Yeah, they do that. I once witnessed a Jew at work (who was visiting the local office) absolutely lose his shit over a suggestion to meet at <X> church when going out for some kind of non-work activity. He turned red as a goddamn beet and started screeching about how he's not going to any churches and how it's completely out of the question and don't you know I'm Jewish and I'm going to complain... all of that in front of a group of completely bewildered Czechs. Noone suggested actually visiting the church, it was just an easily found landmark to meet near.
Yeah, that was one of the first things I thought of. Seriously the dude was furious. He was also old and very fat so I was hoping for a heart attack or something but no such luck.
Can I say that the jew has an inbuilt hatred for Christianity? Do not attack entire groups as inferior or conspiring. Ok, not. I just think they dislike Christians, and they killed Christ.
Why would a PTA meeting be organized in a religious establishment rather than the school? Why is a PTA meeting something you consider similar to a night out with work mates? Why are you suggesting going inside the religious establishment rather than simply using it as a landmark, like in the anecdote u/ArtemisFoul mentioned?
I just don't understand why you would think that what you suggested is in any way whatsoever similar to the previous poster's story.
Like Fender, I don't know why the school wouldn't just host the PTA meeting, but I don't care.
I don't know if this will boggle your mind, but I get along easily with Jews and like a lot of them individually. I just wish the group, as a whole, would stop taking an axe to this country's way of life.
It really is fascinating to me how some people are incapable of realizing that generalizations aren't absolute, that it's possible to acknowledge exceptions or compartmentalize differing groups within groups
Or that the accuracy of generalizations varies. With a highly insular and tribalist group, - one that also happens to be very relatively small - generalizations have a much higher degree of accuracy.
Because government schools don't teach statistics, so most people don't get how bell curves work. And it goes both ways, not only are there a ton of people who don't understand that statistics have exceptions out on the tails, but there's also a ton who don't understand that those exceptional outliers don't disprove the big bulge in the middle.
What's MLK day have to do with anything, and who said anything about "participating with anything Christian related"?
Speak plainly.
Why does this comment get so many upvotes? Knee-jerk disapproval of the Jew-lovers comments, no doubt.
The comment you reply to attempts to identify the hypocrisy of the posting--as if any rabid Jew-hater would want to go anywhere near a synagogue, except maybe with a torch or a pipe bomb.
It seems to me that the idiotic, evil war pursued by Israel has given really hateful people the balls to belch out their knee-jerk resentment of a group that's demonized and scapegoated during times of political instability..
The whole "imagine if the situation were reversed" thing is an excuse to feel self righteous without having to consider the potentially uncomfortable underlying premises.
Stop arguing from the left that "bigotry" is a bad thing. We should be "bigoted" in favor of good things and "bigoted" against bad ones. Our enemies bigotry is bad, our "bigotry" is being resolute.
At one job, the regional manager was a kike. It was early December and we were doing introductions and ice breakers for a meeting. The prompt was "favorite winter memory" and everyone's response was super short, like "I liked sledding." A couple people mentioned Christmas trees. No one mentioned church or Jesus.
On her turn, regional manager's response was a paragraph about how she hates Christians because as a kid they got things at Christmas and she didn't. It was completely out of the blue. What was worse, though, was how no one reacted at all.
Lol guess she didn't mention all the shit she got during the equivalent ten (or however many) Christmas mornings they celebrate around the same time period.
Fun fact, hannukah was a minor holiday until 20th century zionists weaponized it as a means to compete with Christmas. The whole gift giving ritual aspect was straight copied from Christmas starting in the 20th C.
I rather doubt many would go all out on spending while observing a holiday that celebrates saving a bit of money on lamp oil. Seems just a bit contrary.
basically they complain about every tiny thing that could even be construed as vaguely Christian, no wonder American schools are vacuous culture free hell zones
Honestly, it makes complete sense now. This whole "they're getting God out of our schools" thing that boomers love to complain about is in large part perpetrated by the group they eulogize.
I realize this is a "well, duh" moment for most people here, but if you grow up around parents saying this stuff - people who have living memory of saying prayer in homeroom every morning - and realize that those same people in the same breath will mention the glories of postwar Jewish immigration, the "total irrationality" of the Nazis, the virtue of Israel, and Judeo-Christian values, all while the perfect angelic victims they defend are undermining the way of life they claim to care about so much... it blows my mind.
Aggressive secularization is blamed on "atheist activists" generally, but when I looked it up, two of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism are Jewish. Steven Pinker is Jewish. Engel v. Vitale is the decision that banned school prayer. Engel, the lead complainant, is Jewish. I'm just shaking my head.
I agree that public school bureaucrats and their woke staff misinterpret the establishment clause, and that many atheists and Jews hate Christianity and demonize it, but that's their right in a religiously pluralistic republic like ours. If you want your kids to get the full religious hit, why not send them to a Catholic school? They're good schools by and large. Much better than their Protestant equivalents, in fact.
"Aggressive secularization"? Are the Jews covert architects of a grand scheme to suppress Christianity? I know, I know, "they killed Jesus!" Seems to me this trend comes from atheistic SJWs and their fellow travelers.
that's their right in a religiously pluralistic republic
Rights end when deliberate undermining of civilization begins.
While Christianity was unfortunately not explicitly in the founding documents it is all over the writings implicitly. Do you think John Adams meant Aztecs when he wrote "moral and religious people"? Even if you can make the very tenuous argument that Christianity shouldn't be acknowledged at the federal level there is absolutely nothing that would come close to providing an interpretation of "freedom of religion" that banned Christian prayer before State sponsored public events, nativity scenes, crosses on public buildings, etc.
The idea that "religious liberty" would extend to satanic temples or muslim calls to prayer is intentional subversion.
I agree that public school bureaucrats and their woke staff misinterpret the establishment clause, and that many atheists and Jews hate Christianity and demonize it, but that's their right in a religiously pluralistic republic like ours. If you want your kids to get the full religious hit, why not send them to a Catholic school? They're good schools by and large. Much better than their Protestant equivalents, in fact.
Everything that has been done is legal (erroneous, legal nonetheless), but they didn't have a right to be here in the first place. That's what we've all missed for decades. There is no First Amendment that privileges foreigners to come here en masse.
I find it revealing that your solution is to ignore the damage done to our culture and institutions and just find a way to help your family survive, somehow, presumably while saying "we just want to be left alone" (you won't be). You're basically letting the deck get stacked against your kids. Even if they go to a truly great school, the rest of the culture is increasingly hostile to them once they graduate. One by one they get picked off. Church attendance is at an all time low, and that's just a statistic. I've seen families get wrecked.
As for Catholic schools - I'm a Protestant, and that actually means something to me beyond not doing mass. I wouldn't let any kid be forced into an environment where they have to pray to Mary as if she intercedes along with Jesus. I question the culture of Catholics as well... Nick Fuentes being a closeted gay isn't exactly the craziest occurrence in that community.
"Aggressive secularization"? Are the Jews covert architects of a grand scheme to suppress Christianity? I know, I know, "they killed Jesus!" Seems to me this trend comes from atheistic SJWs and their fellow travelers.
Let me ask you this, is it necessary for them to be covert architects? Or could it be that a group that hates the concept of Jesus is naturally undermining Christianity?
Where do the "atheistic SJWs" come from? Why do they exist?
260 Jewish actors recently sent a letter to the Oscars complaining about the fact that their ethnicity was not included in the new diversity requirements for award eligibility.
What percentage of people consider Woody Allen to be Jewish?
What percentage of people consider Ivanka Trump to be Jewish?
scapegoating is literally Jewish tradition. During the Jewish Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, two goats were brought to the temple wherein one was offered as a blood sacrifice and the other designated the "scapegoat." Throughout the day, the Israelites confessed their sins to the goat, figuratively attaching them to the animal, and thereafter it was expelled from the community taking their sins with it.
I'm not even that remotely religious and frankly I find christian's way of defending themselves against the hostility frustrating to watch but I find you playing a devil's advocate and actual anti-christians heaps more annoying and tiresome. It all comes down to muh rights and at the same time that same group is trying to take away the rights of average people. And as usual, there's no more arguments coming from you when the other person is asking some right questions, it's just so weaselly.
To be fair, they're shortening it into a variant that directly resulted in their own epithet, undermining their own hatred and behavior, making them idiots.
"X" in "Xtian" looks too much like a cross, according to jews. Jewish immigrants refused to sign their name next to the "X" on government documentation, and instead signed next to a circle, which is yiddish is called "kikel", which is where the epithet "kike" is derived. Jews hate Christ, Christianity, and Christians that much.
For further proof, jews are the ones who invented the terms "common era (C.E.) and "before common era" (B.C.E.) to avoid using "before Christ (B.C.) and Ano Domini (A.D., Latin meaning "in the year of the Lord"). Jews are also the ones who came up with a different mathematical symbols for addition (﬩) because the normal symbol looked too much like a Christian cross (they also like to use * for multiplication).
If you’re in a diversified environment and you aren’t fighting for your own, then you are losing to people who are. If you don’t see the losses, then you are simply wealthy enough to escape them - for now.
It's yet another demonstration of how much they hate Christ. Israel even has their own plus sign, because they think the standard one looks too much like a cross.
Comment Approved: I don't know about "hating Christ", but ass for the plus sign: it seems like a weird claim to me. I suspect that it's a folktale, but it is what gets cited! Both true statements, and statements you honestly believe to be true are not disinformation.
They also believe they can deceive God by finding loopholes, they spent more time and efforts trying to find ways out of their own religious rules than simply being observant
The entirety of the Talmud is a Rabbinic "interpretation" of the Old Testament, trying to use legalese to lawyer their way out of doing what God commanded them to do, often interpreting scripture to meaning the exact opposite of what God said. Their current behavior is exactly the same as how their ancestors acted.
They may be copying the shorthand used for "Xmas," possibly because people in that group could be triggered by seeing the word 'Christ' or 'Christian.'
MLK was a Baptist Minister. Definitely a Christian.
It's literally the reason they are called kikes. Kike is short for kikel, which is Yiddish for circle, because the yids who couldn't sign their name wrote a circle instead of an x upon arrival, because the x looks too much like a cross.
I didn’t know this. Fascinating. So there was no inherently negative connotation associated with the term, initially, and it then became an offensive euphemism only after it accrued the baggage of goy pattern recognition. Everything old is new again.
They may be copying the shorthand used for "Xmas," possibly because people in that group could be triggered by seeing the word 'Christ' or 'Christian.'
Actually the "X" is ancient and from the word for Christ and Christians.
In Greek, the first letter of "Christ" is an X -- a chi. If you look at ancient church artwork you will see many "X"s. You will also see X+Rho (XP). My favorite is ICXC, often seen in Orthodox artwork.
Yep, the intentions are clearly disrespectful here in not spelling out Christ or Christian, but the "X" as shorthand goes back to the early Church,
Just like edgelords with St Peter's cross, they failed to do their research before trying to be disrespectful and now just look dumb to those who know.
What is that goofy "hugging a heart like a security blanket" emoji supposed to mean? Is he supposed to be handing a heart to the person who wrote the post?
Permanent bans for anybody who has ever unironically used "xian" or "xtian" online is a really effective heuristic for keeping nasty people away from your service.
I mean fair enough but that group is filled with this stuff this one is just what he happened to see today. Should've seen the shit they say around Christmas time...
The people who hate Christianity try to diminish it by using abbreviations or lower case. Always spell it out, always upper case.
They are just mad they can’t think of a good slur for Christians.
Same with BLM Marxists referring to Whites as "yt"
Or when blacks refer to a White man as "white boy". It's an intentional insult used to demean and undercut the masculinity of White men.
Onward Christian Soldiers!
I suppose someone's got to defend the faith now that Chuckie won't.
Yeah, they do that. I once witnessed a Jew at work (who was visiting the local office) absolutely lose his shit over a suggestion to meet at <X> church when going out for some kind of non-work activity. He turned red as a goddamn beet and started screeching about how he's not going to any churches and how it's completely out of the question and don't you know I'm Jewish and I'm going to complain... all of that in front of a group of completely bewildered Czechs. Noone suggested actually visiting the church, it was just an easily found landmark to meet near.
Because vampires can't enter churches.
Yeah, that was one of the first things I thought of. Seriously the dude was furious. He was also old and very fat so I was hoping for a heart attack or something but no such luck.
should have taunted him more
And this nut represents the entire Jewish population?
I doubt it.
Can I say that the jew has an inbuilt hatred for Christianity? Do not attack entire groups as inferior or conspiring. Ok, not. I just think they dislike Christians, and they killed Christ.
"The" Jew. OK Uncle Adie.
I'm sure most Christians are glad Christ was crucified. How else would they be absolved of their sin?
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Comment Removed for: Rule 3 - Harass, bully, defame
Your response to a completely normal comment was way over the top. Calm yourself.
How many of you Jew haters would feel comfortable going to, say, a PTA meeting in a synagogue?
Why would a PTA meeting be organized in a religious establishment rather than the school? Why is a PTA meeting something you consider similar to a night out with work mates? Why are you suggesting going inside the religious establishment rather than simply using it as a landmark, like in the anecdote u/ArtemisFoul mentioned?
I just don't understand why you would think that what you suggested is in any way whatsoever similar to the previous poster's story.
Jidf pilpul
Found ArtemisFoul's coworker. :)
So you're saying they hate Christians
Like Fender, I don't know why the school wouldn't just host the PTA meeting, but I don't care.
I don't know if this will boggle your mind, but I get along easily with Jews and like a lot of them individually. I just wish the group, as a whole, would stop taking an axe to this country's way of life.
It really is fascinating to me how some people are incapable of realizing that generalizations aren't absolute, that it's possible to acknowledge exceptions or compartmentalize differing groups within groups
Or that the accuracy of generalizations varies. With a highly insular and tribalist group, - one that also happens to be very relatively small - generalizations have a much higher degree of accuracy.
Because government schools don't teach statistics, so most people don't get how bell curves work. And it goes both ways, not only are there a ton of people who don't understand that statistics have exceptions out on the tails, but there's also a ton who don't understand that those exceptional outliers don't disprove the big bulge in the middle.
A large proportion of Jews actually hate all other Jews
You are ok with participating in MLK day but not with anything Christian related? Interesting
What's MLK day have to do with anything, and who said anything about "participating with anything Christian related"?
Speak plainly.
Why does this comment get so many upvotes? Knee-jerk disapproval of the Jew-lovers comments, no doubt.
The comment you reply to attempts to identify the hypocrisy of the posting--as if any rabid Jew-hater would want to go anywhere near a synagogue, except maybe with a torch or a pipe bomb.
It seems to me that the idiotic, evil war pursued by Israel has given really hateful people the balls to belch out their knee-jerk resentment of a group that's demonized and scapegoated during times of political instability..
The whole "imagine if the situation were reversed" thing is an excuse to feel self righteous without having to consider the potentially uncomfortable underlying premises.
Stop arguing from the left that "bigotry" is a bad thing. We should be "bigoted" in favor of good things and "bigoted" against bad ones. Our enemies bigotry is bad, our "bigotry" is being resolute.
At one job, the regional manager was a kike. It was early December and we were doing introductions and ice breakers for a meeting. The prompt was "favorite winter memory" and everyone's response was super short, like "I liked sledding." A couple people mentioned Christmas trees. No one mentioned church or Jesus.
On her turn, regional manager's response was a paragraph about how she hates Christians because as a kid they got things at Christmas and she didn't. It was completely out of the blue. What was worse, though, was how no one reacted at all.
Lol guess she didn't mention all the shit she got during the equivalent ten (or however many) Christmas mornings they celebrate around the same time period.
Fun fact, hannukah was a minor holiday until 20th century zionists weaponized it as a means to compete with Christmas. The whole gift giving ritual aspect was straight copied from Christmas starting in the 20th C.
I rather doubt many would go all out on spending while observing a holiday that celebrates saving a bit of money on lamp oil. Seems just a bit contrary.
Maybe she was an absolute little shit as kid and her parents hated her.
Honestly, it makes complete sense now. This whole "they're getting God out of our schools" thing that boomers love to complain about is in large part perpetrated by the group they eulogize.
I realize this is a "well, duh" moment for most people here, but if you grow up around parents saying this stuff - people who have living memory of saying prayer in homeroom every morning - and realize that those same people in the same breath will mention the glories of postwar Jewish immigration, the "total irrationality" of the Nazis, the virtue of Israel, and Judeo-Christian values, all while the perfect angelic victims they defend are undermining the way of life they claim to care about so much... it blows my mind.
Aggressive secularization is blamed on "atheist activists" generally, but when I looked it up, two of the "Four Horsemen" of New Atheism are Jewish. Steven Pinker is Jewish. Engel v. Vitale is the decision that banned school prayer. Engel, the lead complainant, is Jewish. I'm just shaking my head.
Oh yeah? But how many of them are huwite women?!
I agree that public school bureaucrats and their woke staff misinterpret the establishment clause, and that many atheists and Jews hate Christianity and demonize it, but that's their right in a religiously pluralistic republic like ours. If you want your kids to get the full religious hit, why not send them to a Catholic school? They're good schools by and large. Much better than their Protestant equivalents, in fact.
"Aggressive secularization"? Are the Jews covert architects of a grand scheme to suppress Christianity? I know, I know, "they killed Jesus!" Seems to me this trend comes from atheistic SJWs and their fellow travelers.
Rights end when deliberate undermining of civilization begins.
While Christianity was unfortunately not explicitly in the founding documents it is all over the writings implicitly. Do you think John Adams meant Aztecs when he wrote "moral and religious people"? Even if you can make the very tenuous argument that Christianity shouldn't be acknowledged at the federal level there is absolutely nothing that would come close to providing an interpretation of "freedom of religion" that banned Christian prayer before State sponsored public events, nativity scenes, crosses on public buildings, etc.
The idea that "religious liberty" would extend to satanic temples or muslim calls to prayer is intentional subversion.
Everything that has been done is legal (erroneous, legal nonetheless), but they didn't have a right to be here in the first place. That's what we've all missed for decades. There is no First Amendment that privileges foreigners to come here en masse.
I find it revealing that your solution is to ignore the damage done to our culture and institutions and just find a way to help your family survive, somehow, presumably while saying "we just want to be left alone" (you won't be). You're basically letting the deck get stacked against your kids. Even if they go to a truly great school, the rest of the culture is increasingly hostile to them once they graduate. One by one they get picked off. Church attendance is at an all time low, and that's just a statistic. I've seen families get wrecked.
As for Catholic schools - I'm a Protestant, and that actually means something to me beyond not doing mass. I wouldn't let any kid be forced into an environment where they have to pray to Mary as if she intercedes along with Jesus. I question the culture of Catholics as well... Nick Fuentes being a closeted gay isn't exactly the craziest occurrence in that community.
Let me ask you this, is it necessary for them to be covert architects? Or could it be that a group that hates the concept of Jesus is naturally undermining Christianity?
Where do the "atheistic SJWs" come from? Why do they exist?
Who literally identify as Jewish.
260 Jewish actors recently sent a letter to the Oscars complaining about the fact that their ethnicity was not included in the new diversity requirements for award eligibility.
What percentage of people consider Woody Allen to be Jewish?
What percentage of people consider Ivanka Trump to be Jewish?
Stop lying and/or being retarded.
Stop thinking I give a shit about who believes what. I just know idiotic prejudice and scapegoating when I see it.
scapegoating is literally Jewish tradition. During the Jewish Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, two goats were brought to the temple wherein one was offered as a blood sacrifice and the other designated the "scapegoat." Throughout the day, the Israelites confessed their sins to the goat, figuratively attaching them to the animal, and thereafter it was expelled from the community taking their sins with it.
I'm not even that remotely religious and frankly I find christian's way of defending themselves against the hostility frustrating to watch but I find you playing a devil's advocate and actual anti-christians heaps more annoying and tiresome. It all comes down to muh rights and at the same time that same group is trying to take away the rights of average people. And as usual, there's no more arguments coming from you when the other person is asking some right questions, it's just so weaselly.
In what ways are "the Jews" "trying to take away" my rights?
I'll be glad to answer any questions. So far all I've received in reply are insults and anti-Jewish sputtering hate.
I'm only anti-prejudice and anti over-generalization and am sick of the constant barrage of hate for the Jews I read here.
What would you like to argue? I just made a few idle observations. I'll be glad to explicate any assumptions I have that I may be unaware of.
Can't even write Christian. Fucking kikes, man.
They won't even spell out God, they do this ridiculous g_d shit.
I actually prefer they continue to do so. It makes spotting them really easy on forums.
Over two thousand years later and Jews are still removing Christ.
To be fair, they're shortening it into a variant that directly resulted in their own epithet, undermining their own hatred and behavior, making them idiots.
"X" in "Xtian" looks too much like a cross, according to jews. Jewish immigrants refused to sign their name next to the "X" on government documentation, and instead signed next to a circle, which is yiddish is called "kikel", which is where the epithet "kike" is derived. Jews hate Christ, Christianity, and Christians that much.
For further proof, jews are the ones who invented the terms "common era (C.E.) and "before common era" (B.C.E.) to avoid using "before Christ (B.C.) and Ano Domini (A.D., Latin meaning "in the year of the Lord"). Jews are also the ones who came up with a different mathematical symbols for addition (﬩) because the normal symbol looked too much like a Christian cross (they also like to use * for multiplication).
As Scott Adam would say, dont live or integrate with ppl who hate you
"just get the fuck away"
Diversity + proximity = war.
If you’re in a diversified environment and you aren’t fighting for your own, then you are losing to people who are. If you don’t see the losses, then you are simply wealthy enough to escape them - for now.
It's yet another demonstration of how much they hate Christ. Israel even has their own plus sign, because they think the standard one looks too much like a cross.
Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
Comment Approved: I don't know about "hating Christ", but ass for the plus sign: it seems like a weird claim to me. I suspect that it's a folktale, but it is what gets cited! Both true statements, and statements you honestly believe to be true are not disinformation.
Here, I'll cite a source for it. Just scroll down to "alternative plus sign".
That paragraph says It's "A Jewish tradition that dates from at least the 19th century". Man, do they really cannot tolerate anything Christian?
Jews believe words are magic and that writing the name of a deity may gain his attention and invoke his wrath. They also write "g-d" instead of "God".
They also believe they can deceive God by finding loopholes, they spent more time and efforts trying to find ways out of their own religious rules than simply being observant
The entirety of the Talmud is a Rabbinic "interpretation" of the Old Testament, trying to use legalese to lawyer their way out of doing what God commanded them to do, often interpreting scripture to meaning the exact opposite of what God said. Their current behavior is exactly the same as how their ancestors acted.
They may be copying the shorthand used for "Xmas," possibly because people in that group could be triggered by seeing the word 'Christ' or 'Christian.'
MLK was a Baptist Minister. Definitely a Christian.
It's literally the reason they are called kikes. Kike is short for kikel, which is Yiddish for circle, because the yids who couldn't sign their name wrote a circle instead of an x upon arrival, because the x looks too much like a cross.
I didn’t know this. Fascinating. So there was no inherently negative connotation associated with the term, initially, and it then became an offensive euphemism only after it accrued the baggage of goy pattern recognition. Everything old is new again.
How soon before Tic-Tac-Toe gets declared antisemitic?
That's exactly what they're doing
He was a pastor and had degrees in it.
xtian? sounds like some alien lizard shit to me
It's kikespeak for disrespecting the Lord.
Actually the "X" is ancient and from the word for Christ and Christians.
In Greek, the first letter of "Christ" is an X -- a chi. If you look at ancient church artwork you will see many "X"s. You will also see X+Rho (XP). My favorite is ICXC, often seen in Orthodox artwork.
Yep, the intentions are clearly disrespectful here in not spelling out Christ or Christian, but the "X" as shorthand goes back to the early Church,
Just like edgelords with St Peter's cross, they failed to do their research before trying to be disrespectful and now just look dumb to those who know.
their lizard "god", no doubt.
What is that goofy "hugging a heart like a security blanket" emoji supposed to mean? Is he supposed to be handing a heart to the person who wrote the post?
Permanent bans for anybody who has ever unironically used "xian" or "xtian" online is a really effective heuristic for keeping nasty people away from your service.
It's pure jealousy and Envy - they want to be us so much.
The iron law of woke projection strikes again. They slander you for diving too deep into something because that's what they're doing.
The jews need to GTFO
Post Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods
Post Approved: it's not disinformation, but this is a pretty dumb post about someone not complaining.
not complaining publicly by announcing you are not complaining is the same as complaining
with all due respect proceeds to talk shit
Not officially complaining, at this point
I mean fair enough but that group is filled with this stuff this one is just what he happened to see today. Should've seen the shit they say around Christmas time...