Not to mention their main money maker (R6 Siege) was destroyed by the trannies taking over the playerbase and basically getting everyone banned through abusing the report feature.
Like, that was a game that if it came out now would print money, but instead it came out at Peak Woke and is saddled with so much of it that they can't salvage it now that woke is on the way out.
Everytime I heard about a VA union strike, it was because they were trying to extort a company beyond what they could pay for a fan favorite character or they were just straight up being replaced by someone who sounded too different for it not to sound wierd.
Point being, they were actively making my experience worse and making me hate them rather than convincing me that the problem was the companies hiring them. And as such when the AI problem arose, they found very few sympathetic voices.
My "culture war" was already lost, and it happened before GG even started. Allies are only important when you intend to win, and I'm well past the point of believing there is any hope but the collapse and rebuild.
And its not that I am unwilling to accept them regardless, but I have strong beliefs on the concepts of repentance and humility. Something most of my so called "Allies" consider dirty words, which is an issue when my views are so extreme I teeter on wanting all Leftists hanging from streetlamps (next to the niggers and illegals) as a symbol of our country finally being back.
For the three things they are claiming to try and accomplish, paying them the pittance that is the "average" salary there is counterproductive.
If you were just trying to run a business that would be one thing, but to try and literally reduce poverty and improve the economy you need to be paying well above the average to try and uplift people while putting money into circulation.
And I'm as bitter and hateful as I am because of how much hardship I had to endure under during those days just to come out on the other side with a lot of the people who were gladly trying to stone me before "suddenly" switching sides and trying to act like my comrade in the battle they brought upon us.
I'll concede my grudges are both petty and likely unhelpful, but I am unwilling to fully let them go either because of how bad some of those days got. And I hold you no true ill will through them, regardless.
in fact she seems to say Auschwitz was worse than the liberation pictures show...but it's very odd that the pictures are fakes
I think this is probably something like the "AOC staring at a parking lot crying" situation.
Someones trying to create an emotionally evocative image for manipulation sake, and, since reality is often pretty mundane and lackluster, they need to conjure up something that just immediately churns the guts and gets people emotionally invested. Even if the piece doing that is completely fabricated for that purpose.
That doesn't make it right or okay, but I can see a situation where both something happened and The Powers That Be immediately got to work constructing the narrative to their benefit and purpose even if that ceased to be anything more than "based on a true story" level. And they just kept building off that until the numbers and claims reached parodic levels.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that it was an actual tragedy that has been conspiratorially inflated and exaggerated for political leverage.
I am of similar belief. I'd even be willing to say whatever did happen was probably pretty horrific in the general sense, even if the Jews brought it entirely on themselves with their actions prior.
And it only takes living in the modern era for a few minutes to see how quickly they will turn anything into a gigantic psychodrama exaggerated to the heavens to try and guilt you into giving them power and money.
Regardless of that though, enough time has past that it should just be history and whatever happened should be left in history instead of a cudgel like they wield it as. Whatever your grandpa went through is meaningless to your current actions.
Exactly. The best example of this is Aladdin. Another unnecessary live action remake from Disney that nobody really cared about and no one cares to really remember either.
But it kept its mouth shut all around, didn't get pissy about the Will Smith memes, and raked in a solid billion dollars from people. Granted, having been forced to see it, that was a decent movie on its own without much politics, though nothing special enough to care about, while Snow White here seems to fail to even be that and constantly forces Woke politics upon you.
Well that seemed to be how much she was getting these other countries in tax money through her contracts, not the amount she herself was taking home.
I have no doubt she was making a number high enough that it would make me rage if I knew it, however.
She lined up three contracts for 2025, totaling about $63,000, funded by USAID ... to promote economic growth, reduce poverty, and root out corruption.
You could barely start a regular ass business for that much money. That's barely enough to hire a single fulltime worker.
This single quote alone tells you her entire business was in laundering money or doing some other form of nonsense to make it move hands in ways it wasn't supposed to, because there is literally nothing you could do about any of those problems, let alone all three, for such a pittance of money (assuming it was equally split to 21k$ across the contracts).
I get genuine glee in these constant sob stories getting to watch these people languish in misery.
I think she alone holds all of the blame for why this movie is doing so badly that even the normal defenders can't fully deny it, while Little Mermaid, while controversial pre-release, was able to come out and quietly disappear with a razor thin profit.
Kamiya isn't someone with any consistency other than "say whatever I think in this exact moment, block literally anyone who says otherwise."
He has been like that for as long as he has been on Twitter and basically every year he pisses off one side or both by doing so.
because that's what someone taught you
This is more projection. You had to be taught the things you believed and assume everyone must have done the same.
I had race grifters in my school 2 full months out of the year in Feb/Nov so the Indians and Niggers could sling white guilt into us from the moment we could understand to cry at the "atrocities." I had a feminist guidance counselor in my middle school try to gaslight me into think I was the problem and was driving my mother to use meth because single moms can do no wrong. So extra lol at "good social structure."
I saw the machine, I contemplated it and I rejected it because it didn't make sense with the reality I was witness to. I'm not special, I don't feel anything I did is above barest minimum effort. And I've been wrong on plenty too, and I'll own up to it when I am.
I've knelt at the feet of people I hurt in my youth to beg for forgiveness for my foolishness, can you say the same?
What have you sacrificed to hold the views you started out with by default?
Well I spent over a decade as a MRA in the late 90s/00s getting told to kill myself daily and getting a lot of heat from angry people trying to attack my little 2-5 person sign holding protests. I've been accused of every possible thing vindictive women can throw at a man because I was a sexist misogynist monster. I've probably missed out on countless social bonds that refused to associate with a wrong thinker before I even knew they existed. I was constantly fighting to protect my right to stay in college earning my degree in Psychology despite the numerous professors trying to fail me or refuse me into their class out of feminist loyalty, because of my beliefs.
You seem to have forgotten that prior to like 2017 you couldn't be right wing in public, especially on the internet, in most places without getting ostracized, attacked, and treated to the full brunt of every type of manipulation and cancellation. Major Big Name People were being fired for making minor donations or even publicly admitting to supporting right wing causes.
Its why Woke and Trannies and all that got so far, people were too scared to even remotely speak against it because of how bad the consequences would be. This was the oppression we lived under for over a decade.
I feel for your sacrifices, its hard to do and respectable to stick by your new beliefs in the face of them. And I mean that genuinely, brother. But don't bring that "woe is me, I'm a victim too" shit in here after you were on the side victimizing some of us gleefully before. Part of repentance is humility, not monetizing your victimhood for gain like a Leftie does.
I don't keep up with him too directly, but everytime you look him up he is either missing on a bender, posting nonsense high as fuck, or locked up in some form of institution.
The man is quite broken and a good look into why skaters/punks should die young for their own good. And I mean that in the least malicious way possible.
To be fair, having unfortunately been shown quotes from the book, this is well beyond just gross erotica and is basically a book about wife husbandry, grooming and a man having sexual desire for a toddler.
Its closer than any amount of anime will ever be to a possibly damaging piece of fiction, because its trying to eroticize a man grooming a child from the age of 3 with purely sexual intents. So if anyone is in favor of making things like lolicon or the like illegal for XYZ reason, this is absolutely in the wheelhouse of fulfilling every negative thing they claim that does.
And considering Australia is in favor of that, this is almost a good thing of them trying to evenly and consistently apply their position, even arresting women for it.
Still awful, still don't support it myself.
Bam's a huge fuckup and is only just skating by not being in jail constantly. Its well beyond cancelling and into legitimate legal and safety problems. They literally cut him from the Jackass reunion thing a few years ago because of it, and those were his closest "friends."
So I'm sure to most of the suits in charge he was bad optics and controversy they didn't want, but Tony is a shockingly nice guy and probably doesn't care about any of that. This series wouldn't be where it was without both of them, skating as a whole might not be, so to Tony he deserved his place.
Its one of those situations where both sides are probably in the right depending on your beliefs.
That's a great way to look at the world.
I was too naive and trusting once so I just blindly believed what I was told until it was way too late and the world was on fucking fire, but then I woke up so bygones are bygones right bro?! You'd have done the same as me!
At least you kept that classic Leftie projection and love to dodge accountability for helping get us in this hell we live in. So its only kinda "former," huh?
Well I wouldn't get a job where my literal purpose might ask me to in fact do that.