Academics regularly do this in order to prove discrimination against their mascot groups. They send in one set of resumes as Abdul Hakim Shaniqu'a Jamalistani, or some other bizarre, stereotypical Black American name, and another name using middle-class 'white' names like Alexander and Charlotte.
When Mr. Jamilistani gets rejected more often than Alexander, they conclude that this must be racial bias. Quite apart from whether one should trust these agenda-driven academics to begin with, there is one confounding variable there, namely class. I am rather confident that redneck white names would be similarly poorly regarded.
The largest study ever done of blind recruitment found that there was a massive bias in favor of women and minorities (study was done in australia) and it was immediately cancelled because seeing a female name gets people promoted and hired faster than a resume with the name removed
Pretty sure the blind resumes study in Australia proved that when identifying characteristics were off the table, hiring became way less 'diverse' because the 'diverse' candidatea just weren't as good.
Yes they did, because leftists believe that reality is left wing (the late night funny man said so!), so they just openly do experiments designed to prove that, and are shook every time they get proven wrong. From medicine to human nature to AI, the leftist constantly assumes their morality is representative of the universe, and is constantly proven wrong by their own attempts to prove themselves right. Such attempts are briefly reported on (because, you know, they HAVE to publish the results) and then the entire thing is quashed because it's 'fueling right wing propaganda'.
My absolute favorite example of this is an AI comedy bot that was allowed access to the news, and then fed certain opening lines. Please bear in mind that the man who made it is a Muslim. He fed the opening line "two muslims walk into a" and 75% of the results that the AI spat out were literally violent acts islamic terrorist had actually commited. Shit like this (bold is the prompt):
"Two muslims walk into a cartoon contest and open fire"
"Two muslims walk into a synagogue and behead a grandmother."
"Two muslims walk into a mosque and begin to worship peacefully and are executed for their faith."
Conversely, when fed the same inputs regarding Christians, only 1 in 5 jokes became about how violent the religion is. Of course, the Muslim programmer is astounded. Where is the AI that he explicitly designed to search for information, notice patterns, and form connections getting this idea that Islam isn't the religion of peace?
There was a similar study with the U.S. military that when promotion candidates are anonymized to obscure race and gender, more white men are selected due to them being stronger candidates.
Some wokies started their own IT conference because existing ones were filled with male toxicity and what not.. took pride in having a double-blind review process that would remove all bias and discrimination... quickly abandoned that though when they noticed they were exclusively accepting white males..
You can run this into Deepl to get a proper English version. In short, anonymous CV increases discrimination against ethnic minorities, but decreases gender discrimination (where gender discrimination is understood as favoring the same sex as that of the recruiter, ie, men for male recruiters, and women for female recruiters).
When you look at the "passed" account, there are numerous spelling issues, the account listed they may not be in the US legally (a requirement for any hiring by a US company), the answers to the questions were short and poorly worded and Pride and Diversity as the job title. The guy did a very good job on showing a hiree looking for a job based on their perceived skin color not their ability.
I am rather confident that redneck white names would be similarly poorly regarded.
Can confirm. Cajun people love calling things "T'<xxx>" as shorthand for petit or little. Mostly pets/objects, but some people cross that border and name their children like that directly instead of nicknaming. The equivilant of putting "Lil Wayne" on a black kids birth certificate.
And I can promise you with anecdotal certainty not a single one ever gets above bottom totem pole in a trade for a career, mostly they are generic hoodrats hanging around trailer parks. Including the ones in my own family.
I'm old and would be at risk IF I lost my current job, that being written go all out man. Change your name to an obvious black or hispanic name. When it comes to race refuse to answer. Do interviews without a camera and fake the accent dude, work on it. When you get hired (preferably remote) go to work and see what happens. If you can talk to a lawyer in advance for lawsuit for discrimination who'd take it for a portion of the pool in advance, own them.
You can also use voice changing software during calls. If you really want to F with them, claim you are a furry and use an furry avatar to talk and state you aren't comfortable showing anything but your fur self and you have social anxiety. You will be making HR masturbate and come half way reading this. If all whites did this, Silicon Valley would be 100% bros in 10 years.
Think to myself "Please just be DC comic enthusiasts" go to link "racial justice requires algorithmic justice" and "We combine art and research to illuminate the social implications and harms of AI." Fuck this world.
Crazy isn't it? So many of these people that claim to want Communism have no understanding that none of the things they want have ever mattered to any actual Communist government. Worrying about climate change, gender and sexuality crap, the "freedom" to not worry about work... Yeah none of that stuff is compatible with any Communist government in history.
Most of these people don't give a shit about communism. They're just opportunists. They'd be commies under Stalin, Nazis under Hitler, Baathist under Saddam or Taliban. Whatever group is in power they'll kowtow to and snitch on the regime's enemies. If nationalists were in power they'd be great little citizens, since zionists are in power they're enthusiastically oppressing white Christians.
Most of these people don't give a shit about communism. They're just opportunists. They'd be commies under Stalin, Nazis under Hitler, Baathist under Saddam or Taliban. Whatever group is in power they'll kowtow to and snitch on the regime's enemies.
For sure. If anything from George Washington to Pol Pot told them what they wanted to hear even when doing the entire opposite, they'd go right along with it.
For months I have been noticing that DDG was behaving more like a MSM delivery system than a independent engine. So I've been wanting to switch. What I really wanted to switch to was but I keep having issues accessing them.
So as of just now I moved to Ixquick which I have used in the past but wasn't thrilled by them. I dumped DDG because I refuse to give support to companies that cater to ideology over meritocracy. Especially when the ideology is toxic to everything I hold dear.
What issues are you having with Searx? You can load your own instance or there are many shared servers out there. I've been pleased using them. The server I usually use is
Most search engines—even supposedly “neutral” or “private” ones—don’t have their own index. They’re just façades that rely exclusively on third-parties. At Brave, we want to build our own search index, because this means independence. And independence means choice. Choice for the user to have alternatives, and choice that allows Brave to not be beholden to the policies of third parties (e.g. censorship, biases, economic interests, etc).
Brave Search beta is based on an independent index, the first of its kind. However, for some queries, Brave can anonymously check our search results against third-party results, and mix them on the results page. This mixing is a means-to-an-end toward 100% independence. For full transparency and to measure Brave’s progress toward that goal, Brave provides a “Results independence” metric. This anonymous calculation shows the % of search results that come from Brave versus these third parties. Note that no matter the independence metric, your privacy will always be 100%.
I've noticed the search results have been getting better and better quite quickly, to the point where my Brave results get me the answer I was looking for faster than Google (mostly for programming stuff).
it was bought by a bigger company a couple years ago so there was controversy over what the new owners would do with it leading a lot of users to abandon it and I think they tried to clarify some issues but I think most people left by that point
Can this possibly be real? If this is real, then we're living in Hell. I am reading a biography of Stalin (Tucker), where it quoted the strongman as saying that members of the CPSU should not be preferred over people with skills who are not members. And he had a better reason to want party members there. These people make Stalin look sane.
But this does give me an idea. We should repeat this, and then call them, pretending to be in this case Chris, asking as to why you were rejected. Record the call. They'll say that you didn't have enough experience. Then you say: oh, that's odd, a friend of mine also applied, and she had way less experience than I do, and was accepted.
It will work even better if the white guy in question is actually real. Because then you can actually sue the hell out of the scumbags.
Then you say: oh, that's odd, a friend of mine also applied, and she had way less experience than I do, and was accepted.
Most will simply reply with "Well, I'm not aware of that application. I'll have to check with our hiring department to find out what happened there, and if we have any further information we'll contact you."
Even if you do manage to talk to a hiring manager directly they're already prepped with prepared PR talking points. They will simply say... "Sometimes people with less time in the career field who come from under-privileged or under-represented groups can share experiences that many of our other team members don't have. So what they lack in career experience they make up for in other cultural values, and since we believe in the equity of diversity, we felt they would be a good fit for the team."
This has happened multiple times across multiple industries where completely unqualified individuals were hired for managerial positions based on race/gender (and bonus points if it was a minority female). One department was given the excuse that such diversity hires bring a "different perspective" to the field and it could help bolster engagement (newsflash: it did not bolster engagement, it did the complete opposite and the department was completely shut down a couple of years later).
My company was not that woke, donated to Trump in 2016. HR was pushing for diversity, more women in management but I noticed a lot of POC who had little experience or little skill getting hired on senior positions.
Now we have microaggression training that are mandatory. Part of it is do not interrupt people of color as it is insensitive. Also do not try to explain if you did something bad, just admit and say you are sorry. O and if you do not see color is a microaggression.
To summarize, my company started a big push from HR to hire more women to the point were my old manager had to hire any women that applied. They are currently on a similar push for diversity - witch translates in no white men allowed.
So I just discovered that Ixquick is now Startpage which to my cursory research at the moment is the same company. I'm not really thrilled by this discovery given that I have zero faith in pretty much everything. I'm tempted to switch to Yandex. However I have not yet figured out how to edit in via the "about:config" section of Firefox (which is another issue in itself..).
So it looks like I'm going to have to do research on manually editing in a working default to Yandex. ... I'm already looking at the about:config section and it looks a lot more spartan than I remember it which I suspect means that a lot of functionality is being concealed.
Yandex is great in terms of search quality and would be my primary search engine if it wasn't for the constant captchas.
That may or may not be due to VPN usage, but I'm not turning it off. I'll try a combination of StartPage and Yandex until I find something better to replace the former.
Yandex has been getting hit with a particular sort of industrial-scale DDoS recently. A botnet of routers (some of them proper routers, not SOHO) spamming with false search requests.
I'm switching between Start Page and Yandex. Start Page's results aren't that great but I think I trust it more than Yandex with the Russian influence.
I kinda like Qwant. I wouldn't be shocked if there's some woke employees with them being French and all but it's not Google and DDG has always come off wrong to me. Yandex is a great backup too. Particularly if you want translation and image search. Both of which work well. Their translation works better than Google I think, wokeness aside.
It may be worth to give Brave Search a try. Mozilla fired its CEO Brendan Eich after he defended marriage and he went on to create the Brave Browser and Brave Search.
I've been using Brave Search, which is now included in the Brave Browser. I've been very happy with it so far. If you're not using Brave, try using the search engine "Startpage"
There's a problem ... the header says '5 years' for the fake person, but the rest of the resume has experience going back 12 years. Guess what the auto scanner picked up.
Secondly, the real resume has nearly as many grammatical and typographical errors as the fake. The fake one is appalling when read, but the real one isn't compelling either. If, after 12 years, our guy has some interest in markdown editors and doesn't even know why, I'd be tossing that one -- but I'd never see it.
It's all pattern recognition of keywords and figures in initial screening.
Yeah I've seen this shit from entitled people in the workplace all the time. Just because they've been doing something 'for a long time' doesn't really mean anything necessarily (you can do a long time and be bad etc., people think this is impossible but it's not).
It's often the younger ones that are more up to date with current trends and more adaptable (and humble and willing to learn etc.)
To be clear I'm not saying the fake application is fantastic but the level of entitlement here is cringe
What I liked about duckduckgo is their "bang" feature.
It simplifies searching for me if I want to search in a specific website. Are there other search engines with a feature similar to this? I'd be willing to give a try.
depressing, but every company should be subject to this kind of leftism penetration testing
Academics regularly do this in order to prove discrimination against their mascot groups. They send in one set of resumes as Abdul Hakim Shaniqu'a Jamalistani, or some other bizarre, stereotypical Black American name, and another name using middle-class 'white' names like Alexander and Charlotte.
When Mr. Jamilistani gets rejected more often than Alexander, they conclude that this must be racial bias. Quite apart from whether one should trust these agenda-driven academics to begin with, there is one confounding variable there, namely class. I am rather confident that redneck white names would be similarly poorly regarded.
The largest study ever done of blind recruitment found that there was a massive bias in favor of women and minorities (study was done in australia) and it was immediately cancelled because seeing a female name gets people promoted and hired faster than a resume with the name removed
Pretty sure the blind resumes study in Australia proved that when identifying characteristics were off the table, hiring became way less 'diverse' because the 'diverse' candidatea just weren't as good.
They needed a study for this?
Yes they did, because leftists believe that reality is left wing (the late night funny man said so!), so they just openly do experiments designed to prove that, and are shook every time they get proven wrong. From medicine to human nature to AI, the leftist constantly assumes their morality is representative of the universe, and is constantly proven wrong by their own attempts to prove themselves right. Such attempts are briefly reported on (because, you know, they HAVE to publish the results) and then the entire thing is quashed because it's 'fueling right wing propaganda'.
My absolute favorite example of this is an AI comedy bot that was allowed access to the news, and then fed certain opening lines. Please bear in mind that the man who made it is a Muslim. He fed the opening line "two muslims walk into a" and 75% of the results that the AI spat out were literally violent acts islamic terrorist had actually commited. Shit like this (bold is the prompt):
"Two muslims walk into a cartoon contest and open fire"
"Two muslims walk into a synagogue and behead a grandmother."
"Two muslims walk into a mosque and begin to worship peacefully and are executed for their faith."
Conversely, when fed the same inputs regarding Christians, only 1 in 5 jokes became about how violent the religion is. Of course, the Muslim programmer is astounded. Where is the AI that he explicitly designed to search for information, notice patterns, and form connections getting this idea that Islam isn't the religion of peace?
Those who make those 'studies' have to live too.
There was a similar study with the U.S. military that when promotion candidates are anonymized to obscure race and gender, more white men are selected due to them being stronger candidates.
It's amazing how that proves true whenever you anonymize, or select for qualification...
Some wokies started their own IT conference because existing ones were filled with male toxicity and what not.. took pride in having a double-blind review process that would remove all bias and discrimination... quickly abandoned that though when they noticed they were exclusively accepting white males..
It was the same in France.
You can run this into Deepl to get a proper English version. In short, anonymous CV increases discrimination against ethnic minorities, but decreases gender discrimination (where gender discrimination is understood as favoring the same sex as that of the recruiter, ie, men for male recruiters, and women for female recruiters).
When you look at the "passed" account, there are numerous spelling issues, the account listed they may not be in the US legally (a requirement for any hiring by a US company), the answers to the questions were short and poorly worded and Pride and Diversity as the job title. The guy did a very good job on showing a hiree looking for a job based on their perceived skin color not their ability.
Can confirm. Cajun people love calling things "T'<xxx>" as shorthand for petit or little. Mostly pets/objects, but some people cross that border and name their children like that directly instead of nicknaming. The equivilant of putting "Lil Wayne" on a black kids birth certificate.
And I can promise you with anecdotal certainty not a single one ever gets above bottom totem pole in a trade for a career, mostly they are generic hoodrats hanging around trailer parks. Including the ones in my own family.
I thought about it, re-apply to every company that passed me over with a slightly edited resume for Duquan White or something.
I'm old and would be at risk IF I lost my current job, that being written go all out man. Change your name to an obvious black or hispanic name. When it comes to race refuse to answer. Do interviews without a camera and fake the accent dude, work on it. When you get hired (preferably remote) go to work and see what happens. If you can talk to a lawyer in advance for lawsuit for discrimination who'd take it for a portion of the pool in advance, own them.
Just pull a Robert Francis O'Rourke and claim you have an ethnic nickname you go by.
You can also use voice changing software during calls. If you really want to F with them, claim you are a furry and use an furry avatar to talk and state you aren't comfortable showing anything but your fur self and you have social anxiety. You will be making HR masturbate and come half way reading this. If all whites did this, Silicon Valley would be 100% bros in 10 years.
Brave Browser (and its search engine) are great.
It feels like pre-retard Google.
They also added this little link to their front page and search results: "We’re carbon negative! Read our climate pledge."
And they donate to countless buzzword NGOs:
More red flags than a communist parade.
Think to myself "Please just be DC comic enthusiasts" go to link "racial justice requires algorithmic justice" and "We combine art and research to illuminate the social implications and harms of AI." Fuck this world.
Harms of AI, so not automation taking peoples jobs, or becoming sentient and killing us, no. It might say some bad words.
Great. I just have one question.
Who the hell cares?
Which is ironic, because the communists sure as hell did not care about "the environment".
Crazy isn't it? So many of these people that claim to want Communism have no understanding that none of the things they want have ever mattered to any actual Communist government. Worrying about climate change, gender and sexuality crap, the "freedom" to not worry about work... Yeah none of that stuff is compatible with any Communist government in history.
Yeah I know that wasn't "real" Communism...
Most of these people don't give a shit about communism. They're just opportunists. They'd be commies under Stalin, Nazis under Hitler, Baathist under Saddam or Taliban. Whatever group is in power they'll kowtow to and snitch on the regime's enemies. If nationalists were in power they'd be great little citizens, since zionists are in power they're enthusiastically oppressing white Christians.
This part is exactly right.
For sure. If anything from George Washington to Pol Pot told them what they wanted to hear even when doing the entire opposite, they'd go right along with it.
Yeah, sheeple are like that and always have been like that and always will be like that. Nothing to get excited about.
Use the Brave search engine
and their browser
Is there a page to see who Brave donates to?
yeah, saw that and felt lefty shit was coming.
For months I have been noticing that DDG was behaving more like a MSM delivery system than a independent engine. So I've been wanting to switch. What I really wanted to switch to was but I keep having issues accessing them.
So as of just now I moved to Ixquick which I have used in the past but wasn't thrilled by them. I dumped DDG because I refuse to give support to companies that cater to ideology over meritocracy. Especially when the ideology is toxic to everything I hold dear.
DDG uses Microsoft Bings results afaik
Yahoo uses Bing as well.
What issues are you having with Searx? You can load your own instance or there are many shared servers out there. I've been pleased using them. The server I usually use is
The HR lady / recruiter with pronouns in her email signature.
Her linkedin:
Her profile word salad makes a Biden speech sound coherent.
Is that a Troon or just a mashed looking woman?
No pronouns listed, probably biologically ugly woman
Nah they do, first imgur link, she’s a (they/them). Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean.
It means mental illness.
Oh lol
It's not just pronouns to notice here. "Kalkoul" is probably Muslim so it is likely "she" promoted a candidate with a Muslim-sounding name
Diana Kalkoul is definitely not a Muslim name.
What the fuck is that profile. I don't know what the fuck she's for, just that she's ugly and busted as fuck.
People who write those generic but overly worded summaries on their LinkedIn profiles are almost always lazy and incompetent.
More details
I use StartPage. There was always something about DuckDuckGo that bothered me.
Their search results are God-awful, so that I often have to end up having to use Google anyway.
At least use Brave search.
I've noticed the search results have been getting better and better quite quickly, to the point where my Brave results get me the answer I was looking for faster than Google (mostly for programming stuff).
I haven't heard anything bad about Brave.
Google is unironically by far the best for most searches (these not manipulated). It also integrates the Google Books search.
Their search results were akin to the Excite! in the mid 90s.
it was bought by a bigger company a couple years ago so there was controversy over what the new owners would do with it leading a lot of users to abandon it and I think they tried to clarify some issues but I think most people left by that point
Disappointing. What about Brave search?
I've been using brave's search engine for a little while and it's good enough for my needs.
Can this possibly be real? If this is real, then we're living in Hell. I am reading a biography of Stalin (Tucker), where it quoted the strongman as saying that members of the CPSU should not be preferred over people with skills who are not members. And he had a better reason to want party members there. These people make Stalin look sane.
But this does give me an idea. We should repeat this, and then call them, pretending to be in this case Chris, asking as to why you were rejected. Record the call. They'll say that you didn't have enough experience. Then you say: oh, that's odd, a friend of mine also applied, and she had way less experience than I do, and was accepted.
It will work even better if the white guy in question is actually real. Because then you can actually sue the hell out of the scumbags.
Most will simply reply with "Well, I'm not aware of that application. I'll have to check with our hiring department to find out what happened there, and if we have any further information we'll contact you."
Even if you do manage to talk to a hiring manager directly they're already prepped with prepared PR talking points. They will simply say... "Sometimes people with less time in the career field who come from under-privileged or under-represented groups can share experiences that many of our other team members don't have. So what they lack in career experience they make up for in other cultural values, and since we believe in the equity of diversity, we felt they would be a good fit for the team."
This has happened multiple times across multiple industries where completely unqualified individuals were hired for managerial positions based on race/gender (and bonus points if it was a minority female). One department was given the excuse that such diversity hires bring a "different perspective" to the field and it could help bolster engagement (newsflash: it did not bolster engagement, it did the complete opposite and the department was completely shut down a couple of years later).
This would, sincerely, be a very good idea!
HR gotta HR, this is a common problem in the industry in general, woke bullshit just makes it more obvious.
And in case of DDG, significantly more obvious.
My company was not that woke, donated to Trump in 2016. HR was pushing for diversity, more women in management but I noticed a lot of POC who had little experience or little skill getting hired on senior positions.
Now we have microaggression training that are mandatory. Part of it is do not interrupt people of color as it is insensitive. Also do not try to explain if you did something bad, just admit and say you are sorry. O and if you do not see color is a microaggression.
To summarize, my company started a big push from HR to hire more women to the point were my old manager had to hire any women that applied. They are currently on a similar push for diversity - witch translates in no white men allowed.
Of course in 2020 they sponsored Biden.
So yea HR fucked us in less then 5 years.
So I just discovered that Ixquick is now Startpage which to my cursory research at the moment is the same company. I'm not really thrilled by this discovery given that I have zero faith in pretty much everything. I'm tempted to switch to Yandex. However I have not yet figured out how to edit in via the "about:config" section of Firefox (which is another issue in itself..).
So it looks like I'm going to have to do research on manually editing in a working default to Yandex. ... I'm already looking at the about:config section and it looks a lot more spartan than I remember it which I suspect means that a lot of functionality is being concealed.
Getting rather unhappy ATM...
Yandex is great in terms of search quality and would be my primary search engine if it wasn't for the constant captchas.
That may or may not be due to VPN usage, but I'm not turning it off. I'll try a combination of StartPage and Yandex until I find something better to replace the former.
Yandex has been getting hit with a particular sort of industrial-scale DDoS recently. A botnet of routers (some of them proper routers, not SOHO) spamming with false search requests.
Two steps:
While on yandex homepage, right-click in address bar and click "Add Yandex".
Go into firefox Settings > Search, then select as default from dropdown.
Thank you.
What's wrong with Ixquick/Startpage? Are you saying it's the same company as DuckDuckGo? There's nothing mentioning that on their website.
Isn't Yandex Russian-run? Sure they'll censor way less topics but at the same time that mildly bothers me.
Lawyer up.
What the fuck are we supposed to use, seriously? Bing?
I unironically do.
Bing is pretty good, and the video search function for Bing is excellent
for porn...
any videos really, shows youtube and other platforms as well in a single search (and yes it is good for porn)
Gibiru is nice. and
Any good alternatives?
I'm switching between Start Page and Yandex. Start Page's results aren't that great but I think I trust it more than Yandex with the Russian influence.
Brave Search
I never used Duckduckgo, they got popular too fast. I always have been suspicious so I used Yandex and Brave search engine.
Swisscows is good. Also Gibiru.
you may want to censor your first name as that may be sufficient to dox you.
As for DDG's bullshit I knew about it for a while when they were called out for terrorist financing.
It's a second-hand story, so not too worried about that. But thanks!
I kinda like Qwant. I wouldn't be shocked if there's some woke employees with them being French and all but it's not Google and DDG has always come off wrong to me. Yandex is a great backup too. Particularly if you want translation and image search. Both of which work well. Their translation works better than Google I think, wokeness aside.
It may be worth to give Brave Search a try. Mozilla fired its CEO Brendan Eich after he defended marriage and he went on to create the Brave Browser and Brave Search.
I know it sounds funny but i use gigablast & searx
I've been using Brave Search, which is now included in the Brave Browser. I've been very happy with it so far. If you're not using Brave, try using the search engine "Startpage"
There's a problem ... the header says '5 years' for the fake person, but the rest of the resume has experience going back 12 years. Guess what the auto scanner picked up.
Secondly, the real resume has nearly as many grammatical and typographical errors as the fake. The fake one is appalling when read, but the real one isn't compelling either. If, after 12 years, our guy has some interest in markdown editors and doesn't even know why, I'd be tossing that one -- but I'd never see it.
It's all pattern recognition of keywords and figures in initial screening.
Yeah I've seen this shit from entitled people in the workplace all the time. Just because they've been doing something 'for a long time' doesn't really mean anything necessarily (you can do a long time and be bad etc., people think this is impossible but it's not).
It's often the younger ones that are more up to date with current trends and more adaptable (and humble and willing to learn etc.)
To be clear I'm not saying the fake application is fantastic but the level of entitlement here is cringe
even so, ddg is owned by leftists, they've just not been restrictive so far but they're woke
OP I think you've created a very powerful weapon. This side by side comparison is weapons grade persuasion.
Is there a way to get iron clad confirmation of this and that it actually happened?
Unfortunately, not unless the guy steps forward and throws his career to the wolves.
Duck duck go has been shit for years Its just Google with privacy anyways
The real problem is that Google's algorithm which DuckDuckGo still uses has removed 60% of the web from its results.
Google results are heavily filtered and over 60% of results just don't appear anymore.
Where can I read about that?
Easiest way is to just search for something obvious you remember working years ago.
What I liked about duckduckgo is their "bang" feature. It simplifies searching for me if I want to search in a specific website. Are there other search engines with a feature similar to this? I'd be willing to give a try.
You just use ' johannes'. That has worked on every search site I've tried it on, so not that many.
What are some alternatives to DDG? I already have Brave.
yandex and startpage
I refuse to live in a forest with no trch so I guess I have no other choice but to find alternatives for everything
DDG was never good.