So the ongoing relegating to the trash of the 'journalists', SBI causing a backlash (and possible cartel attack on them given they insulted DBZ creator's death) and all the studios employing them losing money
Essentially Dragon Ball is EXTREMELY popular in Latin America (since that includes Mexico and all of South America) so much so that the Mexican government officially sent it's condolences to the Japanese embassy for Akira Toriyama's death and a South American TV station is playing EVERY episode of Dragon Ball back to back in remembrance.
You shitting on a man who's work is that loved in a part of the world where cartels run rampant is asking to get cut up by one of it's members..
The Steam group curator is also Brazilian so that's at least 2 counts against the country. If anything does happen I'm sure the MSM will report on whatever hwuite male Hispanics perpetrate things.
Possibility but considering how the border is STILL swiss cheese, pretty easy to go over there, kill someone talking shit, grab a burger then go back home to Mexico because the other illegals are shitting up the place
Maybe if they had tried harder to appeal to that massive, fat, black lesbian audience? It's out there! Just waiting for some brave media company to try and woo them! Why wont any company take that chance? It's a huge audience! Don't you guys like money? I thought it was capitalism? Just try it for 6 months, try to reach out to that plus-size, LGBOTARAO2S, gigantic globe-spanning audience. For once, stop pandering and love-bombing your hetero, white, majority audience, and represent the minority! You're leaving billions, maybe trillions on the table!
I'm surprised they still existed. When gawker ran into hulkamania, we learned that they (gawker in general) hadn't turned a profit in almost 8 years, and yet still operated. From what I remember, Deadspin was a gawker media vestige.
So someone was bankrolling them, and it was costing them a ton to keep that alive.
I guess they're tired of it and are pulling the plug.
The best part about all of these layoffs recently is that all of these losers are competing with each other for the same jobs at the few remaining outlets. Outlets that will be going out of business soon or just using AI to shit out their clickbait. The bubble has finally burst. I hope they starve.
They are all competing for a shrinking pool of presstitutes positions, and trying to out-woke eachother. Little did they know, a certain tribe's nepotism keeps a huge chuck of the remaining positions forever outside of their reach.
Kind of sad. Poor kid (or more likely his parents) probably not going to get a plush payday. Good luck suing the ponced "European startup" that bought the domain.
On the plus side the wails and lamentations on twatter from the former deadspin "journalists" are all kinds of hilarious.
What the fuck is with these whacky "den" names for boys? Holden? Seriously? That being said I hope his parents take these idiots for all they're worth.
How many fucking times is Deadspin going to die? What idiot thinks there’s still value to be extracted from that brand? That carcass was picked clean a long time ago.
So the ongoing relegating to the trash of the 'journalists', SBI causing a backlash (and possible cartel attack on them given they insulted DBZ creator's death) and all the studios employing them losing money
Old GG'ers are eating GOOD this year!
On the year of the tenth anniversary. Seriously, industries are going to die before even considering apologizing to the consumers.
I'm still praying that Kotaku dies in July/August, it'll be the best celebration of 10 years lol
At least Gawker went bankrupt a while ago. They're still trying to hang on, but....
Making Hulkamania great again.
Essentially Dragon Ball is EXTREMELY popular in Latin America (since that includes Mexico and all of South America) so much so that the Mexican government officially sent it's condolences to the Japanese embassy for Akira Toriyama's death and a South American TV station is playing EVERY episode of Dragon Ball back to back in remembrance.
You shitting on a man who's work is that loved in a part of the world where cartels run rampant is asking to get cut up by one of it's members..
It would be nice to see some real justice for once
The Steam group curator is also Brazilian so that's at least 2 counts against the country. If anything does happen I'm sure the MSM will report on whatever hwuite male Hispanics perpetrate things.
has anything actually happened, or is it just a possibility?
Possibility but considering how the border is STILL swiss cheese, pretty easy to go over there, kill someone talking shit, grab a burger then go back home to Mexico because the other illegals are shitting up the place
What did SB say about Toriyama?
Brought up here as well, should be the Top comment.
oh no that sucks
Auron Macintyre
Good, death to journalism.
Kotaku delenda est
Maybe if they had tried harder to appeal to that massive, fat, black lesbian audience? It's out there! Just waiting for some brave media company to try and woo them! Why wont any company take that chance? It's a huge audience! Don't you guys like money? I thought it was capitalism? Just try it for 6 months, try to reach out to that plus-size, LGBOTARAO2S, gigantic globe-spanning audience. For once, stop pandering and love-bombing your hetero, white, majority audience, and represent the minority! You're leaving billions, maybe trillions on the table!
LBGTASAURUS is what I got from that first time reading, I'm sticking with it 🐱🐉
I just laughed out so loudly that I woke my snoozing doggo
I'm surprised they still existed. When gawker ran into hulkamania, we learned that they (gawker in general) hadn't turned a profit in almost 8 years, and yet still operated. From what I remember, Deadspin was a gawker media vestige.
So someone was bankrolling them, and it was costing them a ton to keep that alive.
I guess they're tired of it and are pulling the plug.
I remember back when I used to read sports media and the professional sports leagues weren't vehicles of divisive leftist messaging.
It was kind of nice.
Being a former sports fan carries the same shame and cringe as being a former leftist.
The best part about all of these layoffs recently is that all of these losers are competing with each other for the same jobs at the few remaining outlets. Outlets that will be going out of business soon or just using AI to shit out their clickbait. The bubble has finally burst. I hope they starve.
They are all competing for a shrinking pool of presstitutes positions, and trying to out-woke eachother. Little did they know, a certain tribe's nepotism keeps a huge chuck of the remaining positions forever outside of their reach.
Kind of sad. Poor kid (or more likely his parents) probably not going to get a plush payday. Good luck suing the ponced "European startup" that bought the domain.
On the plus side the wails and lamentations on twatter from the former deadspin "journalists" are all kinds of hilarious.
Still way too many woke feminist trash sites left
Not with AI coming to take the easy jobs.
What the fuck is with these whacky "den" names for boys? Holden? Seriously? That being said I hope his parents take these idiots for all they're worth.
and nothing of value was lost
Let’s goooo!!!
The roads should be lined with crosses. :')
Hadn't they been sold, reorganized, got new bosses and such a couple of times in the past? That's usually a reliable sign that the end is near.
Garbage site that lost all its good writers long ago, just like Jalopnik and Bloody Elbow. Replaced by low effort SJW shit eaters.
Couldn't happen to nicer people.
Oh, no! Anyway...
How many fucking times is Deadspin going to die? What idiot thinks there’s still value to be extracted from that brand? That carcass was picked clean a long time ago.
I guess Deadspin spoke out against the urinalists attacking kids.
I still miss iO9 when it was good.