In principle, banning kids from social media is a good thing. You still have to worry about the teachers, but not giving every freak on the planet access to try to groom your kids should be common sense.
The real problem is the expectation that adults will be compelled to prove they're not children by exposing their identities, which will be a tool to suppress and punish dissent.
Pretty much this. It is pretty much indisputable that social media is heavily detrimental to child development. But, this type of thing will also result in greatly increased govt monitoring of people online, and corresponding decreases in anonymity.
You still have to worry about the teachers, but not giving every freak on the planet access to try to groom your kids should be common sense.
Although social media IS awful for children, I'm concerned that this an attempt to isolate them from increasingly uncensored platforms so there's nobody to counter said teachers, or government propaganda.
Countering said propaganda is a (sadly necessary) job for the parents of course, but many don't do a terrific job of that, and a lot can go on that parents don't even know about.
I think we should assume that 13 yr olds will continue to use social media. Whatever they (the government) do has an alternate purpose. Like the other guys said, in this case, probably tracking adults. What you say is also the point because they want to censor and promote degeneracy and then expose the children.
It's worse if it's anything like what the UK Government is proposing. Government photo ID will not be enough, you will also need to prove that the person attached to that ID is using the device at any time. That will require biometric data or preferably for them, facial recognition. Ofcom has stated that photo ID alone will not be sufficient as proof of identity when that device is being accessed.
We were also told to not be paranoid because this would only be used for adult websites. Then it spread to social media if Governments get their way. The UK wants to go even further - anything not "safe for kids" or has any age restriction (that is effectively everything bar pre-school websites) so this requirement will potentially affect everyone on virtually every website. This one included as it's accessible in the UK.
For anyone saying "just use a VPN", Governments are planning to ban them outright.
We (in Australia) already had something along those lines, during Covid, with "check in" apps. Especially in South Australia, where those on lockdown were actively monitored, and required to answer random calls from the state gestapo if their location tracking was ever turned off...
For the companies, this is a massive liability problem too. Either they put in more checks (and have to guard the info to much higher standard based on local laws) or they risk getting fucked when someone lies (lying? on the internet? who would do that?).
I'm not sure this will end well either way, and of course it's a retarded lefty government pushing it.
Then that means adults will also be discouraged from using social media to rot their brains if they want to avoid all of the surveillance. Sounds like a "don't threaten me with a good time" situation to me.
I'm more than happy to see people use social media less and less, but doing so via the never ending government over-reach (in this case via unilateral Digital ID laws that will follow to enforce this) isn't the win you think it is. But sure, give more power to the government. I look forward to you bitching about how the government has too much power in the next breath.
Even if you assume that the government actually does have the best of intentions here like a delusional statist would, how many times has the best intentions of the government actually worked out as supposedly intended? This is how the government always grows itself. It identifies a problem, and it doesn't matter if it's actually a problem or a manufactured problem, but it's a problem that the public can fear. And then they use that fear to usher in authoritarian and totalitarian laws. Censorship, disarmament and general regulations are built upon it.
You're so focused on the carrot that you're ignoring the stick that inherently comes with it.
This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about two things: 1) preventing children from accessing dissident influencers and 2) destroying anonymity for dissidents online. If the social media space was still wall-to-wall anti-white, feminist, lgbtq propaganda, no one would be trying to “protect the children” from it. And there’s no way to enforce this ban without destroying online anonymity for everyone.
yeah just look how fast they cried to ban & destroy twitter after musk bought it. Before that completely fine - suddenly other voices can be heard as well? omg - BAN!
It's much more likely the general trend of each new generation becoming gradually more distrustful of establishment institutions and narratives. The worship of Israel is an integral part of the Boomer Truth Regime, but it's a small part.
The push towards regulating social media is about governments and Old Guard power-brokers trying to reassert narrative control, and to the extent that older generations are in favor of it, their motivation is the fear and discomfort they increasingly feel as everything they once believed to be true is held up to scrutiny and ridicule by their own children and grandchildren.
Which is hilarious and infuriating at the same time. They will attack the men in their communities in a manner similar to how women like to go at each other ignoring the real pedophiles are in the schools and the government. All while ignoring their pre teen girls, who haven't even developed yet, are wearing the tightest yoga pants known to man preparing for their Tiktok thot lifestyles.
At what age in the military do they get trained to drive? Because that seems like a very obvious bit of idiocy at still not letting them rent a car until 21.
He's been spamming a lot of other boards recently and looks to have settled on the mgtow board in the last day or two.
Unfortunately for them them his anti-fem sperging aligns just enough with the boards resident incel mentality of "woman = bad" so he's actually being upvoted quite a bit as nobody there seems to know who or what he is.
For those who are unaware, Australia is very close to mandating a government-controlled digital ID to access government services (you already need one if you have a registered business, or to collect lottery winnings, for example), and to becoming fully cashless. This is very much a part of all that.
"Won't someone think of the children" has always been the playbook of authoritarians, left and right. I can't believe how quickly people here (i.e. in Straya) have forgotten, or have willfully chosen to ignore, that fact...
Porn is not allowed for people under 18. Yet everyone starts watching it at the age of 10 or something
Lmao, speak for yourself wtf. i didn't even know what sex was when i was 10. But your point is taken that there are a lot of people under 18 that watch porn
I don't know what JIDF think they are succeeding in, with all these ridiculous reports, besides letting everyone know that they are very easily butthurt and hate free speach. .
With aggressive capital gains taxes, the government here doesn't really care all that much if a handful of teens get a massive inflow of cash that they mostly lucked out on. Either they're going to blow that money on stupid purchases and end up in the same position as everyone else but with a slightly higher acquired standard of living that they can no longer afford, or you'll have the few successes that bring the government more money through taxes.
Wow. That really showed the government who's boss! They either get a poor bugger voting for the uniparty, or they get a tax cow voting for the uniparty.
Besides the amount of predators online (i went down that rabbit hole years before pizzagate, its strange how the police forces of 10 different countrys can disable a piracy scheme, they cant stop these pedophile groups from coordinating on public platforms like facebook, instagram, x, etc. I would hope musk banned all these people, but I aint got much faith.
The amount of data being collected by the companies on each individual person is massive. Children are easily brainwashed, this is why most regimes through history will slaughter the men, but they will keep the women and children, most of the time. Do we really want these companys hitting our children with targetted ads and selective posts? Which brings me to my third point.
Without even reading the story, I can guess why they are doing it.
Social media is trying to force, the girls especially, to be something they cant be.
According to new CDC data [9.8 MB, 89 pages] released today, nearly 3 in 5 (57%) U.S. teen girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021—double that of boys, representing a nearly 60% increase and the highest level reported over the past decade.
If I had to guess, its about the depression and suicide.
It's not social media, it's parents. Plenty of kids are fine on social media because they have strong parents to teach them how interact with the world.
Parents are just aloof and busy with their selfish hedonism to actually raise their children.
It's not social media, it's parents. Plenty of kids are fine on social media because they have strong parents to teach them how interact with the world. Parents are just aloof and busy with their se…
Agreed. Parents have relegated their responsibility to iPhones and tablets.
I distinctly remember getting lit up by my parents as kid when I sent a nasty email to some game site for not giving me the answers I wanted about some game. Turns out if you just keep an eye on your kids' internet usage you can steer them in the right direction.
Do you also support general censorship and disarmament of the general public because It's For The Greater Good™? Or do those ends not justify the means?
The issue isn't the government, the issue is parents not being fucking parents. Every time you run to the government to fix these fuckups, you give more and more power and precedent for the government to become as totalitarian as is possible. It is not the governments responsibility to raise people. It's not the governments responsibility to take care of people. It's not the governments responsibility to be a parent.
Fuck off with this endless statist bullshit. Your ends do not justify these means, and it's time to stop avoiding the issues by pretending like you can regulate it away.
Wow. That was super helpful. Thanks for reminding me not to swear in the face of someone shilling for statist authoritarianism. Clearly saying "fuck" was a far bigger issue than someone that would see violence enacted against the innocent.
Seems more like the never helpful "It's bad how you said it". That shit I hear endlessly from women thinking they're being smart, but they're not. "Oh, I totally agree and get what you're saying, but the way it's being delivered is not nice". That kind of, and I'm gonna swear again, shit. I'm not playing tiddly-winks here. It's not a game. We're talking about tyrants. And you're throwing concern towards decorum? It's a non-issue by comparison. Sure, I get still caring about it. No real argument there. But all you're ultimately engaging in is tone policing. You're not helping anyone but trying to wring your hands about the larger issue.
Do you think that in times gone past when people went to war over tyranny that it was fair to bring up things like Ephesians 4:29? Are phrases like "sic semper tyrannis" wholesome and intended to edify others? Because at the end of the day, we're talking about bringing these people down. People talk about things like jail, but at the end of the day that's still bringing violence against them. Does that minister grace?
So where do I draw the line? Because calling for these people to get what they deserve is just as nasty as saying they're a bunch of vile cunts. But that small decorum is going to lead you to turning a blind eye, ignoring that at the end of the day one is actually worse, and yet it's justified due to their own sins and injustices.
Internet use is the only method of socialization people have left and ID will make ban evading impossible, this isn't just the death of free speech but the deaht of all speech.
In principle, banning kids from social media is a good thing. You still have to worry about the teachers, but not giving every freak on the planet access to try to groom your kids should be common sense.
The real problem is the expectation that adults will be compelled to prove they're not children by exposing their identities, which will be a tool to suppress and punish dissent.
Pretty much this. It is pretty much indisputable that social media is heavily detrimental to child development. But, this type of thing will also result in greatly increased govt monitoring of people online, and corresponding decreases in anonymity.
"Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!?"
Same old playbook for "the greater good." All Common Wealth countries (AUS, NZ, CAN, UK) are free-range prisons.
So is the US. We enjoy greater rights here, but if you exercising them ever became a serious threat to the government they would strip them away.
A gilded cage is still a cage.
Nobody is kicking in my door for posting memes. I can pray in public and say outright that immigrants are a problem without being arrested.
I'd say America remains a much, much better nation than most. Enough that those immigrants are willing to risk their lives to come here.
They will if they want to, they'll just declare it 'misinformation' -
Although social media IS awful for children, I'm concerned that this an attempt to isolate them from increasingly uncensored platforms so there's nobody to counter said teachers, or government propaganda.
Countering said propaganda is a (sadly necessary) job for the parents of course, but many don't do a terrific job of that, and a lot can go on that parents don't even know about.
I'm a skeptic to a fault, but...
I think we should assume that 13 yr olds will continue to use social media. Whatever they (the government) do has an alternate purpose. Like the other guys said, in this case, probably tracking adults. What you say is also the point because they want to censor and promote degeneracy and then expose the children.
It's worse if it's anything like what the UK Government is proposing. Government photo ID will not be enough, you will also need to prove that the person attached to that ID is using the device at any time. That will require biometric data or preferably for them, facial recognition. Ofcom has stated that photo ID alone will not be sufficient as proof of identity when that device is being accessed.
We were also told to not be paranoid because this would only be used for adult websites. Then it spread to social media if Governments get their way. The UK wants to go even further - anything not "safe for kids" or has any age restriction (that is effectively everything bar pre-school websites) so this requirement will potentially affect everyone on virtually every website. This one included as it's accessible in the UK.
For anyone saying "just use a VPN", Governments are planning to ban them outright.
We (in Australia) already had something along those lines, during Covid, with "check in" apps. Especially in South Australia, where those on lockdown were actively monitored, and required to answer random calls from the state gestapo if their location tracking was ever turned off...
Covid was a dry run for all of this...
For the companies, this is a massive liability problem too. Either they put in more checks (and have to guard the info to much higher standard based on local laws) or they risk getting fucked when someone lies (lying? on the internet? who would do that?).
I'm not sure this will end well either way, and of course it's a retarded lefty government pushing it.
Then that means adults will also be discouraged from using social media to rot their brains if they want to avoid all of the surveillance. Sounds like a "don't threaten me with a good time" situation to me.
Ah yes, the ends justify the means.
I'm more than happy to see people use social media less and less, but doing so via the never ending government over-reach (in this case via unilateral Digital ID laws that will follow to enforce this) isn't the win you think it is. But sure, give more power to the government. I look forward to you bitching about how the government has too much power in the next breath.
Even if you assume that the government actually does have the best of intentions here like a delusional statist would, how many times has the best intentions of the government actually worked out as supposedly intended? This is how the government always grows itself. It identifies a problem, and it doesn't matter if it's actually a problem or a manufactured problem, but it's a problem that the public can fear. And then they use that fear to usher in authoritarian and totalitarian laws. Censorship, disarmament and general regulations are built upon it.
You're so focused on the carrot that you're ignoring the stick that inherently comes with it.
Now they can finally implement the communist social credit score that they wet themselves over.
This has nothing to do with protecting children. This is about two things: 1) preventing children from accessing dissident influencers and 2) destroying anonymity for dissidents online. If the social media space was still wall-to-wall anti-white, feminist, lgbtq propaganda, no one would be trying to “protect the children” from it. And there’s no way to enforce this ban without destroying online anonymity for everyone.
yeah just look how fast they cried to ban & destroy twitter after musk bought it. Before that completely fine - suddenly other voices can be heard as well? omg - BAN!
This is almost never just for the kids.
It's always for some other purpose. Like adults now have to prove who they are, so you can no longer have anonymity.
Oh is it people questioning Israel that led to old folk wanting age restrictions on social media?
It's much more likely the general trend of each new generation becoming gradually more distrustful of establishment institutions and narratives. The worship of Israel is an integral part of the Boomer Truth Regime, but it's a small part.
The push towards regulating social media is about governments and Old Guard power-brokers trying to reassert narrative control, and to the extent that older generations are in favor of it, their motivation is the fear and discomfort they increasingly feel as everything they once believed to be true is held up to scrutiny and ridicule by their own children and grandchildren.
Just one of 31 laws rushed through by BOTH parties... so they can start their 9½ week vacation tomorrow.
It's not about kids, it's about snuffing anonymity online. Now everyone must use a government id to go online.
Its a mix between that and muh ped0s. The latter is easily sold to tradcons.
Which is hilarious and infuriating at the same time. They will attack the men in their communities in a manner similar to how women like to go at each other ignoring the real pedophiles are in the schools and the government. All while ignoring their pre teen girls, who haven't even developed yet, are wearing the tightest yoga pants known to man preparing for their Tiktok thot lifestyles.
They also can't rent a car until they're 21 but are encouraged to sign up for the military to die for corporations and far-away countries at 17.
At what age in the military do they get trained to drive? Because that seems like a very obvious bit of idiocy at still not letting them rent a car until 21.
Alternative title: Australia requires ID for internet.
This isn’t necessarily about the jooz.
This is another step to destroying anonymity on the Internet because now you’ll HAVE to verify yourself on social media.
So many “content removed” posts, about 1/3 of total post.
Wonder what they possibly could have said?
You can use to reveal censored comments.
Probably the pedojeet, if I had to guess.
He's been spamming a lot of other boards recently and looks to have settled on the mgtow board in the last day or two.
Unfortunately for them them his anti-fem sperging aligns just enough with the boards resident incel mentality of "woman = bad" so he's actually being upvoted quite a bit as nobody there seems to know who or what he is.
For most communists the playbook is "revolt then die" after they get lined up by the new boss, same as the old boss.
For those who are unaware, Australia is very close to mandating a government-controlled digital ID to access government services (you already need one if you have a registered business, or to collect lottery winnings, for example), and to becoming fully cashless. This is very much a part of all that.
"Won't someone think of the children" has always been the playbook of authoritarians, left and right. I can't believe how quickly people here (i.e. in Straya) have forgotten, or have willfully chosen to ignore, that fact...
How is this even enforceable?
selectively and at gunpoint probably
Porn is not allowed for people under 18. Yet everyone starts watching it at the age of 10 or something. This will change nothing.
Lmao, speak for yourself wtf. i didn't even know what sex was when i was 10. But your point is taken that there are a lot of people under 18 that watch porn
Nobody knows what it is, doesnt change the fact you will get in contact with it if you have internet connection
How easy is it to circumvent this with a VPN?
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Disinformation
I'm not sure what's supposed to be the disinfo here. "Turning against Israel"? That's mostly an opinion statement.
Is anyone alleging that this is a fake screenshot?
I don't know what JIDF think they are succeeding in, with all these ridiculous reports, besides letting everyone know that they are very easily butthurt and hate free speach. .
All screenshots are fake until proven otherwise.
Well, there's still online games
With aggressive capital gains taxes, the government here doesn't really care all that much if a handful of teens get a massive inflow of cash that they mostly lucked out on. Either they're going to blow that money on stupid purchases and end up in the same position as everyone else but with a slightly higher acquired standard of living that they can no longer afford, or you'll have the few successes that bring the government more money through taxes.
Wow. That really showed the government who's boss! They either get a poor bugger voting for the uniparty, or they get a tax cow voting for the uniparty.
Prolly needed to be done.
Besides the amount of predators online (i went down that rabbit hole years before pizzagate, its strange how the police forces of 10 different countrys can disable a piracy scheme, they cant stop these pedophile groups from coordinating on public platforms like facebook, instagram, x, etc. I would hope musk banned all these people, but I aint got much faith.
The amount of data being collected by the companies on each individual person is massive. Children are easily brainwashed, this is why most regimes through history will slaughter the men, but they will keep the women and children, most of the time. Do we really want these companys hitting our children with targetted ads and selective posts? Which brings me to my third point.
Without even reading the story, I can guess why they are doing it.
Social media is trying to force, the girls especially, to be something they cant be.
If I had to guess, its about the depression and suicide.
They're merely using this as a guise to remove anonymity from the internet.
Thats what a ped0 would say, into the woodshipper!
It's not social media, it's parents. Plenty of kids are fine on social media because they have strong parents to teach them how interact with the world.
Parents are just aloof and busy with their selfish hedonism to actually raise their children.
Agreed. Parents have relegated their responsibility to iPhones and tablets.
I distinctly remember getting lit up by my parents as kid when I sent a nasty email to some game site for not giving me the answers I wanted about some game. Turns out if you just keep an eye on your kids' internet usage you can steer them in the right direction.
Then again I ended up here, so I dunno.
Do you also support general censorship and disarmament of the general public because It's For The Greater Good™? Or do those ends not justify the means?
The issue isn't the government, the issue is parents not being fucking parents. Every time you run to the government to fix these fuckups, you give more and more power and precedent for the government to become as totalitarian as is possible. It is not the governments responsibility to raise people. It's not the governments responsibility to take care of people. It's not the governments responsibility to be a parent.
Fuck off with this endless statist bullshit. Your ends do not justify these means, and it's time to stop avoiding the issues by pretending like you can regulate it away.
Wow. That was super helpful. Thanks for reminding me not to swear in the face of someone shilling for statist authoritarianism. Clearly saying "fuck" was a far bigger issue than someone that would see violence enacted against the innocent.
Seems more like the never helpful "It's bad how you said it". That shit I hear endlessly from women thinking they're being smart, but they're not. "Oh, I totally agree and get what you're saying, but the way it's being delivered is not nice". That kind of, and I'm gonna swear again, shit. I'm not playing tiddly-winks here. It's not a game. We're talking about tyrants. And you're throwing concern towards decorum? It's a non-issue by comparison. Sure, I get still caring about it. No real argument there. But all you're ultimately engaging in is tone policing. You're not helping anyone but trying to wring your hands about the larger issue.
Do you think that in times gone past when people went to war over tyranny that it was fair to bring up things like Ephesians 4:29? Are phrases like "sic semper tyrannis" wholesome and intended to edify others? Because at the end of the day, we're talking about bringing these people down. People talk about things like jail, but at the end of the day that's still bringing violence against them. Does that minister grace?
So where do I draw the line? Because calling for these people to get what they deserve is just as nasty as saying they're a bunch of vile cunts. But that small decorum is going to lead you to turning a blind eye, ignoring that at the end of the day one is actually worse, and yet it's justified due to their own sins and injustices.