's not in agreement with you over a single program? Get a grip.
He's being an autistic retard on the internet, do not respond with additional retardation.
Ironic that an offhand joke in an otherwise equal post about telling people to "calm down" is given the defense of "plz be patient he has autism" from a man too autistic to parse a deliberate exaggeration for comedic effect.
So, I'll de-joke with you. No he shouldn't be shot over this. His position is foolish but its both not illegal to be stupid on Twitter nor does he have any true power to put this in effect (yet).
Fine, sorry, there's a lot of annoying "guess we'll just die because Trump killed us".
Yes, I do sometimes need comment broken down barney style with /s
And I'll add, he's abjectly wrong about it. He's wrong about attracting better workers (most of them aren't that good), he's wrong about attracted educated workers (most of them committed fraud), he's wrong about there being a STEM shortage (that's actually wrong & is a condemnation of the Universities). Even down to his point that labor is the primary limiting factor in the success of his innovation and companies (that's true of literally all businesses).
Frankly, people should be focusing on his original point of "educated and motivated" people. The most over-educated population in the world is de-motivated. Well, I have some good ideas about why!
It happens and for all our disagreements I appreciate we can admit these misunderstandings when they happen.
And yes, he is wrong in nearly every way about it. Only the most imbecilic of people could agree with Elon on this, or people who put money ahead of everything else and know they can make a buck on it.
But, as the point I keep trying to badger people here about on every topic shows, people can't just say that in a sincere and convincing manner. It has to be "MAGA HAS FALLEN EVERYONE ABANDON SHIP."
I wouldn't go that far: I'd say this is very "default liberal" limited thinking. "Line go up is more good? Yes." I think, unfortunately, if you put out a survey on his position, the vast majority of people would agree. And that is a real problem that the dissident right has to contend with: a lot of good, true, and productive positions aren't shared.
I guess from a Libertarian perspective, the strongest arguments my side has is economic ones and individualist ones. We can mathematically prove that rent control doesn't work, but it doesn't mean that people won't keep voting for them.
This is why Sargon was absolutely losing his shit after seeing a YouGov poll. Not only do some people not get it, but they literally do not know any opposing argument because the overton window was closed to the point that some people believe CNN is a right wing network. Thankfully, the Fabian Society isn't based out of our capital city like in the UK, but all this shows is just how much work we have to do to, I'd hate to say it, educate people. Even on our own side.
If Reform UK has 30% of it's members supporting Feminism, and Elon believes that H1-B's are super cool, it just shows us the work we have to do, even within our own side.
Only with a lot of either ignorance or presumptions in place.
I think most people who aren't anti-white from the outset would only agree if they don't have much knowledge on the issue and fall for the easy marketing pitch he tried to sell it as at the start.
Like I said in another comment, a lot of people on the Trump side probably barely even knew H1Bs existed let alone a lot of their function and how they are used until this blew up. Its one of those sections of immigration that is often not discussed outside the very narrow "tech but also right wing" circles compared to things like border hoppers and "visa overstayers."
I think the vast majority of voters on Trump's side would be against it if you just sat them down and gave them a short explanation of it. Which is one reason why Musk, and his big name supporters, went for the "FUCK YOU' response so quickly.
Because if people think about it beyond the 10 second blurb of "we want the best and greatest to MAGA" that they were leaning on, it falls apart completely. Its a position built entirely on ignorance to succeed.
I totally agree that if you sat them down and explained shit the maga normies be on our side, but that's the problem. The ignorance really is there, and media control have worked hard to promote it.
I'm actually wondering if the "FUCK YOU" response is coming from people actually prodding him into saying something stupid. He's an autist, not a politician, so I can easily see how professional manipulators could prompt him into sperging out.
This is…sensible advice.
Oh wow, a 90s Democrat is supporting the "ex" liberal that made his fortune through government "green" incentive programs on mass legal immigration policies?
I get that Trump is better than the alternative, and by a wide margin, but thinking that Trump was going to be the messiah was and always will be delusional. He was always a lesser evil and anyone thinking otherwise will forever be an idiot.
Stick a fork in MAGA. It's done!
I hate all the pajeets in tech but I'm in the minority, most tech workers are leftiest so I doubt this will impact anything in terms of approval ratings.
MAGA was an anti-immigration movement and it failed.
It does not work like that. Most people want anti-immigration in what they interact with. H-1B impacts mostly tech, this will be major cities like Austin that is already blue. The rest will consider it an acceptable compromise. I expect it will translate in a minor approval drop l but not enough as to have an impact for midterms and in 2 years most will have already forgotten about it.
H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.
They do tend to infest and I'm sick of them. Their ingroup bias is insane and they seem to have no actual morals. Still I'm not wrong, I would like to be but the truth remains that it will not affect the large portion of the voting base.
To take it off my chest, the company I work for put an Indian guy as team lead on one of the tech teams and it turned almost entirely Indian in less then 2 years. A friend of mine was working on that team and they would do shit like give him the worst tasks while also not giving him the right permissions to do those tasks, they would ignore him when he asked for accounts and permissions and then they would chastise him for not finishing on time. They would take tasks and then redistribute only among themselves so that they would have full control. Management would side with them and you are better off not mentioning it. I've recently took that guy on my team to spare him the treatment, he was the last non-Indian on that team.
I also have one Indian on my team, back when I was a bit more innocent in regards to Indians, I showed him a good idea that I wanted to implement and scheduled a meeting with my manager to present the idea. He scheduled a meeting one hour earlier and presented it as his idea. He then acted like that is just normal.
I freaking hate working with Indians, I was talking with Smith1980 about having a hard time being a Christian lately, Indians are one of the major reasons for that.
Unironically, this entire blowup is probably teaching a huge chunk of Trump voters what H1B even is, because, as you said, its almost entirely centralized to a small section of the country that is all Lefties anyway.
MAGA ran on anti-immigration over the border because its a problem we can see everywhere and is effecting every industry from the bottom up, including the vast majority of the working class that make up the Red voting base.
You can't go almost anywhere without seeing the problems rampant Mexicans are causing, while most people will go months without even interacting with a Pajeet in anyway if they don't work in a tech office.
No it’s not you lying sack of kiked shit. From to the Dallas area and I’ll show you what it’s like.
Am I a Pajeet or a Kike?
Or are you just so retarded with rage that you are mindlessly throwing out every insult you have hoping for the "oh no I've been found out!" response?
You’re one of the other defending this shit.
Even a lot of the left-leaning tech workers hate pajeets. They'll only admit it if they think you're uninterested in politics.
You're right! Give up! Demoralize yourself! Exit the political process and wander into the woods to die! That's the only real progress that can be made: suicide.
Don't worry fellow rightists, we can still save the Republic as long as we make no sudden moves towards the levers of power. If we're lucky: maybe, just maybe, we can work with the Democrats to keep him from getting in!
MIGA, except it's India
Trump was never going to flat out rebuke what Musk was saying. Under his administration H1B rejections steadily rose each year. Is it as drastic a change as I would want? No. But I won't act like the sky is falling when I get what I expected instead of getting something way beyond expectations. Anyone who expected all jeet influx to end immediately is either retarded or feigning ignorance in order to doompost.
On the immigration front the influx from the southern border is an order of magnitude larger than the jeets. He's looking like he will be better on the former this time, so I'll be happy if he stays where he was on the latter. We will never get everything we want all at once.
They know he's not the messiah. Most of the people complaining are people who've always hated him and want the populist right to die.
The populist right needs replacement immigration in order to survive, eh?
The populist right doesn't need either replacement migration or race communism to survive.
It legit seems like it sometimes, but some are users I generally recognize as being coherent most of the time. Just frothing at the mouth and not even reading things completely before responding the past couple days. "If I don't get 100% what I want right now then it's all over." Childish and unproductive.
“If Trump won’t stop the great replacement, what’s the point?”
The revelation that people very close to Trump harbor completely unacceptable views on immigration - which was the primary issue that elected Trump in the first place - is not a minor disagreement that should blow over.
You're greatly overstating the coherence and cogence of the people sperging and cherry picking the worst and most simplistic counter arguments in an attempt to paint yourself in a positive light, but we both know you're well aware that's what you're doing.
It's not a binary "open the jeet floodgates and die" versus "shut them completely and prosper" kind of situation. I think it's good that this has been put into the limelight, but yes, people who are willing to throw away two very capable and powerful allies over this spat are shortsighted and not acting in a pragmatic manner. To the point it's understandable some would come to expect nefarious intent.
Doomposting and black pilling are almost never productive. Call out what you think is wrong and present what you think good solutions look like. Don't go around posting "we're finished," "Trump is done before even assuming office," etc. It's entirely counterproductive to your stated desires and goals.
One of the upsides to a Vivek / Elon vs a Soros is the level of transparency. This debate is taking place out in the open and putting a spotlight on this issue that it hasn't gotten before. This is inherently good for people who want to strictly clamp down on immigration; sperging and doomposting is not.
Just another globalist pakijeet lover.
Oligarchy incoming.
mmm is NYPost. I state that it is fake and gay. no, I haven't read the article I don't need to. if I am wrong, better coping than sorry.
Elon and Trump need to make a detailed presser talking about the changes they are seeking to the H1B system if they want to save face. This is turning into the shitstorm of the century.
Only the names change, brother.
Not only is it easily verifiably not true that he uses lots of H1Bs, any hysterical retard taking the bait on this one is absolutely not going to make it when the first Tom Homan crying woman deportation videos start getting posted.
I thought this sub would be immune from TDS hysteria yet here we are, nearly five days running.
Hope everyone here who wanted him is happy with getting replaced by pajeet. Imagine having a legitimate candidate instead of a clown show.
Reminder that the open border under Harris would have been an infinite number of pajeets, and South Americans, and Africans, and Arabs.
Yes, it's disappointing. It's still not retroactively changing anyone's vote in the general election. DeSantis would have been better on immigration, no question. But the next two in the primary were what? Ramaswamy and Haley? Fucking lol. I sure wonder what their stances on Indian immigration are /s. Oh right, Chris Christie is in top 5 somewhere. Now there's a winner.
Its the same shit. It just has a bunch of dopes like you stuck on the zognald plantation.
Acceleration is a meme. If you have any doubts still, look at COVID. That went from zero to nation-wide house arrest in a blink. The people who foisted it on the people suffered zero repercussions. Except maybe Cuomo who they were already trying to get rid of.
The Canadian truckers put up more resistance than Americans.
It woke a lot of people up. The covid fiasco shattered the trust of a ton of people.
"Come fellow rightists! Failure and FBI directed gay ops are the only way forward!"
As trump hosts bill gates for new years eve you're still blowing his trumpet like a useful idiot.
Trump and Javier Milie both went to the WEF. Politics is a war of position, particularly against the Left. You have to smile at the people who intend to kill you.
Rent fucking free. Every single time. Every topic becomes about the jews.
You, in the course of a single page of comments:
"rent free...goat fucking friends...goat fucking're a stormfag....stormfags...stormfag...goat fucking friends...Israel will take you out too one day. You won't be missed...You also wouldn't be missed...stormfag...shortbus brigade..."
A single fucking page of comments.
Another page of comments, in the course of three hours (not even complete, there's much more):
Yeah, when I always call out stormfags shitting up the board, it's not weird how that's a lot of my comments.
It is weird how you always seem to show up in brigades whenever someone screeches about the jews, there's always more of you quickly running in too. Maybe if you went back to conpro where you can jerk each other raw we'd all be happier. Fucking faggots.
Been here longer than you have, and never been to you know. Since we've had this discussion over and over.
Also, how am I brigading? Again, been here since the start. And I'm not screeching about Jews, either.
I'm not conpro, I'm not stormfag, I'm not brigading.
Try harder, retard.
Continue seething faggot. You're still a stormfag, and we all know it. Your lot can't stand getting called out on it either.
Yesterday you would have been at -19, this is such a loser board sometimes.
Right, it didn’t take 24 hours before we start pussing out and going “it’s sad, but it could be worse”.
Spineless Faggots.
Found the trump voter coping.
Oh look! Pajeet!
Okay jew
Who in the fuck did you think that was going to be? Nikki Haley? Ron DeSantis?
"If only a true conservative like Paul Ryan would have run this would never have happened!"
Get a fucking grip.
Cope harder while you're replaced by pajeet. "At least It's street shitters and not taco bringers!"
Here's desantis calling out the h1b bullshit, by the way. So yeah, I have more faith in the guy calling it out than the guy abusing to fix the system.
Please. I don't get replaced because I'm actually useful. DeSantis basically said that the H1B system has an issue. The arguments against Elon are that it shouldn't exist. No one ever promised that.
(X) Doubt
Good news: your opinion isn't relevant.
Better news: Your opinions are never relevant.