Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, I like Papillion. He is a fully developed character with a legitimate arc, and nobody pretends he is anything but an uncomfortable freak regardless of it they ally with him. And he is really funny, instead of being some political statement.

If more flamboyant characters were written on his level, they might not be so fucking awful everytime.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Humans are usually 1:1 wingspan to height, so you better add arm lengthening surgery to that too.

People have a lot of instinctual noticing when judging people that they can't consciously think about. Like nobody really thinks about symmetry when talking about hot chicks, but we all notice it and it bothers us if it isn't right. Even a slight variation in that proportion will set off those bells in people's head.

Its why there is that certain short phase of teenager mid puberty that is so off putting. When they have that gangly look about them because their body isn't all growing in at the same rate.

I know the surgery exists, and I can believe guys are stupid enough to get it. What I call doubt on is that someone would just not notice you had it because it just worked so well that you just effortlessly pass as a naturally taller guy.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

All of us who watched the original Higurashi figured out what the fuck "-chama" was from basic context clues and that should be the barest expectation of anyone watching foreign media.

Heck I remember when Persona 3 was still this sleeper cult classic in the making and the fact that the English dub kept all the honorifics in was considered a huge plus in its favor.

Adamrises 4 points ago +5 / -1

That still doesn't fix the proportion problem, nor the multitude of other long term issues that breaking bones can leave behind.

I don't doubt the logic is there for how it works, but I doubt that anyone who has it will become anything beyond a notable circus freak that's just also a few inches taller. The same way that a man can get breast implants, FFS, and a rotpocket but its not magic that just works that simple to make you a woman.

Which is why I call doubt on this story, his wife would absolutely have known without him having to tell her a short two years after he had the surgery, when he was probably still learning to walk again.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The tranny one works only in what a Lefties idea of the world is.

We believe what you are born as strictly defines what you are for your life, so if you are born the wrong gender than we accept that and let you live as the correct one forever. We cannot question this whatsoever as we are caught in our logic trap!

Its actually enlightening on how they see the world, and why they don't fear the savages and barbarism of a lot of non-Western people. Because they think they can just Marvel quip them into submission by outplaying them with word games and sassy hits.

Adamrises 8 points ago +11 / -3

This feels like one of those stories that isn't true but is spread randomly to "legitimize" these types of surgeries, like all the penis enlarging ones.

Because everything I've heard about these surgeries is that you live in horrific pain for a very long time and end up looking extremely fucking goofy because of your off body proportions. The kind of goofy that just being tall doesn't beat in women's eyes. Especially if you are still only 5'10, which is still manlet status and a woman won't 180 her opinion on you because you are eye level with her in heels.

If these types of surgeries actually worked this well, we'd hear about it constantly. It would be the talk of every town and there would be businesses cropping up to give you payday loans to pay for it, like there is for all sorts of other cosmetic surgeries. Doctor's would be bragging about being the 6" guy instead of the 4" one. And since its as simple as just snapping your fucking bones, it can't be restricted to just the ultra rich either like certain transplants are.

I feel for the short kings of the world because they do get pretty unfairly treated, but these types of stories are meant to literally prey on them and their insecurity to mangle and deform them for a lot of money and almost no improvement on their life.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dragon Age 2 was probably one of the early landmark cases of woke in AAA production, and the change from Sten to the Arishok is one of the cases of that.

It went from a deliberately designed foreign culture that was extremely different from ours but seemed to work if you put all the elements together, to retarded savages that are meant to seem so backwards and foolishly stubborn. Until Inquisition made them like totes progressive instead and had to pretend all the ones you ever met before were just wrong about everything.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's just basic realism. A giant nog in the land of short nips will absolutely body their paper architecture and noodle arms.

One of the other reasons why a game about stealth and assassin's was the worst place for him.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, those types probably did make up a lot of the American audience, but there just aren't that many of them to turn it into a billion dollar franchise each.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

The necessary safeguards and additional steps to make something secure are also usually slower and more annoying, which is just how it will always be.

So what keeps fucking happening is that military personnel are more interested in being able to text and use the internet easier, and so they break security doing shit like this.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ubisoft is still seething to this day that the "we tacked on a male MC at the last second because we were forced to" from Odyssey ended up being like 70%+ of the player choice. They bring it up constantly and you can tell it fucks them up.

Ironically that the MC Alexios and antagonist Kassandra work way better because the writing staff were trying so hard to make him a petulant child and her a badass marysue, leading to him being fun to play in regular quests and her a decent villain.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

The biggest shake up since Black Flag

I guess Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla ditching most of the major mythos in the modern world to just become historical pieces and Action RPGs with stealth elements instead of pure stealth with combat backup elements just don't count.

Because from everything I can see, this is literally the same exact game as those were in a new setting, so the sentence lies in every single way.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

"hurr durr what about things that have no direct translation"

People who think like this are the same people who think translating every instance of "-san" to Mr./Ms. is acceptable, as if high school students go around addressing their fellow students in the exact same manner as their teachers.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot of it is booming because there are a bajillion Chinamen and they will buy anything made in China because they have strong nationalistic tendencies like that. So its probably mostly actual, but non-indicative of anything beyond "was made in China."

The Wukong game broke so many playercount records you'd think it was a generation defining masterpiece, but instead it was forgotten within a few months and nobody has thought about it since because it was just "decent action game, but China".

None of this is a problem really, but its one of those necessary contexts when comparing their industry to our own.

Unless you think Transformers and Fast and the Furious are the best franchises in American movie history, because that's what China thinks is "top dollar quality."

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Snow White is one of their most important franchises and most of their previous live actions broke the billion dollar mark, even the ones that were completely forgotten in a week like Aladdin.

Number autism aside, they absolutely expected it to break a billion easy like Lion King (their other most important franchise) did.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

And, yes, I do think Ubi's launcher is more used than EA's, so it's not apples and apples, but still.

Ubisoft will just straight not allow you to play their games without it, even a lot of their console versions will force you to log in to it to play.

I don't play many EA games but I don't think its been nearly as forced Ubi with it, at least not as openly and directly.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its even funnier because not only could they give "The AC everyone always wanted" but also brought in all the forgotten Tenchu fans back from the forgotten pages of history and had a whole new demographic on top.

Instead Ninja Gaiden pulled out of the ether to steal some of their shine and they pissed off everyone possible otherwise.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Walz, in his only major public appearance at the VP debate, literally cowed his head and agreed with his opposition on numerous topics that were against his own party's platform while publicly denigrating himself. That's literally the definition of a follower and a man whose masculinity is insecure in the presence of a "real alpha." Even if typing that phrase made my soul hurt.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even things like skibidi are just pop culture references. Like, "yeet" caught on because of a popular Vine(?) 10 years ago.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You gotta remember that at least part of it is intentionally being forced and spread as part of whatever nonsense the "Sharty" is up to. They are the source of a lot of specific zoomer speak in the last year or so.

Not that it was much better without them, but there is some concentrated effort at play.

But I think you are falling a bit too deep into "my generation good, their generation bad." Because I remember rap "becoming cool" as a kid and there was absolutely the exact same thing you are describing going on. Slang nonsense like "tight", "burnt" (literally the same as cooked, but 30 years ago), and trying to throw nigga into every sentence. There was no irony to it, it was legit white kids trying to act ghetto (the irony was we lived adjacent to dozens of fucking ghettos).

If we had as easy access to the internet, it would absolutely be the exact same scenario at play. But just didn't have that ability so it stayed localized and fell out of favor faster.

I don't like it either because it makes me hurt hearing a lot of it, but its also just what 12-25 year olds do and it seems to be timeless. If it wasn't niggers, it'd be Latinos.

Or in my specific case, it would be insufferable teens trying to use French French instead of Cajun French and making everyone want to pop their annoying heads.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

As long as anything Nazi isn't involved, sure. If so then you will get entire gutted sections outright removed or made laughably censored.

And while I loath to defend localizers, at least "Chained Soldier" is a literal and still accurate descriptor of the character being described. Might be more so after the first two volumes, because at that point he ceases to be any kind of "slave" and very much flips all the power dynamics to his favor and becomes just a monster transformation with chains used as reins instead of a leash. Especially as by the series logic his "slave transformation" must be equally compensated for all its hard work, which usually involves a lot of sexual scenes, which is the furthest thing from slavery I've heard of and sounds closer to just having a job.

By the same principle, the German version is just as bad because there is nothing demonic about it and it complete excises the same amount of information regarding the Maho Elite Soldiers. It only seems better because it keeps the word "slave."

Both are bad and the funny English the Japs put it should always be kept, but not the worst butcherings, and I can only imagine the actual content of the series is in far more danger of being censored than the title considering the incredibly rapey elements involved.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Proportionally, I think the amount of good has increased simply because its no longer filtered by "will a Japanese industry employee approve you to be published" and sheer number means you will have more chances for sparks of greatness to appear.

And regardless on if its all good or not, its still more to fill whatever particular desire you want from your reading. I enjoy romcom SoL shit, which is being pumped out like crazy now (and isn't a Love Hina harem clone like everything in the 2000s) and my pickings are able to be so specific I feel some are made just for me.

If you are only interested in shounen action shows, on the other hand, I think you will find the proportion of good stuff has dropped considerably and you are just watching trash waiting for the rare good find. Especially if you don't like isekai, then god help you go rewatch all of One Piece for the 7th time because I am sorry for you.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's a lot of words to say "I can't handle bants and through a hissy fit if people don't agree with me."

You act like a newfag larping, it doesn't matter if its true or not if the end result is the same sad little individual.

i said i didn't want more tourists in the anime community

And yet, you spam post this site like a tourist.

Remember when you knew next to nothing about AssCreed and admitted it, then turned around days later to lecture everyone about how it was always woke and are still spamming every random image you can find about it?

Guess its not being a tourist if you do it.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I had my old harddrive from my weeb days still I'd be able to pull up nonsense like Hanaukyo Maid Tai or Nagasarete Airantou (which the manga is still fucking going somehow) that I'd almost certainly not watch these days.

Which aren't some hella obscure "elite otaku cred" shows, but literally the only reason any of us watched them was because we just typed something like "anime" in the search bar and it came up back in the day.

And yeah, I miss having multiple options available for some series. But the industry is producing like triple or more the amount of works these days, with a massive number still not even getting touched (shoutout to JUM for trying to pull from those lost series even if they mostly suck), so its certainly not worth having a double up when you could be having multiple series instead.

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