Western society in a nutshell
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Reason number 34564565 to abolish the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
It's not even relevant to the Civil Rights act, faggot. You could have given any of the four reasons set by Barry Goldwater, but you still failed.
I guess it's just because of muh raysisms that we never see any White kids behaving like that.
A lot of white kids do, just not disproportionately compared to the 13/50.
10 hours of apologetics for something that is objectively wrong, and finally one of you just actually states your opinion correctly. I appreciate that.
You're an idiot if you think white kids don't behave like that.
This is fatherless behavior.
You’re an idiot if you think that the rates are even comparable. There are dumb white people, that’s why iq averages exist instead of iq absolutes. Thomas Sowell didn’t have a father either.
I don't know the rates but I will say that the lionazation of single motherhood has become the prevalent social structure for the mass media. Even divorced moms are referred to as single moms even if they share custody 50/50.
I've been reading his economics book and I have a lower opinion of his intelligence than I went in with.
I'm sure he's actually very smart, but he absolutely cannot get his ideas across efficiently.
"Clear and concise" (as claimed by the endorsements) my ass.
Another overrated mediocrity. Like Neil Tyson, people are just impressed with any black who can do more than tie his own shoes.
At least we still have Clarence Thomas.
A group of retards are claiming to be unimpressed by an actual economist. I'm fucking pissing myself with laughter!
I'm not surprised you are incontinent.
Sorry, it's my fault for interjecting in an ongoing thread, but I wasn't trying to make a broader argument. I just saw his name and wanted to comment on his book, since I've been reading it.
Less impressed than I expected to be. He's taught me one or two things and helped clarify some others, but mostly he's told me a lot of what I already know, and in the most retardedly ineloquent, wall-of-text way possible.
I haven't read the whole thing yet but at the very least it should be half the length that it is. He needs an editor even more badly than Ayn Rand did.
I take issue with the notion that he's impressive just by virtue of being an economist. There are lots of retarded economists. I don't think he's one of them - his retardation lies in his method of communication.
So do you accept that you're now making excuses and walking back SicilianOmega's comment because it's fucking wrong?
Are you prepared to accept that in a half-century of dedicated effort to destroy families, the political Left has successfully damaged white families enough to recognize that this kind of behavior is physically capable by white people?
Bro come on, everyone knows he didn't mean "every single last white child"
"I invented this improbable and stupid reading of your argument. Will you defend it, or will you admit I'm right?"
No, he did, that's literally why he said it. Turns out you do see white kids doing this.
He's so retarded of a racist that he can't accept that sometimes white families are missing fathers because it would bring disrepute to the image of a white family he has in his head.
Meanwhile, white families actually have a lot of broken homes, and that isn't going to be addressed because he's a racist that hates blacks more than he loves whites. Just like any other socialist.
Fascinating, so you’re now claiming that white people didn’t have similar rates of homicide and violent crime before the political left showed up with the “great new society”? You know what used to happen? We killed, institutionalized or ostracized the problematic parts of society. That was deemed racist 50 years ago along with saying anyone at a 85 iq or lower was mentally disabled.
You're changing the subject. Do you accept that you are walking back Sicilian's statement?
Whites, Latinos and Asians are statistically speaking, too smart to fall for the liberal bait and switch on a widespread basis. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, but just less so. Black culture, meanwhile, has been consumed by it. You don’t leave your children fatherless as a cultural norm if you have the IQ to recognize how destructive this pattern behavior is/will be.
Eh, whites appear to be disproportionately overrepresented as serial killers. I mean, blacks just straight up kill you out of IQrage, but whites seem to disproportionately produce serial killers, more than any other race and it appears to be mostly an American thing.
The emphasis here is disproportionate, just like how blacks disproportionately are overrepresented for violent crime like burglary, robbery, murder, assault, etc
That's so retarded I hardly know where to begin. Leftism and Liberalism begin in Europe. Most of Latin America is Socialist by one variant or another, and Asia is ravaged by Communism, and the largest Communist country in history specifically.
The bait and switch tactic comes from George (not Jamal) Orwell pointing out the bait and switch tactic with "We were always at war with East Asia".
You’re willfully obtuse if you’re suggesting black people aren’t uniquely fatherless
Black people aren't uniquely fatherless, idiot.
You do realize you live in a time where fatherlessness is a problem in nearly all demographics, right? You ever heard of Family Court or No-Fault-Divorce?
False, the CRA removed the right to free association.
Bake the cake bigot.
Cato, that literally has nothing to do with this. This is still free association.
If you're whining about integration, you're whining about the "public accommodation" interpretation of the courts. So, it's not the Civil Rights Act, and at most it would just remove the white lady from the store. The criticism literally doesn't make sense.
The CRA prevents whites only stores, aka free association.
Only based on public accommodation, and on specific protected characteristics not all of them. It is, at best, a limitation on free association; not a ban of it. Moreover, that still doesn't relate to this event.
You have to have a real criticism of the 64 CRA.
Hey schlomo the goyim are onto you
Be quite, faggot. An adult is talking.
Oiy with the keveching with this one
you think his mudda wouldda be proud of the golem he become
Queue the Boondocks clip on the virtues of beating the shit out of disobedient children.
Let me guess, either raised fatherless or with a so liberal father that practically a 2nd mother so had no disciplinarian that would do this
Though truthfully I never needed that (as in punishment) growing up, usually having parents and grandparents who could use a 'tone' would tell me not to push my luck. These parents have no concept of expressing authority with nonviolent means so they can't express ANY authority.
There's a shitload of bodycam vids of black women chimping the fuck out.
And it's almost always the same shit over and over again
The only reason a "Karen" is a far more widespread meme than a "Shenequa" is because we have two anti-White parties willing to spread the former.
To be fair it's a black dude looking to stop her, until some white chicks shoos him away.
>Black dude tries to help a child who needs adult intervention
>Is rewarded with dumb bitch aggro
I'm going to feel bad about a lot of past comments if it turns out they were actually trying to be fatherly this whole time.
Guy actually went out for milk, after being yelled at by some bitch at home. Gets to store some kid is throwing a fit, tries to intervene, some dumb bitch yells at him. "That's it I'm out of here, I'm stealing a bike and riding until I'm tired. Wherever I stop I'm using meth."
Look up the child abuse statistics, is it any wonder Black men can't stand Black women? The abuse is lifelong.
Black women are the least desirable among all demographics.
The natural state of any group is not abandoning their children. There have always been shit fathers but the welfare state and multiple generations of deliberately subverted and mangled culture have done far more damage than a simple low average IQ could lead to. Government programs have ACTIVELY INCENTIVIZED fatherlessness. The CIA deliberately sold tons of crack in inner city areas. Look at the leading figures of even the more objectionable black movements of the past compared to today. I categorically reject racial collectivists and think he was wrong but even malcolm x wasn't an illiterate hood-rat drug pusher - he was more respectable than the overwhelming majority of "role models" in modern black culture.
Hollywood, the CIA, the leftist bureaucracy and the welfare state have worked to turn the black population in the US into a controlled political weapon through generations of destructive policy. Fatherlessness compounds through generations.
Someone else's dad had to step and and be a dad.
And got shooed for his trouble
That's because the other woman needs a dad too.
They all need spankings, ffs
Just a good snatch up by the collar would probably work.
liberals are the same way with minorities committing crimes in general
"Don't touch her?! Karen, I'm about to beat this little nigglet's ass!"
The Karen deserves the same.
First thing I thought when I saw this yesterday. The woman following her around excusing everything she did and being angry with reasonable people trying to stop her IS American society. The thought process causing the woman to act like this is the prevailing philosophy in this country
Intersectional Race Marxism.
Never seen a dog act like that at Canadian Tire ....
I'm still confused why Canadian Tire is a "pet friendly" place.
My family member brings her super anxious mid-sized dog there then freaks out if anyone tries to touch her (she is in no way a service dog).
My local grocery stores specifically put up "No Emotional Support Animals" signs at the doors. Probably because they're untrained and shit everywhere, which, as a grocer that sells food for human consumption, sanitation is probably a high priority.
Isn't that illegal?
Emotional Support Animals (which are different from trained Service Animals) aren't federally protected outside of the Fair Housing Act. Unless there's state or local laws forbidding it, public places are free to ban ESAs.
Hmm thanks
They don't sell food except for pet food
It's not so much a regulation thing but a common sense thing.
The Canadian Tires near me are all cramped aisles and corridors because they stuff displays full of merch in every nook & cranny.
There's barely room for two humans to pass each other let alone a wide berth for dogs.
I have that gripe with big fatty fatfats
Geez. Thankfully I knew better than to act like that in a store or anywhere else. You don’t have the right to act like an animal because “you are going through something”. Same logic that allows rioters to run rampant. They don’t have the guts to do it but I’d make her parents/parent pay for the damages or have them work off the damages.
Do that in the south, an old black woman will materialize and slap the shit out of that kid. Trust me, I’ve witnessed it.
You just reminded me of the video where a mother dragged her son away from the Baltimore riots. It's such a powerful thing that even the other rioters stayed away. I bet even the police wouldn't get in the way either; they'd probably just watch and smile. I never get tired of watching it.
As the top commenter observed in one of the videos: "Everybody a gansta till their mom shows up lol"
Most kids don’t know the mistake they’re making until the parents tells them, in one way or another.
What did they mean by this? 🤔🔫
The reason the workers are likely saying this is because they're trying to keep themselves from getting in trouble. in most professional instances, you are not allowed to touch kids. Even if they are actively hurting people or destroying property, laying a hand on a minor could have major consequences for both the employees and the company.
The mom or dad should have dragged her out of the store by the hair, blame them for being shit parents.
I can see stopping themselves from intervening if that is the case, but why warn off a non-employee?
A little surprising this doesn't happen more often. Maybe it will in the near future.
The dad needs to spank that Little bitches ass, oh wait….
Could replace the Walmart setting with a public school and that would be the only major change in detail.
She quite literally can’t be the next president. Read a fucking textbook, dumbass