Parents expose naive and malleable girls to our subverted culture, either through ignorance, or intentionally because they are convinced that is a good thing. The girls become indoctrinated into the value of the subverted culture that supporting the gay commie revolution, under more palatable names of course, is what makes one a good person and not supporting it is what makes one a bad person.
Boys don't have the same vulnerability because of their natural disagreeableness and more focus on their immediate situation rather than thing about "bigger" issues. They are much less susceptible to the cultural indoctrination. Instead they are plied with porn and kept in check by shame as well as access to the kind of license for self righteousness that was previously the sole domain of girls/women.
Despite those temptations boys have an yearning for growing into men to take their place in the chain of ancestry and the arc of history while girls have a dread of growing into women and assuming their place as mothers and matriarchs.
In other words, to fulfill their purpose boys have to avoid the pitfalls of temptation while girls have to actively encouraged, molded, and even coerced because given the choice they would never move to their next stages of life.
Beautiful words man. Speaking the truth. The weird belief that girls are just naturally good and will never waste their lives or destroy themselves is the most harmful of all the idiotic beliefs in America.
Women will kill an entire civilization in a generation if given the choice. It’s truly remarkable the lack of depth that allows someone to just destroy thousands of years of lineage because of their emotional state.
I mean, it's your gender that's destroying thousands of years of lineage so it can prance around in a dress and invade women's showers, so I'm not entirely sure what you think your moral authority in this is.
The 'white dudes for Harris' are orders of magnitude more pathetic than women who support Harris.
“Some cluster b mom put their son on hormones and that’s equivalent to women decimating a countries birth rate overnight” shall we go over the per capita of guys in dresses versus women who obliterated their genetic line in vanity?
OK, so just to be clear, you went from "women are like this" to "ehh... per capita there are slightly more women than men doing this". Maybe. I don't see how you could prove that, and I don't want to be pedantic and demand that you prove something that you could not possibly prove, even as you are offering it.
Am I getting this right? As long as there are some men, even a small number, who crap on them, men are immunized from criticism for the behavior of the Sam Brintons.
Why then does that not apply to the women who call out whackos like this one?
While this is true, you’re still looking at it through a naturally masculine lens. One reserved for men because women are incapable on thinking that way. Women copy whatever the societal trends are.
If that's true, why did approximately 45% of women vote for DJT?
Truth is, as much as some people here do not like acknowledging it, the 'gender gap' pales in comparison to the other ones. Like men, women are a reflection of broader society, only slightly skewed.
I think there's one actually important paragraph (well...two sentences...) in here that shows how retarded this person (and those who agree with her) are.
Why did it seem these boys were so unperturbed? I worried that my guy friends might only care about women until it conflicts with other, more pressing, priorities.
Yes, that's correct. Men are correctly able to prioritize things that matter instead of putting baby murder ahead of everything else, including functioning economies, etc, and that's a bad thing because reasons. This one thing makes this cunt sound completely fucking retarded. Yeah, she's 16, so she get some slack cut because she hasn't experienced the real world or had to actually deal with things like consequences for her actions, but even so, this is insane and saying it without self reflection at all shows how irrational these people are.
Here’s the problem, unless she gets hit hard with a real “come to Jesus” moment, she will have this exact same mindset at 30 because our society is designed for women to never experience consequences.
Here’s the problem, unless she gets hit hard with a real “come to Jesus” moment, she will have this exact same mindset at 30 50 because our society is designed for women to never experience consequences.
There ya go, fixed that. Modern girlbosses don't let reality get within striking range of them until the egg carton stops working, period.
Correct. Women are a man’s priority until they aren’t. They are leaders and have to prioritize things that matter. So eventually the women has to play a support role.
Men are always a women’s priority. Forever. Women can pretend they’re not, but it eventually hits them when they’re working in their mid 40s that they can’t do it alone. It’s amazing how many times I’ve heard “I don’t want to work anymore, I wish I had married so & so…” at work of all places.
Women are complex. They will bitch at you for not spending time with them because you are constantly working (for money, to make the town safer, making sure entire civilization doesnt collapse). But at same time call you a broke ass loser if you dont work or have a crappy job lol.
I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.
For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.
They are not that complex. They want to feel like they’re in control and have agency. When, in their mid 40s, they realize they don’t they will then go all-in on finding a man and there’s not much selection left…
I'd cut her some slack if she didn't think that her gems of wisdom were worthy of the New York Times, although given how much the NYT has sunk in recent years, maybe they are.
I'm pro-choice in the first ca. 15 weeks (which magically got less unpopular over the past few months here) and I live in Europe, but even I know that the president has got nothing to do with it. And Trump has vowed to veto any unconstitutional federal laws anyway.
Go and look at the maps out there of what the electorate would look like if only certain demographics could vote. If the franchise were limited to landowning males and women who were registered for the draft, something like 47-48 states would be red.
The funniest part of that map is that if you applied one single filter from history to it, then the US becomes impenetrably red. No women? No blacks? No non-landowners?
Any single one removes the Left from the equation entirely. Its why they need Intersectionality so much, because if any of these groups go off the plantation it'll shatter their hold.
You don't need all of those, landowning especially is retarded in this day and age because good fucking luck getting a house when its all owned by foreigners or priced that high. You just need one.
Of course, the fake New York Times didn't mention where this creature is from. Online: Naomi Beinart is a fifteen year old girl who lives in Manhattan with her parents and brother. She attends school in Brooklyn.
On the morning after the election, I walked up the staircase of my school. A preteen was crying into the shoulders of her braces-clad peer.
If I held the same ideas as a preteen, I'd start... thinking. Not this one, apparently.
We girls woke up to a country that would rather elect a man found liable for sexual abuse than a woman.
There is no mention of the name of that "woman". Nor anything about her supposed virtues. Only whining (and lies, of course), about that man she's been taught to hate by her worthless, hate-filled family.
They don’t pretend to gag when a girl mentions her period or a tampon falls out of her backpack. They don’t find sexist jokes all that funny and don’t often make them in public...I’m grateful to my school for taking gender equality as seriously as it does trigonometry.
It will never be enough for these cunts.
I can’t predict how well I’m going to do on an English test tomorrow and I definitely can’t predict the future for me and my fellow young women. For now, all I can do is tell you how I feel.
Written 11 days after the election. Clearly, you do not have the emotional stability or even sanity to be even an ill-informed citizen. You never made a better argument against being able to vote.
I would argue around the 1992 election where there was a lot of teen pent up liberal energy. Democrats courted the teenage demographic (particularly women) who who eventually grow up to be their voting base.
We girls woke up to a country that would rather elect a man found liable for sexual abuse than a woman.
Because that was literally the only deciding factor. Everyone hated Harris just for being a woman and that was it. Even your own Liberal side hated her for being soft on Israel and that might have been one of the many factors that lost her the election.
Where the kind of man my mother instructs me to cross the street to avoid will be addressed as Mr. President.
A confident man in a suit that is always surrounded by people has more reason to cross the street to avoid you than you do him. This is the peak of main character syndrome that all girls seem to live under where every man alive is distinctly aware of them and ready to rape at a moment's notice.
I saw it in the eyes of women in my subway car that morning. I saw it in the barista at the coffee shop on the corner
Imagine being such an urban bugwoman that you ride a subway to the coffee shop on your way to school at 16. No wonder she is so fucked up.
I can’t predict how well I’m going to do on an English test tomorrow
Truly the consequences will never be the same, this poor girl has so much loss already.
Because they have dealt with far more direct and pernicious hardship their whole adolescent lives up until now. You're just a spoiled brat in comparison. You're not more empathetic, just weaker.
When I was that age I knew who the candidates were and who my parents favored, but I don't recall having a real opinion one way or the other.
If we are to believe this child, all or most of her classmates (but only the girls) were so invested in the election that they were performatively grieving across her school for hours or days.
Assuming this is true, they are being aggressively politicized and brainwashed by their (assuredly female) parents. Kids need to just be kids and not worry about politics.
These idiot women (some will say that is a redundant statement) may end up collapsing the most powerful nation since the Roman Empire because globohomo commies on TV tell them that being able to tear your child apart in the womb and sacrificing it to literal demons is the most valuable thing in existence.
Women: Stop blaming us! How could we have known our new shared boyfriend Chad the serial killer who we broke out of prison was evil! Us women are easily manipulated and fooled!
Also foids: Stop telling us what to do! A woman can make her own decisions! We'll go and vote for Chad the d.EVIL, he's handsome and has a sexy low voice so he's definitely a good person unlike Brad the b.EST p.RESIDENT who's balding and has prey eyes.
I'm honestly shocked that/if this passes free speech muster.
Of course, the jury didn't weigh the facts, and instead did an Orange Man Bad, but if it is defamation to point out that SA allegations are BS, then the converse also holds: namely that they are at least 51% likely to be true.
Parents expose naive and malleable girls to our subverted culture, either through ignorance, or intentionally because they are convinced that is a good thing. The girls become indoctrinated into the value of the subverted culture that supporting the gay commie revolution, under more palatable names of course, is what makes one a good person and not supporting it is what makes one a bad person.
Boys don't have the same vulnerability because of their natural disagreeableness and more focus on their immediate situation rather than thing about "bigger" issues. They are much less susceptible to the cultural indoctrination. Instead they are plied with porn and kept in check by shame as well as access to the kind of license for self righteousness that was previously the sole domain of girls/women.
Despite those temptations boys have an yearning for growing into men to take their place in the chain of ancestry and the arc of history while girls have a dread of growing into women and assuming their place as mothers and matriarchs.
In other words, to fulfill their purpose boys have to avoid the pitfalls of temptation while girls have to actively encouraged, molded, and even coerced because given the choice they would never move to their next stages of life.
Beautiful words man. Speaking the truth. The weird belief that girls are just naturally good and will never waste their lives or destroy themselves is the most harmful of all the idiotic beliefs in America.
Women will kill an entire civilization in a generation if given the choice. It’s truly remarkable the lack of depth that allows someone to just destroy thousands of years of lineage because of their emotional state.
I mean, it's your gender that's destroying thousands of years of lineage so it can prance around in a dress and invade women's showers, so I'm not entirely sure what you think your moral authority in this is.
The 'white dudes for Harris' are orders of magnitude more pathetic than women who support Harris.
“Some cluster b mom put their son on hormones and that’s equivalent to women decimating a countries birth rate overnight” shall we go over the per capita of guys in dresses versus women who obliterated their genetic line in vanity?
OK, so just to be clear, you went from "women are like this" to "ehh... per capita there are slightly more women than men doing this". Maybe. I don't see how you could prove that, and I don't want to be pedantic and demand that you prove something that you could not possibly prove, even as you are offering it.
Slightly? Shall we go over birth rates in western societies over the last century?
Or anywhere.
Which of the following do you believe would more positively affect the birth rate and the health of society?
All of the men who are pretending to be women suddenly become normal men, and no men in the future make that choice.
All of the women who are not having families suddenly decide that having families is a good idea, and no women in the future make that choice.
I know which one I would bet on.
Yeah and we don't hesitate to call them failed men.
That's a pretty key flaw in the argument you are trying to make, even their own side shits on them for existing half the time.
Am I getting this right? As long as there are some men, even a small number, who crap on them, men are immunized from criticism for the behavior of the Sam Brintons.
Why then does that not apply to the women who call out whackos like this one?
Because women are stupid and I don't respect them.
Yet there are many women who are smarter than you and me.
I don't generally look for psychological explanations, but...
While this is true, you’re still looking at it through a naturally masculine lens. One reserved for men because women are incapable on thinking that way. Women copy whatever the societal trends are.
So they are either led by strong men or weak men.
If that's true, why did approximately 45% of women vote for DJT?
Truth is, as much as some people here do not like acknowledging it, the 'gender gap' pales in comparison to the other ones. Like men, women are a reflection of broader society, only slightly skewed.
A) 45% is still under a majority.
B) it is highly likely the overwhelming number of those votes are from married women with kids. Hence deferring to the husband’s lead and copying him.
Uterus detected, opinion rejected.
The white dudes for Harris? The shitty ad campaign that went nowhere?
I eat
carburatorsEVERYTHINGMore than 40% of men voted for Harris.
Hence the label "oldest teenager in the house" that was given to them by the early 2010s manosphere.
I think there's one actually important paragraph (well...two sentences...) in here that shows how retarded this person (and those who agree with her) are.
Yes, that's correct. Men are correctly able to prioritize things that matter instead of putting baby murder ahead of everything else, including functioning economies, etc, and that's a bad thing because reasons. This one thing makes this cunt sound completely fucking retarded. Yeah, she's 16, so she get some slack cut because she hasn't experienced the real world or had to actually deal with things like consequences for her actions, but even so, this is insane and saying it without self reflection at all shows how irrational these people are.
Here’s the problem, unless she gets hit hard with a real “come to Jesus” moment, she will have this exact same mindset at 30 because our society is designed for women to never experience consequences.
There ya go, fixed that. Modern girlbosses don't let reality get within striking range of them until the egg carton stops working, period.
I took that line as the much more obvious:
Because that's 100% why any of them even pretend to care about her issues in the first place.
At least teenage boys "pretend" to care about women's issues.
The vast majority of women of any age deny that men (or boys) have any issues at all.
That's not true. They talk constantly about the issues men have that women caused or that aren't actually issues at all!
Correct. Women are a man’s priority until they aren’t. They are leaders and have to prioritize things that matter. So eventually the women has to play a support role.
Men are always a women’s priority. Forever. Women can pretend they’re not, but it eventually hits them when they’re working in their mid 40s that they can’t do it alone. It’s amazing how many times I’ve heard “I don’t want to work anymore, I wish I had married so & so…” at work of all places.
Women are complex. They will bitch at you for not spending time with them because you are constantly working (for money, to make the town safer, making sure entire civilization doesnt collapse). But at same time call you a broke ass loser if you dont work or have a crappy job lol.
Their ideal man is some kid who inherited a billion dollars from his dad.
I used to think this when I was young. As I grew older, I saw that they are ruled by their emotions, and as such their reality is defined by their emotional state. They spend all of their time and energy trying to attract a mate and keep their competition down. They crave a man's domination and control, so they act out in increasing methods in order to get a man to put his foot down. Their lives revolve entirely around what their reproductive system demands of them.
For all their pretense and posturing that they are some kind of being more evolved than man, they really act on their base instincts like animals.
They are not that complex. They want to feel like they’re in control and have agency. When, in their mid 40s, they realize they don’t they will then go all-in on finding a man and there’s not much selection left…
I'd cut her some slack if she didn't think that her gems of wisdom were worthy of the New York Times, although given how much the NYT has sunk in recent years, maybe they are.
I'm pro-choice in the first ca. 15 weeks (which magically got less unpopular over the past few months here) and I live in Europe, but even I know that the president has got nothing to do with it. And Trump has vowed to veto any unconstitutional federal laws anyway.
I wonder how much saner our politics would be if half the electorate wasn't voting based on their histrionic fee fees.
Go and look at the maps out there of what the electorate would look like if only certain demographics could vote. If the franchise were limited to landowning males and women who were registered for the draft, something like 47-48 states would be red.
The funniest part of that map is that if you applied one single filter from history to it, then the US becomes impenetrably red. No women? No blacks? No non-landowners?
Any single one removes the Left from the equation entirely. Its why they need Intersectionality so much, because if any of these groups go off the plantation it'll shatter their hold.
You don't need all of those, landowning especially is retarded in this day and age because good fucking luck getting a house when its all owned by foreigners or priced that high. You just need one.
You're 16, shut the fuck up.
Already planning to whore around, are we?
Girls were crying because that's what girls fucking do when even the smallest thing doesn't go their way.
I’m certain that girls now are expected to put out in middle school & that high body counts are just part of the “teenage experience”.
It’s crazy what a few decades has done.
Of course, the fake New York Times didn't mention where this creature is from. Online: Naomi Beinart is a fifteen year old girl who lives in Manhattan with her parents and brother. She attends school in Brooklyn.
If I held the same ideas as a preteen, I'd start... thinking. Not this one, apparently.
There is no mention of the name of that "woman". Nor anything about her supposed virtues. Only whining (and lies, of course), about that man she's been taught to hate by her worthless, hate-filled family.
It will never be enough for these cunts.
Written 11 days after the election. Clearly, you do not have the emotional stability or even sanity to be even an ill-informed citizen. You never made a better argument against being able to vote.
Suspicious name.
Women are dumb. 16 year old girls, however barely have the brainpower to move.
When did teenagers start thinking their political opinions actually matter?
When social media gave everyone a voice, and worse than that an audience.
When adults decided to use them, e.g. FAS baby Thunberg.
I would argue around the 1992 election where there was a lot of teen pent up liberal energy. Democrats courted the teenage demographic (particularly women) who who eventually grow up to be their voting base.
Because that was literally the only deciding factor. Everyone hated Harris just for being a woman and that was it. Even your own Liberal side hated her for being soft on Israel and that might have been one of the many factors that lost her the election.
A confident man in a suit that is always surrounded by people has more reason to cross the street to avoid you than you do him. This is the peak of main character syndrome that all girls seem to live under where every man alive is distinctly aware of them and ready to rape at a moment's notice.
Imagine being such an urban bugwoman that you ride a subway to the coffee shop on your way to school at 16. No wonder she is so fucked up.
Truly the consequences will never be the same, this poor girl has so much loss already.
This needs to be said, blinking, in bright red neon:
Use your fucking brain, you were gifted the gift of an intellect for a reason.
“I might not be able to kill my babies!”
Cry harder.
Because they have dealt with far more direct and pernicious hardship their whole adolescent lives up until now. You're just a spoiled brat in comparison. You're not more empathetic, just weaker.
When I was that age I knew who the candidates were and who my parents favored, but I don't recall having a real opinion one way or the other.
If we are to believe this child, all or most of her classmates (but only the girls) were so invested in the election that they were performatively grieving across her school for hours or days.
Assuming this is true, they are being aggressively politicized and brainwashed by their (assuredly female) parents. Kids need to just be kids and not worry about politics.
These idiot women (some will say that is a redundant statement) may end up collapsing the most powerful nation since the Roman Empire because globohomo commies on TV tell them that being able to tear your child apart in the womb and sacrificing it to literal demons is the most valuable thing in existence.
Bitch your are 16. Go out and enjoy the teenager years, why the fuck are you stressed about politics and shit you can't control.
Teenage years are wasted on teenagers.
Females will tend to accept a false "consensus" over divisive facts. It's why women shouldn't be allowed to vote or hold public office.
Women: Stop blaming us! How could we have known our new shared boyfriend Chad the serial killer who we broke out of prison was evil! Us women are easily manipulated and fooled!
Also foids: Stop telling us what to do! A woman can make her own decisions! We'll go and vote for Chad the d.EVIL, he's handsome and has a sexy low voice so he's definitely a good person unlike Brad the b.EST p.RESIDENT who's balding and has prey eyes.
Who are these people with serial killer boyfriends straight out of prison?
You will learn on true crime forums when you are old enough to visit one.
She's going to have a great career writing for Salon or HuffPost.
Gotta hit this one until someone learns. He was found liable for defamation for claiming her sexual abuse claims were bullshit. Not sexual abuse.
the lady was such a fucking creep that even anderson cooper cut her off
I'm honestly shocked that/if this passes free speech muster.
Of course, the jury didn't weigh the facts, and instead did an Orange Man Bad, but if it is defamation to point out that SA allegations are BS, then the converse also holds: namely that they are at least 51% likely to be true.
It doesn't. It's one of the many points of appeal.