In the first place, so much of the aesthetic is based on gangster culture. Black gangster culture specifically. Based off of the actual real problem of black violent gang culture . How can that be considered good in any way?. And the music itself is low class, simplistic and has no real melody. i don't know why anyone likes it to be honest.
And White or Asian people copying it are worshipping black gangster culture because so much of hiphop and rap is based around that. Just look at the lyrics and music videos and what the "singers" wear and how they conduct themselves. All the tattoos , too many metal piercings, stupid amounts of jewelry (again , its based off of materialistic gang culture) just all around uglyness , rude gestures and behaviors, trashy . In general its all just vulgar.
And why is something that was invented decades ago always promoted like its "cool and modern"?
I mean, that's true in practice but its not a requirement of the genre. That's like saying all anime is moeblob or loli-shit, and thereby Akira is "uwu trash" because the only anime you see on twitter is one of those two.
The problem isn't that its a bad method of music, its literally just poetry spoken aloud, its that the promoted form of it is black trash. I listen to plenty of Youtube artists who just rap about comic books and anime, without a single hint of niggerdom beyond a handful of slang terms. But those won't ever get mainstream coverage, while nigger music will.
The problem is that the Music Industry loves gangster garbage, for humiliation rituals, social breakdown, or just nigger worship (you pick which you think), so that's all they will show people until you reach the point of thinking that's all it is.
Its why the old meme of "I like all music except country and rap" happened. Because both of those had the same thing happen, for different ends of the spectrum. Rap become the domain is niggers talking about their own idiocy, while country became caricatures of farm boys pretending to be tough. But everyone here can probably name good country from yesteryear.
Basically, you are consuming too much media and letting it influence the way you think, even while you think you are rejecting the narrative you are still engaging with it on its face and letting them control you anyway.
The aesthetic behind rap is completely based on gangster culture. Even when people do parodies or spinoffs of it, they're still emulating that aesthetic. Saying that we're being manipulated by the media because we recognize this is a really weird take. Even if the lyrics aren't about violent gang culture, even if the rapper is White or Asian, I still find the style as a whole distasteful.
An aesthetic isn't inherent to it anymore than a book is "lustful smut designed for horny women" because that's the majority of published literature.
I didn't say that it was inherent. If we want to talk about the theory of why people like or dislike certain types of music, then I would say it's largely due to subjective psychological associations.
But we don't need scientists to analyze and tell us that rap's aesthetic is based on gangster culture. That's just readily apparent to anyone with eyes.
I agree, that was the entire middle half of my comment. Those psychological associations were deliberately created by the Jews, or Elites or whoever, for their purposes and aren't reflective of reality.
Something that I thought people around here might take issue with, as they do on every other topic. But it seems nigger hate is strong enough to remove any principle or discussion as long as you can say "DAE fucking hate ghetto monkeys and their screeching?!?!" over and over.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?