I'm only a bit in, but what an awful fucking idea the whole concept was, let alone the content or execution. What a retard. His own comments aren't even having it.
When your own chat shits on you nonstop, you're probably officially a "lolcow." Something you want to try your damnedest not to be.
I gotta say, if you're gonna try and talk about the election, you really should already know who John Eastman is.
As someone who knows that Trump did not try to steal shit, what Eastman did is legally explain, through a constitutional process, how Donald Trump could win the election with disputed electors. Everything he did and said was correct and legal. That's not stealing an election. In fact, it's the actual mechanism we have for dealing with a disputed election. Learned about this shit in 6th grade.
I wish I could find that clip of Vijaya (evil YouTube lady) saying "Day of the brick, day of the rope, oven ready," or whatever the phrasing is. Matt Christiansen uses it a bunch, at it always cracks me up.
I think it was from her Rogan appearance with Tim Pool. She was reading off "hate speech," and it became very memeable.
And, yeah, the Tenet move from Matt is...I get it, he was being throttled to a ridiculous degree. I hope it works out for him, but he seems to be getting dragged down a bit by some of the other useless people on the network. He was literally the one shilling Tenet the hardest, while the bigger name people, and the people with more on the line, barely even seemed to care.
Matt put all of his content on the line, pretty much, and pushed for Tenet hard, while bigger people like Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, and Lauren Chen barely did jack shit, it seems.
When Tenet was first started, Matt Christiansen was pulling much better numbers than everyone else, despite their bigger audiences. Now it's kind of reversed, looks like, and no one is promoting Matt. Dude's doing alright, but can't seem to catch a real break.
What's the point of a network if people aren't going to support each other? Tim Pool is massive. He should be giving people like Matt a shoutout often.
Definitely agree with the other Tenet talent not promoting the new network at all.
I paid attention for some reason to Dave Rubin's Twitter when the network launched and couldn't find any mention of it.
Rubin's show "People of the Internet" was super cringe. It was essentially him showing up and having some Gen Z co-host Isabel Brown show him memes he could react to. It was obvious he did no prep.
It seems he was the first casualty as Rubin's show got axed 2 months back and he was taken off the YT masthead. It also seems like no one even noticed it's gone. I couldn't even find an announcement.
In terms of Matt, I tired of the Wednesday call-in show years before the Tenet move, so I was okay with it dying. Their audience was so spergy at times. I mostly watched their Sunday show when I paid attention more regularly.
Wrt to the new Matt Christiansen Hour, it's too bad that his producer Tim is so grating. I respect Matt being loyal to a fan of his show who proved himself as their call screener for a long time.
IIRC isn't Tenet actually Lauren Chen's project (or at least her husband's)?
If so I'm sure she's doing what she can for it, but ultimately people go to YT creators channels to see their content, going to another URL is too hard for most people (TBF - YouTube screws everyone because they don't show you your own subscribed channels. That shit is unethical)
His entire existence seems to be "that guy that shoehorned himself into being a guest on other people's shows" and then he gets into some controversy and they all throw him away for being retarded.
He is more famous for being retarded than whatever content he created, and that has been the case for a long time.
He actually details the political philosophy behind the left, very well. However, he definitely turned leftwards recently. I don't really understand why or how.
One thing to remember is that all citizens of Western nations have been subjected to the most sophisticated, best funded, and highest volume propaganda operations in human history.
That explains the dummies. But he's supposed to be smarter than that. I guess he just likes having friends in The Cathedral.
There are some decently based Canadians. Unacceptable Fringe, MrSunshineBaby, the Pleb Reporter, true North, and Leighton Grey come to mind off the top of my head.
I assure you, I'm not going to be surprised by it whatsoever, but poilievre is the only contender worth anything. Maxime isn't even a footnote at this point.
If poilievre does 1/3 of what he said he's going to do we will be better off. It won't be far enough, but it'll be better.
Even recent videos, namely the one about chuggaaconroy was good. He's always been more left leaning but the whole Trump assassination has flipped the TDS switch it seems. Shame.
Yeah, I unsubbed after reading some of his comments in his recent video. I was holding out that he'd break free of his retarded 'liberal centrist' mindset, but ever since the media started admitting that Biden was feeble minded, and especially after the assassination attempt on Trump, Dev has gone off the rails. He knows a Trump win is all but certain (not without admitting the elections can be cheated) and his TDS is making him crazy.
I don't get it. I don't understand the argument that Trump was worse than the unmitigated spree of disasters we've had.
The best thing Biden can campaign on is that his economic recovery is almost as fast as Obama's was, and the media had to explain away the slowest recovery in history as if 8 years of the near stagnation was a "recovery". I don't think the rest of the economy actually began to recover from the Great Recession until 2014.
Hell, let's say your a die-hard Lefty. What fucking accomplishments on the Left has he had?
Let's take a shot at Trump from the Trade Union Democrat position, because he did legitimately lose some of those in 2020.
Frankly, his leftwing economic policies of protectionism did benefit American labor. The trade war with China was rough, but it was more because of China than it was because of him, because China was already fucking American workers. (I remember a specific case where China cancelled something like 100 million tons of soybeans after it was already planted, and the US government basically had to bail out the farmers.) There were some people on the east-coast who didn't benefit much from the Trump tax cuts...
But that's about all I can say for the Union Dem positions. Contrast that to Biden literally cutting the throat of the Oil Workers Unions for blowing up the pipeline the day he took office! The war on cars, the war on petroleum, the complete lack of protectionism, while allowing international corporations to dominate the American manufacturing industries in order to make sure they don't have to deal with protectionist policies.
The only reason to vote for Biden is because it makes you feel good to vote for "the right guy"... who happens to be one of the single worst presidents in American history. Like, we're talking about James Buchanan levels of shit here. I seriously wonder if we'd be better off under Woodrow Wilson!
I was subbed and watched this guy for a while. I un-subbed from his YouTube and Rumble channels when he posted TDS shit after Trump's near assassination. Serves me right for assuming there can be reasonable left-wingers.
He always had his retard streaks that prevented me from watching his stuff regularly. This probably tops the list though.
As a general rule, when it comes to political content, I generally can't stomach it if they say shit that makes me think "this person is significantly stupider than me." What would I have to gain by listening to such a person? And one doesn't earn this label by simply saying shit I disagree with. I can recognize good faith disagreement founded in legitimate arguments and beliefs. But when you have shit like this you're clearly beyond saving.
The problem Dev has is that he's trying to paint himself as the one critical of both the left and right at a time when everyone is being told to pick a side as everything accelerates post Trump assassination attempt and we're being told that it's either them or us. Even Tim Pool has dropped the milquetoast fencesitter stance and become firmly right wing and very pro "defend yourself by any means necessary to preserve yourself and your culture" in the last week.
I think this might actually be it. It's an emotional "shit or get off the pot" decision. For Trump or against. If you like feeling like you're on the Left, then you'll start rationalizing going harder Left.
He needs to take a vaction from the Internet, he's burnt out and doesn't realise it.
Seen it TOO many times where content creators don't realise with their grindset mentality that they are so focused on the clicks and 'engagement' that they're burning those braincells that stop them doing dumb shit.
He isn't Destiny levels of retarded but unless he stops and goes on vaction now he soon WILL be.
The first time I heard of Dev was him claiming to be a GamerGate expert on Side Scrollers. He insisted that while GamerGate was good it did contain a harassment campaign, sighting tranny Brianna Wu as his example. He was called out on this by other guests as spreading lies with no evidence and he shut up. Since then, he has been stalking the comments of that channel. Any time he speaks he comes across as disingenuous and a well poisoner. "I'm a centrist, but stay away from the right wing meanies, am I right guys!" That shit was old when I was in college during the 2004 election.
I had heard of him before but never listened to him before that side scrollers episode. SFO lost me forever when he pulled a "both sides are bad" with the claim that games censorship always comes from the right, like in the early 90's.
Anyone who claims that Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, and Joe Lieberman are right wing is being maliciously dishonest, and should be ignored.
Unable to resist the mysterious allure of tranny cock, Dev has gone full retard in its pursuit. Sad.
He just keeps posting debunked shit as a gotcha on some small youtuber. certainly not the w he expects.
He's gone full TDS. Unlike his usual 80% TDS.
I'm only a bit in, but what an awful fucking idea the whole concept was, let alone the content or execution. What a retard. His own comments aren't even having it.
When your own chat shits on you nonstop, you're probably officially a "lolcow." Something you want to try your damnedest not to be.
Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.
The comments are GOLD.
his got a beherit. fucking when?
LMAO, it's so perfect for them
I gotta say, if you're gonna try and talk about the election, you really should already know who John Eastman is.
As someone who knows that Trump did not try to steal shit, what Eastman did is legally explain, through a constitutional process, how Donald Trump could win the election with disputed electors. Everything he did and said was correct and legal. That's not stealing an election. In fact, it's the actual mechanism we have for dealing with a disputed election. Learned about this shit in 6th grade.
I wish I could find that clip of Vijaya (evil YouTube lady) saying "Day of the brick, day of the rope, oven ready," or whatever the phrasing is. Matt Christiansen uses it a bunch, at it always cracks me up.
I don't think I remember that Matt&Blonde soundbyte.
Though I've been watching them less, especially since his move to Tenet.
I think it was from her Rogan appearance with Tim Pool. She was reading off "hate speech," and it became very memeable.
And, yeah, the Tenet move from Matt is...I get it, he was being throttled to a ridiculous degree. I hope it works out for him, but he seems to be getting dragged down a bit by some of the other useless people on the network. He was literally the one shilling Tenet the hardest, while the bigger name people, and the people with more on the line, barely even seemed to care.
Matt put all of his content on the line, pretty much, and pushed for Tenet hard, while bigger people like Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, and Lauren Chen barely did jack shit, it seems.
When Tenet was first started, Matt Christiansen was pulling much better numbers than everyone else, despite their bigger audiences. Now it's kind of reversed, looks like, and no one is promoting Matt. Dude's doing alright, but can't seem to catch a real break.
What's the point of a network if people aren't going to support each other? Tim Pool is massive. He should be giving people like Matt a shoutout often.
Definitely agree with the other Tenet talent not promoting the new network at all.
I paid attention for some reason to Dave Rubin's Twitter when the network launched and couldn't find any mention of it.
Rubin's show "People of the Internet" was super cringe. It was essentially him showing up and having some Gen Z co-host Isabel Brown show him memes he could react to. It was obvious he did no prep.
It seems he was the first casualty as Rubin's show got axed 2 months back and he was taken off the YT masthead. It also seems like no one even noticed it's gone. I couldn't even find an announcement.
In terms of Matt, I tired of the Wednesday call-in show years before the Tenet move, so I was okay with it dying. Their audience was so spergy at times. I mostly watched their Sunday show when I paid attention more regularly.
Wrt to the new Matt Christiansen Hour, it's too bad that his producer Tim is so grating. I respect Matt being loyal to a fan of his show who proved himself as their call screener for a long time.
But the guy unfortunately is awful to listen to.
IIRC isn't Tenet actually Lauren Chen's project (or at least her husband's)? If so I'm sure she's doing what she can for it, but ultimately people go to YT creators channels to see their content, going to another URL is too hard for most people (TBF - YouTube screws everyone because they don't show you your own subscribed channels. That shit is unethical)
I don't understand anyone who ever was.
His entire existence seems to be "that guy that shoehorned himself into being a guest on other people's shows" and then he gets into some controversy and they all throw him away for being retarded.
He is more famous for being retarded than whatever content he created, and that has been the case for a long time.
Invited to shows to bait the viewers superchat to say how stupid he is
Honestly, not a bad grift if true. Morally terrible but superchatters are too stupid to not take advantage of anyway.
He actually details the political philosophy behind the left, very well. However, he definitely turned leftwards recently. I don't really understand why or how.
That is really disappointing. SFO is more or less as based as the Canadians have to offer.
It’s hard for me not to think they deserve where their country has fallen.
One thing to remember is that all citizens of Western nations have been subjected to the most sophisticated, best funded, and highest volume propaganda operations in human history.
That explains the dummies. But he's supposed to be smarter than that. I guess he just likes having friends in The Cathedral.
There are some decently based Canadians. Unacceptable Fringe, MrSunshineBaby, the Pleb Reporter, true North, and Leighton Grey come to mind off the top of my head.
A lot of the Canadians on your list are still normie Poilievre supporters.
They have no revolutionary desire passed Trudeau being gone.
When Poilievre does all the Trudeau WEF stuff, only now in blue, they are all going to be surprised_pikachu_face.
Except they'll still simp for their guy because "it could be worse".
I assure you, I'm not going to be surprised by it whatsoever, but poilievre is the only contender worth anything. Maxime isn't even a footnote at this point.
If poilievre does 1/3 of what he said he's going to do we will be better off. It won't be far enough, but it'll be better.
Viva Frei was so based he had to move to Florida.
The guys from Edison Motors, Uncle Bumblefuck (AvE), JayZ the jet engine guy...
It's ok OP, SFO used to make somewhat useful content.
His deep dive videos on Communism were pretty great. The one going over Gramsci was nice.
I used him like most political grifters: some content has its uses, the rest is drek to be ignored.
Now you can just ignore all of it.
Even recent videos, namely the one about chuggaaconroy was good. He's always been more left leaning but the whole Trump assassination has flipped the TDS switch it seems. Shame.
While he was useful youtuber for getting unbiased information about Gamergate but that was it. He's canadian, of course he's going to be soft.
Yeah, I unsubbed after reading some of his comments in his recent video. I was holding out that he'd break free of his retarded 'liberal centrist' mindset, but ever since the media started admitting that Biden was feeble minded, and especially after the assassination attempt on Trump, Dev has gone off the rails. He knows a Trump win is all but certain (not without admitting the elections can be cheated) and his TDS is making him crazy.
So how does he justify voting for an Alzheimer's patient?
He doesn't, he just claims that Trump is somehow worse.
I don't get it. I don't understand the argument that Trump was worse than the unmitigated spree of disasters we've had.
The best thing Biden can campaign on is that his economic recovery is almost as fast as Obama's was, and the media had to explain away the slowest recovery in history as if 8 years of the near stagnation was a "recovery". I don't think the rest of the economy actually began to recover from the Great Recession until 2014.
Hell, let's say your a die-hard Lefty. What fucking accomplishments on the Left has he had?
Let's take a shot at Trump from the Trade Union Democrat position, because he did legitimately lose some of those in 2020.
Frankly, his leftwing economic policies of protectionism did benefit American labor. The trade war with China was rough, but it was more because of China than it was because of him, because China was already fucking American workers. (I remember a specific case where China cancelled something like 100 million tons of soybeans after it was already planted, and the US government basically had to bail out the farmers.) There were some people on the east-coast who didn't benefit much from the Trump tax cuts...
But that's about all I can say for the Union Dem positions. Contrast that to Biden literally cutting the throat of the Oil Workers Unions for blowing up the pipeline the day he took office! The war on cars, the war on petroleum, the complete lack of protectionism, while allowing international corporations to dominate the American manufacturing industries in order to make sure they don't have to deal with protectionist policies.
The only reason to vote for Biden is because it makes you feel good to vote for "the right guy"... who happens to be one of the single worst presidents in American history. Like, we're talking about James Buchanan levels of shit here. I seriously wonder if we'd be better off under Woodrow Wilson!
I was subbed and watched this guy for a while. I un-subbed from his YouTube and Rumble channels when he posted TDS shit after Trump's near assassination. Serves me right for assuming there can be reasonable left-wingers.
If you like forever wars...
Just like all Canistanis, they must cuck out in the face of incivility.
He's a dysgenic, morbidly obese trannychaser with a terminal case of centrist fence-sitting, what did you expect?
He always had his retard streaks that prevented me from watching his stuff regularly. This probably tops the list though.
As a general rule, when it comes to political content, I generally can't stomach it if they say shit that makes me think "this person is significantly stupider than me." What would I have to gain by listening to such a person? And one doesn't earn this label by simply saying shit I disagree with. I can recognize good faith disagreement founded in legitimate arguments and beliefs. But when you have shit like this you're clearly beyond saving.
The problem Dev has is that he's trying to paint himself as the one critical of both the left and right at a time when everyone is being told to pick a side as everything accelerates post Trump assassination attempt and we're being told that it's either them or us. Even Tim Pool has dropped the milquetoast fencesitter stance and become firmly right wing and very pro "defend yourself by any means necessary to preserve yourself and your culture" in the last week.
I think this might actually be it. It's an emotional "shit or get off the pot" decision. For Trump or against. If you like feeling like you're on the Left, then you'll start rationalizing going harder Left.
Each passing day, I become more and more convinced Dev is just paid to pretend to be moderate. Just like Destiny.
Man I used to watch the Young Turks and Steven Colbert.
rofl, the Young Turks were always one step away from a full-blown temper tantrum, especially Chunk.
Every now and then you'll see a faint flicker of sanity coming from TYT but it'll be quickly snuffed out.
He needs to take a vaction from the Internet, he's burnt out and doesn't realise it.
Seen it TOO many times where content creators don't realise with their grindset mentality that they are so focused on the clicks and 'engagement' that they're burning those braincells that stop them doing dumb shit.
He isn't Destiny levels of retarded but unless he stops and goes on vaction now he soon WILL be.
The eternal moderate.
his analysis are good to simply come out with neo-dem goooder.
I would like to read the rest of the discussion
Never watched him so keep thinking what does this have to do with the Total War mod lol
The first time I heard of Dev was him claiming to be a GamerGate expert on Side Scrollers. He insisted that while GamerGate was good it did contain a harassment campaign, sighting tranny Brianna Wu as his example. He was called out on this by other guests as spreading lies with no evidence and he shut up. Since then, he has been stalking the comments of that channel. Any time he speaks he comes across as disingenuous and a well poisoner. "I'm a centrist, but stay away from the right wing meanies, am I right guys!" That shit was old when I was in college during the 2004 election.
I had heard of him before but never listened to him before that side scrollers episode. SFO lost me forever when he pulled a "both sides are bad" with the claim that games censorship always comes from the right, like in the early 90's.
Anyone who claims that Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, and Joe Lieberman are right wing is being maliciously dishonest, and should be ignored.