You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
You don't want what Australia has, which is pay for play tertiary education with obvious by-design loopholes as a pathway to permanent residency for citizenship. That is why the major cities are unrecognisable compared to only 20 years ago - Chinese and now Indians have invaded us be design, thanks to useless Federal government policies and the universities pushing their vested interests. Chancellor's of universities have 7 figure incomes here. It's absurd. This is what your future holds:
I'm not from the USA.
OK, well my comment stands, wherever you are...