Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

we're both hypocrites who ought to change.

There is no hypocrisy in saying its foolish to throw your life away for a random woman in the current era. That's all I've ever stood on here, in opposition to your own "you are the cancer killing us if you wouldn't!" original post.

Talking around it over and over doesn't change that is our diametric opposition. You've tried to accuse me of several different other beliefs because of that (because apparently anyone who disagrees with you must be XYZ), and its amusing and pathetic that you keep trying to "we should be agreeing bro" after doing that.

Shit nigger, you tried to insult my family for daring to point out for someone who claims to not care you keep coming back. Why do you deserve anything but further mockery?

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

All valid, I loved my old Dodge Ram and miss all those exact things that you listed among others compared to my current smaller shitter.

The ones I was specifically talking about up there goes well beyond that, because you get all of that without massively jacking the truck up, getting tires that extend 8 inches off the side of your vehicle, and having the turning radius of a semi without the driving capability of a CDL.

Yet I see a well above zero number of women behind the wheels of those for no reason other than pure hedonism. Especially as their height relative to the truck means its useless for children or errands because they need a two step letter minimum to get in and out.

And the demand for trucks like that has certainly effected the "minimum size" of a vehicle slowly rising and slowly pushing the average towards "beyond what many parking lots and streets are made to handle."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was always meant to separate out men who are not pursuing sex for reasons beyond the norm. Such as those with vows of chastity, like a priest. It rarely had an legitimate use because those types are rare to begin with and wouldn't be in those circles if they were.

Anyone who self-identifies as a volcel is almost entirely coping and couldn't pull pussy if he tried anyway, making him an incel with extra steps.

Adamrises 23 points ago +23 / -0

We've gone so far that people don't even recognize that incel is an abbreviation for "involuntary celibate."

You can't be an incel if you are deliberately rejecting temptation and sin. And if you aren't doing that, then there is no morality and purity at play, just a lonely man failing in a terrible world.

Adamrises 4 points ago +5 / -1

And yet that extra large size means they can drive it even worse than normal "women drivers" and now can just skirt by by destroying everything they hit and driving away fine instead of getting crushed like they would in a smaller car.

The "feel safe" line is the one they always use, and they are much safer in it. Its just everyone else is far less safe in exchange, and their lack of safety prior was a result of their own poor abilities.

So basic woman stuff as always.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

No no nigga. You were the one who said that sitting down and not doing that makes you weak and unwilling to defend your people or culture period. The fact that you aren't doing it right now makes you a hypocrite to begin with, because it means you are contemplating the consequences and not doing so because of them.

Exactly like the guy in the video did and decided not to, for the same reason you aren't going causing the revolution right now yourself and claiming what should be yours. You are the beta bitch, but your own definition not mine. I even threw in "evil" you give you even less reasons to not be doing it.

That's why you don't go edge posting about how everyone who isn't unga bunga caveman is trash, because it reflects back on you just as easy. And if by your own words you are a weak coward, why should literally anything else you say matter?

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its because it all extends out from the gays and their community, wherein a person is defined by their "top or bottom" status to a point where its basically used as a standin for being the man or women in the relationship. Even their subgenres of gays are defined along lines of how manly/womanly it makes you (with bears and twinks being the hard masculine or feminine appearances).

At least there, because its all dicks, they were forced to attach the status to other non-primary sources of sexual demonstration. But in the absence of that, you can just narrow it down.

Adamrises 5 points ago +6 / -1

But there still is demand for it. I live in an area where women literally fight tooth and nail to save up money for a truck they can barely even drive because its size is so massive compared to their capabilities. The kind who literally shiver when a big engine revs near them.

They are women, so I'm sure they got market psyopped into getting into it, but there is legitimate demand for it from them (and the guys who want to fuck them) now.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you have little to no responsibilities, which further raises my initial question.

Why ain't you out clubbing beta bitches to take their stuff? That's what a strong alpha male should be doing according to you. They are out there right now, doing evil things even, with money and gain you could have by just not being a beta bitch!

But I'm sure you'll deflect from that with a new accusation of some sort you think I'm guilty of.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its okay, I'm enjoying seeing the variety of ways he tries to insult me for calling out his edgy bullshit and then refusing to "just agree" with him.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really enjoyed Axiom Verge the one time I played through it, but I don't think I know it well enough to randomize it.

I think any well made Metroidvania lends itself well to randomizing though.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ocarina of Time

If you haven't, Ocarina of Time is probably my favorite game to play randomized and the only one that was ever fun enough to finish like that (instead of being a novelty).

It shows just how well made of a game it is, with dozens of little details and well developed mechanics that not only let you really sequence break without glitching but show that they planned for things you could never actually do in the game proper. Such as Adult Link not being able to move heavy blocks without the Goron Bracelet from Kid Link because he lacks the strength.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally I think the 1st is the best of the trilogy. It has that basic simplicity and charm that makes it far more replayable on a casual level without a lot of "that fucking part" to go around.

Ripto is probably the better game overall, but if I wanted one to just sit down and play for a while without a lot of thought I'd always pick the original.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jade Cocoon is still the best creature capture game ever made, and one of the few that came out around Pokemon so it dodged any amount of influence from that one. It perfectly shows that you can have a "dark, deep" story in a creature game without it being cringe or segregating Mechanics from Story, and that even the minorest options (fusion eugenics) can create more replayability than 900 Mons in your dex. The sequel is also really good, but so different its hardly comparable other than some reused creatures and the MC of the first being a major character.

The Suffering is absolutely one of the best horror titles ever released, and shows that you don't need to be "helpless" to still be terrified as so many others demand you do. It also managed to implement a morality system that not only effects gameplay more than just "blue or red" by changing how loot works and how your powers develop depending on your devotion to one side, but also the story itself massively changes depending on what your morality is. Not just the story unfolding, but the literal backstory itself and the sequel has unique endings, scenes and plot points for every possible combination (Neutral in 1 then Evil in 2 for example).

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You clearly care enough to keep coming back every single day to try and get the last word in, weaving between "I am the enlightened one bringing gospel" and "You are such a meanie pants!" because you can't actually address any point I've made without a full redirect.

It is very funny to me though how disconnected you keep trying to appear, despite that aforementioned daily response that keeps begging me to agree with you. It really brightens my day to see it first thing after I get on.

Adamrises 21 points ago +21 / -0

What's sad is, in theory, patches should make things better regardless. You could just not buy games if they released buggy and shit and move on from there, while genuinely good patching (fixing badly tuned things or adding more content) could improve on already good games.

The problem being, you don't get a fucking option. Its one thing for "always online" games or for going online in general, but why does a single player game care if I'm patched to the latest level?

There exists no reason but abusive control like this for removing that choice.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

In their minds all their opponents are evil because they are broken inside. Secretly gay, mommy issues, virgin, insecure about penis size, etc. This is the cause of all bigotry and evil in the world. You can see it in all their insults.

Thereby, if you just went to therapy (which is a magical fix, just like their magical pills) then you'd stop being evil and join them on the "right side."

So its honestly not a hypocrisy for once, its totally logical. You just need to live in their delusional version of reality.

Adamrises 23 points ago +23 / -0

It continues to be amusing to me how he grandstands on bigotry like he is some enlightened progressive.

But his entire career was built off a show that we can go watch and see how much he vehemently hates the Japanese. Like, he would deliberately give games lower scores for being anime period, without any other factor.

And you could call that unrelated, but he calls people racist for far less so that's his legacy.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't understand why anyone wants remakes of games that already look great

90% of the time, its so they don't have to emulate it or get a mod/unofficial patch to fix broken parts (Dark/Demons Souls for example).

Which is a decent reason for at least a port, but a lot of companies are in full hatred of porting their games and think they can double dip harder by remaking it entirely.

Its extremely dumb though, because Nintendo games specifically are so easy to emulate you can do so on release day for their games. So they are the worst ones to want remakes of. At least Xbox has minimal emulation capability and PS2/3 is finnicky, so wanting a port or remake has some ground.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

accuses someone's ideology of being an extinction fetishist

says he'll die alone at 70 like a loser


You are pathetic.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean, people let these retarded laws be passed for decades now. A lot of infringement was allowed, which is how we get to the part like this where the court can in fact say dumb shit and have the legal framework to be correct on it.

That's why you never concede an inch. Because it takes 10x the force to get rid of garbage than it does to prevent it from coming to pass to begin with.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Its really amazing how a game I had a minor amount of desire to try based on the pre-release hype was instantly shattered by this one screenshot.

Localizers once again costing not only money to pay but revenue too.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conspiracy theorists have absolutely zero tolerance for anyone questioning their shit, and I know exactly why

Well duh, you aren't going to convince a paranoid or mentally ill nutcase. An argument is the literal worst way to convince someone out of their deeply held conviction, because, as you said, most people would rather die than admit wrong.

You are proving him wrong for everyone else watching. You are making his ideas not make sense in front of everybody to dismantle their ability to spread and grow.

You can't make dumb/bad/evil people just stop existing, they will always crop up naturally on their own. And the inherent nonsense of the universe means they will always have a conspiracy to organically grow with them too. Trying to kill the source when it comes from human nature makes you look like a retard more obsessed with feeling "right" and "winning" than actually accomplishing anything.

Your points are mostly valid, if filled with fart huffing self masturbation, but that's why you don't engage with the dumb notion of somehow "bringing them to the light."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference between counterbalancing and being a contrarian is the ability to actually sell your ideas instead of just sperging out and then treating people calling you stupid as proof of your superior position.

We don't agree on anything but "women will exist."

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