183 Enjoy Duck Duck Go? Time to find an alternative. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 3 years ago by JustHereForTheSalmon 3 years ago by JustHereForTheSalmon +185 / -2 123 comments download share 123 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The HR lady / recruiter with pronouns in her email signature.
Her linkedin:
Her profile word salad makes a Biden speech sound coherent.
Is that a Troon or just a mashed looking woman?
No pronouns listed, probably biologically ugly woman
Nah they do, first imgur link, she’s a (they/them). Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean.
It means mental illness.
Oh lol
It's not just pronouns to notice here. "Kalkoul" is probably Muslim so it is likely "she" promoted a candidate with a Muslim-sounding name
Diana Kalkoul is definitely not a Muslim name.
What the fuck is that profile. I don't know what the fuck she's for, just that she's ugly and busted as fuck.
People who write those generic but overly worded summaries on their LinkedIn profiles are almost always lazy and incompetent.