H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.
They do tend to infest and I'm sick of them. Their ingroup bias is insane and they seem to have no actual morals. Still I'm not wrong, I would like to be but the truth remains that it will not affect the large portion of the voting base.
To take it off my chest, the company I work for put an Indian guy as team lead on one of the tech teams and it turned almost entirely Indian in less then 2 years. A friend of mine was working on that team and they would do shit like give him the worst tasks while also not giving him the right permissions to do those tasks, they would ignore him when he asked for accounts and permissions and then they would chastise him for not finishing on time. They would take tasks and then redistribute only among themselves so that they would have full control. Management would side with them and you are better off not mentioning it. I've recently took that guy on my team to spare him the treatment, he was the last non-Indian on that team.
I also have one Indian on my team, back when I was a bit more innocent in regards to Indians, I showed him a good idea that I wanted to implement and scheduled a meeting with my manager to present the idea. He scheduled a meeting one hour earlier and presented it as his idea. He then acted like that is just normal.
I freaking hate working with Indians, I was talking with Smith1980 about having a hard time being a Christian lately, Indians are one of the major reasons for that.
H1B affects everyone you tiny hat. They have infested my company and we’re just a medium sized mortgage shop. They destroyed my part of town. So tired of you twats who don’t have to live with them telling us how it “works”.
They do tend to infest and I'm sick of them. Their ingroup bias is insane and they seem to have no actual morals. Still I'm not wrong, I would like to be but the truth remains that it will not affect the large portion of the voting base.
To take it off my chest, the company I work for put an Indian guy as team lead on one of the tech teams and it turned almost entirely Indian in less then 2 years. A friend of mine was working on that team and they would do shit like give him the worst tasks while also not giving him the right permissions to do those tasks, they would ignore him when he asked for accounts and permissions and then they would chastise him for not finishing on time. They would take tasks and then redistribute only among themselves so that they would have full control. Management would side with them and you are better off not mentioning it. I've recently took that guy on my team to spare him the treatment, he was the last non-Indian on that team.
I also have one Indian on my team, back when I was a bit more innocent in regards to Indians, I showed him a good idea that I wanted to implement and scheduled a meeting with my manager to present the idea. He scheduled a meeting one hour earlier and presented it as his idea. He then acted like that is just normal.
I freaking hate working with Indians, I was talking with Smith1980 about having a hard time being a Christian lately, Indians are one of the major reasons for that.