Naughty Dog’s new IP is a retro sci-fi space game starring a butch, shaved-headed black lesbian girl boss.
The Witcher 4 stars a female lead, an uglified middle-aged Ciri who is also a sassy girl boss.
The new co-op game from Hazelight, (developer of It Takes Two) stars a pair of insufferable millennial female writers.
Outside of what was shown last night, we have the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima with another new girl boss protagonist.
Grand Theft Auto 6? Another new female protagonist.
Is there a literal prohibition on white male leads in western game dev?
Virtually every western advertisement put sassy girl bosses - both real and virtual - front and center. You’d think the majority of competitive online players are female, the way the industry panders to the demo.
Meanwhile, Eastern game devs are cranking out the only media with masculine males and feminine females. The Last Berzerker and Crimson Desert feature white male leads even, a clear indicator that Asian devs are targeting what they correctly perceive to be a gap in the western market.
And the countless female characters in Eastern games? Just as present and powerful, but they aren’t insufferable cunts or masculine abominations. No, eastern female characters are unapologetically attractive and feminine.
The awards also focused on women nonstop. Women in the crowd. Women on stage with the award winners. Female presenters. Meanwhile, almost every winner was a white or Asian dude. Because they are still the ones who put in the hard work to make the fucking games.
Watching the live chats was great, though. The moment you saw purple, people were calling woke. And the best part is knowing that all of the defenders and shills are definitely seething leftists who are terrified of the current cultural realignment.
All you’re seeing is the inevitable collapse of AAA games. They’re too corrupted with bureaucracy and too stupid/arrogant to actually figure out what their audience wants. They are the legacy media of gaming, they will shovel the bullshit until they die out because it’s what’s China/ESG funding is forcing and what their all female HR teams hired “diversely” for. PlayStation has to be completely insane to keep funding cuckmann after concord flopped, let alone the other woke bs they’re funding. Xbox has completely eclipsed them in that regard and the game pass, sadly I don’t see how Sony survives another console cycle with the horrible management and terrible acquisitions. Makes me wonder if consoles in general will die out in the next decade or two.
Games used to be made by small teams of white and asian men, like groups of 5-10 people made some of the most acclaimed games of all time.
That will keep going with indie games, they just won't be quite as big or have as much attention on them. Which is a good thing.
I expect Nintendo to keep going, and the future of consoles is probably more like the Steamdeck and android/emulation handhelds.
Power corrupts. So does success.
I would argue that the corrupt seek power rather than the other way around.
If it were true that power corrupts, people like Cincinnatus, Washington, Aurelius, etc. would have tried to abuse their power. Even self serving leaders like Augustus or Khan made sure to benefit the people as well as themselves.
What I would say is the real corruption is the lack of honor and dignity. Just look at Biden pardoning his criminal son, after explicitly saying he wouldn't do that. Or Newsom having fancy dinner parties while everyone was locked in their houses. John Adams would never have dreamed of doing something so shameless, so utterly self serving.
The real failure is not that the corrupt seek power. They have done that since the dawn of civilization. The failure is the people. If medieval king had done half the shit that our congress does on a daily basis, the peasants would have revolted, drawn, and quartered him in the town square. Our founding fathers revolted over a single digit tax increase.
We outnumber the people in power 100:1, and yet we are so content with our air conditioning, our computer games, our SUVs, fast food, sportsball, etc. At this point I think the only way people, especially whites, would revolt is if the food stopped coming.
Those in power seem to operate on Stalin's Chicken theorem, where they can hurt us as much as they want, and all they have to do is give us some bread crumbs and we all fall back in line. And it has worked like a charm so far.
So only the most corrupt are successful
Witcher 4 and/or GTA6 need to flop. If they make as much as their predecessors, the industry will absolutely take it as a mandate to double down.
So everybody here needs to resist the FOMO for once and don't buy these games.
Zero chance gta6 flops. Witcher might take a hit from the disaster of cyberpunk, but i can still see it selling. Both titles have way too much brand hype to ever flop
For existing IPs, bad games hit one game in the future. In example, I have zero hype for Civ7, but I did buy Civ6 before realizing it was inferior to earlier games. Not a damning indictment, so I'll still look at Civ7 maybe eventually, but zero hype, it could release and I wouldn't notice. The kind of badwill these people are cultivating is a lot worse than disappointed apathy, but it is still in the cultivation stage.
They will buy GTA 6. Maybe even a DLC or two that totally promises to fix the experience, but GTA 7 will be dead on arrival.
Based on what we know already about Civ VII I have literally negative interest, which likely wouldn't have been any different if I hadn't found my ~20 hours in CIv VI extremely lacking.
IMO, the series peaked with Civ IV, Civ V (with expansions) was a competent sequel that just went in a direction I didn't always like, and Civ VI isn't worth playing over either of those (or Civ III, BE, or even II.)
Civ 4 was the platonic ideal of square tile TBS games and nobody has ever made a good hex tile TBS.
Sadly, you're exactly right. It'll probably go down like it did last time.
People on PC are going to watch GTA:VI videos of how it really is from console users.
Then they'll forget for a year or so until it's out on PC and buy it because it's finally out on their machine of choice.
Same as GTA:V
And you just know tons of tards will pre-order. As if they might somehow run out of downloads if they wait too long to buy it.
They HAVE to pre-order it! It's the only way they'll get that unique outfit for the protagonist that is only available for a limited time! Can you even IMAGINE being able to live without it?
A limited time, and then again when the publisher double dips with a deluxe or GOTY version. I wonder how strong the overlap is between FOMO slaves and those who don't know how they'd feel if they didn't eat breakfast? Or maybe with those without an internal monolog?
Doubt people wont be retarded. People wont learn their lesson from cyberpunk or starfield when it comes to 1st day buy or even preordering.
First day sales are based on the quality of the game that came before.
Witcher 4 and GTA6 will break records on launch day then quickly have sales dry up afterwards.
That is what I am hoping for too.
GTA6 has the immense power of GTAO behind it.
It cannot be overstated how many middle/high school boys grew up obsessed with that garbage and will be looking for that new hit right there. I doubt they even give half a shit about the story and girl in it beyond "she hot."
Sadly, neither is happening. Both franchises are too popular and have too much brand loyalty, especially from dumbass normies who'll preorder every mainstream product without a second thought. GTA is so huge that it can get by just on inertia alone. And as for Witcher...Cyberpunk might have destroyed CDPR's credibility for a time, but everyone's now convinced they totes redeemed themselves and can do no wrong again.
I know I blame Sarkesian for this obsession with “we need to push more women into male spaces” mindset, but I would imagine it goes deeper than that. I’ve seen this in comics and sci-fi as well. Although almost anything that appeals to guys is infested
It’s all intentional. This has always been the modus operandi of feminism and minority tyranny. They don’t want access to a space, they want to dominate it, access is simply the foot in the door.
And black and female characters were embraced before that was all they came out with. And they still don’t get that most people aren’t lgbt so it doesn’t appeal to mass audiences
My go to example for this will always be Blade. People liked it because it was good. It wasn't slung at us, expecting us to like it because he's black.
The public will, on the whole, enjoy a quality product.
Exactly. Now they are shocked when show after show bombs after they shove race down your throat and the race swapped actors crap on the fanbase
It's been a while since I've watched the Blade movies but I don't recall race ever being brought up in the plot or even casually. These days it's mandatory for a black or female character to declare their oppression cards at least once per episode.
"You don't know the sound of a barbershop on sundays or a hotcomb's smell in an afro!"
"Sir... Your role is a medieval fantasy Wendy's innkeeper."
The first Blade still has arguably the best intro sequence to an action movie ever.
There isn't a movie with an opening that is as cool, stylish, and memorable as that.
The unfortunate reality is that game dev is wildly leftist. It might be the most left wing industry in existence. Their customers are, on average, way more right wing. So there’s a huge disconnect between what the creatives want to make and what the consumers want to play.
Like that Assassin’s Creed game where you could choose the make or female and one of the people in charge of the game said he was disappointed that most players chose the male character
Super hero comics went through that system shock over the last 12 years. It went from some editors at Marvel and DC hiring some assistants, AKA work girlfriends from convention applicants. They had no canon or lore knowledge, didn't know shit about comic books, but were quasi cute compared to the meat locker of dudes at the office.
Fast forward to workplace culture hostage scenario, me too, and these lunatics hiring from old Twitter and Tumblr, versus the usual way comic book pros were farmed, and you've got an industry that all of a sudden hates it's customer patrons.
It's just the comic book industry is miniscule in revenue compared to the game industry. This coup on AAA studios is like their Pearl Harbor. They are celebrating punching gamers in the nose, but it's only going to last a metaphorical weekend in the grand scheme of things. Motivating gamers to cause a real crash this time. Pyrrhic victory.
Female writers are the reason why modern comics are soap operas, focused on who is fucking who and who identifies as who, instead of stories about... heroism
I’ve seen this and it makes me sad everytime
They think they only need to go back to women since they tried trans and got massive blowback, not realising they fired all the artist that KNOW how to draw and write women because they were 'trans exclusionary'...
The right is ascendant and only now do a lot of studios realise how fucked they are because they drove out the talent for DEI money. We can only hope that indies rise up enough and Japan and South Korea and take more of the market otherwise China is going to have a larger media influence in the future.
The don't like gamers. Gamers want games that require talent to create.
They want consumers, consumers buy anything the brand asserts, but there are less consumers than gamers.
Gamers must be converted into consumers.
First gamers must be broken down, like boot camp or prison hierarchy. This means, gamers will be forced to play a female character that does not evoke the hetero-normative male gaze. No visual pleasure for hetero can be wrangled from the character.
Next, the modern character, this avatar of corporate Reddit, will be shown in adult situations. By proxy, the gamer will be getting pegged by the developers. This is to break down and emasculate the gamer. Once they are significantly broken in they can be transformed into a groomed consumer.
There is at least an informal understanding not to feature them. Another thing that is notable about Western media is the complete dearth of White heterosexual couples (except occasionally to show a dysfunctional one) as well, despite that being by far the most common couple in the West.
You know what’s hinged? My wallet. There are thousands of indies games and older games that have more appeal than Naughty Dog’s shitty amalgamation of Destiny, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Alien.
Even during better times, when the corporate world was not a consensus-driving ideological monolith trying in futility to mind control normal people, it still lagged behind the zeitgeist. These studios live in a layer of abstracted reality, where many of their employees will have suffered mental trauma and physical ailments from the shock of a brown woman failing to be installed as their puppet of worship. They are still larping as if their preferred reality played out, while their works in progress all have a momentum of their own as well. They are fiddling nervously while their Rome burns.
It's too predictable to get annoyed at. I'm more curious at how normies are reacting. So far it's hard to get a gauge on how much they're either rejecting the industry pills or else manufacturing their own happy consensus of excitement, to soothe the cognitive dissonance.
I think of things like this and I get a little disappointed. Not only in what's out there, but in the wall of apathy in people I'd like to educate on what's really going on.
Think about this. It took ten years for people to understand what gamergate was about, and some still get it wrong. And only because it started happening to them in a way they could no longer deny. Intentionally or otherwise.
Think how long we're gonna have to put up with this bullshit in gaming. They'll be here for another decade with how slow people are to realize what's going on, when you're literally warning them, and they just handwave it because they don't want to believe.
Waking up the normies is almost as tiresome as putting up with the thing you don't want to be around anymore.
To quote a 4chan post:
There's the additional part about it having to personally affect them. Because they can just say "I'm for thing" until next thing is more popular.
But if it actually affects them, then it has to be changed.
We just have to watch everything spiral into complete shit until they finally snap out of it and realize what they lost.
Fuckin' sad.
The games take so long and cost so much that the studios have to borrow money from Blackrock and Co. Blackrock says no white males.
The key is to make them black jewish totally not white males, then alter the character model in the final steps right before release. After all, "the race doesn't matter, why are you complaining about it?", right? So no one could possibly whinge on twitter over it.
“It’s about forcing behaviours…”
Almost certainly.
There might have been legs on the idea of her fighting monsters using anything but strength. Like Portal crossed with Shadow of the Collosus, where every monster requires an elaborate plan. A whole boss could just be a pack of drowners. Up the lethality and scale down the world.
girls mostly play healers. girls often gravitate towards certain games, often times being chased by a killer.
girls also seem to play games as a social thing or make it about them.. while boys seem to play games for fun or have goals.
Wait. A new Witcher has been announced and still within the same time period of Geralt?
Well Fucking R.I.P. They could not let him retire with Yen / Triss in Corvo Bianco huh? They are prolly pulling a Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones, drag him out of retirement and either kill him off or turn him into a fucking wimp.
Fuck CDPR. That speed this studio fell is something to be studied.
They will try to out-golf TLoU2.
It's like they always say: the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
Based on the length of dev cycles now it's going to be 2-4 years before you start seeing games shifting away from ugly brown mystery meat and more towards Lt. Titus protagonists.
I hated how 99% of the women there dressed like they were strippers. There was hardly any woman who wasnt showing off her tits and legs. At some points it was really hard to focus on the games and the developers when every woman was begging for chads to notice them and have an orgy right there in front of everyone.
And that's the problem. Sexy video game girls are meant for every man. But those women want only top chads to notice them while 99% of the screen was covered by their half-naked body.
And you can bet those exact same halfnaked whores are the ones who censor mature rated games by giving every succubus clothes that cover their full torso and tits smaller than a rat's balls.
And how will this help us sell more games?
the only new game announcements that i was genuinely happy to see were Virtua Fighter 6 and the Okami Sequel.
Everything else was lukewarm at best. Absolutely insulting and disgusting (as usual) at worst
Project Century also looks amazing. Virtua Fighter 6 is probably my most anticipated game right now.
The Elden Ring spin-off looks like a shameless asset flip cash grab, and that’s coming from a shameless Fromsoft fan.
I think the idea is white males were over represented for so long that they are trying to even the scale as quickly as possible.
White males were correctly represented based on the demographics of the player base. Now we have a still mostly male player base being served by an ideologically possessed industry that is forcing masculine female characters on everyone. It’s bizarre. I can’t think of another industry that is so clearly obsessed with giving the customer the exact opposite of what they want. Any wonder that these people are being laid off in record numbers?
I hope more than a few people saw the pictures and went that looks awesome let's do that
Then a few chad devs released a “generic white dude space marine” game in 2024 and made a ton of money.
I agree with you, unfortunately I don't own a video game development studio.
Now we have a decade since they pushed the lie that more women play games than men, by citing fucking farmville and candy crush.
I know that is their mindset but then you have to look at how many white guys were playing. Or guys in general. So they were crazy to ignore a large fanbase to appeal to a small minority by over representation
You'd think but life has become that "burgers" memes
Very true
It’s a reversal of cause and effect, which is typical of leftists (as well as deliberate). The proliferation of “masculine white male dudebro” protagonists was an organic result of successful market research. It wasn’t an arbitrary trend. Capitalist companies wanted to make money, so they created what they knew to be appealing characters.
Organic trends only became problematic when they interfered with leftist progressivist social engineering. The calls for “representation” were inherently Marxist. It was a demand to forego or ignore what solid market research indicated so that lefty producers could instead create media that adhered to the arbitrary standards of their pet identity ideologies.
All of this was made possible by top-down enforcement of “correct behaviors” by woke investors like Blackrock. The woke became so ubiquitous that it briefly detached the industry from market forces; when people can only choose between different flavors of neo-Marxism, it creates the illusion of success via the absence of alternative options.