In the first place, so much of the aesthetic is based on gangster culture. Black gangster culture specifically. Based off of the actual real problem of black violent gang culture . How can that be considered good in any way?. And the music itself is low class, simplistic and has no real melody. i don't know why anyone likes it to be honest.
And White or Asian people copying it are worshipping black gangster culture because so much of hiphop and rap is based around that. Just look at the lyrics and music videos and what the "singers" wear and how they conduct themselves. All the tattoos , too many metal piercings, stupid amounts of jewelry (again , its based off of materialistic gang culture) just all around uglyness , rude gestures and behaviors, trashy . In general its all just vulgar.
And why is something that was invented decades ago always promoted like its "cool and modern"?
Cool it with antisemitic remarks
The cat is out of the bag. You cant really silence anyone these days by calling them racist or antisemitic
He’s quoting American Pyscho lmao
Who would possibly be doing this? 🤔
Who nose? It could be ANYONE, goyim!
Half the songs in rap and hip hop are about fucking women or objectifying women. People seem fine with it. The same people that claim video games and anime are objectifying women.
Another common bullshit thing they say is that they feel embarassed playing games or watching anime that has fan service.. but dont feel the same way with rap or hip hop, especially the music videos.
And there was recently a big star-studded event that celebrated 50 years of this. I still have trouble mentally processing that. I guaran-damn-tee that there won't be an event anytime soon to celebrate 300 years of classical music.
As a leftist it's critical to master the art of doublethink.
Thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, especially when used as a technique of self-indoctrination.
I hate that you can’t do anything without having to hear it.
If you’re watching a movie or game trailer, there’s a 50/50 chance you’re about to hear some shit rap music.
The other half of the time, you’re going to hear a slow emo cover of a somewhat recognizable pop song from 20-40 years ago.
Either way, kill me.
Orchestral pieces used to define video games. At least anime hasn’t forgotten its use.
no freaking kidding...
As the saying goes, RAP stands for Retards Attempting Poetry.
And don’t forget the twerking. The fuckin twerking, Jesus 😒😑
Shaking your fat sweaty ass crack like a gorilla in heat. There is NOTHING sexy or alluring about it, it’s crass animalistic vulgarity, taking your hands off the wheel and letting your inner chimp drive for a while. Shake your ass like you’re still at the watering hole in Africa with all the other wildlife around you.
NO woman looks good doing it, none. I fucking hate it to my core, especially when white women try it. Peak cringe every time.
Would’ve been a sick burn if you weren’t vegan 😕👍
I agree with a lot of that, and rap has never been my favorite (most of my life I never listened to it at all), but not all rap is gangster rap. I've found mixes of more positive-messaged rap that I listen to occasional; great for when you're working, working out, or running, and the like.
And, yeah, it's probably more simplistic than many other music styles, but it can still have some interesting rhythm and such. A bunch of it doesn't though. There's tons of trash rap, tons of degenerate rap, tons of violence inspired rap. No argument here.
I do like to hear other cultures' takes on things, and there's some fun Asian rap but, yeah, it's also frustrating to see people latch on to some of the stupider cultural trends. Why go out of your way to copy trash, when we have enough cultural problems?
I mean, to be fair, you could say the same for most of that when it comes to rock and roll, punk, metal, and so many more. Hair metal was hilarious. Popular music has had elements of degeneracy and immorality for ages. You just have to pick and choose what you like.
Because culture stopped in the 90's-00's, and has only been decaying since. :(
Its the lowest form of music, simply because it requires no instruments or even really rhythm. Just the ability to write words that vaguely flow. With that low barrier of entry, it'll have the largest flood of actual garbage.
Worse, because the bar is so low people will overestimate their ability and then upload it for the world. Meaning the amount of garbage you can actually find is even higher, while the "garbage rock" guys aren't recording themselves stumbling over guitar strings because its obvious that they are failing.
Yup. A bunch of people think they can rap.
They can't.
Low barrier of entry and the fact that we are probably in the middle of its popularity peak makes it so we see all the trash. Nobody remembers the trash from the 70s and 80s because nobody re-releases the crap on best of albums.
it really depends. Sometimes there's heavy use of instrumentals, sometimes just percussion to keep the rythm, sometimes there's none, sometimes they rely on "sampling" of audio from other sources along with the lyrics and backing music. It's variable, and maybe even depend on the setting of the performance.
it's different from say, my personal favorite genre, heavy metal, where they focus on complex rhythmic structures and harmonies that would make the classical composers blush with envy, throat-shredding vocals, and virtuoso guitar performances that torture the strings like they were in gitmo, but that lack of rigid structure does give it more flexibility in terms of experimentation.
What I meant by it doesn't require it is that it doesn't need it to qualify, but it absolutely does and should have it for the various reasons provided.
But the heavy metal example is a great point. Because to me, who hates heavy metal, it just sounds like making noises as loud as possible and then growling "blood blood satan death cunt" incoherently. Based on just my own hearing, there is no complexity or anything that classical composers wouldn't dismiss as children banging on cans.
And I have no doubt that is absolutely the case for a lot of them too, but then I do believe there are guys out there doing as you describe and making something magical. But to treat the first group with the same brush as the second is what people are doing here with other genres.
Not sure if you're interested, but try out power metal if you want to experiment with metal, but like a cleaner sound. As someone who's not a fan of all that growling shit, when I first discovered power metal, metal went from something I never listened to, to one of my favorite genres. It's also often more positive and aspirational.
Sabaton is a good starting point; Resist and Bite, and The Last Stand, and the classics like Primo Victoria, and Winged Hussars. As well as many, many more. Interesting and distinctive style, and it's really cool how they mix history in there as well, from all sides. Rorke's Drift. Even Ghost Division. The Last Battle.
Hammerfall - Way of the Warrior.
As well a classics like Manowar - Sleipnir, and Iron Maiden - Alexander the Great.
And plenty more, but I won't flood you with it. I'll just hit you with one more, because I think the mix of power metal and rolling R's is hilarious: Powerwolf - Resurrection By Erection. Not their best song but, again, that R roll!
This is a point where I reveal myself as a pleb who doesn't understand genres well and isn't careful with his words. Most of those bands you listed are well within my purview and I love the heck out of them, though they are the limit of where I'll go.
So I should have said I hated "black metal" as I think is the better label, but to me that's what heavy metal is, wherein most of what you listed is just plain ol' metal. Though I know I'm probably in the wrong there.
Also Back in Control is Sabaton's most underrated song.
I am beyond furious that you didn't list a single Stratovarius song.
I've got a lot on my plate, can't do everything for you!
That said... you are correct. I should have.
ugh, don't get me started on the growling bullshit... to each their own, and maybe i'm too married to the classic metal sound, but i hate it...
edgelords gonna edgelord is all I'm gonna say about that, lmao.
but I wont lie, this one delightfully shocked me when I realized it existed (listen past the banner, it's more than that).
The music video for that song is great too
LMAO. forgot this existed...
I think you're describing "pop music." Which is dominated by "rap themes." I don't think you've actually listened to any actual rap music if you think this.
You weren't around in the 90's... were you?
Rap sucks. I listened to it when I was a degenerate.
I heard that rap was actually invented by Whites, and I'm inclined to believe it, because when was the last time niggers invented anything?
They always claim peanut butter lmao
And video game cartridges.
Totally agree - most of these fuckers can't even speak in tune never mind sing.
Unironically Japanese hip hop you can occasionally hear in some anime openings are non-offensive and actually listenable. Especially something like the recent anime Dan da dan has an amazing opening and is hip hop. I don't like 99% of the genre but these are the exceptions.
I fucking hate the whole gangster culture in western hip hop and rap, it's utterly dreadful to listen.
jews, dude. It’s always the jews.
Initially, it was rooted in political messaging and long form vocal performance, also catapulting the use of turntables as an instrument, but it started to devolve right at the end of the 80s, as it turned into promoting ghetto culture by the big labels. The whole decade of the 90s is what soured it, first making it about violence and drugs, then proceeding to sexual denigration (really started with Public Enemy but it became more commonplace later).
Popularization was going in full-swing around the New Millennium as "artists" like Eminem started to cement its popularity with Whites, and the nu-metal sub-genre of hard rock had incorporated it into vocal performance and rhythms, starting with Limp Bizkit (maybe Korn did it first?). Once the music industry catches whiff of something to be used as a cultural wedge, they put it on full-blast (ghetto rap, nu-metal, Taylor Swift, Jelly Roll).
Yeah, gangster rap is terrible for the nation and a lot of the rap genre has produced trash, although some rap/hip hop is tolerable. You can hear the distinction between the era of Sugar Hill Gang to Run D.M.C., LL Cool J and Beastie Boys. Then Public Enemy and N.W.A. Then Wu-tang Clan, 2pac, Notorious B.I.G and Common. Then Eminem, Kanye West, MF Doom, etc and at that point there's various subjects they focus on.
I've never heard of this, although I don't listen to critics or the Industry anymore. I do remember in the 00s when it was trying to be seen as "cool and modern", as it was fusing with other genres, but it hit it's "artistic" peak with critics around 2010 (Kanye West / Kendrick Lamar). I don't think it's any different than Current Year music trying to promote itself as cool and modern when most genres and pop music haven't evolved in over a decade. Country pop music is trying to be "cool and modern" now too
I mean, that's true in practice but its not a requirement of the genre. That's like saying all anime is moeblob or loli-shit, and thereby Akira is "uwu trash" because the only anime you see on twitter is one of those two.
The problem isn't that its a bad method of music, its literally just poetry spoken aloud, its that the promoted form of it is black trash. I listen to plenty of Youtube artists who just rap about comic books and anime, without a single hint of niggerdom beyond a handful of slang terms. But those won't ever get mainstream coverage, while nigger music will.
The problem is that the Music Industry loves gangster garbage, for humiliation rituals, social breakdown, or just nigger worship (you pick which you think), so that's all they will show people until you reach the point of thinking that's all it is.
Its why the old meme of "I like all music except country and rap" happened. Because both of those had the same thing happen, for different ends of the spectrum. Rap become the domain is niggers talking about their own idiocy, while country became caricatures of farm boys pretending to be tough. But everyone here can probably name good country from yesteryear.
Basically, you are consuming too much media and letting it influence the way you think, even while you think you are rejecting the narrative you are still engaging with it on its face and letting them control you anyway.
The aesthetic behind rap is completely based on gangster culture. Even when people do parodies or spinoffs of it, they're still emulating that aesthetic. Saying that we're being manipulated by the media because we recognize this is a really weird take. Even if the lyrics aren't about violent gang culture, even if the rapper is White or Asian, I still find the style as a whole distasteful.
An aesthetic isn't inherent to it anymore than a book is "lustful smut designed for horny women" because that's the majority of published literature.
I didn't say that it was inherent. If we want to talk about the theory of why people like or dislike certain types of music, then I would say it's largely due to subjective psychological associations.
But we don't need scientists to analyze and tell us that rap's aesthetic is based on gangster culture. That's just readily apparent to anyone with eyes.
I agree, that was the entire middle half of my comment. Those psychological associations were deliberately created by the Jews, or Elites or whoever, for their purposes and aren't reflective of reality.
Something that I thought people around here might take issue with, as they do on every other topic. But it seems nigger hate is strong enough to remove any principle or discussion as long as you can say "DAE fucking hate ghetto monkeys and their screeching?!?!" over and over.
I understand where you're coming from. Theoretically, if the musical style of rap (as in, talking quickly with a beat repeating in the background) had evolved in a different timeline with a completely different culture, and had none of the other aesthetic associations connected to it that it has today, then I might not hate it as much. But I don't buy the idea that rap is secretly a good genre and the jews just tricked me into disliking it. More like they took a genre that was already bad and tricked everyone into thinking it's good.
Its not good or bad, its just a thing that exists that people can make good or bad from. The Jews are the ones that took the gutter trash form of it and made it the primary association people have with it, which is a form of manipulation they use on everything.
I don't really care for rap that much that I'll die saying its an underrated wonderform, the point is that the techniques used on it are easier to see because of how blatant it is. And learning to see those is important to combat it on more important stages.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
I'd have to agree--the last rap song I liked was "Gangsta's Paradise," largely due to its central message of "gang life fucking sucks actually."
To think I never heard the full song until I heard it in the original Sonic live-action movie trailer--the one with the awful Sonic design--and decided to check the actual song out...
I cannot help it. I know rap and hiphop music are inferior when compared to rock and metal music but I grew up with this genre. Even when I picked up the musical instrument and practice mainly rock and instrumental songs, I end up coming back listening to rap. Sometimes they can be surprising because sometimes the basslines on some songs are great. Yes, I like the sound of the basslines.
Sturgeon's Law.
Hip Hop just happens to be the flavor de jour of TPTB. So it's in your face much more than anything else, you get to experience the entire empire of shit.
But genre is isnt a gate if quality for anything.
Cause yeah, Pop music largely sucks too, Taylor Swift is garbage music. But that doesn't change how great Thriller is, anymore than whatever rap guy who's popular now detracts from the Slim Shady LP or To Pimp a Butterfly.
It used to be pretty good, back in the day old rap OG’s like ice cube and snoop used to actually rap about the dark side of the gangster life, and almost always advocated against it.
Now you have little Tyrone being raised by Doja Cat and and Travis Scott rapping about being a slut and/or overdosing on Codine. I can’t think of a good positive role model for blacks in the past 50 years and you can tell what unchecked third worlder culture has done to our own society
Nothing in entertainment is organic. Rap/hip hop is popular because the music labels promote it. The question to ask is why?
I hated hip hop and rap for a long, long time, so I get where you’re coming from.
There was that video with a bunch of rappers that got invited to somewhere to do some sort of business deal with the prison industry; to make music that would encourage behavior toward incarceration. Even before I found that, I always knew “fuck shit bitch nigga” rap was, well, kind of not music, haha. Worse, it was very clearly mentally detrimental to anyone who listened to it - by design of course!
HOWEVER! If you look around, there are some pretty good rappers. You gotta truly hunt for them though as nobody is gonna tell you what’s good, you gotta feel it in your heart. On Bandcamp there is a sort of sub-genre called ‘conscious hip hop’, and okay, a lot of it isn’t great, but some of it is absolutely phenomenal.
Here, I’ll give you a few examples that really hit with me. The first two are lyrics by Godfather Don, one of the best underground 90s rappers, and imo the best rapper I’ve ever heard in my life.
This other one is by Mathematik. I don’t really know him all that well but I think he’s really good. Hope you like them! I’m sending these because I think they’re great examples of what rap should be.
Important to understand that gangsta rappers were mostly LARPers and theatre kids. Ice Cube was middle class. Plenty of black artists resisted the rise of shitty rap and decried it's crass content and lack of musical aptitude. Not like there aren't endless examples of white kids idolizing retarded shitbag musicians too.
Another point is, although not new, it is comparatively new. It is one of the newer forms of music, so there is some innovation going on, just not so much in the mainstream which, as has been mentioned, promotes the cancer. But it is cool that you can be there to see some new things, or find the older stuff that was super innovative. You can find innovation in any style, but there might be more of it going on in rap, because it is newer.
Rap Phenomena (1981), some of the first rap from Japan.
Not to mention the heavy emphasis on lyrics over sound means that the innovations are more likely to come from the same places that poetry did.
Where everyone treats the move from iambic pentameter and other forms of rhythm to "he just said words that don't rhyme, but put line breaks are certain spots" is treated as revolutionary and genre defining.
I won't say all rap/hiphop is bad. I've got a FEW songs of that genre I like, notably:
And this sketch from Key & Peele would kinda agree with you
"In the first place, so much of the aesthetic is based on gangster culture. Black gangster culture specifically"
Most of "Black" gangster culture is appropriated from Italian and Irish immigrant thugs/mobsters/gangsters. Stop giving Black people credit for being the source of all this. or creating or inventing it.
White people invented the building blocks of what we think of as catchy rap songs. Patter vocals, vaudeville, musicals, The Music Man, Meredith Wilson. and going further back, the Scandinavian practice of flyting. Obviously, Black people in the USA (and their Jewish handlers) remixed these things into something distinctive.
It's an astroturfed psyop financed exclusively by the usual suspects.
I'll have the cold take.
I used to share your view, but while it isn't my absolute favorite genre, I've found music that was good along with the bad.
oh man, you think it's bad now, "gansta rap" was it's own sub-genre of phony bullshit in the 90s...
Bring back Nerdcore.
The rest of the genre can burn for all I care.
I like N.W.A. but saying the name out loud will make me a racist. Or saying out their lyrics. Haven't really found any rap otherwise that i woulda liked.
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