153 Young people turn against isreal. Suddenly governments start banning social media for young people. Also a 5 year old can decide what gender they are but a 16 year old can't be on social media. (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 36 days ago by yoisi 36 days ago by yoisi +158 / -5 69 comments download share 69 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Pretty much this. It is pretty much indisputable that social media is heavily detrimental to child development. But, this type of thing will also result in greatly increased govt monitoring of people online, and corresponding decreases in anonymity.
"Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!?"
Same old playbook for "the greater good." All Common Wealth countries (AUS, NZ, CAN, UK) are free-range prisons.
So is the US. We enjoy greater rights here, but if you exercising them ever became a serious threat to the government they would strip them away.
A gilded cage is still a cage.
Nobody is kicking in my door for posting memes. I can pray in public and say outright that immigrants are a problem without being arrested.
I'd say America remains a much, much better nation than most. Enough that those immigrants are willing to risk their lives to come here.
They will if they want to, they'll just declare it 'misinformation' - https://intellectualtakeout.org/2023/03/arrest-meme-defense-ricky-vaughn/